Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

Ariel's brows raise slightly; the novice did not expect there to be no maintenance personnel on stand-by -- or their host to not have this information herself. If something broke, would this not mean that valuable time might be lost, perhaps even the security and sanctity of the mansion being compromised. She could only imagine that this segregation of knowledge and personnel must be how the Inquisition handles things.

Ultimately, she gestures refusal with her hands, then inclining her head to accompany the expression with the minimum amount of respect considered appropriate for the situation. This was not a time to get bogged down in such details, and the soldier's briefing seemed to offer something more immediately applicable.

For a moment, she wondered what a Reclimator might be, but decided not to inquire as it would not affect her judgement in this scenario. Like Estelia, the term made her think of an adept or at least someone in service to the local government at first, but ultimately she would still kill them if it came to that. The other girl's question, however, whilst considered redundant by Ariel, still made her feel more at ease about the prospect of a confrontation: even in service to a higher cause, she'd much rather fell a criminal than another of His servants.

"I believe these tunnels are our best option, then. Accessing the terminal's machine spirit may be another matter, though -- I do not believe we have a cipher-wright among us knowledgeable in accessing this technology." She looked towards Inellia as if expecting the woman to pull one of her contacts out of her proverbial sleeve.

On 12/30/2018 at 9:39 PM, Servant of Dante said:

On 1/2/2019 at 11:32 PM, Lynata said:

"I believe these tunnels are our best option, then. Accessing the terminal's machine spirit may be another matter, though -- I do not believe we have a cipher-wright among us knowledgeable in accessing this technology." She looked towards Inellia as if expecting the woman to pull one of her contacts out of her proverbial sleeve.

((Thanks for the setup lol))

"I wouldn't say that," Inelia states slyly looking at Lax, "Who best to interface with machine spirits than the one who interfaces with them on a daily basis?"

If Lax had his helmet of you'd certain see him looking quickly between the group, "..." he tries to say but didn't kick the microbead on in his helmet.

"Good, it's settled then. Lax will accompany you and I'll delegate the security observation to one of the other armsmen I borrowed from Kappex." Inellia sums up tightly.

"Unless you disagree with the proposed solution? It is your investigation after all, far be it from me to give you only one option. I'm sure that there's a contact here on the planet our Inquisitor used to get the schematics in the first place, and perhaps they're familiar with the mysteries of technology or knows where one might be for hire...a Reclimator for instance?." Inellia in turn offers.

Lax still seems a bit flabbergasted at the whole situation.

“Well, taking Lax would certainly save us the time of searching for another, and we don’t have to wonder about their trustworthiness. I agree that the tunnels seem best, if we can find our way.”

By now Estelia was getting used to not really knowing what what going on, and giving her thoughts anyway. It was a lot like whenever she walked in on some deep-sounding theological discussion. In the same way as that circumstance Ariel seemed rather more sure of herself so the Novice has fallen into looking to her to make sure she didn’t say anything too stupid.

Edited by Servant of Dante

As everyone's eyes turned to Lax, Ariel followed suit. She had not considered the soldier's familiarity with electronica, but their host's words made sense. Still, it was one thing to monitor devices provided for personal use, and another to access someone elses.

"Lia has a point -- but the data we are looking for may be locked. Are you skilled in breaching such locks, Brother Lax?", she inquired, before adding as if to explain: "We might be able to secure the key from the station's personnel, but we should assume we will not."

On 1/5/2019 at 5:10 PM, Servant of Dante said:

“Well, taking Lax would certainly save us the time of searching for another, and we don’t have to wonder about their trustworthiness. I agree that the tunnels seem best, if we can find our way.”

By now Estelia was getting used to not really knowing what what going on, and giving her thoughts anyway. It was a lot like whenever she walked in on some deep-sounding theological discussion. In the same way as that circumstance Ariel seemed rather more sure of herself so the Novice has fallen into looking to her to make sure she didn’t say anything too stupid.

