Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

((Rerolling Acquisition test for the Microbead using our new house rule. Rarity Average, target number 25 + 20 bonus = 45. Rolled a natural 1! I now have a microbead.))

Sorry for the delay

Reroll for Autopistol (Average) using 20 of my bonus - Roll: 66 needed a 50, fail

reroll for Flintlock (+10 for Common) using 10 of my bonus - Roll: 13 apparently the Emperor changed his mind: he does want Estelia to have that flintlock. I have 3 DoS beyond the initial 1, so I get 3 extra clips beyond the initial 2, which means I have a total of 5 shots :D (should have went for a good quality one, but this should be interesting).

Edit: and I rolled for the Fate point I spent in the initial requisition process, go a 6 so I did use that Fate point

Updated Character Sheet

Estelia will take a -20 to hit when using the flintlock since she doesn't have Low-Tech Weapon Training . . . wait ok she does because we took that instead of chain training to take the knives :P


Having been unable to find a suitable holdout pistol, Estelia returns to the house carrying an archaic handweapon, and a small pouch containing a few lead balls and some black powder of dubious quality. She sets to cleaning the weapon, which she had purchased as more of an novelty than anything else, loads it (making a mental not to change the powder periodically if it was not fired) and tucks it into the rope belt of the robe she had donned as a disguise that day. The Novice wonders what Ariel had found, though she doubted the other girl would find Estelia's new toy very impressive.

((I'm imagining this is one of those longer barreled flintlock pistols with the more flat profile (the grip being bent at a shallow angle), like, say 40cm in length. It's only regular quality but I'd hope in good condition, so a plain wood handle and no embellishment on the barrel))

Edited by Servant of Dante
On 12/1/2017 at 7:46 PM, Lynata said:

22 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

18 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

You have been in the villa for the past 3 standard imperial weeks.

Desoleum does not seemingly have a very different time schedule than standard imperial either, as such it may or may not have been difficult to have gotten used to as the time has passed.

The Villa itself is fitted out with a few useful things it would seem for investigations. As you know there is a Greenhouse present outside the front of the villa. This is as much a memorial garden (to the mothers of the Sororitas) as it is a place where exotic plants are cultivated for multiple purposes. Out the back of the villa there is a small landing pad that might fit a gunship if necessary as well. Within the villa there is a fairly extensive library relating to various subjects, mostly Ecclesiarchal or religiously philosophical in nature, though there is a stasis safe of books that are under some form of arcane lock. It is by no means large, containing perhaps 5 to 10 books at most. Inellia has not mentioned what subjects the books cover if you had asked, nor had she even revealed if she knew how to open the container.

Within as well are a medical room/chymistry lab that can treat up to 5 people at once. The area does not look overly used though. Off on the far side of the medbay is a space for conducting autopsies if necessary as well. Likewise there is a small armoury, this is where you've noted that the armsmen have been spending the majority of their time in training exercises getting used to Desoleum's gravity and maintaining their physical forms. At least the three guardsmen you've normally seen. You've learned their names by this point (Female-Fausta Brown short feminine haircut, Male-Alaric Grey military cut, and Male-Quellus Brown military cut). If you wander the villa in the evenings (near midnight or later) you may have seen Lax training although even then he (as you can tell the gender with the sounds of exertion) still bears his helmet. Lax keeps to himself, he chooses to watch the security monitors during the day, rarely if ever sat down to dinner with the rest of the group, and trains every evening without fail. He seems to be taking this duty very seriously.

Throughout the rest (including a series of offset rooms enough to fill a small company as mentioned before) of the villa are a similar amount of simple artworks and relics, there is nothing overly rare or grand, all of these would be available for (while considerable) a sum for private collections. Though of traces of the kind of person your benefactor is there are few to none. Obviously they are concerned with the Sororitas, religion, and their own privacy, and it would seem that they have a wallet behind them, or at least considerable resources to call upon.

It is 3.970.867.M41 the time is 0600 standard Imperial.

((Tell me how you have been spending your days so far? Tell me how you requisitioned your items (Dante feel free to just repost/expand on the bit you already wrote if desired) Do note you can say if you've been going out and exploring the upper hive I don't mind I just didn't want to presume I'll give you descriptions if you've chosen such actions, and if you want to have been looking in to anything over your time so far in the investigation let me know and we can set up some tests.))

Unless Estelia would have left to explore portions of the hive, in which case Ariel would have made it clear she'd accompany the other novice even though she thought it was a bad idea, the dusk-skinned girl would have spent the entirety of the past three weeks within the luxurious and spacious confines of the villa. Mostly, it seems, she was drawn to the library, where she indulged in the many documents made available for her. Every day, she would first investigate the scope of materials the library had to offer, before finally deciding on a book or two, then spending hours hunched over the large tomes. Naturally, she was particularly drawn to works concerning the Creed, although she seemed to take special interest in the legends of various saints, as if drawing inspiration from how their deeds and sacrifices were recorded. She also had not forgotten the task they had to accomplish here, however, and as such also sought to find some material on the city's history and its noble families. Most of the time, she would read in the library itself, enjoying a cup of bitter herbal tea as she did so, but every now and then she would retreat into the greenhouse, which after a time almost became known as a hiding spot for her.

