Getting an Error Message

By Dam the Man, in Support


Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Overflow: 'cint'

/edge_asp/edge_ficha_tema.asp, line 48

On W:I and Talisman forums at least. Not all the threads, just some.

Also in this thread here in the Support section:

Seems more new threads suffering from this, you can read them if you click on the poster's name and then in their profile click to see their messages, but can't reply to them. Which makes things tricky, as so far most of these threads seem to be in the Rules Questions sections (Talisman Rules section has 2 threads with this error message already).

I am getting this error as well. I'm a new member of the commuity.. and I can't edit my profile or really read the forums eithout drawing errors..

I can 'sort of' see them if hit reply, because that below the reply window there is a list of older messages, but there's clearly something wrong with the site.

It is a problem with the code in their forum. They are making sure that user ids are integers using the cint function. Sadly this data type only supports up to the number 32,767 since signed integers in computer science only use 16 bits of storage. I made my account on dec 22 and my user id is 32,769 and my account and all accounts that have been created since then are not supported by the code for this forum because of the above mentioned overflow bug. Whenever I create a thread it is broken...I guess we will see if my replys are I sent an e-mail to fantasy flight about it and they sent it to their IT team.

Sadly though, this is going to need a code fix if they don't want to drive away new members of the community. As it is right now, all new accounts are broken and we can only wait till after the holidays are over so they can get the code fixed by whoever developed their forum (I am guessing it was not an american company due to the foreign names in the URLs).

Awesome! I can post in reply to a thread without breaking it! All I have to do now is log out to read threads (since viewing them when I am logged in results in an error even if it is not a thread by a newer broken account) and then log in and reply blindly to post when I want to contribute. Good enough for now. I hope the bug gets fixed soon since I would like to be able to post new threads, edit my collection, and edit my profile as well.

Thanks for explaining Beserko..

Also, I would have never have thought to log out in order to read the messages properly!

looks like things are pretty close to fixed! the only issue I am still seeing from before is new threads created by the newer users. My thread that I created on this form still shows:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Overflow: 'cint'

/edge_asp/edge_ficha_tema.asp, line 414

Other than that all of the other bugs I noticed seemed to be fixed.

It's not completely fixed yet- I am still breaking the site when I try to add friends. I get the error message:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Overflow: 'CInt'

/edge_comunidad_perfil_ami_inv.asp, line 19

Sorry that you're having trouble.

Let us take a look and we'll fix it when we discover the problem.


I'm having a similar problem when trying to add someone to my friends list. The message is as follows:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0006'

Overflow: 'CInt'

/edge_comunidad_perfil_ami_inv.asp, line 35

Now getting this after clicking the "Board Games" when jumping from different forum section to another:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'

Subscript out of range: '[number: 1]'

/edge_foros_cat.asp, line 369

Additionally, only seeing the top 4 (AGoT:TBG, Ad Astra, Age of Conan, Android) games' forums listed, error blocks the rest of the sections.

Hmm, is there still problems with all this stuff? I am getting the following error message every time I try to edit my profile:

Microsoft VBScript compilation error '800a03ea'

Syntax error

/edge_comunidad_perfil_edit.asp, line 37



I was getting the same error message as Mattr0polis on editing my profile, I emailed the support through the website today and within about 6 hours it seems to have been fixed. Not sure if my email made any difference to it or not but if it did then that is pretty good support.

Same message when I tried to read the FFG News :

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a000d'

Type mismatch: 'v_tabla_noticias(...)'

/edge_asp/edge_noticias.asp, line 419