Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

On 7/8/2019 at 11:39 PM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia nodds, pleased. "I'll go get ready to leave."

"With you permission, Sister."


((I'd be fine going straight from here to a scene en-route, for clarity's sake))

Inellia nods to your dismissal giving the sign of the Aquila in assent.

On 7/11/2019 at 9:19 PM, Lynata said:

Ariel furrowed her brows at their host's remark. "I could not say, Mylady", she replied cautiously. Conservatism was strong within the Church, with obvious differences in appearance usually being the product of prolonged isolation of individual human worlds. Traditions were even more jealously guarded on major worlds like Terra, Gathalamor and, of course, Ophelia -- every bit of deviation might, after all, be considered a sign of hubris, disharmony, rebellious attitude.


"Ah, I just wonder what would be appropriate", she confessed with a slight blush. "For someone with our kind of travelling gear, I mean. And our kind of agenda."

She saw Estelia turn to leave, and bit back an urge to click her tongue at her companion's impatient nature. "I suppose the tailor might know", she conceded before turning to follow the other girl.

Inellia smiles to herself seeing Estelia leave and gives Balthazar assent as well adding the small comment of, "Just make sure the tailor doesn't get too...outlandish. There's still a modicum of presentation to maintain."

On 7/3/2019 at 10:32 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

((Given that we've been through this already and this is a small vignette scene I'm just going to assume that you get an auto-carriage and are on your way.))

As the auto-carriage once again travels quickly through the various roadways out of the hive and back to the port area you notice much the same experiences as before, and possibly even familiarity at this point to the differences from your original convents and training grounds before you were deployed.

((Do you feel like you are more familiar with the planet now, or is it still jarring from what you've been used to?))

Estelia is still fascinated by the way the Hive looks. Everything looks similar yet nothing is the same. The griminess and irreverence of many of the locals was both strange and fascinating. Not that she envied their ignorance, but she hadn't seen such as this on Ophelia. The thought of getting new clothes from the tailor woman excited her more than she cared to admit. It would have to be something she could move in, but close enough to local norms to blend.

"I don't see too many chapels for how many people are here, how often do you think most of them go to a service?"

The norm for the Sororitas was of course three services on a normal day.

"Not often enough", the dusk-skinned novice comments dryly without redirecting her gaze away from the window and the busy scene outside. After a moment of silence, she seemed to reconsider and turner her head. "Perhaps the faithful among them keep a shrine at their homes", she mused. "But I've seen nothing in the way of organized worship so far. Do you think we should try to visit one of the local temples before we leave?"

On 7/16/2019 at 1:43 PM, ThenDoctor said:

((Do you feel like you are more familiar with the planet now, or is it still jarring from what you've been used to?))

((Personally, between the description of the auto-carriages, the lift, and official hive world art, I think I've got a pretty good picture!))

"I've spoken to a few members of congregations during our downtime, and several spoke proudly about how they attended service every week! The laity on this planet have much more lenient standards of worship than I am accustomed to." He performs a personal prayer service at dusk and dawn each day, or as near that time as able.

Balthazar has been mingling among the populace when able, keeping a low profile but trying to familiarize himself with city life. He's getting the hang of it for the most part but is beginning to find the constant artificial environment oppressive. Thaur is a heavily forested world, and walks through its' shadowed tranquil glades were a common form of stress relief for Balthazar. Walks down a crowded city block don't quite satisfy the same itch.

On 7/18/2019 at 8:59 PM, Servant of Dante said:

"I don't see too many chapels for how many people are here, how often do you think most of them go to a service?"

The norm for the Sororitas was of course three services on a normal day.

On 7/18/2019 at 10:31 PM, Lynata said:

"Not often enough", the dusk-skinned novice comments dryly without redirecting her gaze away from the window and the busy scene outside. After a moment of silence, she seemed to reconsider and turner her head. "Perhaps the faithful among them keep a shrine at their homes", she mused. "But I've seen nothing in the way of organized worship so far. Do you think we should try to visit one of the local temples before we leave?"

((You probably heard that Balthazar went to the Grand Shrine of the planet, it's where he got his brazier after all.))

