Hello again!
I am confused about the game's Set-up:
Does the Sauron player ever start the game with Dominance or are all the Story Markers (all the factions') set at the first (starting) space in the Story Track? This came up because it says in the Starting Plot Step of Sauron's setup that the Sauron player must follow the directions in the Starting Plot card. Rigurously speaking, this may be construed as moving whichever of his marker's affected by the Starting Plot Card up the Story Track. Or this is boardgame Munchkinism?
Also, under the Preparation numeral in the Combat Sequence, for the Hero player:
It reads that the Hero must announce how much Agility he's spending & pick up such number of cards for his "combat hand." Any unspent Agility is a +1 for the Hero's Strength in combat. Must the player announce this each time or just by the act of not picking up any cards are his intentions made clear (ie. he may announce his Agility use or not; not required)? Could this be considered "bad form"?
ow, a legitimate question
, about "extension of Influence from Strongholds:"
Some times, the game rewards or takes away X amount of Influence from the board, "in extension of Strongholds;" does this mean that X is the total number of Influence tokens or X is the amount of Influence tokens that each Stronghold's adjacent space is dealt or taken from? For example, There is 3 amount of Influence gained in extension of Strongholds by the Sauron player. Should the player put 3 Influence tokens using the extension of Strongholds rules total, or place 3 Inlfuence tokens in every adjacent space a Stronghold has, using the beforementioned rules?
Thanks for your time!