Black Crusade de-listed?

By Pureevil, in Black Crusade

I just now noticed all Black Crusade products vanished DrivethruRPG, and they were literally there yesterday. Are they coming back, or are they gone forever? Best case scenario is a much-needed update.

I primarily used them for lore purposes and to create enemies to fight in other games, but I still think they're great resources.

No rumours of a second edition but the books have been missing from Amazon for quite some time. Possibly discontinued?

Not printing hardcovers i can understand. But you have to really hate a line to block its long tail on pdfs.

Not just Black Crusade either. The only stuff I could find were what looked to be German and Italian PDF options for a few of the 40K books. The PoD options for Warhammer Fantasy 2E are also gone.

I guess it looks like they are surrendering the licence and wrapping everything up.

? They lost the 40k licence a while back. When was this news?

It might not be true but they might have let their license for 40K RPGs while keeping all of the licensing for their card and board games. I have nothing to back up that idea as it's merely idle speculation but taking down digital versions of the rulebooks seems to indicate a coordinated withdrawal of content. It could be just a technical hiccup but until FFG tells us otherwise, I'm inclined to think FFG is getting out of 40K RPGs. It would explain why all of the lines have been dead for the past six months.

Dangit!! I had like 3 things on my wishlist waiting until I got some debts squared away, and now they're gone!

I live in Portland, Oregon, a rare city which still has used book stores. I see old Black Crusade books all the time; maybe I should start snapping them up, now that they are 'collectors items'...

It might not be true but they might have let their license for 40K RPGs while keeping all of the licensing for their card and board games. I have nothing to back up that idea as it's merely idle speculation but taking down digital versions of the rulebooks seems to indicate a coordinated withdrawal of content. It could be just a technical hiccup but until FFG tells us otherwise, I'm inclined to think FFG is getting out of 40K RPGs. It would explain why all of the lines have been dead for the past six months.

Not just the 40k RPGs...

What do you mean Gridash? I know that the WFRP stuff is also gone which sucks because the PoDs for second edition were quite handy. FFG still seems to have other stuff on the store like L5R and End of the World so it doesn't seem like they're abandoning Drivethru altogether.

I didn't mean Drivethru, I meant anything Warhammer/40k related, not just the RPGs.

Edited by Gridash

Well that sucks... :angry:


Here we go:

"Beginning February 28th, 2017, Fantasy Flight Games will no longer offer for sale any games in conjunction with Games Workshop, including Talisman and all games taking place in the Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 universes"

Wheres a "Dislike" option?

Given that this will mean that FFG will no longer be providing GW products, will this ultimately mean this forum board and all other GW related items will cease to serve a purpose and be decommissioned though? Depends on the terms of the deal...

Here we go:

"Beginning February 28th, 2017, Fantasy Flight Games will no longer offer for sale any games in conjunction with Games Workshop, including Talisman and all games taking place in the Warhammer Fantasy and Warhammer 40,000 universes"

Wheres a "Dislike" option?

Given that this will mean that FFG will no longer be providing GW products, will this ultimately mean this forum board and all other GW related items will cease to serve a purpose and be decommissioned though? Depends on the terms of the deal...

Guessing it will be moved to the archived section of this forum. You can still visit it. It's just there for games that aren't being sold anymore.

For example, starcraft: the boardgame is still there as well, despite the fact that FFG doesn't have the license anymore to produce starcraft related products.

Edited by Gridash

I am rather gutted about this. I've got a full collection of WH40KRP stuff (apart from Only War) apart from the digital only adventures. Does anyone know if they were available anywhere but Drive Thru RPG because they've been taken down before I've had a chance to purchase!

I can help you guys with getting all black crusade books,DH1 and 2e most deathwatch and most rouge trader and only war minus Final testament

I shall later today get all my 40 RPG books into a Google folder and post it for all who wants it PM me.

Edited by Brote the Swed