New to X-Wing minis - what will I buy next?

By Andreievitch, in X-Wing Battle Reports

I have finally gotten around to ordering my first minis. I have gone with:

- Starter box

- Rebel Aces

- Imperial Aces

A question for those of you that have played for a while - what am I likely to want next?

The fanboy in me is thinking the Falcon and Slave 1, but I like the idea of getting some capital ships (although the $$ might prohibit me there). I am trying to balance Rebels and Imps as I am not sure my mates will fork out the cash to buy their own sets.

What would be the best next additions to my collection?

I would almost recommend getting the other Core Set if you just have one.

The old one has R2-D2 and Biggs Darklighter, the new one has Poe Dameron.

Poe and R2D2 pair well AND you get two more of either type of TIE fighter letting the Imperial player to build up a swarm + a second set of templates and dice.

Expansions that don't really need other upgrade cards than what comes in the pack:

  • B-Wings are a great example - here you either fly it naked at 22pts or with Fire-Control system at 24 (and FCS is included in the pack)

  • TIE/FO comes with Juke, Comm Relay and Omega Leader pilot - that's a 26 point build the rebel player will hate

  • TIE/Fighter, Z95s - Fly them naked at 12 points for the base pilot (TIE pack gives you Howlrunner who is great if you want to fly a swarm of TIE-Fighters in a tight formation as she gives them rerolls)

  • K-Wings come with Twin Laser Turrets which is a fantastic weapon for them HOWEVER - I would skip them unless a) you build one as a bomber b) you use another turret
    TLT was designed to address a certain problem in the meta when it came out. A problem you most likely won't see playing at home.

I'll see if I can think of more.

If you want the most out of your Imperial Aces, I recommend buying a StarViper expansion (for autothrusters) and the Tie Interceptor expansion for Soontir Fell.

Dont buy a starviper just yet. You can proxy cards against friends. Id get the other starter kit to have more dice, and movement templates, plus the ships like Biggs! Then go with FO expansion since its the best money can buy. Great pilots that can go with FO's you already have. Imperial Vets is a nice pack to get also. And having the TIE interceptor expansion for Soontir is a must for Imp players.

The Slave I for imperials is weak, even in casual games. Unless you REALLY want it, you can stay away for now.

On the rebels side, I'd probably wait on the Falcon until Heroes of the Resistance expansion comes out, that way you don't end up with two of them, plus you get another T-70. The YT-2400 is an awesome ship for rebels and I highly recommend it. Really fun and powerful. The Ghost although not super competitive is really fun and lots of ways to build it, so if you're just playing casual matches, its hard to go wrong with the Ghost. Its always good to have a Z-95 for filler, and another Awing wouldnt hurt since you have rebel aces.