A new question emerged while playing game, so ill post it here with the ones who werent answered last time
I personally think all are "yes", i just need some approval or dismisal
1)can Canoness pull threat card of any deck EVEN while in non-threat icon (text-box) space during her engagement phase start?
2)there are missions who use statement "ocupy the same space as your target at any time during your turn"
does it count if player passes his target by moving? (since your movement is basicly multiple 1 moves until you run out of movement score)
or do you have to start or end any of your turn phases on the specific space?
3)few missions offer a chance to take them as ally assets - they count towards asset limit?
4)influence tests -
a)affiliations doesnt count as 2 influence here, right? (they work as money only if you want to spend 2 influence)
b)and grey skill bonuses doesnt work (since they are only for 3 basic attributes)?
5) does all the turn phases hapen even in iner tier and scenario space?
i mean do they theoreticly hapen - they do nothing, since you cant go/fight/explore or such, but they still are there in your turn order.
so assets/specials can trigger?
thank you