Inellia makes a hand motion that implies, 'That was my thought process'

11 hours ago, Lynata said:

As everyone's eyes turned to Lax, Ariel followed suit. She had not considered the soldier's familiarity with electronica, but their host's words made sense. Still, it was one thing to monitor devices provided for personal use, and another to access someone elses.

"Lia has a point -- but the data we are looking for may be locked. Are you skilled in breaching such locks, Brother Lax?", she inquired, before adding as if to explain: "We might be able to secure the key from the station's personnel, but we should assume we will not."

Lax raises his hands in the air and looks at the three of them still a little in shock, he shakes out of it and takes off his helmet, ((I think this is the first time Ariel has seen Lax without his helmet no?)) having come to terms with his lot he takes a few breaths and responds, "Sorry, anyways, if it's a physical lock I doubt it. I've never been too good at breaking and entering seeing as it's a crime. If it's a machine-spirit protecting itself then...maybe? If I read the booklet I'm sure it'll help. There's a repair servitor in the station according to the missive, servitors being...well a bit slow they may not have anything locked down for the sake of access for them."

“Hum I hadn’t thought about physical locks. Should we try and find something to help deal with that? Although, I’m not sure a lockpick would be of much use if none of us know how to use one. Hopefully there aren’t too many locks like that.”

Ariel hesitated for a moment, her curiosity getting the better of her as she watched the trooper take off his helmet. There wasn't anything noteworthy about Lax' face per se, but him having kept his face hidden for so long only served to generate a certain aura of mystique. The girl already knew this effect from the convent, as the Mistress of Repentance was never seen without her helmet-mask either, or at least not by the novices.

"I'm not too worried about physical locks. Whatever is needed to open them we should be able to get from the station's crew without them being alive or cooperating. Electronic locks, however ... dead men don't talk." She paused, then added as if to correct her own assessment: "Unless a door is keyed to their voxprint , but I don't believe this to be likely."

On 1/8/2019 at 7:54 AM, Servant of Dante said:

“Hum I hadn’t thought about physical locks. Should we try and find something to help deal with that? Although, I’m not sure a lockpick would be of much use if none of us know how to use one. Hopefully there aren’t too many locks like that.”

"It probably wouldn't be too hard to get a multi-key, I doubt they're that difficult to turn up. Using one is a different matter still as I guess none of us really know much about lock-picking it seems." Lax offers. "I doubt any entrance from the tunnels has a lock, probably just mechanically sealed, I would suspect the only actual lock would be the relay station entrance and something on the main cogitation engine of the traffic control spirit."

14 hours ago, Lynata said:

Ariel hesitated for a moment, her curiosity getting the better of her as she watched the trooper take off his helmet. There wasn't anything noteworthy about Lax' face per se, but him having kept his face hidden for so long only served to generate a certain aura of mystique. The girl already knew this effect from the convent, as the Mistress of Repentance was never seen without her helmet-mask either, or at least not by the novices.

"I'm not too worried about physical locks. Whatever is needed to open them we should be able to get from the station's crew without them being alive or cooperating. Electronic locks, however ... dead men don't talk." She paused, then added as if to correct her own assessment: "Unless a door is keyed to their voxprint , but I don't believe this to be likely."

Lax looks confused at the second point trying to figure out what electronic locks have to do with corpses, "Well, if we're planning on killing them that seems like a different matter entirely, there's probably security there cameras, recording devices, and others. If anything I suspect an entrance may be keyed to a specific piece in their Oath-Cog...come to think of it the Repair Servitor would probably have an Oath-Cog too for such things if we need it. Might be harder to drop if we need to put it down."

Lax considers the idea for a moment, "At the very least, you, I guess we, should probably try to get a Stummer, it'll help keep things quiet getting through the tunnel entrance. I've heard about things that may be able to jam outgoing signals to stop reinforcements, but I don't know if it'd disrupt communication traffic from the relay station, and if that happened we'd have the Mechanicus on us and that'd be...well let's just go with no one wants that. There's probably something smaller we may be able to use to try and kill microbeads, but I guess it's a matter of how much shopping we want to do versus how much we care about keeping the outside Sanctionary from coming in. Come to think of it a Combi-Tool wouldn't go amiss for gaining access to the inner workings of the cogitator station that would have the relevant information."

