Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

On 4/20/2019 at 7:33 PM, Servant of Dante said:

23 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

You all work your way out of the tunnels to the entrance that you took in the first place, ((I'm keeping the stealth from before)) into a still darkened street as the night cycle is ongoing at this point.

The streets seem somehow a little darker yet, even though the lumin levels of the street lamps are likely set to stay at the same dim setting they always are. Perhaps the overall back lighting of the area is lower or even at this point in the hive perhaps Desoleum's actual evening is affecting visibility. The air is clearer now, after a couple of hours of lower traffic, but still carries the tinge of human existence and infrastructure. In comparison to the smell in the tunnels this may as well be the fresh air of a Garden World. Accompanying a muted smell is also the muted noise of the area, it seems that this part of the hive has managed to calm itself, if for a time at least, as you can only occasionally hear the cacaphony of existence.

For all intent and purpose one may describe the setting as serene, if not for coming off the adrenaline rush of committing a crime that is.

It's been roughly two hours or so since the trio set out on their mission for the evening.

Lax cuts across your microbeads in a controlled tone, "Well...where to, back to the villa or somewhere to burn out the night cycle in case we're being tailed?"

On 4/21/2019 at 12:58 AM, Lynata said:

((Roll of 22 vs Perception 35, +20 for Routine Difficulty, -20 for Untrained, for a total of 2 DoS))

Ariel, even with Lax's helmet on you can pick up on body language alone that he seems...frustrated with what just happened. Not frustrated with anyone else in the group, but certainly frustrated with himself, his body language is sharp and slightly aggressive as if he's minutely taking it out on a focal point of blame.

"That sounds unlikely", Ariel comments after nonetheless throwing a sceptical glance back across her shoulder. "But perhaps we could stop behind a corner for a bit, just to make sure."

The novice slightly adjusts her direction, moving closer to the security trooper and, with a brief touch on her neck, temporarily switches off her subvocal comm. "Brother Lax", she addresses him with voice lowered. "Was this the first time you shot someone?"

Estelia nods and glances around for an alleyway to step into. (assuming she sees one she moves toward it quietly as before).

To Balthazar she says, "That is the truth of it, I suppose. There will always be death, and we all are willing to die should He call our name, but that doesn't make it any less unsettling in person, the first time at least." The smouldering corpse of the guard comes back to mind, and she shakes her head, trying to forget for the moment.

"I'll be happy to get back to the villa"

Balthazar says, "Absolutely. I think we could all use a rest after today."

((Balthazar would like to wait for a moment to try and make sure they aren't being rattled before taking a circuitous route back to the villa. ))

On 4/28/2019 at 11:39 AM, Lynata said:

"That sounds unlikely", Ariel comments after nonetheless throwing a sceptical glance back across her shoulder. "But perhaps we could stop behind a corner for a bit, just to make sure."

The novice slightly adjusts her direction, moving closer to the security trooper and, with a brief touch on her neck, temporarily switches off her subvocal comm. "Brother Lax", she addresses him with voice lowered. "Was this the first time you shot someone?"

Lax gives no indication one way or the other to the choice, taking the lead of those he feels have more authority in the situation. He moves with the group into a side alleyway off the street, a sump-rat quickly scurries down the alley in the darkness out of a small pile of refuse it had been perusing.

He turns to Ariel, pausing a moment to consider, and shakes his head. He thinks about how to reply and takes off his helmet breathing in the 'fresh'-ly recycled air, "No, first time I missed in a combat situation. First time I got that turned around...first time I put my team mates in jeopardy for an idiotic mistake."

((I'll wait to figure out what kind of social roll if any for you to make based on Ariel's approach.))

On 4/28/2019 at 5:53 PM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia nods and glances around for an alleyway to step into. (assuming she sees one she moves toward it quietly as before).

To Balthazar she says, "That is the truth of it, I suppose. There will always be death, and we all are willing to die should He call our name, but that doesn't make it any less unsettling in person, the first time at least." The smouldering corpse of the guard comes back to mind, and she shakes her head, trying to forget for the moment.