On 7/21/2019 at 10:15 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

"I've spoken to a few members of congregations during our downtime, and several spoke proudly about how they attended service every week! The laity on this planet have much more lenient standards of worship than I am accustomed to." He performs a personal prayer service at dusk and dawn each day, or as near that time as able.

The auto-carriage rolls to the familiar stop of being near the tailor's shop. You hear much the same hustle and bustle as before.

This time you hear some group calling at a group of servitors trying to manage a bulk of cargo down the causeway to some destination, but it appears the servitors are not understanding the orders well.

You have a moment before you exit the carriage for final comments or plans on what you'd like to pursue in the shop.

"I'm not entirely sure what sort of clothes I'm looking for. Maybe a dress of some sort, like I said I want to be able to blend in, but it would have to be something that doesn't restrict movement too much."

Estelia will make to get out of the autocarriage after the others respond.

Ariel decides to hang back for the moment, somewhat curious as to what the merchant will come up with for Estelia. She does, however, inspect some of the clothes put out for display, perhaps in part to not just stand around gawking, in part out of a modicum of interest. The pieces she looks at do not appear very much feminine, but still noticeably flashier than her current utilitarian attire -- loosely fitted blouses, elaborately decorated brocade vests, wide-brimmed hats, complete with metal 'feathers' intricately woven from multicolored wire. Perhaps something fitting for a Rogue Trader's entourage, or a local noble's errant child.

On 7/21/2019 at 10:15 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

On 7/27/2019 at 12:31 AM, Servant of Dante said:

"I'm not entirely sure what sort of clothes I'm looking for. Maybe a dress of some sort, like I said I want to be able to blend in, but it would have to be something that doesn't restrict movement too much."

Estelia will make to get out of the autocarriage after the others respond.

On 7/27/2019 at 1:17 AM, Lynata said:

Ariel decides to hang back for the moment, somewhat curious as to what the merchant will come up with for Estelia. She does, however, inspect some of the clothes put out for display, perhaps in part to not just stand around gawking, in part out of a modicum of interest. The pieces she looks at do not appear very much feminine, but still noticeably flashier than her current utilitarian attire -- loosely fitted blouses, elaborately decorated brocade vests, wide-brimmed hats, complete with metal 'feathers' intricately woven from multicolored wire. Perhaps something fitting for a Rogue Trader's entourage, or a local noble's errant child.

Within the shop you quickly enough come to find Cassa once again coming out from the back, likely on the same task as you were previously cutting or fitting fabrics to new designs for the elite of the Apex nobility or her customers in the Consortium. She runs through the normal greetings, smiling to herself that she's had a return interest in her business.

Ariel probably catches bits and pieces of what Cassa is suggesting to Estelia as complimentary to her frame, skin/eye color, and hair style, but significantly not her lifestyle.

She's showing off a material that is lighter-than-air material and seems to float and drift around as it slightly moves. Anyone can tell it's terribly impractical but may find it at least impressive to behold, "I just recieved this in a shipment from the Segmentum Obscurus of all places, well not me, but there was a trader who got lost during transit and ended up in the Askellon and decided to pluck their wares. I'm sure it'll be the talk of the Apex when I get around to introducing it. You could be a trendsetter!"

She gestures over to a set of material you'd seen before that is dark as the void and speckled with what seems to be accents that look like stars, "I picked that up as well, but no one's been too interested, too dark it seems for current frame of mind in social circles." She shrugs obviously not too worried about it.

She looks over to Balthazar, "I'm sure we can find a good new trim for your Ministorum robes as well father, unless you're looking for something to wear out of the cassock?"

((I've looked for a fashion entry on current Desoleum mindset, but I've found none so far, so basically you can feel free to define what you feel would be appropriate to the current noble circles you might involve yourselves with and the current fashion trend you want going on in the Apex's social circles. Obviously that doesn't have to be what you take, you can practicalize it to what your character would desire.))

“Do you have anything that wouldn’t restrict movement so much? Maybe in that black material?”

Estelia points to the starfield-like fabric Cassa had just mentioned. If no one was buying it it might stand out more than she wanted, but it was especially pretty.

”I really would just like something, maybe a dress, that isn’t too extravagant and won’t limit my full range of motion more than it has to.”

