Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

Noticing the seconded security guard had disconnected the device, Ariel nodded in acknowledgement. Their task was finished, and any moment they would linger would only increase their chances of getting caught up in an unnecessary fight. "To the entrance, then", the novice Sororitas added in a low voice, raising her gun's barrel as she began the retreat. They had to be careful not to get caught in their backs; the descent into the tunnels would likely turn out to be the most critical part of their visit.

Estelia nods, though she realizes the others probably still can't see her. She follows behind, about 30 or so feet, trying to remain hidden (running from bit of cover to bit of cover in the stacks of machines)

((Stealth: 45 Ag +10 Stealth =55 (plus DC modifier) Roll: 23 4 DoS base))

((Awareness: 20 Per +0 Awareness (Known) =20 (plus DC modifier) Roll: 15 1 DoS base))

On 2/21/2019 at 2:42 PM, ThenDoctor said:

((We'll say narratively this happens with enough time previously for setup purposes))

Inellia request's Balthazar's presence shortly after the group have left for the evening.

She requests he meet her in the kitchen area, and Balthazar finds her putting together a mug of herbal drink.

"I'd like you to follow the trio's path, with a bit of distance, and assist them when they inevitably get themselves in to some trouble. No one's first... expedition like this goes off without a hitch, no matter how well you plan. Do you have any theories for aid you'd like to broach with me before setting off yourself?" She says while finish off with putting the holding fixture on the stove that is full of water and herbs to heat up.

Balthazar makes the sign of the Aquila in greeting and gently leans against the table as he speaks. "I had no elaborate plans in mind, Milady -- I will follow the Sisters at a distance to see how they perform their task. After accompanying them in person for the rest of this assignment I want to see how they handle themselves without my assistance. I will of course be on hand to lend aid if needed. I am confident that their abilities have grown significantly since we first reached Desoleum and want to see their full capabilities."


As the guards enter the cogitator room, the concealed Balthazar steps out of the shadows and makes his way into the room. He waits out of sight for the moment and says a silent prayer for the safety of his charges. His warhammer is held ready in his hand in case things turn violent and he needs to lend support.

On 3/8/2019 at 10:52 PM, Lynata said:

Noticing the seconded security guard had disconnected the device, Ariel nodded in acknowledgement. Their task was finished, and any moment they would linger would only increase their chances of getting caught up in an unnecessary fight. "To the entrance, then", the novice Sororitas added in a low voice, raising her gun's barrel as she began the retreat. They had to be careful not to get caught in their backs; the descent into the tunnels would likely turn out to be the most critical part of their visit.

On 3/9/2019 at 12:54 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia nods, though she realizes the others probably still can't see her. She follows behind, about 30 or so feet, trying to remain hidden (running from bit of cover to bit of cover in the stacks of machines)

((Stealth: 45 Ag +10 Stealth =55 (plus DC modifier) Roll: 23 4 DoS base))

((Awareness: 20 Per +0 Awareness (Known) =20 (plus DC modifier) Roll: 15 1 DoS base))

((I'm assuming the Awareness is either to find good cover or to watch for the arrival of the Sanctionary guards. The guards aren't sneaking, and you're able to note where to go with that result as well. If I misinterpreted that then correct me and we'll resolve as necessary.

Awareness for them to notice Estilia in hiding, normally it'd be +0, I'll make two rolls as there are two guards. +20 baseline for a target of 57. Result of 31 for a total of 3DoS, and Result of 98 for a total of 5DoF))

The guards each come around an opposite corner of the main relay station noting the servitor plonking to the station, but also scanning the area for the intruders, they take their turn to search for Lax & Estelia because they're running together, target 67 result 100 - Critical Failure.))

"Fenk me! Where are they?!" Rhaban yells out.

"Throne take me if I know...this is getting scary." the new arrival adds.

"Screw that! They can't have gone to the entrance, they... ugh! They have to be making their way to the back, it's the only other place, come on!" Rhaban calls wheeling back around the open path in the facility to try to beat the group.

((You two make me an Acrobatics -10 test next post to see how held up, if any amount, you get from weaving through the machinery on your way back to the underground entrance. I'll be opposing you with their Athletics +0 to try to leg it to the back area.))