"I'll be happy to get back to the villa"

You see no one in the alleyway, which is possibly surprising given what you saw in the Port or mid part of the hive. It seems relatively garbage free at that, seemingly some form of recycling servitors must go through here semi-regularly. You see a light on a window higher up, but it's not open. You feel a slight breeze from the cross wind going through the alleyway.

18 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar says, "Absolutely. I think we could all use a rest after today."

((Balthazar would like to wait for a moment to try and make sure they aren't being rattled before taking a circuitous route back to the villa. ))

((Fair enough, you can roll a +30 Scrutiny to tell the overall mood of the novices, and you can roll an Awareness +0 if you'd like to pick up on what Ariel is discussing with Lax through Lip Reading.))

Noticing Ariel and Lax conversing quietly, Estelia says over the com bead, “see something?”

((Awareness to look around the alley for other ways in/out such as doors in the walls, and anything else that looks threatening: 20 Per + 0 Known = 20; Roll(in Discord): 47 for 3 DoF))

”I don’t see anything . . .” the novice still has her weapons ready, perhaps still a bit too jumpy from their encounter in the relay station.

Unusually for her stoic behavior, the dusk-skinned novice snorted dismissively at the security trooper's explanation, the concerned expression replaced by a hint of annoyance. As she spoke, however, her words hinted at these feelings directed more at herself than the other: "Well, Brother Lax, at least your gun actually discharged." The girl did not seem to be very diplomatic, but perhaps even just the simple act of showing a lack of interest in his perceived fault might help him come to terms with his guilt. Perhaps this was just her way of addressing such things.

Pulling the heavy shotgun's sling off the shoulder it rested on, her eyes critically inspected the rifle now held in both hands again, as if her piercing glare alone might will the weapon's machine spirit back into action. "I may just have tinkered with it a little too much. Suppose this eliminates the Pronatus from my list of future assignments."

((I'm going to refrain from testing Inspire here, lest I just make poor Lax feel even more miserable :P))

Balthazar addressed Lax and Ariel as the group watched for tails. "You both reacted quickly and brought your weapons to bear without hesitation. Once we do that, the Emperor must decide if our bullets find their mark. We accomplished our mission today without injuries, so we should all be thankful. Keep training and maintaining your weapons, and He will see us through any trial."

On 5/8/2019 at 9:35 PM, Lynata said:

Unusually for her stoic behavior, the dusk-skinned novice snorted dismissively at the security trooper's explanation, the concerned expression replaced by a hint of annoyance. As she spoke, however, her words hinted at these feelings directed more at herself than the other: "Well, Brother Lax, at least your gun actually discharged."

... "I may just have tinkered with it a little too much. Suppose this eliminates the Pronatus from my list of future assignments."

Lax looks blankly at Ariel for a moment and then snorts quietly to himself, "Yeah, I guess I have that going for me...whatever a Pronatus is I guess."

He sighs and looks down again, he doesn't seem any worse for wear, but neither does he seem to be feeling any better about himself and what he's seemingly internalizing.

On 5/6/2019 at 10:40 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Noticing Ariel and Lax conversing quietly, Estelia says over the com bead, “see something?”

”I don’t see anything . . .” the novice still has her weapons ready, perhaps still a bit too jumpy from their encounter in the relay station.

Lax looks around as well, ((Giving an Awareness test. Baseline +20, Per 37 total 57 Roll 80 for 4DoF)) "No, I don't see anything either. Seems pretty quiet, this high up we shouldn't really be too worried. I just felt it prudent to raise the possibility. No one ever got hurt from a bit of caution..."

3 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar addressed Lax and Ariel as the group watched for tails. "You both reacted quickly and brought your weapons to bear without hesitation. Once we do that, the Emperor must decide if our bullets find their mark. We accomplished our mission today without injuries, so we should all be thankful. Keep training and maintaining your weapons, and He will see us through any trial."

Laz makes a sidelong glance at the father like he wants to make a comment, but realizes his company and refrains.