Aside from her daily visits to the library, as well as regular prayers and self-mortification, she also would not neglect daily training in the armory, and it was here that she had found an alternate, drum-styled magazine for her weapon. Fortunately, the gun the Sisterhood had given her was a model widely used by Imperial security forces, and as such its type and some of its accessories and ammunition were stocked by the villa. After inquiring, she was made to understand that nobody would miss them if she were to take just two of the drums, allowing Ariel to increase the capacity of her weapon. Unfortunately, it seemed that with this type of weapon only serving a backup role to the villa's security, whoever was in charge did not see fit to stock more than the standard fragmentation shells. Ariel made a mental note of inquiring in the city at some point, though she would not leave the confines of the villa just for a "shopping trip".

The first thing Estelia did was search the armoury for a holdout weapon, the previous events had made the Novice jumpy about losing her main weapons. Unfortunately, she could not find anything suitable, despite several days of searching through crates. The girl did uncover a rather odd item, a rather plain looking, if sturdily constructed, flintlock pistol, along with a small keg of black powder. Unfortunately there were only a few lead balls to be found.

Feeling like she should at least make the effort to appear to be studding, the Novice also spent some time in the library. To her surprise, she soon found herself immersed in a book on the ancient tradition of circus performance. The villa's attic proved an adequate practice location, with it's open rafters. After matins each day Esteia took to firing her newfound black powder toy without a ball, to get a feel for the kickback (and it was fun). It also gave her a chance to learn to clean the piece properly. Eventually the novice took to wearing the pistol tucked into the belt of a loose robe. It would almost certainly be of little help in an actual fight, but she liked the way it looked. She tried showing it to Ariel, it's archaic working were really quite fascinating, but unsurprisingly the other Novice showed little interest.

Balthazar spends most of the three weeks either studying in the library or walking around the grand religious structures of the hive and conversing with the priests and pilgrims who spend their time there. He picks out books seemingly at random; one day he will be studying a treatise on Imperial Guard armored vehicle tactics, the next a tome on the culinary traditions of Desoleum. He also takes the time to run through some athletic exercises and hammer sparring drills each morning, and spends at least half an hour each evening in prayer or meditation. He does his best to converse with the guards and the Sisters when possible, telling them about his experiences as a priest on Thaur. It seems almost as though Balthazar cannot bear to be doing nothing; whenever he has a moment of idle time, he strives to fill it with some kind of activity.

Though it is by no means a feral or feudal world, Thaur is a relatively low-tech compared to a place like Desoleum, and items like micro-beads are quite rare. Having seen the guards and Sisters use them to communicate, Balthazar makes it a priority to acquire one for himself. After having a conversation with the Novices about which model to buy ((which I imagine sounds a bit like a parent confusedly asking their children to explain the difference between various video game consoles)), Balthazar heads off into the market to buy himself a new micro-bead.

However, Balthazar is gone for much longer than everyone else expects; when he returns, it is immediately apparent why he took so long. In his hands he holds a gleaming, skull-shaped, promethium-fueled brazier, and his face wears a gleeful grin to match his new backpack ornament. He will have lots of fun firing this thing up in the future.

((So based on what you've wrote I'd like to get a quick scene in with each of you doing something I'll be writing on.))

On 12/4/2017 at 10:16 PM, Lynata said:

Unless Estelia would have left to explore portions of the hive, in which case Ariel would have made it clear she'd accompany the other novice even though she thought it was a bad idea, the dusk-skinned girl would have spent the entirety of the past three weeks within the luxurious and spacious confines of the villa. Mostly, it seems, she was drawn to the library, where she indulged in the many documents made available for her. Every day, she would first investigate the scope of materials the library had to offer, before finally deciding on a book or two, then spending hours hunched over the large tomes. Naturally, she was particularly drawn to works concerning the Creed, although she seemed to take special interest in the legends of various saints, as if drawing inspiration from how their deeds and sacrifices were recorded. She also had not forgotten the task they had to accomplish here, however, and as such also sought to find some material on the city's history and its noble families. Most of the time, she would read in the library itself, enjoying a cup of bitter herbal tea as she did so, but every now and then she would retreat into the greenhouse, which after a time almost became known as a hiding spot for her.

Aside from her daily visits to the library, as well as regular prayers and self-mortification, she also would not neglect daily training in the armory, and it was here that she had found an alternate, drum-styled magazine for her weapon. Fortunately, the gun the Sisterhood had given her was a model widely used by Imperial security forces, and as such its type and some of its accessories and ammunition were stocked by the villa. After inquiring, she was made to understand that nobody would miss them if she were to take just two of the drums, allowing Ariel to increase the capacity of her weapon. Unfortunately, it seemed that with this type of weapon only serving a backup role to the villa's security, whoever was in charge did not see fit to stock more than the standard fragmentation shells. Ariel made a mental note of inquiring in the city at some point, though she would not leave the confines of the villa just for a "shopping trip".

((You can make (read I will make when I get Balthazar's and Estelia's rolls) a Common Lore (Imperial Creed) at +10 for general information about Desoleum's creed, Scholastic Lore (Heraldry) at+10 for Desoleum's noble families, and Scholastic Lore (Legend) at +10 for some information on legends of various saints.))

Sister Inellia and Ariel in the Greenhouse:

We find Ariel in the villa's greenhouse, it is after her normal rituals that she would do before she settles down for her reading, ((Where this fits in the prayers/mortification/armoury practice is left for you to decide)). The greenhouse is as it always seems to be, slightly warm and humid, filled with exotic scents of flowers and of course the memorial statues within the area. They are stood in a circle as well as could be with benches completing the circle as best can be. The specific things about these plants other than their likely chymecal or medicinal purposes is that all of them have imperial religious significance as well.

