Dials! Why did it have to be dials?!

By BigFishSmallWorld, in Runewars Miniatures Game

Howdy just found out about this game and like what I see. I want to rank and flank and the aesthetics are right up my alley..... but.... sadly I'm not feeling the dials. For those who have played the game would the same information on the dial be conveyed in a 2x D8? Let me know so I can continue to ride the train and wait with bated breath!

The Dial allows the Developers to limit potential combinations, for one... (Sure, you could have die thats symbols, and one die that's numbers)... But it also fundamentally removes what the Dial allows for players:

To Nominate a Hidden Move ... You set in, and lock down, and make your choice... And its hidden as it is face down o the table, so your enemy cannot be reacting to your plan.

You cannot do that with Dice, unless you have some elaborate system that is having the dice on the table, but covered by a cup - and then you'd still have to have a Table of Allowed Manuvers/Combinations for Every Unit, as those will all be different...


Dials just makes it quicker, simpler, easier, and more challenging.

Thanks I think the hidden aspect is the piece I was missing in the gameplay. The dialsI saw in pics seemed to be face up so I assumed it was info that was always available. Nice to see it adds tactical depth! Ok I'm back on the train!

Thanks I think the hidden aspect is the piece I was missing in the gameplay. The dialsI saw in pics seemed to be face up so I assumed it was info that was always available. Nice to see it adds tactical depth! Ok I'm back on the train!

If you want more information Dials I invite you to visit my humble bolg, where I explain the dials thanks to the information of the companions of this forum


Because dials are awesome. Just ask X-Wing and Armada (and no, that's not sarcasm).

Edited by Deathseed