I'd love to see novels based in Terrinoth. Anyone else?
I know it was hinted at during this years In Flight Report, but I also hope FFG is planning a World Book for Terrinoth similar to the one for Android.
I'd love to see novels based in Terrinoth. Anyone else?
I know it was hinted at during this years In Flight Report, but I also hope FFG is planning a World Book for Terrinoth similar to the one for Android.
I too wish for this. Since I have learned of terrinoth I have bought all related things. I have also spoken on outside forum boards about the family and educational qualities of this IP. I have used it to teach my sons reading, logic, simple math, and a world of imagination. Now instead of wasting time playing great first step was 2nd edition of descent one of the most played family games in my house hold. I love now that there is a companion app that tracks inventory and provides new missions. If FFG could do this for many more of their games if only an inventory manager. LOTR living card game is excellent and will be teaching my sons to play this next, but have so many expansions when I am at the FLGS I cannot remember where I left off in purchasing and not having the internet on my phone an app to track my inventory and decklists would be wonderful (the mission tracker is great but only if you have internet something like that in an app that can sync would be awesome). this can be applied across so many games it would be invaluable in several of your IP's
For X-Wing the dice app is fun for the sound effects, but I would rather have and app that tracks my inventory. On top of that I would love to see a squad builder that compares to your current inventory and lets you know which expansion packs are missing to build that list. FFG could go one further and let us track Hull and shields
For the RPGS that I own I would love an inventory tracker so I can Keep track of my collection. A editable character sheet would be beyond measure. If you can cross the books with availability that could help drive sales For instance
Edge of the empire core book species offers 8 choices which if it is in your inventory they are selectable and apply the proper modifiers to your sheet however if I wish to play a Chiss, I would have to purchase Enter The Unknown source book and since all these games in the Star Wars RPG are interchangeable you can get more books moved by your customer base seeing all the options and with all the specialities that are offered buying other books can build onto each other and move the game into all three source books which again could drive sales
I eagerly await the new rune wars and have sold my GW army in preparation for a new fantasy war game an inventory and list tracker on release day could help drive more sales of this. If when we look at the upcoming expansion releases and our tracker tells us all of what is included we can plan our purchases early knowing what will be included in the expansion this applies to all games like xwing, armada, RPGS, Living card games, and all the like
I'll end my rant of wishfullness with I continue to support FFG and will continue to do so these are just some wishes and hopes