Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

"This is probably about as private as we're going to get."

Estelia sits on one of the chairs (flak armour is heavier than it looks, after you've been wearing it for the better part of a day) and looks to the Father to open the tube, wondering what's inside it; it had certainly been quite a hassle to get their hands on.

Balthazar also sits down, resting his hammer against the table next to him. He carefully removes the wax seal and opens the tube, pulling out the contents and laying them on the table. His servo-skull hovers over his shoulder inquisitively.

On 10/5/2017 at 9:45 PM, Lynata said:

Waiting until Balthazar would take a seat - or indeed remaining standing as well if the Father was inclined not to - the cocoa-skinned novice rested her weapon of choice on the table and gazed at their mysterious tube, nodding towards Thorne to open it.

8 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia sits on one of the chairs (flak armour is heavier than it looks, after you've been wearing it for the better part of a day) and looks to the Father to open the tube, wondering what's inside it; it had certainly been quite a hassle to get their hands on.

3 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar also sits down, resting his hammer against the table next to him. He carefully removes the wax seal and opens the tube, pulling out the contents and laying them on the table. His servo-skull hovers over his shoulder inquisitively.

Contained within the cylinder are a number of things;

1. The writ that Lemont gave you back on Kappex Orbital that will give you quick passage through the checkpoints at the entrances from Port Gyre to Desoleum, and would have let you use the shuttle there to get down to the port, but Inellia used it.

2. A letter, at first glance seemingly handwritten in High Gothic.

3. A Seal of the Inquisition, a small badge of embossed gold held on the back of black grox leather.

The letter reads as follows:


I write this to you on the ride down from Kappex Orbital's personal shuttle. It's quite comfy, if you were curious, and the armsmen are behaving well.

Regardless obviously you desire some further instructions on where you might find me, the location of our benefactor's safe house is a small villa like area set up in the upper hives of Desoleum Primus. It's relatively out of the way, being close to the edge of the break between the upper and middle hive area, so it was undesirable to the nobility at large. It's location is more easily described with a map than it is an address, so one is included on the other side of this missive.

I do expect you to come there when you receive this letter. I'll have already begun setting up a few things for you in relation to the leads you stated you wanted to follow up on, and there'll be no need for either of us to retread old tracks as it were.

Included of course if the writ Lemont wrote before on Kappex, and an Inquisitorial Seal of Office. This of course is not a rosette, but it will a least signify to those who know better that you are not to be interrupted without a good reason. Use this sparingly obviously if you'd enjoy keeping things relatively quiet.

You have made it this far, this is a success, rejoice.

The Emperor, as always, protects the faithful. Until we meet again,


P.S. Ariel, if you didn't answer the question with " and not at the individual notes" this is a small admonishment. Your words have power, and listening to others is key to picking up important clues. Not to mention the myriads of codes and ciphers you may be tasked with learning. Just something to think on.

P.P.S. Don't worry about burning this missive just yet you do need the map.

On the other side of the missive is a well detailed map showing the general elevation that the villa is apparently at, and a further describing of the level you need to find yourselves on along with a more detailed showing of directions you need to take to reach the destination.

Having grown accustomed to living together with many of her fellow progena and novices, Ariel does not show any fear of contact as she leans in close to the priest, intent on getting a good look at the document herself. Taking mental note of the tasks outlined therein, she nonetheless felt a pang of guilt, or perhaps hurt pride. Did their mistress truly expect her to recall every thing that was being said? Mere moments ago, she felt relief at being able to - to the best of her knowledge - recall even the one half of the little sermon she found most inspiring, yet evidently she had still provided the wrong answer. That the dataclerk handed over the document anyways could only mean that their mistress had planned for, perhaps even expected her to fail this trial.

Allowing a brooding expression to creep onto her face, the novice briefly closed her eyes in an attempt to calm herself and focus on the task at hand. She could not shake off an impression of unjust treatment, yet at the same time she was raised to obey her superiors without question. Yes, novices of the Sisterhood were expected to memorize a great deal of details, but usually this did not involve spontaneous remarks and off-hand comments, but rather holy scripture studied every single day as part of their ritual.

