Idea for app enhancement (attribute test outcomes)

By AndrewTabletop, in Mansions of Madness

I've played the first scenario with 3 different groups so far (always using a tablet) and every time, someone has expressed a wish for the outcomes of an attribute test to be hidden until after the test results are established (after optional items or abilities are used). One of the guys from this weekend's game suggested revealing the positive outcome with a swipe to the right or the negative outcome with a swipe to the left. I thought that sounded like a great idea, so registered to put it out there.

I Think that would add to the mystery of the game if they did that and would be very welcome.

Also I would love if they had it so at the begging of set up, they straight up told you what monster you would need or had some method for me not to have all my 1st edition monsters and 2nd edition monsters taking up half the table. I understand that might remove some of the mystery, but for ease of use and space it might be a good idea. An example of something they could do is the app selects the monsters needed for the scenario but also at random a few more that wont be used. That way its still a bit of a mystery.

I agree 100%. What we currently do is to stop reading so we don't know the outcomes.

Either playstyle is fine for me and i could see myself trying both. For my playgroup, we agreed that we'd read the full text as we value the strategy/priority moment that it offers over narrative realism. The important thing for me then is that if said suggestion is applied to the app, it is so in a fashion that doesn't intrude on the original playstyle, require additional steps each encounter, or makes it feel like a cheat, since this was how the game was designed to be played in the first place.

Another thing to keep in mind is that eventually, you've memorized the outcomes for encounters anyway since they reappear, so it really works best the first couple of times.

Edited by Aelitafrommars

Making an option for the two play styles would be a good solution.

This is what I was scouring the forums to find before starting the post myself.

If you can use Clue tokens or "once per round" actions to change dice results, it is far more satisfying and tense if you don't know the possible outcomes. Were it just a matter of dice, then knowing either way would be fine. It's the spend it/save it element that makes it more thematically satisfying.