Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

On 9/6/2019 at 2:24 PM, Servant of Dante said:

On 9/8/2019 at 1:06 AM, Lynata said:

16 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

When you return it is nearly evening, at least the luminen globe above the villa is setting again, and Inellia lets you rest for the evening before calling a meeting the following morning.

Lax is not present at the meeting, but Inellia is going over a data-slate, presumably Lax's formal findings from the information gathered at the listening relay, and Innelia is as ever drinking some cup of herbal tea and humming a hymnal to herself as you filter in. When all are present, she puts aside her cup and nods to the lot of you.

"Lax did fine work gathering information from the machine-spirit at the relay-station, and this report proves as much. Not only did he find what you were looking for, but he seemed to gather extra information as well that you may find prudent in the next parts of your investigation.

First and foremost, there was information found relating to the tailor's deliveries and where her last shipment was picked up and delivered to. It appears through this relay-traffic that there are multiple divisions within this organization, the Consortium, but there seems to be one... tag? for the group that is focused on these handkerchiefs. That traffic, while not verbose, does relate to multiple delivery codes from the tailor. The addresses to which these deliveries go to are varied, and interestingly go across and through the entire hive.

The latest delivery was sent to an Alms House in the Mid-Hives, to what ends was not stated.

The extra information is useful in one regard and more concerning in another.

The first piece is that it appears that Rosalind Novianna was mentioned in this Consortium traffic as a person of interest going to the Alms House in question. The nature of the interest was not stated, but it appears that this would be her last known location, at least at this time.

The second piece...is that it appears one piece of traffic was noted after around the time of you going to send the message to Juno, the contents are coded, obviously, but appear...concerning regardless. While we don't know the full cipher the context of the message.

((You can read it here: https://community.fantasyflightgames.com/topic/228883-of-great-and-terrible-things/?do=findComment&comment=3252117))

It is best to assume that the nature of this message means that we are a known factor. The depth of that knowledge of course isn't seen yet, but it is a factor we have to remain aware of now."

She looks at you three gravely, not in a way of punishment, but in a way to impart the seriousness that she is at least feeling at the last piece of information.

The dusk-skinned novice had assumed a military-like stance, hands clasped behind the back as she listened to their host's revelations. Having discarded the tattered flak cloak earlier, she retained the much better maintained bodyglove, within these walls dispensing with her usual disguise.

The latent smugness in her facial expression faded as soon as Inellia played back the recording and explained its contents.

"Our message to Juno ... but at that point we had barely arrived. Have we been shadowed this early? Who could it be?"

10 hours ago, Lynata said:

"Our message to Juno ... but at that point we had barely arrived. Have we been shadowed this early? Who could it be?"

"Feasibly anyone, the Consortium's power is in the hive's nobility but they have reach throughout the entire social structure of Desoleum Primus at the very least into Port Gyre if not the rest of the planet." Inellia answers simply. "I would highly doubt you'd have recognized the agent of theirs even if you saw them face to face, millions of people live in the hive, and it seems the only identifier this splinter may share relates in some way to these handkerchiefs. However, there could be more signifiers we don't know about...yet."

((Just answering you in case it informs the others.))

"Well at least we have somewhere to look next, although it's disturbing to think that someone has been watching us all this time . . ."

Estelia found the masses of the Hive fascinating, to the point that sometimes she forgot how different they were from the people of the Convent. So few were truly devout, by her estimation, and any could be a spy, a heretic. She certainly hadn't been making herself very hard to notice.

"We'll have to see if the things we asked Cassa for will be helpful or not."

7 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

"Well at least we have somewhere to look next, although it's disturbing to think that someone has been watching us all this time . . ."


Inellia nods, "Yes, they should at least help you blend in up here, or keep people out of your way in the mid-hive. I wouldn't be too afraid of someone watching us right now, there seems to have been little mention of the issue since then. If they knew where we were at, and felt like trying to deal with the issue they'd likely have done it by now. With how quiet the mission at the relay-station went I wouldn't suspect we'll see retaliation either."