Everything else aside, it’s clear Estelia is enjoying herself, although she doesn’t see the appeal of the lighter than air fabric, she can only imagine how difficult to move in it must be.

Ariel finds herself staring at the floating fabric, the rare sight of a fascinated expression hosted on her face as she stares in silence. Of course, deep down she knows it must be impractical to wear, but the mere existence of this material is miraculous in its own way. Probably looking a bit silly, she pokes the sample provided by Cassa, watching it drift through the air as it reacts to the push.

"Lia, did you see that?!", she exclaims excitedly, quite possibly disturbing or at least surprising Balthazar a little, given the priest had never witnessed the dusk-skinned novice behave anything other than stern and solemn.

As Estelia inspects the nightweave, Ariel leans over to the Thaurian cleric, nodding towards the black fabric as she lowers her voice to conspiratorial volume: "That might be useful in low-light environs, if the merchant can provide it without the white specks."

Balthazar was indeed surprised to see Ariel so animated. Everyone has something that makes them excited, though the priest had not expected Ariel's interests to lie in fashion.

"Yes, that nightweave could be a way to appear presentable at an evening event while wearing camouflage. That would be quite useful.

For Balthazar's own fashion preferences, he immediately finds himself considering some bone white and wine colored fabrics. They would make a nice pairing and would diversify his wardrobe a bit without being too garish.

On 8/7/2019 at 8:37 AM, Servant of Dante said:

“Do you have anything that wouldn’t restrict movement so much? Maybe in that black material?”

Estelia points to the starfield-like fabric Cassa had just mentioned. If no one was buying it it might stand out more than she wanted, but it was especially pretty.

((To note, I don't know enough about fabric one way or the other to determine an answer for her, so I'm not going to apply any mechanics in any case.))

Cassa considers for a moment, "I'd suspect that would depend on the cut more than anything no? That nightweave is about as heavy as anything else, but obviously it's not as heavy as some of the metal woven fabrics I've worked on for Mechanicus aligned nobility." She moves the air light fabric with a finger, "This, while a bit revealing I admit, would be like wearing nothing at all, you'd just have to make sure what style you've got it's going to trip you up."

She doesn't seem to catch that you're implying you want to be in combat in the dress, if you intend on explaining it to her so she understands a bit better.

On 8/12/2019 at 12:49 AM, Lynata said:

"Lia, did you see that?!", she exclaims excitedly, quite possibly disturbing or at least surprising Balthazar a little, given the priest had never witnessed the dusk-skinned novice behave anything other than stern and solemn.

"Comes in different colouring too, takes to dye quite quickly it seems, so you can make a bit of a rainbow with the right layering." She grins showing off her multi-coloured painted nails.

On 8/12/2019 at 11:20 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

For Balthazar's own fashion preferences, he immediately finds himself considering some bone white and wine colored fabrics. They would make a nice pairing and would diversify his wardrobe a bit without being too garish.

Cassa moves to give Estellia some time to consider her options and looks to see what the priest is looking over.

Standing next to him she observes, "I personally think the maroon compliments the bone-white a bit better than whine or blood. Yes there's symbolism, but at the same time there's always fashion to consider. Thinking of anything in particular?"

Estelia smiles at Ariel’s excitement, and leans over to whisper in her ear, “Imagine the the Sister Superior wearing a robe made of that, it might actually make you look like a ghost if you wear it with power armour.”

Having notices that Cassa seems to be missing her point, Estelia addresses her again after she finishes speaking to Father Thorne.

“I was thinking more of something I can fight in, if necessary,” she gestures to the laspistols at her belt, “and I still want to be able to climb or jump if I have to.”

Ariel pondered the merchant's remark, never having seen a rainbow in her life, thus at first trying to interpret the term literally. The girls really did not get out much. Cassia's gesture, however, served to at least nudge her thoughts towards the correct destination. She could never picture herself to wear a dress as extravagant as what the woman suggested, but she was certain the sight would have to be miraculous. Briefly, her memory travelled back to when she was assigned to help out in the convent's vehicle pool, staring at the multicolored light reflected by a puddle of oil on the rockcrete floor.