59 minutes ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar makes the sign of the Aquila in greeting and gently leans against the table as he speaks. "I had no elaborate plans in mind, Milady -- I will follow the Sisters at a distance to see how they perform their task. After accompanying them in person for the rest of this assignment I want to see how they handle themselves without my assistance. I will of course be on hand to lend aid if needed. I am confident that their abilities have grown significantly since we first reached Desoleum and want to see their full capabilities."


As the guards enter the cogitator room, the concealed Balthazar steps out of the shadows and makes his way into the room. He waits out of sight for the moment and says a silent prayer for the safety of his charges. His warhammer is held ready in his hand in case things turn violent and he needs to lend support.

Inellia nods accepting of the plan and allows Balthazar to leave on his personal task.

As he departs follow the trio Inellia smiles to herself, "There might be something to make of him yet."


((I'll allow you to remain in shadow currently, they guards aren't expecting someone to have come in after the one already came in to the facility))

Balthazar elects to remain in the shadows for now.

((Yeah for Awareness I was thinking Estelia was watching for the guards))

((Acrobatics: 45 Ag +30 Acrobatics -10 Difficulty = 65, Roll (in Discord): 57 for 1DoS, Fate Point re-roll: 31 for 4 DoS ))

Estelia weaves between the machines, back toward the hatch they entered through. Her heart raced as she heard the sanctionaries talking to eachother while they searched for them. She hadn’t thought they would actually get away without being noticed but it looked for the moment like she might make it with how well she was moving through the cogitator stacks. It was kind of exciting. Hopefully Ariel and Lax we’re making good time too . . .

((45 Ag +10 Skill -10 Difficulty, Discord Roll 55 = 1 DoF ))

The other novice was not as fortunate; the path she had chosen was obstructed by a series of thick cables and hoses criss-crossing the corridor like metal liana in a machine jungle. The quick glance over her shoulder, checking for pursuers, was not quick enough to prevent the dusk-skinned Sororitas from almost stumbling as she ran straight into a batch of black, rubbery tubes, cursing as she fought to wrest the barrel of her large gun free of the obstacle.

On 3/13/2019 at 2:45 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar elects to remain in the shadows for now.

On 3/14/2019 at 12:57 PM, Servant of Dante said:

((Yeah for Awareness I was thinking Estelia was watching for the guards))

((Acrobatics: 45 Ag +30 Acrobatics -10 Difficulty = 65, Roll (in Discord): 57 for 1DoS, Fate Point re-roll: 31 for 4 DoS ))

10 hours ago, Lynata said:

((45 Ag +10 Skill -10 Difficulty, Discord Roll 55 = 1 DoF ))

((Lax Acrobatics (31 base -20 Untrained -10 base for target of 01) Result 84 for 9 DoF.

Santioncary Guard 1 Athletics (31 base -20 Untrained +0 base for target of 11) Result 87 for 8DoF.

Sanctionary Guard 2 Athletics (31 base -20 Untrained +0 base for target of 11) Result 36 for 3DoF.

...comedy of errors here it seems.))

Estellia breaks through the jungle of wiring and cabinets first, and you note that you are incredibly close to the entrance to make it back in to the sewer area. In the background you can note the jogging of the Sanctionary guards trying to reach the back as well. A few moments later, but no worse for wear, you see Ariel break through as well seemingly having had a tougher time with navigating the mess. Tellingly though, you do not see Lax, you only hear a subvocal communication on both of your micro-beads, "I got tripped up and put in a dead-end, one of them broke off and is about to round the corner, do I engage them?"

((You'll have a post then the sanctionary will round the corner the post after that))


We see that Lax has backed himself into a corner, and has his hand ready to draw the autopistol at his side with a confirmation. ((Also to note he's the one with the pad of information last I remembered.))

"You get to the back Rhaban, I'll get this Bile-fly!" the guard calls out that is about to round the corner.

((Lax's sanctionary will round the corner this coming post))

Ariel skidded to a halt, whirling around back towards where she presumed their older, male companion to be. Turns out that sometimes, size can be a disadvantage.