Inellia looks amused at the growing list of equipment Lax is thinking up, but she says nothing in reply.

"Do not fret, Brother Lax, I too would prefer we avoid slaying loyal citizens", the novice attempts to reassure him, misinterpreting his confusion for hesitation. "It is but a possibility, yet one we should steel our resolve for, were it to become necessary."

Having at least attempted to keep track of the list, she ponders for a moment before nodding. "I doubt we can take the entire relay offline. Even if we'd succeed, I trust the Machine God's priests will notice and send an inspection team. We might be able to come up with an excuse ... say, a reactor leak. But even so, I think the best approach is to only jam short-range vox, and try to subdue the station crew one by one, as quickly and quietly as possible."

Edited by Lynata

Estelia looks distinctly uncomfortable at the thought of having to trick an adept of the Mechanicus, “A short range jammer sounds like a good idea, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the relay in a way that reveals our presence.”

After a short pause she continues, “I hope we don’t have to kill anyone, sounds like they’re just doing their jobs as Imperial citizens should”

On 1/9/2019 at 10:56 PM, Lynata said:

"Do not fret, Brother Lax, I too would prefer we avoid slaying loyal citizens", the novice attempts to reassure him, misinterpreting his confusion for hesitation. "It is but a possibility, yet one we should steel our resolve for, were it to become necessary."

Having at least attempted to keep track of the list, she ponders for a moment before nodding. "I doubt we can take the entire relay offline. Even if we'd succeed, I trust the Machine God's priests will notice and send an inspection team. We might be able to come up with an excuse ... say, a reactor leak. But even so, I think the best approach is to only jam short-range vox, and try to subdue the station crew one by one, as quickly and quietly as possible."

Lax looks at Ariel a bit nonplussed and blinks, "You have a very...kind view of how seriously the Mechanicus take situations like that, at least if Kappex was anything go by. Unless you pulled rank with stating your Inquisitorial allegiance I guess. Even then they'd be a bit angry over the whole thing."

1 hour ago, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia looks distinctly uncomfortable at the thought of having to trick an adept of the Mechanicus, “A short range jammer sounds like a good idea, as long as it doesn’t interfere with the relay in a way that reveals our presence.”

After a short pause she continues, “I hope we don’t have to kill anyone, sounds like they’re just doing their jobs as Imperial citizens should”

Inellia regards Estellia, "They are, but in connection to the possible machinations of heretics one cannot spare the bud to get to the root. The Emperor knows His own and rewards a Loyalist's sacrifice, willing or not, with a place at His side. Your souls will not be judged for carrying out your duties so long as your mindset remains pure. But it is something to keep in your hearts when you consider the path forwards. But, we've discussed the situation I feel for long enough. You have a plan, a means, and time to try and get a hold of any equipment you feel relevant. Is there anything else you require of myself?"

Estelia shakes her head after thinking for a moment, “not unless Ariel has anything in mind,” she makes the sign of the Aquila, “thank you, Sister Inellia.”

If nothing else is mentioned, Estelia goes to don her flak Armor, thinking it’s black exterior should be sufficient camouflage (although the gold embossing on the front will stick out). As she checks her equipment and ammunition, the Novice thinks on what the Sister had said. She supposed it was true that any they were forced to kill in their mission were serving the Emperor through their . . . forced cooperation, but since that also meant their position had to be filled, it wouldn’t do to have to kill anyone who’s death could have been avoided through proper diligence on her and Ariel’s part. Before leaving her domicile, Estelia prays briefly before the icon in the room, as she had been taught to do at the Convent. It was the first time she had really felt need for a pre-battle litany, which both excited and scared her. But those were thoughts for one weak of faith. There was no place for extremes of emotion in battle, except for the love of the Emperor and disdain for his enemies, or so she had been told.