Was she expected to raise above these standards? It was perhaps not beyond the realm of possibilities that, somehow, their Inellia contact had become aware of Ariel's unusual memory and intended to nurture it, shaping it into a tool useful on upcoming investigations. The Sisterhood would surely keep detailed records of its members, and an Inquisitor, especially a former Sororitas, might easily have the clout to perform a successful data-probe into the order's registry if they knew where to look...

Momentarily discarding the thought, the novice returns her attention to the matter at hand, and her eyes to the missive.

"We should probably take great care when approaching this location", she voices. "But this place is big. Mayhaps we can secure transport for part of the journey, and switch half-way, just to be certain we are not being followed?"

Estelia reads quickly over the instructions, Ariel would not be happy at being preemptively chided by the Sister.

"Having someone take us all the way to the site would mean they know we went there, and we are rather conspicuous. Is there a place it would make sense for us to visit close by? We could purchase transport to there and walk the rest of the way."

Balthazar nods in agreement. "How about a combination of both approaches? We can take a ride to some location, switch rides, and then arrive near the villa. We can walk the last few blocks from there."

On 10/10/2017 at 11:38 PM, Lynata said:

"We should probably take great care when approaching this location", she voices. "But this place is big. Mayhaps we can secure transport for part of the journey, and switch half-way, just to be certain we are not being followed?"

21 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

"Having someone take us all the way to the site would mean they know we went there, and we are rather conspicuous. Is there a place it would make sense for us to visit close by? We could purchase transport to there and walk the rest of the way."

11 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar nods in agreement. "How about a combination of both approaches? We can take a ride to some location, switch rides, and then arrive near the villa. We can walk the last few blocks from there."

((I'll let any Balthazar, since he's from Thaur, roll Common Lore Imperial Creed/Imperium +0 to remember areas of worship near the area, Ariel and Estellia can roll Common Lore Imperial Creed/Imperium at -10 since this is more specific information than they may have been exposed to in their lessons.))

((Rolling Common Lore (Imperium), target number 40. Rolled a 50 for 2 DoF.))

((CL Imperial Creed test: 30 (Int) -20 (untrained) -10 (modifier) = 0 Roll:58 for 6 DoF))

On 10/10/2017 at 11:38 PM, Lynata said:

You got a 03 on Common Lore (Imperium)

16 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

((Rolling Common Lore (Imperium), target number 40. Rolled a 50 for 2 DoF.))

1 hour ago, Servant of Dante said:

((CL Imperial Creed test: 30 (Int) -20 (untrained) -10 (modifier) = 0 Roll:58 for 6 DoF))

Ariel remembers this about Desoleum from her studies;

There exists one major edifice and place of worship for the peoples of the Imperium.

The Grand Shrine of the Oath

Although humble compared to the gilded marble edifices patronised by the spire nobility, the Grand Shrine of the Oath is the oldest and most revered of cathedrals used to convey the Imperial Creed to workers on holy days and festivals. Its well-worn pews can seat tens of thousands at a time, but such is its prestige that many times that number seek admittance to its hallowed halls when the work-shifts wind down for religious observances. Even a festival that frees one man in a hundred from his labours sees a hundred thousand petitions to attend the services held in the central Oathroom.

It is located in Desoleum Primus' Upper Hive, and is likely the closest place of known worship that it would not be strange for this group of peoples to say they are heading to. It is not necessarily close by the villa, but it would get you within the area and you could walk the rest of the way with the assistance of the map.

Placing both hands on the table to support her forward-leaning posture, one leg angled so the foot is resting below the table, the dusk-skinned novice ponders their options, recalling a holy site from their lectures in the convent.

"What about the Grand Shrine of Oath? It is, I believe, located in the Upper Hive, and given our appearances it would seem natural that we visit it."

She pauses, then adds, pointing at the map: "I'm not exactly sure about the distance to the safe house, but it is certainly closer than our current whereabouts."

Estelia stares at Ariel, she’s never heard of a Grand Shrine of Oath, though maybe she just wasn’t remembering one of her lessons. In any case it sounded like a good starting point.

