A buddy and I played the second mission in the Imperial Raider campaign tonight. Mission R2 is Ion Tempest of the Will of the Empire Campaign. The backstory is there is a local ion storm that the Imperials hope to take advantage of. There is a mechanic that randomly delivers ion token(s) after the activation phase based on two red dice rolls. The Raider is equipped by the mission with two Ion Cannon Batteries.
The victory conditions for the mission are a bit different. It's straightforward for the Rebels, cripple one section of the Raider. It's more complicated for the Imperials they have to "capture 2 disabled ships". A ship is disabled if it gets destroyed while ionized. Once disabled it does nothing except move forward 1 each turn (no actions, no movement, no attack, can't be attacked). To capture a disabled ship the Raider has to be within range 1-2 and spend 3 energy during the energy phase.
Alternatively the Imperials also win if the last non-ionized Rebel ship flees the battlefied.
It's a draw if only 1 Rebel ship is captured and all other Rebel ships are destroyed
See all this for yourself here http://xwing-miniatures.wikia.com/wiki/Mission_R2:_Ion_Tempest
Or in the campaign book of your Imperial Raider.
Here is my problem. My friend and I just played and met none of the win/lose/draw conditions. He had 4 Rebel ships, I wound up destroying 3 of them, the 4th got randomly ionized several turns in a row and went off the board. The Imperials only win if the last surviving non-ionized goes off the board (if they don't capture two ships first).
What happens in this scenario? There is nothing listed for capture 0 Rebel ships and all destroyed or off the board. It's not a victory for either side. Do we just replay this mission? Move on a follow on mission? If so, which one as the results dictate whether it's R3A, R3B, or R4 next.
You may be thinking why did the Imperial Player take out 3 of 4 ships - making a victory very difficult? I actually only shot down 1 of his ships - Wes Janson, wanted to get rid of that annoying guy. My opponent lost two other ships on one maneuver when he flew both of them right in front of the Raider - which crashed through both of them on its maneuver. At this point his last ship was behind all of my ships - but it and some of my ships kept getting the random ionization.