Edited by Servant of Dante

Furrowing her brows at the security-guard-turned-operative's comment, Ariel adds: "Of course we should avoid revealing our true allegiance. Indeed, if it comes to that, it might be prudent to die as, ah, members of some criminal gang rather than Imperial agents. That means we must also conceal the origins or leave behind any parts of equipment affiliated with the Imperial Adepta." She glances at Estelia, remembering the devotional iconography affixed to her comrade's armour.

Her attention returning to their host, she bows. "I believe this should cover everything. If we may 'borrow' Brother Lax for acquiring some of the items he listed? His familiarity with the mansion's inventory should be a great help -- and he may know where to look in case we need to source any missing items from local merchants."

On 1/13/2019 at 12:48 PM, Servant of Dante said:

On 1/13/2019 at 5:14 PM, Lynata said:

Her attention returning to their host, she bows. "I believe this should cover everything. If we may 'borrow' Brother Lax for acquiring some of the items he listed? His familiarity with the mansion's inventory should be a great help -- and he may know where to look in case we need to source any missing items from local merchants."

"That's expressly what I suggested him for, to be used by you as you please." Inellia states with a straight face, but without his helmet Lax doesn't realize the raised eyebrow he has can be seen by anyone looking at him.


The date is  3.002.868.M41  the time is 0800 standard Imperial.

((How did you end up spending the Feast of the Emperor's Ascension?))

It has been nearly two weeks since your meeting with Inellia concerning the next move in your investigation in to the Relay Station near House Novianna. This this end Lax was tasked with trying to scour the manse for materials and see what contacts he may be able to scrounge up in terms of acquiring items.

((Side Note: You may make acquisition tests as well for what supplies you feel may be prudent, or general tests to try and get a bit more information about the situation overall. There's no reason for you guys to have just been sitting around or anything.))

To this end Lax requests that you meet him in the armoury room to show you the fruits of his labor. On a long table that's generally lined with weapons awaiting maintenance you note what appears to be a small, hand-held, compact device that seems like it has many minor attachments within it, a device that seems of a smooth black material about the size of your palm that seems puck sized, and a device that seems to look like a scale with to orbs on the ends of the arms.

He presents to you:

1x Combi-Tool (-20 Influence roll vs 41 Influence result 07)

1x Stummer (0 Influence roll vs 41 Influence result 38)

1x Static Generator (-30 Influence roll vs 41 Influence result 06)

Lax stands with his helmet on again, *static* "I tried to turn up a few other things, but apparently it's harder to find a Multi-Key than I thought. Makes sense I guess given that they're used to bypass security. I was right though there was a smaller jamming device than what I'd thought, so we won't be knocking out the entire tower. It should just take out comm beads in a few dozen meters. They'll know we're using it when it's active however." *static*

He pauses for a moment waiting to hear about what either of you two rounded up, or awaiting a general commentary on what he accomplished.

Estelia spends much of the Feast of the Emperor's Ascension in the chapel, feeling a bit more devout than normal due to the danger of their upcoming mission. She leaves a devotional candle near the room's rear, to guide her back to safety, either physically or spiritually if she were to be killed, and lights one for Ariel as well.

As for equipment, Estellia searched for the following (if we get the +30 to use for downtime we can assume all into the Refractor Field (otherwise I need a 1 lol) :

Refractor Field (-30 vs 30 Inf Roll: 74 as one might expect)

Photo Visor (-10 vs 30 Inf Roll: 62 )

Flak Cloak (-10 vs 30 Inf Roll: 48 )

((no successes))

Estelia decides she will bring the helmet of her Flak armor along regardless, but keep to her armored bodyglove otherwise as Ariel suggested.

It was ironic that Ariel, though deeply spiritual herself, and much more accustomed to following rules and regulations than Estelia, spent less time in the chapel than the latter. She still visited on a daily basis, of course, but did not allow even the Feast to interfere with her preparations -- at least, not too much. Her reverence took a mostly private form: aside from the usual prayers and meditation, the girl also increasingly engaged in self-castigation, following the Sororitas' belief that only through pain one will be able to gain a vague inkling of the Emperor's sacrifice, and perhaps come just a little bit closer to his divine presence.