”That sounds like a good idea to me, we could even talk to the local clergy if we want to.”

Edited by Servant of Dante

Balthazar has never heard of the Grand Shrine of Oath either, but he's not about to let these whippersnappers know that. Instead, he nods sagely and says, "Yes, I agree. Traveling to the shrine will be perfectly expected behavior, and perhaps the clergy can help with our investigations."

[[Rolling Influence test to acquire transport, target number 25. Rolled a 28 for 1 DoF -- so close!]]

11 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

[[Rolling Influence test to acquire transport, target number 25. Rolled a 28 for 1 DoF -- so close!]]

((Ok, so how do you want to handle this? I'll let you have it with the failure-there will just be consequences-, you can reroll with a fate point, or you can burn some Influence.))

On 10/22/2017 at 10:27 AM, Covered in Weasels said:

[[Rolling Influence test to acquire transport, target number 25. Rolled a 28 for 1 DoF -- so close!]]

On 10/17/2017 at 1:00 AM, Servant of Dante said:

On 10/16/2017 at 0:51 PM, Lynata said:

Father Thorne busies himself with getting a hold of a form of transportation for the three of you to travel close to your destination. Upon Desolum, as with any other Hive World, the are sections of culture within the hive. The top belonging to the nobility, generally at least, and the bottom belonging to the outcasts of society. Desoleum Primus is no different, and due to the area you much travel towards a certain kind of transportation is required, as merely taking a rail will not get you high enough, walking would take far too long, and anything less than an auto carriage or intra hive shuttle would be noticed as out of place or lower than socially acceptable for the area.

Balthazar manages to acquire a quick intra hive flight ride, this is not out of place, especially in Port Gyre as it is not a main part of Desoleum Primus, and plenty of ships fly in and out of it daily. The group is cleared for travel thanks to your Oath Cogs and your destination is not surprising by any means, nor is the idea of stopping a ways away from the Grand Shrine and walking, because parking would be difficult much closer with all of the noble traffic.

Travelling in the ship is of course one of the faster ways to go through the Hive, but you can still notice much about the area. The great bulk of Desoleum Primus is the Main Hive, often referred to as Desoleum City, an area that accounts for the large majority of its population and industry. Businesses operated by the houses of the Consortium dominate this region, and these oversee almost all facets of life in the hive. Those areas not set aside for hab housing contain enormous factories producing the hive’s main exports. Massive refrigeration systems cool the upper levels of this area, for the factory heat is intense. Many metres of greenish frost often accumulate along the ceilings, making for a thick barrier between the upper and main hive. Huge icicles of frozen, polluted water also form here along the hive’s outer edges. These often break off after forming into chunks hundreds of metres long, creating terrible scars in the hive’s outer skin as they rip down its length with screaming sounds audible even in the hive interior.

It is shortly past this area of massive refrigeration that the shuttle drops you off on an outlying flight pad. You are at the very beginning of the Upper Hive area of Desoleum. Sometimes called the Pinions, where the great houses of the Consortium operate and the majority of the hive gentry live. The worker-serfs living further down-hive can only dream of the luxury even the lower tiers here exist in, the most privileged enjoying actual sunlight filtered through windows affording them grand vistas of the expansive cloudscapes below.

Despite the unimaginable luxury of these areas, they are atrophied and declining. The ancient, little-understood archaeotech systems that sustain them are slowly falling to disrepair. Growing areas of the upper reaches are now sealed off from habitation, though some still find use for secretive meetings or illicit activities. Like their environs, the oath-cogs of those within the Upper Hive are incredibly ornate as befits their high station, but many are becoming tarnished and even inoperable.

((At this point to work your way to the vista with the help of the map I'll need a Navigation (Surface) roll at +20 as you have the aid of a chart/guide in the form of the missive.))


"Well child, what did you see?" a cloaked figure in a hallway addresses the aide that helped the trio earlier in to the area they looked at their missives and had their discussion. She shuffles nervously and pulls at a bandanna wrapped around her neck, an odd and rare shade of blue on Desoleum.