((How does Ariel arrange herself, and what is her favorite flower in the greenhouse?))

On 12/6/2017 at 10:14 AM, Servant of Dante said:

The first thing Estelia did was search the armoury for a holdout weapon, the previous events had made the Novice jumpy about losing her main weapons. Unfortunately, she could not find anything suitable, despite several days of searching through crates. The girl did uncover a rather odd item, a rather plain looking, if sturdily constructed, flintlock pistol, along with a small keg of black powder. Unfortunately there were only a few lead balls to be found.

Feeling like she should at least make the effort to appear to be studding, the Novice also spent some time in the library. To her surprise, she soon found herself immersed in a book on the ancient tradition of circus performance. The villa's attic proved an adequate practice location, with it's open rafters. After matins each day Esteia took to firing her newfound black powder toy without a ball, to get a feel for the kickback (and it was fun). It also gave her a chance to learn to clean the piece properly. Eventually the novice took to wearing the pistol tucked into the belt of a loose robe. It would almost certainly be of little help in an actual fight, but she liked the way it looked. She tried showing it to Ariel, it's archaic working were really quite fascinating, but unsurprisingly the other Novice showed little interest.

((You can make a Common Lore (Underworld) at -10 for your book on Acrobatics (it's basically an aggrandized crime novel, but it's got some truth in the story if you can discern it about gang activity in Desoleum Primus).))

Estelia begins practicing with her Flintlock Pistol:

We find Estelia in the armoury of the villa with her newly found Flintlock Pistol she has acquired the necessary powder and components to fire the pistol although ((as stated)) she is using no firing balls just yet. The armoury has a small firing range, with room for no more than two people at a time. At the moment there are no others in the armoury. The firing range is simple, an expanse of space with a target dummy that one might put a target paper over the top of to judge the accuracy of your firing.

((Is there a more detailed way you might describe your pistol, and is Estelia nervous or excited before her first firing attempt?))

On 12/9/2017 at 8:17 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar spends most of the three weeks either studying in the library or walking around the grand religious structures of the hive and conversing with the priests and pilgrims who spend their time there. He picks out books seemingly at random; one day he will be studying a treatise on Imperial Guard armored vehicle tactics, the next a tome on the culinary traditions of Desoleum. He also takes the time to run through some athletic exercises and hammer sparring drills each morning, and spends at least half an hour each evening in prayer or meditation. He does his best to converse with the guards and the Sisters when possible, telling them about his experiences as a priest on Thaur. It seems almost as though Balthazar cannot bear to be doing nothing; whenever he has a moment of idle time, he strives to fill it with some kind of activity.

Though it is by no means a feral or feudal world, Thaur is a relatively low-tech compared to a place like Desoleum, and items like micro-beads are quite rare. Having seen the guards and Sisters use them to communicate, Balthazar makes it a priority to acquire one for himself. After having a conversation with the Novices about which model to buy ((which I imagine sounds a bit like a parent confusedly asking their children to explain the difference between various video game consoles)), Balthazar heads off into the market to buy himself a new micro-bead.

However, Balthazar is gone for much longer than everyone else expects; when he returns, it is immediately apparent why he took so long. In his hands he holds a gleaming, skull-shaped, promethium-fueled brazier, and his face wears a gleeful grin to match his new backpack ornament. He will have lots of fun firing this thing up in the future.

((Alright given this you can make a Common Lore (Askellon Sector) at -10 for your studying on traditions specific to Hive Primius, a Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) at +10 for learning the local particulars of the Imperial Creed, and lastly an Inquiry test at +30 for conversing with fellow priests and pilgrims on local particulars.))

Balthazar gets the Brazier:

We find Balthazar on an excursion in to the city of Desoleum Primus again, as before his trip seems intent on going to a religious shrine of some form. But it seems today he is further intent on getting a particular piece of equipment for his coming trials. The only place on Desoleum with a reliquary that might be large enough to lend out various items would be the Grand Shrine of the Oath, arguably the most prominent shrine on Desoleum. The shrine is also one of the oldest of its kind on Desoleum, as such even though large enough to fit tens of thousands, there is of course no way for it to fit the bulk Desoleum could provide. Also noticeable is the contrast of the housing of the nobility in comparison with the shrine in that the shrine is humbler (relatively) its marble housing is simpler gilded lines tracing holy writ and lining statues of various saints on the outside of the building than anywhere else.

((How has Balthazar managed to get an appointment at such an important place, and what about Desoleum's creed strikes him as most foreign to that of Thaur's creed?))

Common Lore (Underworld): 30 (Int) - 20 (Untrained) - 10 (Difficulty) = 0 Roll:82 for 8 DoF :P

Digging around in a box filled with an eclectic mix of autoweapon clips and broken small arms, Estelia found a strange object. From it’s firing trigger and hammer she could tell it was an archaic fire arm of some sort. The barrel was about 25 centimeters in length, and bare steel. It was connected to what appeared to be a simply but nicely varnished hardwood body with brass fittings. A detachable rod of some sort was affixed below the barrel ((this would be the ramrod)). The grip of the weapon bent away from the barrel at just under a 45 degree angle and flared out a bit at the end, capped with a brass endpiece. None of the workings seemed especially well polished, but neither did they show any damage, and seemed relatively well constructed. All told the weapon was about 40 cm in length and weighed as much as both of Estelia’s laspistols combined. It looked almost oversized in the young girl’s hands.

