According to the rules if the line of sight is obstructed, you have to give up one dice from your attack pool. In my last game my opponent cleverly placed Rhymer and another fellow TIE/B on an asteroids obstacle and was happily firing on my CR90. As the CR90 has only one anti-fighter dice we both interpreted the rules that I can not fire on the fighters - because my attack is obstructed - but they can attack my corvette.
Thinking about it now that would mean that the bombers shouldn't be able to fire on me either because of obstruction... Am I right or not?
As an afterthought, same setup but instead of Rhymer it's Boba Fett. That would mean that the CR90 still can't fire but Fett can fire with one of his anti-ship dices, right?
And another question:
If you fire on squadrons and you use a Concentrate Fire dial, that mean that you can roll on every squadron within your arc with an extra dice, or only on the first one?