((Just answering you in case it informs Balt.))

Balthazar grimaces slightly as he responds. "I really had hoped we would go unnoticed for just a while longer, though at least our affiliations remain unknown. Alas, we must press on and hope we can uncover more clues before anyone digs deeper into our identities. "

On 9/17/2019 at 8:50 PM, Lynata said:

On 9/18/2019 at 11:33 PM, Servant of Dante said:

6 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar grimaces slightly as he responds. "I really had hoped we would go unnoticed for just a while longer, though at least our affiliations remain unknown. Alas, we must press on and hope we can uncover more clues before anyone digs deeper into our identities. "

Inellia nods at the father, "Indeed, I feel like that sums up the situation quite well. It is a situation that has already occurred and one we are just now learning about, but it at least appears that they do not know much about what has been done so far. Before that occurs, hopefully enough will be known to strike at the threat before it can subsume us."

She picks up her cup and finishes her brew, "The question remains as to what your next step will be concerning the investigation. Obviously this next link seems to be related to the Alms House in the Mid-Hive, but how you want to go about looking in to it is your business. I'll of course assist in what ways I believe are reasonable, but to offer any aid I'd need to know what you're planning."

She waits for you to bring your ideas to the table.

Ariel seems to weigh her options, at least as far as she can see. "It would be unlikely that the people there would easily divulge any information about her, is it not? Perhaps we should have the place surrounded by enforcers and simply drag them to the interrogation chambers. It might just be the quickest option -- if our enemies are already aware of our movements, they will either try to neutralize us, or cut the thread we are following."

Estelia shakes her head slowly, "but that would just tell them their suspicions were correct, and the people we catch probably won't be all of them. Cults like to draw in members, right? If we don't know how much they know about us we might not want to reveal any more."

"Talking to the alms house patrons and low-level staff could be a good start. Any one individual likely won't know much, but talk to enough people and any irregularities will start to stand out." Balthazar leans forward as he continues. "If we are disguised in our new attire I believe we can ask some circumspect questions without arousing too much suspicion. Then we can use the answers to probe further in the right direction."

On 9/28/2019 at 11:05 PM, Lynata said:

Ariel seems to weigh her options, at least as far as she can see. "It would be unlikely that the people there would easily divulge any information about her, is it not? Perhaps we should have the place surrounded by enforcers and simply drag them to the interrogation chambers. It might just be the quickest option -- if our enemies are already aware of our movements, they will either try to neutralize us, or cut the thread we are following."

On 9/29/2019 at 8:04 PM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia shakes her head slowly, "but that would just tell them their suspicions were correct, and the people we catch probably won't be all of them. Cults like to draw in members, right? If we don't know how much they know about us we might not want to reveal any more."

8 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

"Talking to the alms house patrons and low-level staff could be a good start. Any one individual likely won't know much, but talk to enough people and any irregularities will start to stand out." Balthazar leans forward as he continues. "If we are disguised in our new attire I believe we can ask some circumspect questions without arousing too much suspicion. Then we can use the answers to probe further in the right direction."

Inellia nods at the Father's suggestion, "Of course it's within your right to be as...assertive as you desire in your investigation. Estelia isn't incorrect in the idea that it would certainly reveal our existence without inherently revealing the root of the issue. Balthazar's suggestion of a lighter approach, for an opener at least, I feel would get you the best of both worlds...you can always call in someone to arrest them all later."

You see her smile slightly in respect to her last comment.

She considers, "If you're going to approach with subterfuge you'll need a good cover story, do you have any ideas of how you'd want to appear to the alms house?"

Estelia looks at the oath cog on her wrist that they do gotten on their visit to the Administratum building.

“Don’t our cogs the Administratum gave us say we’re offworlders or something? We might want to just pretend to be visitors from another planet of some sort. I guess that’s what we are really, but still. Would it make sense for offworlders to visit this Alms House?”