After consulting with Inellia, the Novice determined she had found a flintlock hand weapon of average male. Apparently they were popular among nobility and the underworld as status symbols, though the value of such a plain specimen was limited. Digging further in the crate uncovered only 5 lead balls suitable for firing, but a small keg of black powder was in the corner. Acquiring some paper suitable for “wadding,” as the Sister described it, proved simple, and so Estelia was ready to try firing her newfound weapon. She did not load a ball, since she had only 5. Nonetheless, the Novice set herself up on the range. Such a primaries firearm was somewhat intimidating to fire. Almost all of the girl’s training had been with las weapons. Though more powerful, the firing lacked kickback, or any explosion at all in fact. She held the weapon pointed downrange and gripped firmly in both hands, pulled back the hammer, and fired.

The sound was deafening, Estelia almost dropped the pistol. Her arms, unprepared and unused to such weapons, hurt. A small cloud of smoke hung around her in the room. The girl sat down on the floor and poked at her ears with her fingers until her hearing returned to normal. This was going to take some practice, but the visceral effect of the weapon had captivated the Novice. She picked herself up and set about finding some ear plugs . . .

Edited by Servant of Dante
Not the most amazing post I’ve ever written, but

It did not start out this way, but as the days passed by, Ariel was increasingly drawn to the greenhouse when it came to meditating. Though used to 'stuffy' rooms such as the mansion's librarium from her own convent, the range of plants surrounding her and the artificial sunlight emitted by - or through - the milky plates of arcuate transparisteel made for an overall more serene atmosphere. Though the villa was comparatively modest, it still was not nearly as spartan as the convent, and for some reason the absence of usually annoying distractions like chatty novices or punishment drills only added to a weird feeling of not-belonging, or perhaps a form of homesickness whenever Ariel was idle.

The solution was of course to keep training, busy herself with books, and keep up her daily routine as best as possible even when away from the Sisterhood. On this evening, however, she had even taken two books from the library to the greenhouse, intent on studying their contents there. Her chosen spot was close to an arrangement of vibrant red roses, in part because of their beauty, but also their symbolism. A further advantage of her 'secret spot' was how it was surrounded by plantlife on nearly all sides, making her difficult to spot if one did not know where to look.

Her reading matter for this evening were a sizable tome titled "Oathbound Apex - Collected Treatises on the Most Noble Lineages and Associated Branches of Desoleum Primus, et al, by V. Gorian, graciously sponsored by Lord Bramwell Grym-Zollern M38" and a slimmer, but wider book bearing the inscription "Thrilling Tales of His Saints from Days Long Gone By, approved by the Frateris Clergy Askellon Diocese for every Dear Child of our Emperor ages 6 and up".

Of course, Ariel's mistake was in assuming the latter book was meant for actual Daughters of the Emperor like her, when in fact it really was a children's book with church propaganda, albeit written in rather adventurous ways intended to stir the fantasy (and religious devotion) of the reader.

((Rolling Common Lore (Askellon Sector) -10, target number 30. Got a 57 for 3 DoF .))

((Rolling Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) +10, target number 50. Got a 97 for 5 DoF .))

((Rolling Inquiry +30, target number 83. Got a 31 for 6 DoS .))

Balthazar spent a long time in debate with the Desoleum clergy and learned much about their faith. While they still clearly followed the Imperial Creed, he found their fascination with life after death to be disconcerting. On Thaur, Balthazar was taught that the Emperor is the only being who can truly experience a deathless existence. Death after a life of service to the Imperium was viewed as the final reward of the faithful, where worldly suffering was left behind and a soul found the peace of oblivion. The souls of loyal Imperial citizens became one with the Emperor's soul, while their skeletal remains were used as bricks to build cathedrals and monuments in His name. Suggesting that humans would stand by the Emperor's side in some idealized afterlife implied that a life sacrificed in the Emperor's service was somehow not a sufficient reward for their devotion. It was not blasphemous by any stretch, but to Balthazar it seemed ungrateful.

Balthazar pondered these thoughts as he glanced at his laud hailer servo skull. We know quite a lot about sacrifice in the Emperor's service, don't we, Barnabas? he thought ruefully.

Snapping out of his reverie, he took in the scene around him at the entrance to the Grand Shrine of the Oath. A congregation of the faithful swelled around him as he passed the titanic iron-shod entrance doors, but he did not follow the crowd into the pews; his visit here was not for prayer but for a very specific purpose. Balthazar had engaged a particularly lively priest, Father Carolinus, in debate a few days ago, and the two men had formed a bond over many of their shared convictions. Carolinus had mentioned that Balthazar should visit him at the Shrine on this weekend to recieve "something to help him in his endeavors," but Balthazar wasn't exactly sure what that meant. He cast his eyes around, trying to pick out the man in the crowd.

On 12/13/2017 at 2:18 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Common Lore (Underworld): 30 (Int) - 20 (Untrained) - 10 (Difficulty) = 0 Roll:82 for 8 DoF :P

The sound was deafening, Estelia almost dropped the pistol. Her arms, unprepared and unused to such weapons, hurt. A small cloud of smoke hung around her in the room. The girl sat down on the floor and poked at her ears with her fingers until her hearing returned to normal. This was going to take some practice, but the visceral effect of the weapon had captivated the Novice. She picked herself up and set about finding some ear plugs . . .

((It was an interesting story, but you don't end up putting much credence in what it had to say about gang activity, they're just stories after all...right? ;P))

The door to the armoury kicks inward with a loud snap that is still slightly dulled in Estellia's ears. She can feel the thudding of a set of combat boots stomping towards as what she assumes to be Lax approaches her.