"Well, if we're going back, long way or no, we should probably get started now otherwise we won't get back before the morning cycle begins."

((Alright, one last reply for any final comments or points, and then next post will be wrapping up this little part of the adventure I feel and giving out XP. It's been a minute.))

“I could definitely use some food . . . or some sleep,” Estelia keeps her vision ahead as they move down the alleyway, “the longer we take getting back the more time for anyone who might know what’s happening to catch up to us or alert whoever they work for.”

"Or a prayer", the other novice adds to her companion's wishlist, perhaps just out of a habit to remind Estelia of their duties, or at least what Ariel considered as such.

The dusk-skinned Sororitas would remain silent and in thought for the rest of the trip, though by no means did this mark an unusual change in behavior.

On 5/20/2019 at 8:38 AM, Covered in Weasels said:

((Balthazar stated OOC that they have no extra commentary

On 5/24/2019 at 10:20 AM, Servant of Dante said:

“I could definitely use some food . . . or some sleep,” Estelia keeps her vision ahead as they move down the alleyway, “the longer we take getting back the more time for anyone who might know what’s happening to catch up to us or alert whoever they work for.”

On 5/24/2019 at 11:24 PM, Lynata said:

"Or a prayer", the other novice adds to her companion's wishlist, perhaps just out of a habit to remind Estelia of their duties, or at least what Ariel considered as such.

The dusk-skinned Sororitas would remain silent and in thought for the rest of the trip, though by no means did this mark an unusual change in behavior.

Giving xp for the lowest test modifier.
Weapon Skill +0 130
Scrutiny +30 50
Awareness +0 130
Stealth -10 170
Influence -30 250
Acrobatics -10 170
Ballistic Skill +10 100

Current Total XP: 1000

Roleplaying reward 300 (roleplaying rewards are 50 XP * #of pages the part took)

For a cool 1300 XP

Other Rewards:

-Refresh your fate points

-Commit some Downtime Acquisitions - Don't forget that house rule we added in with the bonuses.

-If you want to make some secondary tests to further investigate the situation you will find yourselves in

____________________ Part 4 rewards

((Smaller rewards this time sure, but we had our first combat which I feel is important enough to consider it the end of a narrative point to the adventure.))

Lax mentioned that it will take time to go over the information gained from the listening post.

He will report back with the rest of the team when anything comes of the data.

After a few days Inellia notes that the Madame Inquisitor gave word of her approval at your success. Yes, deaths did occur, but your equipment and subtlety in the situation seems to have allowed the situation to remain as quiet as possible with as little collateral as could be expected. She is allowing you to access her own resources for the purposes of acquiring a piece of wargear.

((Mechanically this is an additional Acquisition, made with an Influence of 75. I don't mind if you combine this with your usual bonuses per the house rules if you desire.

So yeah, we'll just set up your additional rolls if any and handle xp and influence spending before going in to the next part.))

Advances Taken:
Eye of Vengeance [400], Fellowship (Simple) [250], Charm (Known) [200], Charm (Trained) [400]
50 XP remaining

Expander Rounds: 30(Inf) - 10(Scarce) +10(+10 of +30 downtime bonus) = 30; Roll(in Discord): 53 ( 3 DoF )
Flak Cloak: 30(Inf) - 10(Scarce) +20(+20 of +30 downtime bonus) = 40; Roll(in Discord): 51 ( 2 DoF )
Clothing: 30(Inf) +30(Abundant) = 60; Roll(in Discord): 75 ( 2 DoF )

Estelia also wanted to visit the dressmaker the group had talked to for information before, but she isn't sure how safe it would be. She'll try to find a moment to ask Inellia if the Sister thinks it would be unwise.