"It's them or us, Brother Lax", she commed back through her own bead. "Shoot to kill."

Glancing at Estelia she gestured towards the machinery, apparently suggesting they go back in.

Estelia makes says something under her breath that she probably wouldn't want a Sister Superior to hear before nodding to Ariel, "We're coming back to you, Lax."

The Novice Turns on her heel and moves back the way she came, hoping to get the drop on the Sanctionaries as they engaged Lax

((Does my previous Stealth roll still apply? Should I roll another Acrobatics?))

At this point a fight seems inevitable, so Balthazar moves in with his hammer ready. He whispers a quick prayer of protection as he enters the room from behind and attempts to engage the guard about fo shoot Lax.

On 3/18/2019 at 9:05 AM, Lynata said:

"Shoot to kill."

Lax draws his pistol as the Sanctionary rounds the corner, "Understood", and pulls the trigger ((I'm allowing as a Surprise because Lax was ready to just open fire.))

((Baseline 33, +30 due to Surprise, Aim as Half +10, Lax is just opening up so Full-Auto -10, that's his Full amount of Actions. Target of 63, Total of 89 for 3DoF total miss. After this I'll worry about Initiative.))

The Sanctionary quickly ducks behind a piece of machinery under a hail of bullets.

On 3/19/2019 at 11:41 AM, Servant of Dante said:

((Estelia's Stealth will still hold, both of you roll another Acrobatics, but at +0 since you're familiar with running through the cables I just want to see if you get there in a post or not.))


Rhaban rounds the corner seeing no novices to engage but hears the gunfire and makes a rude gesture stamping their feet.

They quickly moves to get to their partner taking the shortest path they can, through the machinery as well.

(( Rhaban Acrobatics (31 base -20 Untrained -10 base for target of 01)  Result 01 for 2DoF. It'll take a post but she'll get there.))


9 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

At this point a fight seems inevitable, so Balthazar moves in with his hammer ready. He whispers a quick prayer of protection as he enters the room from behind and attempts to engage the guard about fo shoot Lax.

((I'll assume you were sticking relatively close by, so it'll be next post for you to fully engage, after I get a post from Ariel and Estelia I think we'll try to handle the combat over Discord))

As Lax fires off the first few shots from his autopistol, Balthazar knows that the time for stealth is past. He breaks into a run and barrels around the corner, taking himself on a collision course toward the guard. He grunts with exertion and swings his hammer as he closes to arms reach. ((Not sure if the guard gets to fire before Balthazar reaches close combat, but the priest is going in hot))

((Acrobatics: 45 Ag +30 Acrobatics +0 Difficulty = 75, Roll (in Discord): 66 for 1DoS ))

Estelia vaults back over the equipment the way she had just come, moving back toward Lax. As she moved she almost tripped over a loose cable snaking across the floor. Maybe her nerves were getting to her. She muttered a prayer, "Holy Emperor see your servant, guide my strike to the heart of your enemy," the first thing that came to mind. Perhaps not the most fitting since the sactionaries were loyal Imperial servants themselves. As she rounded the last corner, the Novice raised one of her pistols and took a shot on the run at the sanctionary that Lax had just targeted, thumbing the power setting to Overload ((assuming I'm close enough to fire at the end of my movement. If not I'll remove this bit but I just want to get it rolled in case))

((Standard Attack (as a Free Action from Move and Shoot): 50 BS ( + cover or other applicable situational modifiers ) Roll (In Discord): 89 for 4 DoF 4 ammunition used, marked on character sheet))

The shot flies wide, and Estelia tenses, realizing she has just revealed her position, when it might have been better to wait. The pistol sits disconcertingly hot in her hand, but fortunately it's rugged design seems not to have succumbed to any malfunction.

((Discord roll 44 vs TN 55 for 2 DoS ))

Swinging the heavyweight shotgun around, Ariel moves to retrace her steps back and deeper into the machinarium. Not knowing exactly where Lax got stuck, the novices will have to rely on intuition and fortune, but the sound of gunfire should help guide the way. The only question was whether they'd get there in time -- and what would happen if they do.