"What in ****'s name was that?!" he yells loud enough to get through the helmet without communication.

On 12/13/2017 at 11:01 PM, Lynata said:

The solution was of course to keep training, busy herself with books, and keep up her daily routine as best as possible even when away from the Sisterhood. On this evening, however, she had even taken two books from the library to the greenhouse, intent on studying their contents there. Her chosen spot was close to an arrangement of vibrant red roses, in part because of their beauty, but also their symbolism. A further advantage of her 'secret spot' was how it was surrounded by plantlife on nearly all sides, making her difficult to spot if one did not know where to look.

Her reading matter for this evening were a sizable tome titled "Oathbound Apex - Collected Treatises on the Most Noble Lineages and Associated Branches of Desoleum Primus, et al, by V. Gorian, graciously sponsored by Lord Bramwell Grym-Zollern M38" and a slimmer, but wider book bearing the inscription "Thrilling Tales of His Saints from Days Long Gone By, approved by the Frateris Clergy Askellon Diocese for every Dear Child of our Emperor ages 6 and up".

Of course, Ariel's mistake was in assuming the latter book was meant for actual Daughters of the Emperor like her, when in fact it really was a children's book with church propaganda, albeit written in rather adventurous ways intended to stir the fantasy (and religious devotion) of the reader.

((As for your rolls results you got:

Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (+10) - 40 Under - Roll 03 - Pass
Scholastic Lore (Heraldry) (+10) - 20 Under - Roll 03 - Pass
Scholastic Lore (Legend) (+10) - 20 Under - Roll 87 - Fail))

Oathbound Apex is as exciting as you would think it might be, meaning impressively dull, while certain nobles of Desoleum ended up doing some notable things the are few and far between of anyone interesting. Ariel reaches a point of of self hypnotism almost with the dull materials and the light scent from the greenhouse overall, so much so that she nearly doesn't notice Sister Inellia approaching until Ariel smells the tea Inellia is carrying with her.

Inellia kneels down slightly enough to offer Ariel a cup (she was carrying two), "Nice spot, may I sit with you?"

14 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

((Rolling Common Lore (Askellon Sector) -10, target number 30. Got a 57 for 3 DoF .))

((Rolling Scholastic Lore (Philosophy) +10, target number 50. Got a 97 for 5 DoF .))

((Rolling Inquiry +30, target number 83. Got a 31 for 6 DoS .))

Balthazar pondered these thoughts as he glanced at his laud hailer servo skull. We know quite a lot about sacrifice in the Emperor's service, don't we, Barnabas? he thought ruefully.

Snapping out of his reverie, he took in the scene around him at the entrance to the Grand Shrine of the Oath. A congregation of the faithful swelled around him as he passed the titanic iron-shod entrance doors, but he did not follow the crowd into the pews; his visit here was not for prayer but for a very specific purpose. Balthazar had engaged a particularly lively priest, Father Carolinus, in debate a few days ago, and the two men had formed a bond over many of their shared convictions. Carolinus had mentioned that Balthazar should visit him at the Shrine on this weekend to recieve "something to help him in his endeavors," but Balthazar wasn't exactly sure what that meant. He cast his eyes around, trying to pick out the man in the crowd.

((Tell me a little about Carolinus' description if you would, or would you rather I just roll some random results myself?))

Carolinus had told Balthazar to meet him in the reliquary, well the public reliquary, there was of course another one somewhere in the church where extremely holy relics were safeguarded. As the masses of the faithful are finding pews for the next service, or leaving from the last, you make your way down a side hall and a staircase. The feeling is familiar of course, being on Thaur you get used to ossuarys and side chambers with multiple passageways.

Balthazar finds the reliquary easily enough, it's full of the usual things you'd find in any imperial church; a piece of cloth from this saint's robe, the broken knife tip that got stuck in this saint's sternum, or the skull of this saint. The common things the masses seem attracted to this this galaxy of war.

Tending to one of the relics is Father Carolinus, he notices Balthazar and smiles motioning him to come over and look at what he's tending to. A brazier of some sort.

((Concerning what you figure out from your rolls I'll give that information to you all when we're done with these little vignettes))

Estelia turns quickly toward the door as it flys open. She holds up the flintlock, which she has begun reloading.

Still slightly distracted by the previous discharge, the Novice says, “I found this.”

The heartbeat that had slowed somewhat in reaction to the serene surroundings and her not-so-stirring reading quickly picked up pace again as the novice noticed someone approaching. Flinching slightly, Ariel nonetheless managed to keep the dusty tome on her lap as she retained her cross-legged posture.

The alertness, however unwarranted, had driven away the sleepiness, so she studied the approaching host - or so she assumed - with wide eyes, only belatedly noticing the cup she was offered. Reaching out with both hands, she carefully accepted the drink with a nod: "Certainly, mylady .. this is your residence, after all, is it not?"

On 12/19/2017 at 5:06 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia turns quickly toward the door as it flys open. She holds up the flintlock, which she has begun reloading.

Still slightly distracted by the previous discharge, the Novice says, “I found this.”

Lax stands for a moment in silent awe and puts an hand to his helmet's faceplate.

He shakes his head.

