War machine;must take after battle

By player634503, in Chaos Marauders


On page 13-14 in the Card Reference under Red Cards-War Machines it says on page 14, 2nd part, " If a battle line containing a war machine routs or is defeated in a successful attack, the machine is not discarded and is captured by the enemy"

Does it means a complete machine or just part of it? If it means complete does it mean it must be complete with its crew or just the machine "parts"?

I.o.w Must the War-Machine be totally comleted incl its crew for a "must take" situation?

One other question, same page. Later in the text it says that you must make place for the machine in your Battle-Lines for the machine by discarding cards. Later it says "any card that cannot be placed are discarded" How is this possible if you must make place for them?

Please help!



Pretty much from what I've read and experienced, War Machines can never be discarded (by choice) for any reason. If you capture some in a battle you must take the entire thing and you must put it in your battle line, even if you have to discard cards to make a place for it. Machine and crew. The only way I see them being discarded are by green card effects. Every time I read the rulebook I find something new we've been playing wrong, this was a recent one.

This is a question I've been asking myself too. How do I make place for the red cards? On incomplete lines?

If I get the last piece of a War Machine, can I discard a card that would allow it to be in correct order (even the green one controlled by another player)? E. g. I have the first and the last piece of a WM in correct order, with an unrelated card between them. What if the middle card is also a red card? Can I discard it? Can I replace it with the correct card, and after that place that card in its right spot (leading to a cascading rearangement of my battle lines)?

For example, if I have a line that is 8 cards long, with Banner and Musician, and 4 empty spaces after the Musician, does it mean that I need to discard the Musician to make room for the War Machine cards?

An official ruling would be helpful! Thanks!