Mutant Chronicles RPG

By flyingcircus, in The Crystal Ball and The Wishing Well

I don't know if this was ever brought up before, but it would be nice to see the Mutant Chronicle as a RPG again, I use to play the target games 2nd edition one along time ago and i would go all out to play it again, I just can't seem to find a copy anywhere, so if you hear me FF, please bring a new edition out, pleaseeeeeeeeee.

As much as I would like to see a 3rd edition of Mutant Chronicles since the license was pulled form Cog, I just can't see FFG doing it. It would cannibalize the market for Dark Heresy. The settings are remarkably similar in feel and tone, and based on old editions artwork, appearance. I don't see FFG putting out another RPG that directly competes, and in a lot of gamers minds(if you remember old wars and threads on it), rips off a property already in publication through FFG, not that I personally feel that way, but I digress.

I'd love for FFG to do anything more with the Mutant Chronicles universe. Warzone was one of my favorite wargames. Perhaps an LCG based off the Doom Troopers CCG?

If they were to make a MC RPG I'd think they wouldn't use the Dark Heresy system for it. Saying another sci-fi RPG would take away from DH would be like saying the Conan boardgame takes away from War of the Ring.