His body makes the motion of sighing, though it's not audible and he holds out his hand, *static* "The balance of the gunpowder is off, you want some help?" *static*

On 12/20/2017 at 11:15 PM, Lynata said:

The heartbeat that had slowed somewhat in reaction to the serene surroundings and her not-so-stirring reading quickly picked up pace again as the novice noticed someone approaching. Flinching slightly, Ariel nonetheless managed to keep the dusty tome on her lap as she retained her cross-legged posture.

The alertness, however unwarranted, had driven away the sleepiness, so she studied the approaching host - or so she assumed - with wide eyes, only belatedly noticing the cup she was offered. Reaching out with both hands, she carefully accepted the drink with a nod: "Certainly, mylady .. this is your residence, after all, is it not?"

Inellia smiles and shakes her head, "No, this residence is one of some that our benefactor owns throughout the sector, one of the grander ones for certain, a similar one is on Juno. They exists for when groups like us are investigating on this world or that."

She changes her position so that she is sitting now instead of kneeling in front of Ariel, she carefully takes a sip of her drink, "How are you adjusting?"

Estelia nods eagerly, “sure! I’ve never trained with anything like this before. It looked fun, but I’m not sure what I’m doing.”

Ariel responded somewhat cryptically. "Our .. benefactor. I see." It did not require much insight to guess that the Novice Sororitas chafed at this secrecy, even if she understood the need for it. Still, her training assured that she would not place personal misgivings above her orders.

Slowly, her fingers began turning the warm cup between her hands. "This world and the station above are strange places. So many people seem devoid of the Emperor's light, and there are others that seek it yet are not provided guidance." She glanced at a nearby set of flowers. "It was a little overwhelming .. but I know what is expected of me."

Balthazar looks at the brazier Carolinus is attending with some curiosity. "Good day, Carolinus. Truly I have never seen such a remarkable collection of relics in one place, even in the Grand Ossuary on my blessed home world of Thaur. May I ask what this is?"

On 12/25/2017 at 3:02 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia nods eagerly, “sure! I’ve never trained with anything like this before. It looked fun, but I’m not sure what I’m doing.”

Lax doesn't make any movement other than to look at Estellia, he's likely saying something that he's not vocalizing.

After Estelia re-positions herself at the range Lax begins to go through the basic chymistry of gunpowder. He doesn't seem to be holding anything back, this is likely the breadth of what he knows in the matter. It amounts to the components that go in to black powder, and the basic ratios needed for a proper mix. Although in this lesson to show you how to properly measure the ratios he removes his helmet. This is the first time in your memory of ever seeing him without it.

This much is obvious, based on looks alone Lax is Highborn of some breeding, he may have no title (he's never mentioned one) but it's in his blood. He seems young, older than Estelia by more than half a decade.

He's gaunt in the face, with porcelain skin and shiny auburn hair. Watery blue eyes look upon his work seriously, but not coldly.

((Is this the first a young (I'd assume attractive don't know Estelia's preferences if she has any) male has been in this close proximity to Estelia? How does she feel about this?))

Estelia seems to understand (at least to Lax) the other mechanisms of the weapon though, so he doesn't feel the need to go further in the lesson.

When Lax has finished mixing the power and loading the gun he holds it out for Estelia to take, "Try this," he says in a clear and concise voice.

23 hours ago, Lynata said:

Ariel responded somewhat cryptically. "Our .. benefactor. I see." It did not require much insight to guess that the Novice Sororitas chafed at this secrecy, even if she understood the need for it. Still, her training assured that she would not place personal misgivings above her orders.

Slowly, her fingers began turning the warm cup between her hands. "This world and the station above are strange places. So many people seem devoid of the Emperor's light, and there are others that seek it yet are not provided guidance." She glanced at a nearby set of flowers. "It was a little overwhelming .. but I know what is expected of me."

Inelia picks up on Ariel's chagrin at the secrecy, "You do know you could...ask about our benefactor no? I've divulged no information because it seemed none of you were interested. Which is fine, unquestioning servitude is its own reward, but I'm allowed to speak...sparingly of them. At least, in so much as I know myself."

But she smiles at the second part, "Take a galaxy of strange places and you've got the Imperium. Odd, backwards sometimes, but...surviving. If the Emperor's light did shine everywhere there would be no need for us, would there?" She doesn't make this out to be a test, she's interested in Ariel's opinion on the matter. She takes a sip of her cup waiting giving her time to consider her reply.

2 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar looks at the brazier Carolinus is attending with some curiosity. "Good day, Carolinus. Truly I have never seen such a remarkable collection of relics in one place, even in the Grand Ossuary on my blessed home world of Thaur. May I ask what this is?"

((Father Carolinus Description: Build – Brawny, Height/Weight – 1.75m/80kg, Age – 44 Years Old (Old Timer), Colouration: Skin – Fair, Hair – Brown, Eyes – Brown, Physical Quirks – Large Mole (Right Hand) ))

"Oh, this old thing Balthazar? Why, who are you who does not know your history?" He smiles wryly poking fun in the face of the long historical discussions (at least I feel) they've held in the past few weeks.

"This is one of the rarer artifacts that are publicly view-able. I won't regale you with the full history of Saint Roberto, but most Askellian braziers include the iconography him. He was a martyred priest said to have faced down an army of mutants with nothing but a knife and his faith. No one's entirely certain if he survived the encounter and was martyred later, but it's a good story to tell the children."

He gestures to the brazier, which includes iconography that depict his seal ((What does it look like?)), "What do you think?"