Edited by Servant of Dante


  • Attribute increase: Ballistic Skill , Simple (-100 XP) -> BS 40
  • Attribute increase: Ballistic Skill , Intermediate (-250 XP) -> BS 45
  • Attribute increase: Intelligence , Simple (-500 XP) -> INT 35
  • Skill increase: Command (-300 XP)
  • Skill increase: Interrogation (-200 XP)

1.350/1.500 XP (left: 50)

Acquisitions (as usual, leaving the rolls to the GM)

  • Fire Selector (using the full +20 bonus from Influence)
  • Solid Slugs (let's try this again..)
  • Plasma Pistol (if Madame Inquisitor lets us have the pick of her armoury, Ariel won't say no :P )
Edited by Lynata

Experience allocation:

- Logic skill, rank 1 (200)

- Cover Up talent (450)

- Contact Network talent (450)

- Takedown talent (300)

(All experience spent)

Acquisition rolls:

- Using Inquisitor's Influence, successfully acquired subdermal plating

- Failed to acquire smoke grenades

- Acquired grapnel and line with many degrees of success

On 5/27/2019 at 3:50 PM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia also wanted to visit the dressmaker the group had talked to for information before, but she isn't sure how safe it would be. She'll try to find a moment to ask Inellia if the Sister thinks it would be unwise.

On 6/3/2019 at 1:51 AM, Lynata said:

13 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

((I think we'll handle any vignettes desired here before working into the brunt of the next part.))

We open back to the meeting area that Inellia has taken hold of within the villa, the mass of papers and slates seem no less in number but different in the specific pieces that exist therein. Looking across the various subjects you note nothing inherently different about the subjects covered though still concerning the nature of noble families of Desoleum and other finer points about culture and layout of the hive.

Inellia addresses the group gathered there, "I have called you all here in order to give you a minor update from Lax's ministrations with the data gathered from your mission at the listening post near the Novianna grounds. He's stated that he's covered the majority of it and is collating the rest of the minor pieces from what is there. The machine-spirits used in the systems were quite informative when coaxed it appears and a good bit of extra information on the Consortium seems to have been gathered. This is quite a boon, for the Inquisition apparently has been hard pressed for any deeper information on the group, even if this proves to only be focused on a heretical branch of the group it should help further investigations on Desoleum in the future for those in the Ordo Askellon.

As for how the Listening Post has been handled it appears that Lax's work in gathering the pieces of equipment utilized in the operation helped immensely in keeping information from being gathered concerning the group. Killing both guards before they could report what they saw helped to it seems. It appears that the Consortium is keeping their investigation internal at the time, utilizing their own Enforcer group to investigate, after all this didn't concern any crimes against an Adeptus branch so the Arbites wouldn't need to have been involved. The Machine-Spirit, according to Lax, wouldn't have kept any memory of who was interfacing with it, but it would remember what was divulged. It is also a possibility that the utility-servitor may have had recording devices within it, but if there were any then it is also likely that Lax's equipment would have inhibited that as well. All things considered, I believe the Inquisitrix is pleased with the outcome of your operation, things could have certainly gone much worse.

While Lax is finishing up his formal report, i wanted to know if there were any other minor investigations or business you wished to handle before the next part of your investigation takes your focus."

With that, she opens the table to discussion.

Even though she didn't fully understand all of what the Sister had said, Estelia was relieved to hear that their mission had been successful. The Novice glanced sheepishly at the others in the room, seeing the new equipment they had procured.

"Well . . . I had been looking for some more local clothes that would let me blend in more. Maybe something like a servant of some lesser nobility, which wouldn't be too out of place either here or higher up in the spire. I hadn't been able to find anything so far, but I wanted to return to the clothier we visited previously for information. I might be able to buy something workable there, assuming I have enough currency."

The other novice, meanwhile, appeared somewhat less good-humoured, though it was difficult to tell how much of this was down to her usual demeanour. "So it would have been better to terminate the servitor as well?", Ariel followed up on their host's explanations.

Briefly, she also considered highlighting Lax' contributions a little more, either here or in private with the lady, and then in explicit reference to his worrying display of self-doubt, suggesting that their superior should see to his morale. Ultimately, she decided against it. If the security trooper's spirits would not lift soon, certainly he would seek confession by himself. Preempting his decision might be something he'd not appreciate -- at least she knew she wouldn't.