"They, they talked about going to a place, but they said they should make it look like they were going to the Grand Shrine. And...uhm there was a...uhm badge thing in their tube. I didn't get a good look at it. I'm sorry." She looks genuinely sorry. The cloaked figure puts a gloved hand on her face in a consoling gesture, "There there child, you've done very well. Mother will be most pleased."

The aide smiles and perks up. The cloaked figure dismisses her and she scurries off to whatever other duty she had.

((Navigate +20 would be on a 30 for me, Int 30 + 20 - 20 for being untrained. Does anyone else have better odds?))

((Balthazar doesn't have training in Navigate (Surface), but he has a base Int of 40. He's probably the best one for the job.))

((Rolling Navigate (Surface), target number 40. Rolled a 38 for one DoS.))

On 10/29/2017 at 6:50 PM, Servant of Dante said:

((Navigate +20 would be on a 30 for me, Int 30 + 20 - 20 for being untrained. Does anyone else have better odds?))

18 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

((Balthazar doesn't have training in Navigate (Surface), but he has a base Int of 40. He's probably the best one for the job.))

((Rolling Navigate (Surface), target number 40. Rolled a 38 for one DoS.))

On 10/16/2017 at 0:51 PM, Lynata said:

((Ariel got a 91 on her roll, so I don't think she knows about anything that's going on.))

With the aid of the map, and Balthazar's general knowledge of Desoleum likely from his personal studies on Thaur it seems that he has a good idea of how to lead the group to the villa that was requested of them. More importantly as per your earlier plan it seems like your route is generally moving toward the Grand Shrine of the Oath, or at least meandering in a logical way.The crowd in this area of Desoleum is noticeably better dressed, and by extension better behaved. More than a few incline their head in a show of respect or give the sign of the Aquila as they pass. The air is also noticeably cleaner, and cooler being this close in proximity to the refrigeration units still. Instead of foodstalls and carts along the way you see many bistros or small cafes filled with a middling crowd of people who look like they have absolutely nothing more important in their lives to do.

Along most corners you see servitors spouting news, the latest financial information from the Consortium's trade dealings, and of course street sermons. Most however are not the firebrands that shout to the masses, but rather more senior members of the Ecclesiarchy preaching kindly on the gift that those in the area have received in their station and asking that they return that gift in the form of donation to the church.

((I'll suppose next post we'll arrive at the villa, I'd like to see your thoughts on the new area that you find yourselves in.))

Naturally, Ariel had attempted to help using the map, but her utter lack of experience with the vast, three-dimensional environment showed early on that this task seemed out of her league. For better or worse, the other novice did not fare much better, perhaps proving that their inability to navigate the hive was simply due to having been confined to the safety and security of the convent walls, still having trouble adapting to the loud and chaotic outside life.

Fortunately, it soon dawned that the priest seemed to have the most ability navigating the group through the spire, and so progress resumed. The dusk-skinned novice took this opportunity to take in the sights of the upper hive, which looked wholly different to the grim darkness of the lower levels. Here, there was light, and even vestiges of beauty, however faded. From looking upwards and through the massive lift shafts, it seemed that further towards the top, the luxury and decadence grew even more opulent. The contrast was strong enough that they may just as well be on another continent, or another world. Briefly, Ariel worried whether they might not look out of place in their cheap-looking clothes, but considered that the shrine would also see a large host of pilgrims every day.

A more grounded individual might have been aghast at how many resources must go to waste just to maintain the lights, but even though her station as a servant of the Emperor put her much closer to the thralls in the underhive, her upbringing in the schola and convent also affected the girl's perception of poverty. Though Ariel had a firm moral compass enabling her to become enraged at injustice, she also saw poverty as a virtue rather than the daily fight for survival it truly was in places such as these. And thus, she remained calm.

Estelia marveled at the massive frost formations visible around the cooling units, such structures did not exist on Ophelia, as it lacked the massive manufactorium facilties present on Desolatum. They had a certain primal beauty that the gilded arches of the Ecclesiarchy’s cathedrals lacked. Another inspiring testament to the God-Emperor’s splendor.