The offer leaves the girl unsure, if only momentarily. Perhaps she briefly wondered if she even should ask, or if this might be some sort of test. After all, Ignorance is Bliss. "So this ... benefactor -- are they an Inquisitor? We were told nothing but that we were to be put on detached duty to the Inquisition, and as you know, information about this adeptus is limited."

The novice unintentionally underscored her point by mislabeling the Holy Orders, given how they were not part of but above the adeptus hierarchy, standing outside even the purview of the mighty Administratum. At the same time, Inelia might be aware that the girls' presence here could harbor a deeper meaning. As much as they might protest otherwise, it was well possible that one or both of the novices were to spy on the operations of their master, reporting back to the Sisterhood as an expected part of the shadowy and sometimes conflicting dealings and rivalries between Imperial organisations, or even just to keep an eye out for potential heresies. Certainly, the presence of a Sororitas could be a double-edged sword.

"A galaxy in which there was no need of us ..." The girl seems to dwell on the words for a moment. "Is that not something to strive for?"

Finally she takes a sip of the cup, closing her eyes as she lifts the porcelain to her lips.

((There would have been male charges present at the Schola Estelia and Ariel were at up to about a year ago, though their contact would probably have been limited))

Estelia was a bit surprised at Lax’s appearance. She had not expected him to be so young (granted he was still a good number of years older than the Novice). In some ways he reminded her of the local nobles that had, occasionally, visited the Schola she and Ariel had been raised at, but he seemed somewhat less pompous and more physically fit than those. One could say he was handsome, but one could also say that such considerations were at best a distraction from her duty and at worst . . . the drill abbots had never been very specific, but had left Estelia quite sure the worst had something to do with Vandire’s Reign Of Blood, and that was enough warning for her. She had known some of the other girls to sneak about to meet some boy or another. The pairs were almost always caught (and severely punished); one time Estelia had reported them herself, for she had no interest in such things. Perhaps that is part of why she had been selected for the Sororitas and they would likely end up scribes somewhere.

Regardless, Estelia gratefully follows Lax’s instructions to properly mix the gunpowder and load the weapon (still without a ball). That a weapon could function in such a fashion, rather than using a power pack and firing a laser, fascinates the Novice. She knew that autoweapons used a similar substance, but ammunition for such arms was prepackaged and simply loaded into a clip. There was something very satisfying about loading the components into the weapon one at a time. When she was ready, she stood and braced herself as she had thought she had seen older Sisters so when firing heavier weapons. This time the shock of firing the pistol, while it did agrivage her already sore shoulders and rock her back on her heels, did not set Estelia off balance. She looked back at Lax and nodded, “this is much better, thank you for your help.”

On 1/4/2018 at 10:51 PM, Lynata said:

The offer leaves the girl unsure, if only momentarily. Perhaps she briefly wondered if she even should ask, or if this might be some sort of test. After all, Ignorance is Bliss. "So this ... benefactor -- are they an Inquisitor? We were told nothing but that we were to be put on detached duty to the Inquisition, and as you know, information about this adeptus is limited."

"A galaxy in which there was no need of us ..." The girl seems to dwell on the words for a moment. "Is that not something to strive for?"

Finally she takes a sip of the cup, closing her eyes as she lifts the porcelain to her lips.

Inellia nods, "To address your first question. She prefers the term Inquisitrix, but yes, she is a member of the Holy Ordos. For the future though, the Inquisition is not an adeptus, it's beholden to none save the Emperor...and their own censure should someone step too far out of line."

Inellia did not expound upon the point that at least in theory their power was infinite but there was the practicality of that power and social power brokering that went on.

"She is a member of the Ordo Hereticus, and as such had easy access to the Orders to draw from. I don't know if she makes a habit of that practice though. I know right now at least she has no desire to divulge her identity though in terms of giving you name."

She takes a sip from her cup and continues, "To address the second point. There are two reasons as to why there would be no more need of our organization, and yes I think for that reason we should strive onwards." She looks down grimly considering the second reason.

"...Ariel I will be truthful with you, I expect you to not divulge this to anyone though I will not make you swear it...consider it...trust. I truly do no know what she has planned for your future, or if she even expects you to survive. It's difficult to tell with the Inquisition, they're too good at keeping to themselves. They'll ask terrible things of you, and great things too, and you'll simply have to find something to trust in to figure out if you're doing the right thing."

She looks sternly at Ariel, as if she wants to ask something else but she can't figure out how to word it properly, she sighs and relaxes to take another drink waiting to see if Ariel has another question or a reply.

On 1/8/2018 at 10:58 AM, Servant of Dante said:

((There would have been male charges present at the Schola Estelia and Ariel were at up to about a year ago, though their contact would probably have been limited))

Regardless, Estelia gratefully follows Lax’s instructions to properly mix the gunpowder and load the weapon (still without a ball). That a weapon could function in such a fashion, rather than using a power pack and firing a laser, fascinates the Novice. She knew that autoweapons used a similar substance, but ammunition for such arms was prepackaged and simply loaded into a clip. There was something very satisfying about loading the components into the weapon one at a time. When she was ready, she stood and braced herself as she had thought she had seen older Sisters so when firing heavier weapons. This time the shock of firing the pistol, while it did agrivage her already sore shoulders and rock her back on her heels, did not set Estelia off balance. She looked back at Lax and nodded, “this is much better, thank you for your help.”

Lax nods picking up his helmet but not putting it on yet, "Sounds a lot better too, you're a good learner, at least...if one lesson can tell." he shrugs looking down. He doesn't seem uncomfortable around Estelia if she remembers how younger boys would act around girls they wanted to sneak around with.