Banishing all unnecessary thoughts from her mind, the dusk-skinned Sororitas tried to imagine her would-be targets as just that, almost as if they were back in the schola and undergoing a war game. Her right hand index finger slipped into the triggerguard in preparation of the shot, awakening the red-dot projector built into the gun.

Balthazar charges around the corner and crashes into the guard facing Lax. Unfortunately his hammer does not connect with anything substantial, but the guard is at least prevented from shooting his ally. Balthazar prepares himself for a counterattack while beginning the Catechism of Hate ((the same one we heard on page one)).

((I'm just going to type this stuff out here, as I feel the responses will be faster and just copy paste to the community site))

Alright, so Balthazar missed ((Target 60 result 61 no FP spent for rerolling or anything))

The Sanctionary is up next.

They're probably a bit freaked out about having some rando come up and attempt to hit them with a hammer, so they're probably gonna try to unload their pistol out of surprise.

((Baseline 33, +10 due to Aim as Half, +10 baseline attack ((I always forget that one myself)), Sanctionary is just opening up so Full-Auto -10, -20 for attacking while Engaged. That's his Full amount of Actions. Target of 23. Result 61 (I know odd isn't it) for a total of 5 DoF))

Lots of missing, Now it's Lax's turn.

Not wanting to try to accidentally shoot Balthazar who apparently has appeared he stows his auto-pistol (not wanting to drop it and possibly have to leave it behind) and draws a truncheon like melee weapon.

Both use the Ready Half Action, so this takes up his Full turn.

Balthazar it is your move once again, the Sanctionary assuredly missed you, and it seems like Lax will be engaging with you in a moment as well ((I'll let you pick that up out of the corner of your eye for free)).

((This is curtailed from our Discord discussion where we hammered out the details of combat, it was faster than dealing with it in post form))

Balthazar: It's all part of his grand plan

I'm rolling an all-out attack, so +30 to hit with no reactions until my next turn

In the end, the result was: 3, So that hits

t!dice 1d10

In the end, the result was: 3

My target number was 70 and I rolled an 03, so that's 8 DoS, right?

8 + 3 Warhammer damage bonus + 4 Sb = 15 damage, with 3 pen

There's also concussive (1) I think, if the guard is still standing

The Game Master: Let me see if they dodge (they don't have it so unlikely)

In the end, the result was: 77


Toughness for Concussive (-10)

In the end, the result was: 10


Balthazar: I believe I hit them on the body, in case it's relevant for critical damage

The Game Master: roll was 03 so 30 so left arm apparently

Damage was 15, total damage reduction is 4 (after penetration) so total of 11 wounds

Given the lack of combat in the game so far, I'm going to use the full crit rules, and not mook rules. To give combat more bite.

So they are now at -1 wounds as they only have 10 wounds at all.

The attack strikes the target’s limb with a powerful blow. He drops anything he was holding in that hand.

The Game Master: t!dice d10

In the end, the result was: 8

They are not left handed, so they do not drop the auto-pistol

I'm gonna roll against their Willpower to see if they run. Failure is run.

In the end, the result was: 10

Wow, target was 28, I guess they're confident they've got backup on the way.

Oh, hmm, the prone wording is pretty open on Concussive, I'll rule that they are, because they wording implies that you don't have to fail or anything to be knocked prone. It seems unrelated to the toughness test at all.

[9:19 AM] The Game Master: Well, they're hoping to take you out Balt after that impressive blow.

Baseline 33, +10 due to Aim as Half, +10 baseline attack ((I always forget that one myself)), Sanctionary is just not going to full auto, -20 for attacking while Engaged. That's his Full amount of Actions. Target of 33

In the end, the result was: 45

Lax moves forward past the cover (can't charge) and makes an attack

Baseline 32, Move Half, +10 baseline attack ((I always forget that one myself)) +10 for Ganging Up,+10 for attacking Prone. That's his Full amount of Actions. Target of 62

In the end, the result was: 1. Well, that's 7DoS

Truncheon Melee — 1d10 I 0 Primitive (7)

3 SB

The Game Master: t!dice d10, In the end, the result was: 3, Replace with DoS 7+3 = 10 Damage total, meaning 3 wounds to the head.

