Really want to play - NOT going to buy 3 core sets to do it....

By loki_tbc, in Warhammer Invasion Deck Building

As the title says, I really would like to get into this game, but am not about to buy 3 core sets to do it. (That seems to be every deck-builders starting suggestion..."Get 3 core sets and...")

Simply put, is it possible to get into this game without the almost maniacal power-deck building of M:TG or spending a small fortune on cards? I have one core and the skavenblight expansion but won't buy more if the general consensus is that you need multiple core sets to have fun, competitive decks...

Please help!

You can play with only one core set only if you only play with precons or using the draft mode, and that really works fine (The only way I played until now, WHI really works well out of the box).

If you want to play with Deckbuilding, you should buy a second core set (a third isn't necessary imo) or be patient to wait for more battle pack to arrive, as more cards are available you are less likely to need multiple packs or core sets since you have more options than we have now.

My 2 cents.

i agree with the Tech7...
u dont need 3 core sets....
i would suggest getting 2 coresets if u want build competitive decks right now

They pretty much said it, if you want to build a deck to play at the top level right now you need a second Core Set and probably two of the two released BP's... if you want to enjoy the game and eventually want to be able to build a deck and play at the top level then you can use your one Core Set and then add 1 or 2 BP's until this cycle is copmpleted and be able to field a very nice splash deck witha pretty decent chance of taking on any other deck. The question is must you be competitive today or are you willing to enjoy the game and slowly become more competitive as the card pool deepens?

If you want to be super competitive off the bat then go ahead and buy another core set, but for now just get one of the battle packs and try all the cards out. If you want more copies of a card buy more. This allows you to pick and choose to save a bit of money and see if you like cards from later battle packs more.

That's the truth. I only have one copy of WI core set and a copy of the first two battlepacks, and while it may not be top teir I fully intend to give my local meta a run for their money. On a side note one of our AGOT meta the player that continues to be first in out local tourneys only has one core set and a handfull of the chapter packs, all he did was borrow a few cards he didn't have.

I bought the core set together with a friend. I'm playing destruction and he got order. We're both pleased with it and will share the battlepacks, too. However, we both have no intention to play against other players / tournaments.

You don't need 3 core sets.

Most of us die hard fanatics purchase 3 copies of each (or 6 if you are Wytefang ).

My league however limits the cardpool to one copy of core set and each battlepack and we still have plenty of deck building options and tons of competitive fun.

You may have noticed the LCG change that will be following this cycle of Battle Packs. From here on out, all new BP cycles will have each card x3, for a MSRP of $15. That means one pack and you are done with the need to purchase anything until the next month.

I DID notice that and can only say *WOW*!!

FFG is providing more value for less money and in the process has sold me 100% on this game.

Chaos FTW....