What happens if a hero completes a secret room.
The English version of the LotW rulebook states:
"Then, players remove all hero figures from the secret room tile and place them in empty spaces nearest to the secret room entrance token (if there are multiple spaces equidistant from the secret room entrance space, the hero player chooses the space in which to place his figure). Then, the secret room tile and the secret room entrance token are discarded."
The German version of the LotW rulebook states:
"Then, players remove all hero figures from the secret room tile and place them in the space with the secret room entrance token (if it is empty) or in nearest spaces of their choice. Then, the secret room tile and the secret room entrance token are discarded."
I think, if there is a single hero in the room, he has to be placed on the secret room entrance token as it has a distance of 0 to itself and is considered as empty according to RAW. The German translation seems to support this. However, you could also argue that the hero is placed on a space adjacent to the token. What is the correct play here?