4 Crit Impact Injury Head:

The concussive strike staggers the target. The target must make a Challenging (+0) Toughness test or be Stunned for 1 round

and knocked Prone.

In the end, the result was: 29

They are not stunned target 34

Estelia you're coming into the scene this round your previous post:

((Standard Attack (as a Free Action from Move and Shoot): 50 BS (+ cover or other applicable situational modifiers) Roll (In Discord): 89 for 4 DoF 4 ammunition used, marked on character sheet))

The shot flies wide, and Estelia tenses, realizing she has just revealed her position, when it might have been better to wait. The pistol sits disconcertingly hot in her hand, but fortunately it's rugged design seems not to have succumbed to any malfunction.

Ariel what do you do, coming upon this scene of a beat down and seeing the arrival of Father Thorne?

Ariel: @The Game Master so there's one Guard on the ground and one still standing, right?

The Game Master: @Ariel The other guard is still working through the machinery, they'll turn up at the end of this round

[3:22 PM] Ariel: oh, so just the one guy in LoS? got it

Ariel: I still have to expend a Move Action to really "be there", right?

The Game Master: Yes, as Estelia did as well, you're basically breaking through the last mesh of machinery into the small clearing.

Ariel: Well in that case I can only do a Full Move, why am I even being asked XD

The Game Master: @Balthazar it is again your turn, you see Estelia come on the scene and attempt to fire into the situation and Ariel arrive as well.

Balthazar: Then in going to whomp the guard in front of me with another all out attack. It's probably an enormous bonus if he's still on the ground.

In the end, the result was: 63

That's enough for a hit with the all- out attack and the gang up from lax, t!dice d10

In the end, the result was: 6, So 13 damage with 3 pen. That's a hit too the body I think. Are they squished?

The Game Master: 36 is body indeed (I'm in the middle of something for basically the rest of the evening, I'll get in to it tomorrow morning, thanks for your guys' time.

[8:14 AM] The Game Master: Alright, given Balthazar's attack the guard takes 9 damage to the body.

Given that crits are ablative it means they're taking a -13 crit to the body (as they were at -4 from the hit to the head)

“As per the effect directly above, except the target’s lifeless form is thrown 1d10 metres directly away from the attack. Any target in the corpse’s path must make a Challenging (+0) Agility test or be knocked Prone."

Well...they're prone, so they can't really be thrown, so we'll ignore that fine point.

Apparently Balthazar gets first blood of the campaign lol.

The Sanctionary can't take a turn, Lax looks to Balthazar huffing from the exertion, "We should probably get out of here."

@Ariel @Estelia anything you want to attempt in a round, now seeing Balthazar reunited with you two?

Estelia: Estelia will just stay ready to engage the other sanctionary if they show up " Do you think we can get out of here before more show up?"

Ariel: Recognizing and briefly responding to the priest's unexpected presence, Ariel nonetheless refrains from engaging in a chat right there and then. As the other novice had just pointed out, time is precious: "What are y-... nevermind, Lia is right, we should move."

Ariel keeps her shotgun leveled and aimed at the area opposite from their extraction point, expecting whoever the now-squished watchman was talking to to show up from that direction. (Entering Overwatch)

The Game Master: Alright @everyone as you take a moment to address that everyone's here now (with the appearance of Balthazar) the other Sanctionary rounds the corner.

Ariel you put yourself on Overwatch, they enter your killzone before they can really do anything, so how's that go?

Ariel: As the second guard appears, Ariel almost reflexively pulls the trigger, directing a single shotgun blast at her target. What range are they at?

In the end, the result was: 98, it's a jam

Much to the firer's surprise, the shell does not leave the barrel but remains inside, perhaps having been a dud. Ariel's first reaction is utter confusion as the expected result to the trigger pull does not occur, followed by eyes widening as she realizes the precarious position this puts her in.

The Game Master: Well let's see, has moved into the scene and looks over the PCs.