She blinks at Estelia's suggestion. "Or like a Saint!", she blurts out loud enough for Cassia to hear.

She'd always wondered if the trailing, flowing cloth you'd often see defy physics on Ministorum-approved paintings, murals and stained glass was due to strong winds, some sort of byproduct of the depicted figure's divine might, or simply added by the painter for dramatic effect. But maybe they've just been wearing something like this?

Edited by Lynata
On 8/14/2019 at 10:16 AM, Servant of Dante said:

“I was thinking more of something I can fight in, if necessary,” she gestures to the laspistols at her belt, “and I still want to be able to climb or jump if I have to.”

On 8/19/2019 at 3:11 PM, Lynata said:

She blinks at Estelia's suggestion. "Or like a Saint!", she blurts out loud enough for Cassia to hear.

She'd always wondered if the trailing, flowing cloth you'd often see defy physics on Ministorum-approved paintings, murals and stained glass was due to strong winds, some sort of byproduct of the depicted figure's divine might, or simply added by the painter for dramatic effect. But maybe they've just been wearing something like this?

On 8/12/2019 at 11:20 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Cassa lets Father Thorne appreciate what he's looking at for a moment and goes back to the girls.

"Fighting, hmm, I can't say I've ever designed something for combat...That'd be...robes right? People wear robes in combat all the time no?"

((She obviously knows very little about combat wear.))

Cassa raises her eyebrows at Ariel's outburst, "Certainly someone acting one in a play, I think I did that once actually. but I'd never suggest I'd be worth of such a feat...wasn't invited to the play either to be fair."

Ariel paused at the comment. The thought of impersonating a saint was rather alien to her, but the novice recalled hearing that there were many cultures that celebrates the various holy days of the Imperium differently. Being chosen as the avatar of a saint must be quite the honor, similar to selection as the order's banner bearer. Then again, Cassa's choice of words suggested she was not even chosen for the play itself.

"Robes can work", she offers. "Though they have to be cut so that they do not hinder the warrior's footwork."

Indeed, the Adepta Sororitas themselves employed robes extensively in all their branches, although the orders' Battle Sisters wore a variant whose lower half as well as its sleeves were buttoned up. Upon being undone, what once functioned like a skirt would have its rear three-quarters turn into a half-skirt at the back, with a thinner apron-like strip of cloth at the front, resembling the tabard of a feudal world's knight.

Estelia nodded along with Ariel.

"I was looking for something more like a dress, since that would look more usual. I have a robe but it just makes me look like out of place, don't you think?"

She shrugs "I've never tried fighting in one, so I wouldn't particularly know how they can be made to not hinder movement too much."

On 8/23/2019 at 10:22 PM, Lynata said:

"Robes can work", she offers. "Though they have to be cut so that they do not hinder the warrior's footwork."

On 8/24/2019 at 11:19 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia nodded along with Ariel.

"I was looking for something more like a dress, since that would look more usual. I have a robe but it just makes me look like out of place, don't you think?"

She shrugs "I've never tried fighting in one, so I wouldn't particularly know how they can be made to not hinder movement too much."

Cassa nods to herself and considers, "Well, I suppose if you cut a long enough hip-line, but..." she looks a the both of you, "Well, that seems a bit immodest for your tastes, no offense."

She shrugs considering putting her hand to her face, "Something...embroidered, reinforced with a lining...fur I suppose, makes it look rare enough long as it isn't a smelt-rat...what about those trousers that look like a dress but separate at the mid line. I've seen riders use them for Cyber-Equine?"

((Really at this point feel free to narratively describe what you guys are looking for in terms of dress I'm not going to get nitty gritty and you'd know better than i would about what your characters would like.))

On 8/12/2019 at 11:20 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

6 hours ago, ThenDoctor said:

((Really at this point feel free to narratively describe what you guys are looking for in terms of dress I'm not going to get nitty gritty and you'd know better than i would about what your characters would like.))

((Good point. I think I already did something like that over here , or are you looking for an exact description of the specific item we'd buy?))

