Summer Tournament 2016 at Athena Games, Norwich, UK

By Zyge, in Star Wars: Armada Organized Play

Here are the top two lists for last weekend’s tournament (I usually try to note all lists down but we barely had enough time to complete the tournament)

Winner: Dave

MC-80 Battle Cruiser (103) – General Dodonna (20), Mon Karren (8), Skilled First Officer (1), Gunnery Team (7), Engine Techs (8), Spinal Armament (9), XX-9 Turbolasers (5), Leading Shots (4)

MC-80 Assault Cruiser (114) - Raymus Antilles (7), Engine Techs (8), ECM (7), XI7 Turbolasers (6), Leading Shots (4)

GR-75 Transport (18) - Bright Hope (2), Toryn Farr (7), Repair Crews (4)

Squadrons - Jan Ors (19), X-Wings x3 (39)

Total Fleet Points: 400

Objectives - Precision Strike, Fire Lanes, Dangerous Territory


I believe many underestimated the speed of the Battle Cruiser (speed 3 with Engine Techs) and therefore could not get into position fast enough. Also, stacking the Fire Lane tokens worked well here.

Runner-up: Andy

MC-80 Command Cruiser (106) - General Dodonna (20), Defiance (5), Raymus Antilles (7), Engine Techs (8), Boosted Comms (4), XI7 Turbolasers (6)

Neb-B Escort Frigate (57) - Redemption (8)

Corellian Corvette B (39) - Tantive IV (3), Leia Organa (3), Projection Experts (6)

Squadrons - X-Wings x4 (52), YT-2400 x3 (48), A-Wings x2 (22)

Total Fleet Points: 394

Objectives - Precision Strike, Fleet Ambush, Dangerous Territory


The idea behind this list was to keep the MC-80 alive using the other 2 as support ships whilst the squadrons flew about and gathered victory tokens. Also to go second so my opponent had to pick from my objectives. In the final game (Dangerous Territory) I gained 13 victory tokens (totalling 195 points), my opponent gained none (mainly because he fielded only 4 X-Wings). Solely on the basis of victory points this put me into a position of an 8-3 victory without having destroyed anything. YT-2400s worked well here with Rogue attacking the rear of the ships whist the A-Wings/X-Wings engaged opponent squadrons. Although was unusual to gain 13 victory tokens (the maximum I saw beforehand was 12) I felt the list worked well. With the complete destruction of on fleet unlikely, also with the possibility of gaining a 10pt victory more likely (switching from 350+ point difference from the old tournament structure to a 300+ point difference in August's tournament structure update) I felt victory tokens were key.

Hope this provide some inspiration for lists, which I gain from other lists on this site. Comments and questions also appreciated, thanks J

Edited by Zyge

Hey Andy, Dave here

Dodonna was on the assault cruiser - His ability was worth its weight in gold letting me choose what critical to take in effect

I didnt realise how quick the Battle Cruiser would be but wow that thing is insane, speed 3 plus engine techs will allow you to just dance around the battlefield - unless your opponent is in range with an Interdictor lol - , i think 3/4ths of my games i was just doing Navigate with the rest being Engineering (might have been an occational Concentrate Fire) just to speed around and get into favorible positions and unfavorable for my opponents.

As in Andys games it was the tokens for me as well - from Fire lanes - they just racked up so many points in addition to kills, sadly my last opponent had so much bad luck and only got 6 tokens worth of points as i destroyed his 2 Gladiators and pretty much ran away from his ISD lol

2 Black dice on the Battlecruiser racked up so many hits on the poor fighters its crazy lol