30 minutes ago, Servant of Dante said:

“Don’t our cogs the Administratum gave us say we’re offworlders or something? We might want to just pretend to be visitors from another planet of some sort. I guess that’s what we are really, but still. Would it make sense for offworlders to visit this Alms House?”

Inellia considers, "Well, for some reason Rosalind was visiting the Alms House and she was from offworld, so...it would depend on why she did no?"

Ariel considers the others' words with a skeptical expression, perhaps driven by a feeling that maintaining subtlety will only give their enemies more time -- or worse, allow them to prepare a trap. "It sounds dangerous. If they are already aware of us, if they know our faces, what good is a disguise? We could be walking into an ambush ill-prepared, without allies to help us."

The novice shakes her head, briefly massaging her right temple. Perhaps it is mere frustration driving her to seek drastic solutions to their problem. Either way, she does not appear to force the issue any more now that her point is made.

"These clothes certainly won't make us look like we belong", she adds. "I suppose the Father could pose as a Ministorum envoy offering the help of the Church. On some worlds, the Ecclesiarchy engages in such activities, and perhaps the Father would even be able to procure suitable documentation."

9 hours ago, Lynata said:

Ariel considers the others' words with a skeptical expression, perhaps driven by a feeling that maintaining subtlety will only give their enemies more time -- or worse, allow them to prepare a trap. "It sounds dangerous. If they are already aware of us, if they know our faces, what good is a disguise? We could be walking into an ambush ill-prepared, without allies to help us."

"There are dangers everywhere on the planet. Whether you're in a ballroom or on a battlefield. But, you're assuming that this enemy force is homogeneous. That their information network is fast and sure, and these may not be true." She shrugs her shoulders slightly, "Having had experience with both, there's something to be said about having an opponent charging at you directly, but in the Inquisition you rarely get to choose an area of engagement."

On 10/6/2019 at 11:05 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

On 10/11/2019 at 8:43 AM, Servant of Dante said:

On 10/12/2019 at 8:01 PM, Lynata said:

Inellia awaits commentary from the Father but notes he seems to also be weighing the options, she offers, "Perhaps, if you're considering what best action to take at the alms house, it'd be best to understand why Rosalind went there in the first place." She shuffles through some papers and nods when she's found what she's looking for, "She's of House Novianna, of which the main holding is the same area that the relay station was near. She was visiting from offworld according to the information you learned back at Kappex, and so it's likely that she at least spent some time there before going off to do...whatever it is that she's gotten up to. Perhaps it's where she came in contact with the handkerchief and associated group in the first place? If taking the plunge into the alms house seems risky, which it could very well be, the holdings of Novianna may provide better context for what you'd be walking in to, or it may provide a whole new lead altogether."

She awaits the trio's input.

"That would mean getting into a private estate, wouldn't it? Or . . . I guess I don't know how house holdings work on Desolatum. At the least we could find someone who works in maintaining the house or grounds and lives elsewhere, and speak with them as they make their way home. It's a priest's job to keep an eye on the spiritual well-being of all the Emperor's children." Estelia grins at her own almost-clever statement.

3 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

"That would mean getting into a private estate, wouldn't it? Or . . . I guess I don't know how house holdings work on Desolatum. At the least we could find someone who works in maintaining the house or grounds and lives elsewhere, and speak with them as they make their way home. It's a priest's job to keep an eye on the spiritual well-being of all the Emperor's children." Estelia grins at her own almost-clever statement.

Inelia nods in assent, "Yes, but speaking with someone could betray your cause without a good cover, or simply reveal that the help isn't aware of their master's business. That isn't to say don't try, but it bares mentioning the possible downsides."

"The way you say that, my lady", Ariel interjects, "makes it sound like you would suggest another data probe, like the one we had conducted with Brother Lax' help." The novice's eyes are fixed on their host as if attempting to look for clues to confirm her suspicion.