As the days passed, Ariel studied the schematics provided by their faraway mistress, doing her best to memorize what she thought might be passageways and rooms, although her lack of experience with such data made this a formidable task. If possible, the novice would have also attempted to scout out the immediate surroundings of the relay tower, specifically potential escape routes -- and on her journeys through the hive also attempt to pick up the following two items:

  • Poor Craftsmanship Auspex (+0 vs 25)
  • Hallucinogen Grenade (-10 vs 25)

(if the +20 bonus from Downtime applies, please use all of it for the grenade. in regards to the recon, Ariel does not have Scrutiny, but perhaps Awareness (+0 at PER 35) would help at least a little?)

Edited by Lynata
On 1/17/2019 at 12:47 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia spends much of the Feast of the Emperor's Ascension in the chapel, feeling a bit more devout than normal due to the danger of their upcoming mission. She leaves a devotional candle near the room's rear, to guide her back to safety, either physically or spiritually if she were to be killed, and lights one for Ariel as well.

Estelia decides she will bring the helmet of her Flak armor along regardless, but keep to her armored bodyglove otherwise as Ariel suggested.

Lax looks at Estelia seemingly noticing that she had no luck in finding anything and nods in understanding.

9 hours ago, Lynata said:

It was ironic that Ariel, though deeply spiritual herself, and much more accustomed to following rules and regulations than Estelia, spent less time in the chapel than the latter. She still visited on a daily basis, of course, but did not allow even the Feast to interfere with her preparations -- at least, not too much. Her reverence took a mostly private form: aside from the usual prayers and meditation, the girl also increasingly engaged in self-castigation, following the Sororitas' belief that only through pain one will be able to gain a vague inkling of the Emperor's sacrifice, and perhaps come just a little bit closer to his divine presence.

As the days passed, Ariel studied the schematics provided by their faraway mistress, doing her best to memorize what she thought might be passageways and rooms, although her lack of experience with such data made this a formidable task. If possible, the novice would have also attempted to scout out the immediate surroundings of the relay tower, specifically potential escape routes -- and on her journeys through the hive also attempt to pick up the following two items:

((Yeah, it's been a while, I don't see why we can't use the Influence bonus thing. Ariel 10 for Auspex, so Success. 22 for Hallucinogen Grenade, so Success. 90 for Awareness, so Failure.))

Turning to Ariel he notices her acquisitions and adds, *static* "Auspex should be useful in figuring out the positions of any occupants in the relay station, but...what's the Hallucinogen grenade for?" *static*

Softly patting the device, the novice moves to explain: "An insurance, Brother Lax. From how the effects of the gas were described to me, we might use it to overcome the station crew's resistance without killing them, or perhaps use it against any first responders. It should prove to be an effective, ideally non-lethal means of temporarily disrupting opposition."

Pausing briefly, she adds: "Admittedly, it was more of an, ah, impulse acquisition. At first I was wondering if a lascutter might be useful or if it would slow us down too much, when I noticed another merchant had a few of these on offer."

"What kind of merchant keeps hallucinogens just laying around where anyone can see them? Weird place. Are we ready to get moving?" Estelia shifts her weight from one foot to the other, anxious to be doing something . She hoped she would't regret leaving her flak armour behind too badly, especially as she had not been able to find a substitute other than her bodyglove.

On 1/21/2019 at 5:57 PM, Lynata said:

Softly patting the device, the novice moves to explain: "An insurance, Brother Lax. From how the effects of the gas were described to me, we might use it to overcome the station crew's resistance without killing them, or perhaps use it against any first responders. It should prove to be an effective, ideally non-lethal means of temporarily disrupting opposition."

Pausing briefly, she adds: "Admittedly, it was more of an, ah, impulse acquisition. At first I was wondering if a lascutter might be useful or if it would slow us down too much, when I noticed another merchant had a few of these on offer."

Lax nods understandingly at the explanation, not having anything to say in the face of his own impulse buys, even though they were on an acquisition list.