Estelia is, a bit sheepishly, moves back over to the black fabric, "Maybe not the most practical looking thing, but I'd like something from this. At least if I stand out in it, the attention will be on the fabric itself. I think I'd like just a simple dress. Whatever sort of cut is usual for younger noble daughters or higher ranking servants." ((It seemed like you said she didn't have anything already made out of the midnight sky-looking fabric yet since it hadn't been catching interest)).

The Novice hadn't paid that close attention to her classes in the Schola, but those seemed the types that would have to move more while still being dressed for high society.

"What do you think?" She glances to Cassa and Ariel in turn.

Balthazar pauses for a moment before replying. "I never really considered anything besides a robe, but now that you mention it a one of these suits would look quite striking in maroon and white. I'll forgo the hat -- those aren't my personal preference, no matter how fashionable they may be.

On 8/26/2019 at 7:51 PM, Lynata said:

((Good point. I think I already did something like that over here , or are you looking for an exact description of the specific item we'd buy?))

((Nah, that'll be fine, whatever it is in your head is more accurate than what we can all envision anyways.))

Cassa looks over at the examples you mentioned and puts her hands on them, "Yes, maybe not so gauche as something a Trader would wear, but...yes I think we can work something in with the style at least."

On 8/28/2019 at 11:26 PM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia is, a bit sheepishly, moves back over to the black fabric, "Maybe not the most practical looking thing, but I'd like something from this. At least if I stand out in it, the attention will be on the fabric itself. I think I'd like just a simple dress. Whatever sort of cut is usual for younger noble daughters or higher ranking servants." ((It seemed like you said she didn't have anything already made out of the midnight sky-looking fabric yet since it hadn't been catching interest)).

The Novice hadn't paid that close attention to her classes in the Schola, but those seemed the types that would have to move more while still being dressed for high society.

"What do you think?" She glances to Cassa and Ariel in turn.

Cassa looks at her very seriously, "I think anyone who tells you fashion has to be practical is either lying or has never been to a party worth going to. I'm sure we'll work something out." Nodding to herself very assured.

On 9/3/2019 at 12:33 AM, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar pauses for a moment before replying. "I never really considered anything besides a robe, but now that you mention it a one of these suits would look quite striking in maroon and white. I'll forgo the hat -- those aren't my personal preference, no matter how fashionable they may be.

"Hats only ever seem to be fashionable if they're large anyways, but yes a suit could work. I can't say I've ever seen a priest give a sermon in one, but for presentation on a political or social stage it could look quite cutting."

She nods, the gears in her head turning, "Let me make some drawings up, and I'll get back with you for measurements in the next few days. Unless you need them for the evening in which case...well you'll probably be out of luck."

Acting on the idea that you don't need them now she bids you good-day and moves to the back where her studio likely is for the process of sketching. She seems to work under the presumption that if you have to ask the price of a piece you likely cannot afford it.

((I don't believe you requested the clothes immediately and you'll know when you need them after the debriefing theoretically.

I think one post round of commentary should be fine for the trip back to the villa and then we'll get to what Lax discovered from the Relay-Station.))

Noticing the lack of a mentioned price, which the Novices had been told to expect when they were given the scrip they had, Estelia pulled out the assemblage of paper notes in her belt pouch, "what do you think she'll want for these things?" She moved back toward the autocarriage as she talked, "I still haven't bought enough things to know how much one of these is worth."

"I suppose it is a somewhat abstract system", the other novice concurred. "And one not every merchant seems happy to accept, even though it is endorsed by the Administratum. I wonder if it will be the same for the seamstress?"

The thought gave Ariel pause, and she briefly holds up a bundle of the coupon-like notes all prominently sporting the stylized two-headed eagle. "Perhaps we should look into acquiring some local currency after all. This kind of tender might mark us as Imperial envoys rather than ordinary travelers. We might get away with a story about the Ministorum subsidifinz Father Thorne's pilgrimage, but that could yet appear suspicious depending on the type of purchase."

The dusk-skinned Sororitas does not consider it necessary to point out their current shopping spree as the most obvious example.

"But", she finishes, "I am looking forward to these clothes just a little." Coming from Ariel, this was practically a declaration of utmost joy.

"I have felt as though we've been sticking out from the moment we landed. But even if this was a big shopping trip, a touch of local fashion should help us blend in better for the rest of our stay. "