7 hours ago, Lynata said:

"The way you say that, my lady", Ariel interjects, "makes it sound like you would suggest another data probe, like the one we had conducted with Brother Lax' help." The novice's eyes are fixed on their host as if attempting to look for clues to confirm her suspicion.

She looks at Ariel impassively, ((but you could make an Scrutiny test at +10 if you'd like to try and judge her)) "As I've mentioned previously, this is your investigation. I'm simply offering commentary. They may not have anything to probe in relation to actual technology. You could go and find someone to talk to, many houses have disgruntled servants after all and getting them to speak may be as simple as lending an ear or a throne in hand. I was simply airing the risks involved. If this is a cult of widespread it seems at least the ones with the kerchiefs are more dangerous than whatever general members there may be. There have to be those lower than others, such is the way of hierarchies."

Balthazar inclines his head in agreement. "Indeed, the servants or lower- ranking members of the organization should be the best place to begin our search. The area near the meeting house is likely to be the best place for this, and disguises sound prudent. I have no further questions at this time, should we proceed with our search?" He looks to the Novices for a response.

On 10/18/2019 at 4:21 PM, Servant of Dante said:

On 10/20/2019 at 11:45 PM, Lynata said:

7 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar inclines his head in agreement. "Indeed, the servants or lower- ranking members of the organization should be the best place to begin our search. The area near the meeting house is likely to be the best place for this, and disguises sound prudent. I have no further questions at this time, should we proceed with our search?" He looks to the Novices for a response.

Inellia nods approvingly at Balthazar taking firm hold of the situation and sits back silently while the trio begins to sort itself out.

((We rolled the scrutiny test but it failed pretty well and no FP was rerolled.))

“What sort of disguises are you thinking of? I only have the pilgrim’s robe unless we wait for the clothes we asked for.”

Estelia realized that as far as she had known until now, most people seemed to only have one or two pairs of clothes, since she had spent her time around deacons and Sisters. The pictures she had seen of nobility though had shown a wide variety of clothes, and there seemed to be a lot for them to choose from, so either they all owned large wardrobes, or there were more nobility on the planet than she had realized.

”if we’re asking servants questions, what sort of people would we be pretending to be? A priest would make some sense, but if they already noticed Father Thorne at the Administratum building . . .”

"It seems to me that our old garments might be suitable for supplicants, whereas what we ordered would be more appropriate for potential patrons, perhaps inquiring about how to support the facility", Ariel muses. "Estelia is right that we are more likely to be identified if we keep presenting ourselves as we did, however." Under her breath, yet loud enough to be audible, she adds: "We are taking a big risk as it is."

On 10/28/2019 at 12:39 AM, Covered in Weasels said:

On 11/4/2019 at 9:23 AM, Servant of Dante said:

“What sort of disguises are you thinking of? I only have the pilgrim’s robe unless we wait for the clothes we asked for.”

”if we’re asking servants questions, what sort of people would we be pretending to be? A priest would make some sense, but if they already noticed Father Thorne at the Administratum building . . .”

"To be fair, it didn't seem to be just Father Thorne that was noticed." Inellia notes.

On 11/6/2019 at 7:45 AM, Lynata said:

"It seems to me that our old garments might be suitable for supplicants, whereas what we ordered would be more appropriate for potential patrons, perhaps inquiring about how to support the facility", Ariel muses. "Estelia is right that we are more likely to be identified if we keep presenting ourselves as we did, however." Under her breath, yet loud enough to be audible, she adds: "We are taking a big risk as it is."

"You aren't incorrect either way, if you were to present as the downtrodden masses, the Alms House might be able to take you in. If this...cult is there then you may get a chance at further infiltration. That however would be incredibly dangerous for a variety of reasons. If the cult is even interested in the masses. If you were to present yourself as nobility then the higher ups in the Alms House may at least pay attention to social strata and the possibility of monetary gain." Inellia adds.