Seeing their comrade on the ground not moving I'm gonna say is a Fear (1) check for them

In the end, the result was: 3

Well...they're super firm in that they are not purturbed at their friend's death. I guess they realize that they've fulfilled their oath and are full of righteous fury at the PCs lol

Alright, well they gauge their chances in a firefight and deem it a poor idea to say the least.

So, they'll attempt an intimidation route.

They raise their firearm and in a clear loud voice they bark out, "By order of the Consortium invested with the power of the Adeptus Terra stand down!"

In the end, the result was: 46, Target 13 for 4DoF, using the skill was the only thing they could do this round.

So, back to @Balthazar .

Balthazar: Balthazar sees that the guard is standing firm and that there is no option but to take out the guard. He responds, "I shall not stand down. I am the instrument of the Emperor Himself as embodied in His church, and He commands you to kneel!" Then Balthazar charges and baseball swings his hammer at the guard.

In the end, the result was: 64

That's a miss but I'm spending a fate point to reroll

In the end, the result was: 85

Still a miss

The Game Master: Alright, Lax takes the que and moves to engage as well:

Baseline 32, Move Half, +10 baseline attack +10 for Ganging Up. That's his Full amount of Actions. Target of 52

In the end, the result was: 90

Swing and a miss...

Estelia: Estelia is checking if she can use the Aim action

Right, Estelia levels her laspistols at the sanctionary, checking they’re both toggled to overload, “Fate cannot stay the Emperor’s hand forever . . . I’m sorry you caught up to us, I guess” (Aim as a Half Action)

Two-Weapon Wielder and Standard Attack (Second half action, I’d like to roll both attacks before doing dmg if that’s all right, sounds more fun to me :P) BS 50 + 10 (Difficulty of Standard Attack action) + 10 (Aim) = 70

In the end, the result was: 14, For 5 DoS, a hit to (checks rulebook . . .) Body!

Second Shot (btw no penalties for 2 weapon fighting because Two-Weapon Master)

Oh and Estelia has Target selection and took an aim action before shooting so no penalty for shooting into melee and no chance of hitting Father Thorne

First attack hit (unless he dodges) so +20 to the second attack for Double Tap (Yeah it’s on overcharge and I have Mighty Shot)

BS 50 + 10 (Difficulty for Standard Attack still applies I assume?) + 20 (double tap) = 80

In the end, the result was: 39, For 4DoS to the left leg

Laspistol is 1d10 + 2 Pen 0 but on overload it’s 1d10 + 4 with Pen 2, + half BS rnd up (3) to dmg for Mighty Shot

First shot (body): In the end, the result was: 15

Second shot (left leg): In the end, the result was: 16

The Game Master: Well First hit does 10 damage dropping them to 0 Wounds. Second hit does 11 damage dropping them to -11

Critical Effect:

In a terrifying display of power, the leg immolates and thick fire consumes the target completely. He dies in a matter of agonizing seconds, his scorched corpse surrounded with smoke and flames.

...So, we know Balthazar has seen death up close and personal, but have @Estelia and @Ariel ?

Ariel: Ariel has "Jaded" -- I figured it'd be a good representation of how the Schola hardens the kids

The Game Master: Ariel would be fine with Jaded in this case. I don't remember if Estelia has it or not.

Estelia: Nope!

The Game Master: I was just going to have it be a Fear test honestly Fear (1) when you get the chance.

Estelia: Willpower 40 + 0 (challenging) = 40

In the end, the result was: 27

Estelia: Estelia, surprised, looks down at her weapons, “. . . I didn’t expect him to explode like that. Come to think of it I’ve never killed anyone before, the closest I’ve come is either watching a burning at the stake or that time the Sister Superior ordered me and Ariel to shoot eachother. The guns weren’t loaded then though, not that we knew at the time.”

She looks back to the smoldering corpse “do I really have that much blood in me? Throne on Terra this is a mess” still locked in place the novice realized she’s running her mouth and looks to Ariel “everyone ok? A- aside from them of course . . .”

