I'm glad you liked it.
In regards to the Lady of the Lake I haven't made up my mind yet. I'm thinking of it either being Wood Elf shenanigans, an actual goddess/spirit - could be one who is otherwise forgotten, an aspect of
another goddess, something else or different things. If its different things then it would be many different factions trying to get a piece of the "Lady of the Lake" business going on. So essentially it could be a actual goddess that showed herself to Gilles and his companions, the Asrai have figured out that they can use this religion to manipulate the Bretonnians without them having some kind of tabs on the goddess herself and so on. I haven't really decided to for sure how I intend to run this and how prominent damsels and the Lady will be in the center of the campaign.
Yes, in general peasants are very, very oppressed. An example would be this.
"Noble X travels through Noble Y's land. At an inn a peasant laughs so loud that Noble X is bothered and so tells his men-at-arms to knock out the peasant's teeth so that he will stop laughing. A fight ensures when a peasant urges the others to fights and not just take it. In the end one of Noble X's men-at-arms and four peasants are dead on the floor, with a couple more bleeding. The result of this is that Noble Y forbidds Noble X to enter his lands and demands compansation for the peasants killed, the inn keeper is given crippling fine for the sake of owning the location where the fight broke out and the peasant who urged the others to fight is hanged and his family is thrown off Noble Y's lands."
No side systematically treats the peasants better than the other. It comes down to individual nobles and often individual peasants. A noble might think that this peasant's grandfather saved my father's life during a skirmish with some Greenskins, so now I'll give him a more favorable treatment. Or this peasants (also known as a merchant) provides the money so that I can live a noble lifestyle despite the wasteland that is my fief. Or this inn keeper has a really good stew and is all polite to me so whenver I visit I give maybe twice or thrice more than the actual price for lodgings and food for me and my men. That kind of stuff.
Magic is the same as usual. The damsels wields the magic and magicians from outside Bretonnia will do well to watch themselves very, very closely when in the country.
No gunpowder in Bretonnia. Using or even carrying a gunpowder weapon is a sign of either dishonor or rebellious activites or intentions that will likely get you into trouble.
Foreign diplomacy is as current except that both the Empire and also Estalia took a serious beating, far worse in the case of the empire, than in the canon Storm of Chaos, so the Empire still haven't recovered or re-populated much of the northern parts of the country.
In my mind a "good" god or even neutral would never accept or bestow powers on such corrput beings as the knights of bretonnia so therefore they either need to be the real deal, or it has to be some other force, for example the elven god using the humans as meat shields.
As I read the 6th edition and onward lore of bretonnia there is no way a peasant could ever go to an inn the 9/10th tax system means he needs to work every waking hour and can do nothing more, there is no spare time, there is nothing but work, eat, ****. sleep and die.
For me in my mind there would a be a huge advantage in treating the peasants better, if there wasn't the oppression and the 90% tax system then the peasants would have more money over to reinvest into his "business" thereby increasing it thereby giving larger "profits" which would mean a larger population which means more money and more soldiers to draw on.
Both magic and gunpowder would give what ever noble a huge advantage over his neighbours in my mind. Magic being more risky.
Anyway good stuff =)
Edited by GoldenIslandsonYouTube