The wealth of the citizenry was apparent here, though greater opulence simply grants greater opportunity (and duty) to return your gifts to the Emperor manyfold. They seemed in general better mannered than the dock workers they had passed previously, though the worst of heretics were usually model citizens on the outside. On the other hand, how much would she stand out here? The Father looked, well, like a priest, and Ariel could pass for a simple lay servant (albeit with a rather large shotgun), but where would that leave Estelia? Her armor’s iconography marked her Ministorum aphiliation clearly, though flak armour and bolt pistols seemed more becoming of an Imperial Guard officer than a ley servant of the Ecclesiarchy. Hopefully people would simply ignore her the way that noble had. Or assume she was an officer visiting from a high gravity world.

Edited by Servant of Dante

Balthazar remembers reading about the grand cathedrals of Desoleum during his studies on Thaur. As the group wanders through the streets, the old dusty maps he scrutinized through the long hours of the night are made manifest in physical form all around him. He takes care to point out any buildings of religious import or statues of saints to the Novices.

"There is a statue of Saint Ignaltus, patron saint of workers who might crush their hands in machinery while toiling for the good of the Imperium. This statue shows him in the moment before his martyrdom, as his sleeves are caught in an autofabricator and he is dragged screaming to his untimely end. Though his death was tragic, the long hours of work by Ignaltus and his peers assured that the foundries of Desoleum never fell silent even during the Great Plagues of M39.804. As you might imagine, a vast number of workers here speak prayers in his favor before every shift." Balthazar beams with reverent pride as he recounts this story for the Novices.

After passing several statues devoted to oddly specific saints, Balthazar leads the group to the secret Inquisition hideout.

Edited by Covered in Weasels
On 11/6/2017 at 8:56 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

After passing several statues devoted to oddly specific saints, Balthazar leads the group to the secret Inquisition hideout.

On 11/1/2017 at 11:02 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Hopefully people would simply ignore her the way that noble had. Or assume she was an officer visiting from a high gravity world.

On 11/1/2017 at 1:33 AM, Lynata said:

And thus, she remained calm.

Father Thorne's path leads, as intended, along the way towards the Grand Shrine of the Oath, but slightly turns here and there in a natural way to eventually bring the group towards a descending incline. Eventually the streets clear of pedestrians and the group are the only ones along the way, the area does not seem dilapidated, but it isn't occupied, as this area seems to be one of the more blocked off areas of Desoleum City/the Upper Hive. The silence is more noticeable here and really only the background of the hive groaning with its own existence is to be heard around here. The smell of dust and age is stronger here, the lack of occupants means that the area does not have as much air re-circulation through this part of the hive.

Quite suddenly you're upon the villa, a turn off of a block down an alleyway opens up and it is there. Roofed, as if it is a pearl in a clam, by other buildings of this area the villa is its own separate structure. It is not overt or gaudy as some other homes of hive nobles are known to be, but by no means is it unkempt. It does not show the same signs of blockages that other buildings of the area have, though there are no outward signs of occupation either. It seems large enough to house a small company of people if they were pressed in to the defense. The only noticeably extravagant thing in the area is a small fusion like device that is acting like a miniature sun attached at the roof. At this point it is an orange red, reflecting Desoleum's own sun in setting as it is getting later in the day. The building is made of some form of gold colored marble, the area surrounding the villa is smoothed rockcrete, other than the main housing area is a greenhouse under the warmth of the miniature sun. But this is all that can be seen in front of the villa.

“This is the place? It looks nice, like something you see in pict-capts of buildings on agri worlds.”

of course the novice had never been to an agri world, but she knew what one looked like from her Schola education. This looked like the kind of house the middle to upper echelon of an agri world would live in, though many of those would have had open sky above.

”Should we just go up to the door? I’m sure someone is watching it.”

Estelia didn’t think it was likely that the house would be dangerous, but her day had been rather unpredictable so far, as one could suspect when dealing with the irreverent masses and possibly heretics, she supposed.

Balthazar comes to a stop and blinks once or twice in surprise. He wasn't sure exactly what to expect from a secret Inquisition hideout, but it certainly wasn't this.

After a moment of contemplation, he turns to the Sisters. "I do suppose we should walk right up to the door. If someone is watching the door they should be able to let us in."