Quietly she says a prayer for the sanctionarie’s soul, “Great Protector, take this soul unto your breast, felled in its duty to your Imperium, faithful to the last.” It was meant for those in service to the imperial cult but it was the only one she knew, and they had just been doing their job, hopefully they had been pious in life and had earned the Emperor’s grace

The Game Master: @Ariel Anything you want to do with your turn (we'll end 'combat' as it were after that)

Ariel: The other novice blinked once, then a second time, snapping out of the frozen state she had entered for a few heartbeats. Directing a semiconfused look at Estelia, she finally shook her head: "Less talking, we should move!" Shouldering the unexpectedly useless shotgun, Ariel drew her own sidearm, trusting that the laspiece would prove somewhat more reliable. "Ah, and ... nice shot."


((Personally speaking given the quick nature of combat in FFG games honestly not that much time has passed. Not enough time in my opinion for the Static Generator to kick off, or the Stummer for that matter. I feel given there are no other combatants, as the servitor doesn't care, that feasibly you would make it back to the tunnel entrance unhindered.

Why don't we see a Stealth Roll to see how unobserved you are leaving the tunnel when you make your way out and we can work things out from there.))

shaking her head to refocus herself, Estelia whispers, "let's get moving, back to the villa so we can see what we've found." and disappears into the shaddows, moving back toward the entrance with weapons still in hand.

((Stealth 45 Ag + 10 Trained = 55; Roll: 04 for 6 DoS ))

((if someone wants to loot the body for info or something they can, I think Estelia is a bit to frazzled to think of that right now))

Ariel does not expect trouble on the way back, but keeps her laspistol at the ready nonetheless as she moves to and finally through the exit.

((tbh, in retrospect looting the place might have been a good cover to deflect suspicion from the authorities, but it's a bit late to go over that now))

Father Thorne arranges the bodies of both guards into positions of repose and gently shuts their eyes. He says a short prayer to each: "Rest now, and join the Emperor in death." He is deeply troubled that two innocent people had to die today, but does his best to conceal his feelings. With this done, Balthazar follows the Novices though the exit.

On 4/13/2019 at 8:30 PM, Servant of Dante said:

On 4/15/2019 at 1:39 PM, Lynata said:

11 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

The four of you take essentially the same route that you began in the first place. It hasn't been too long and the evening cycle in the hive is still ongoing for a good few hours yet, and the tunnels are as filled with minor oddities as they ever were. ((No navigation necessary, it's easier going back the way you came than getting there in the first place, not to mention it's not been that long timewise all things considered)).

Upon making it in to the tunnel system Lax makes sure to turn off the Stummer and the Static Generator as the sounds of a hive existing invade your senses again.

Walking back through the tunnels Lax keeps to themselves, leading the way as best he can from the map he still has on him. ((Any of you can make a +20 Scrutiny to see how he's holding himself)).

((I'd certainly like to hear how the sisters approach Balthazar appearing to their aid in the relay station, if they approach it at all, or whatever interaction you've got before I move you out of the tunnels))

As the group moves back through the tunnels, Estela moves up to Father Thorne so she can speak with him without talking too loudly, "I had thought you were staying at the villa while we went for the relay station. Did you follow us? How did you get in behind the guards?"

Ariel remains silent; for anyone who knew the two novices for more than a few minutes it probably came to no surprise that it was the other girl that initiated a conversation. Nonetheless, the gloomy one subtly proceeded to close the distance towards the pair so as to listen in, all the while keeping a wary eye on the surrounding streets. In so doing, the quiet but alert girl also cast a skeptical glance towards the requisitioned security trooper.

((Roll of 22 vs Perception 35, +20 for Routine Difficulty, -20 for Untrained, for a total of 2 DoS))

Balthazar replies, "Lady Inelia informed me of your whereabouts. I had seen enough of your resourcefulness to know you would be successful, but still figured it was best that I follow along in case trouble arose. In this instance, I'm glad I was here. It sits ill with me to end the lives of loyal Imperial citizens, but we did what was necessary for the success of our mission."

Balthazar tries to sound reassuring, but inside he is wracked with guilt. Despite his skill with a hammer he is not a trained warrior like the Novices. Every life he took before this point was someone he truly believed to be a heretic, but this guard was just trying to do his job. Balthazar feels a bit like he was struck in the gut with his own hammer.