"You do need to be careful though, mix it incorrectly enough and you'll have an improvised explosive device in your hands and that...well it's messy to say the least..." he trails that off seemingly remembering something looking in to the face plate of his helmet.

Lax considers for a moment and then looks up to the novice, "Estelia...do you think it matters where you come from?"

The novice nods slowly at the explanation concerning their master. Another woman, then. She was almost a little proud of herself for extracting information without directly asking for it, though Inellia was of course not making it very difficult for her -- unlike the shady elements she'd likely have to deal with later as part of her unusual assignment.

"I will follow my faith, as always. And if He calls me unto His side, I will not waver in laying down my life." Words spoken with a zeal that only a novice who had not yet seen anything, or a veteran who had seen too much, could bear. "But rest assured that whatever my fate, I will not make it easy for our enemies."

As if on cue, the Ministorum picture book previously deposited on her lap reacted to a slight shift in her posture and tumbled to the floor. It came to rest opened on a double-page depicting a colorful and supposedly child-friendly version of the martyrium of Saint Silvana. An ominous sign.

Estelia looks at Lax, somewhat surprised at the sudden shift in conversation. “Well, sometimes I’ve wished I knew my parents, but Ariel and I don’t know where we are from. All we know is that we arrived at a Schola together and have been allowed to remain together since. My parents could have been anything from a planetary governer to a Administratum scribe, though they were likely Imperial servants of some kind. At least I hope so. I also wonder why me and Ariel are together, we don’t look much alike, and we’ve always been told the Drill Abbots don’t know anything about our parents. They wouldn’t tolerate such “frivolous” questions. But all that asside, we have both been selected for service in the Adepta Sororitas, and now the Inquisition, so a certain birth is not always required.”

The novice paused and continued more deliberately, “On the other hand, perhaps we were selected because we have no relatives that we care for. Your birth, and mine, affects the chances we have, especially early in life, but it does not make us do anything or prevent you from at least attempting something, and anyone can serve the Emperor, regardless of birth . . . assuming your birth wasn’t tainted in some way. Mutation and heresy are irredeemable even if passed on at birth. ”

“I think what I’m trying to say, is that birth defines your surroundings, but not what you do in them, and fortunately many of the Emperor’s services don’t care one bit where you came from, as long as you are of use.“

The Novice gets a little grin on her face and (attempts to) affect a gruff, manly voice “Everyone can serve the Emperor, but some of us get to have more fun than others! Good, Emperor-fearing, fun!” She thumped her knee with her fist

Back to a normal timbre, she continued, ”Or at least that’s what Abbot Gentias would say before making us read passages about some Imperial Saint or another.”

Seemingly just realizing that she didn’t know, Estelia looked back at Lax, “why do you ask?”

Edited by Servant of Dante
On 1/11/2018 at 0:08 AM, Lynata said:

"I will follow my faith, as always. And if He calls me unto His side, I will not waver in laying down my life." Words spoken with a zeal that only a novice who had not yet seen anything, or a veteran who had seen too much, could bear. "But rest assured that whatever my fate, I will not make it easy for our enemies."

As if on cue, the Ministorum picture book previously deposited on her lap reacted to a slight shift in her posture and tumbled to the floor. It came to rest opened on a double-page depicting a colorful and supposedly child-friendly version of the martyrium of Saint Silvana. An ominous sign.

Inelia looks at the pop up book and smiles sadly.

"Ponder a hypothetical for me Ariel. We know we are right in our faith, it is a truth nothing in the galaxy can deny. We know that the Inquisition acts on behalf of the Emperor, they know more terrible truths than should. What happens when an Inquisitor is the enemy? When what they know puts them truthfully on a path that would set the adepta against them? Does faith override truth?"

On 1/11/2018 at 1:12 AM, Servant of Dante said:

“I think what I’m trying to say, is that birth defines your surroundings, but not what you do in them, and fortunately many of the Emperor’s services don’t care one bit where you came from, as long as you are of use.“

The Novice gets a little grin on her face and (attempts to) affect a gruff, manly voice “Everyone can serve the Emperor, but some of us get to have more fun than others! Good, Emperor-fearing, fun!” She thumped her knee with her fist

Back to a normal timbre, she continued, ”Or at least that’s what Abbot Gentias would say before making us read passages about some Imperial Saint or another.”

Seemingly just realizing that she didn’t know, Estelia looked back at Lax, “why do you ask?”

Lax looks back down, "I...sometimes I feel like I don't deserve to be where I am...like...the people around me have made some kind of mistake..."

He lets his hands move down to his side, the helmet hanging lack, he sighs as if removing a burden, "I'm not full blooded nobility, but I always get the presumption if I don't wear the helmet. My mother...my mother was a servant to a minor noble lord from the apex. He...exercised his position over her and...well now I'm here."

He looks back at Estelia, "Sometimes I don't...I don't know...sometimes I know it's gotten me places...but I don't like that it's gotten me ahead."

The novice tilted her head to the side, pondering the question for but a moment before answering. "Mylady, I'm ... not sure I understand."

Pausing for a heartbeat, she nonetheless continues to voice her train of thought with a confidence born from years of theological study: "As you say -- our faith is truth. If they conflict, it must mean that either the truth is but a ruse, or that one's interpretation of the faith is misguided apostasy. If in doubt, the true believer shall reflect on herself and seek guidance in prayer. That is, after all, how Saint Dominica slew the Arch-Apostate."

Edited by Lynata