Estelia's idea made her turn her head and regard the other girl with a raised eyebrow. "I was under the impression our clothing was adequate?", she turned and addressed the question at their host, perhaps displaying a certain lack of finesse in judging local fashion.

On 6/12/2019 at 12:48 PM, Servant of Dante said:

"Well . . . I had been looking for some more local clothes that would let me blend in more. Maybe something like a servant of some lesser nobility, which wouldn't be too out of place either here or higher up in the spire. I hadn't been able to find anything so far, but I wanted to return to the clothier we visited previously for information. I might be able to buy something workable there, assuming I have enough currency."

Inellia nods, "It would make sense, given what you've previously mentioned about the clothier. Following up on the nature of that contact would not be a bad idea, given that she's associated with the part of the Consortium the investigation is concerned with. I caution only that you remember that she is unaware that the Inquisition has it's eye on her, and it would be...useful if she were to remain unaware of the gravity of her involvement. As for your desire to find clothing to fit in with the upper echelons, it is never a bad idea to look like one's target. Camouflage comes in a variety of forms, as I've been informed."

She considers for a moment, "What information would you be after out of the clothier, that you did not already get from your first meeting?"

On 6/12/2019 at 9:48 PM, Lynata said:

The other novice, meanwhile, appeared somewhat less good-humoured, though it was difficult to tell how much of this was down to her usual demeanour. "So it would have been better to terminate the servitor as well?", Ariel followed up on their host's explanations.


Estelia's idea made her turn her head and regard the other girl with a raised eyebrow. "I was under the impression our clothing was adequate?", she turned and addressed the question at their host, perhaps displaying a certain lack of finesse in judging local fashion.

Inellia looks over to Ariel, "I don't know the specifications of that particular servitor, nor if the Consortium has them further modified to their own ends for whatever ties they share with the planet's Mechanicus wrights, nor still if the splinter of the Consortium this investigation is concerned with has them modified without the greater entities knowledge. Would it have been better? Would destroying the main console of the relay have been better in case Lax was incorrect about it recording his infiltration of the system? At the end of the day, a servitor is a similar sort of device, no? One has to make choices about the trails they leave. I offer no opinion on the trails you decide to leave behind save what our benefactor has mentioned."

She looks over Ariel's clothing, "Your clothing is of course adequate, but sometimes a situation calls for clothing that is above adequacy. Blending in to a group can require such clothing depending on the social encounter. I wouldn't suggest that you go to a party dressed like that, perhaps Father Thorne may be able to get away with his Ministorum vestments, but looking the part can go a long way in this line of work."

On 6/9/2019 at 7:55 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

((I think I worded my previous post poorly, I meant I wanted to get clothes from "the clothier we got information from before" rather than I wanted to go to the clothier we visited before for the purpose of gathering additional information :P ))

"Oh, I was just thinking of getting clothes from them. Without knowing what we found out from the relay station I don't have any ideas for other questions that she might have answers too. If we thought she might be suspicious we could tell her something about how what we were asking about was a dead end or not necessary, but I don't trust myself to lie effectively so it might be best to just leave things as they are."

Ariel ever so slightly tilted her head to the side at their host's choice of words. Though she explicitly withheld voicing an opinion, the novice got the distinct impression that their actions were judged unsuitable, considering that any sort of trail - barring intentional misdirection - was to be considered a liability. Something to keep in mind for the future.

"If we are to attend ceremonial functions, I am certain we can procure something suitable, mylady", the girl responded to the judgement of clothes, not without shooting a sidelong glance at Estelia, and barely suppressing a remark about her companion having 'way too much fun' with these things. Only the serious nature of the briefing spared the other novice.

Balthazar absently rubbed his chest at the edge of his new subdermal armor plates. The installation had gone smoothly, but there was still some lingering soreness in places. It took some time to grow accustomed to a second skin.

"Gathering some new clothes would be a wise choice. The only clothes I have worn for years are the vestments of my station, so something less conspicuous would be welcome. Black robes with silver skull pendants are the timeless mark of a man of substance, but they certainly draw attention on the street."

On 6/26/2019 at 10:43 AM, Servant of Dante said:

"Oh, I was just thinking of getting clothes from them. Without knowing what we found out from the relay station I don't have any ideas for other questions that she might have answers too. If we thought she might be suspicious we could tell her something about how what we were asking about was a dead end or not necessary, but I don't trust myself to lie effectively so it might be best to just leave things as they are."

Inellia nods, understanding your clarification, "Ah, then yes, regardless it may be a good idea for something else to exist in your wardrobe as it were." I would suspect that the process will take more than enough time for Lax to finish his collating."

On 6/28/2019 at 10:38 PM, Lynata said:

"If we are to attend ceremonial functions, I am certain we can procure something suitable, mylady", the girl responded to the judgement of clothes, not without shooting a sidelong glance at Estelia, and barely suppressing a remark about her companion having 'way too much fun' with these things. Only the serious nature of the briefing spared the other novice.

Inellia raises one hand in the air, "Who knows where you will end up in your investigation, but we are above the mid-hive and as such certain fashion trends are likely in effect. Even on Ophellia the clergy goes through trends of such things no?"

11 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

"Gathering some new clothes would be a wise choice. The only clothes I have worn for years are the vestments of my station, so something less conspicuous would be welcome. Black robes with silver skull pendants are the timeless mark of a man of substance, but they certainly draw attention on the street."

She picks up a cup of some herbal beverage and takes a sip, "There's something to be said about staple-points, why don't all of you go back to the tailor? If I remember correctly it was mentioned that you'd said you would stop by again later on if you figured out a clothing desire no?"

Estelia nodds, pleased. "I'll go get ready to leave."

"With you permission, Sister."

((Unless Inellia tells Estelia to stay . . . ))

The Novice returned to her quarters, donning her black flak armour. The weight was less comfortable than a bodyglove, but she figgured as long as she could get away with looking like this, she preferred the extra protection. Besides, she had worn it the last time they had visited the clothier, so it made sense to her to wear it again. Making sure that the Imperial scrip she had been given was at her belt, Estelia made her way to find the others.

((I'd be fine going straight from here to a scene en-route, for clarity's sake))

Ariel furrowed her brows at their host's remark. "I could not say, Mylady", she replied cautiously. Conservatism was strong within the Church, with obvious differences in appearance usually being the product of prolonged isolation of individual human worlds. Traditions were even more jealously guarded on major worlds like Terra, Gathalamor and, of course, Ophelia -- every bit of deviation might, after all, be considered a sign of hubris, disharmony, rebellious attitude.

Still, considering the matter Ariel could not help but remember some variance among the clergy she'd seen. Little things like brooches, the length or type of cloth of the stole. She even remembered one envoy who had seen fit to embellish the Ecclesiarchal iconography on his robe with jewelry.

Even among the Sororitas, some minor customization could be found. Of course, everyone wore the exact same pattern of robe, and all the Orders conformed to the three sanctioned colors of the San Leor temple shrine, but Ariel remembered well a lesson in the convent when their class of novices was visited by a trio of veteran Battle Sisters clad in their battle-scarred suits of armour. Though they all belonged to the same second iteration of the blessed Angel-pattern established millennia ago, each was yet a little different from the others. One featured spiked studs on the flexsteel-covered ceramite of the breast cups where another featured the Fleur-de-Lys. Another had the entire second stanza of the Fede Imperialis engraved on a legplate, where a third suit held an iron ring hammered into the thigh like a metal garter.

Of course, this was not exactly 'fashion' in the sense their host hinted at, but still.

"Ah, I just wonder what would be appropriate", she confessed with a slight blush. "For someone with our kind of travelling gear, I mean. And our kind of agenda."

She saw Estelia turn to leave, and bit back an urge to click her tongue at her companion's impatient nature. "I suppose the tailor might know", she conceded before turning to follow the other girl.

Edited by Lynata