On 1/22/2019 at 6:55 PM, Servant of Dante said:

"What kind of merchant keeps hallucinogens just laying around where anyone can see them? Weird place. Are we ready to get moving?" Estelia shifts her weight from one foot to the other, anxious to be doing something . She hoped she would't regret leaving her flak armour behind too badly, especially as she had not been able to find a substitute other than her bodyglove.

Lax shrugs and follows up, *static* "They probably thought it was some kind of recreational substance rather than a weapon, but that's hardly the point. We're probably fine, but I would suggest waiting until nightfall for the sake of skulking around into the sewers. It's a minor point, but any guards would likely be watching their respective manses over the street at that point, or lazying about." *static*

((OOC we discussed the issue and agreed that the characters would wait until nightfall))

Nightfall in the Apex is scheduled to begin at 20:00 Standard Imperial, while you have seen some spears of sunlight across certain areas in the hive most of it is still shadowed by higher peaks, until Desoleum Primus breaks the atmosphere at least. As such Nightfall involves a process similarly seen at the Villa where the luminen shading of the area is toned down to a darkened state.

Gearing yourselves out and leaving the villa it takes roughly half an hour to get to one of the closer entrances to a main-way into the lower tunnel infrastructure in the hive.

The streets are essentially empty, nobles having better things to do in their homes than wandering about in the streets, still though you note manor guards every now and again along with the occasional premium auto carriage.

((How are the two of you presenting yourselves?))

Getting nearer to the entrance Lax, seemingly geared in a manner that seems to suggest he's your personal guard, slows and speaks up in to your microbeads, "We're getting close here. We should probably try to a stealthier entrance that way no one takes note. I doubt anyone would care, but you never know."

((I hate group stealth rolls, I hate having one lynchpin messing everyone else over because of a bad roll or low stats. So, I'm gonna say this, either one of you make a single Stealth test. Normally I'd say it's a +0, no one's looking for you. But given that there are two others in the group I'll put a -10 on the modifier to the test. I suspect that Estelia has the better Agility and Stealth, so debate among yourselves.))

Ariel paused for a moment, contemplating the other novice's remark. "It seems you can buy all sorts of things here, though this one I got from a street vendor. They are probably unregulated, given they are only to stun and disorient, or so I was told. Frankly, I'm not sure we should rely too much on its effects, but it should do something ." Emperor be willing, at least.

Having waited until nightfall, she joins the group for their little raid. The young novice is clad in the same apparel she had arrived on the planet with, considering the flak greatcoat to be both sufficiently protective as well as inconspicuous. Granted, she certainly would not fit in with the local nobility, but whilst ragged, her coat might still allow her to get by as a representative of the middle class, at least in combination with her flawless skin that was free from the impurities that were common among the working folk condemned to toiling in the hive's manufactoriums, surrounded by pollutants and radiation.

She had kept her bodyglove as well, in addition to its basic properties also appreciating the possibility of using it to quickly change appearances by simply dropping her first layer of clothing. Whereas auspex and grenade could be tucked away, the shotgun had to be carried openly. Ariel had double-checked all her gear to ensure the absence of emblems or iconography connecting them to the Imperium's Adepta.

"Very well. Let us hope the entrance to the tunnels won't be barricaded."

Estelia simply wore her body glove, to avoid bearing any identifying marks. Regretfully, she concluded that her flintlock would also be inappropriate for this task. She bore her weapon belt as usual at the waist, and the compact autopistol’s concealed holster fit snugly (if not particularly comfortably) between her shoulder blades, about the only place both near the edge of the garment and not overly conspicuous. She carried her unmarked black flak helmet in her hand, hoping it would look like something a motorist might wear. Once they reached isolated spaces, she slid it over her head and attempted to lead the others quietly toward their target.

((Stealth -10: 45 Ag + 10 Stealth - 10 difficulty = 45. Roll: 40 for 1 DoS! Finally, a roll goes well :D ))

On 1/24/2019 at 11:16 PM, Lynata said:

"Very well. Let us hope the entrance to the tunnels won't be barricaded."

On 1/26/2019 at 1:46 AM, Servant of Dante said:

((Stealth -10: 45 Ag + 10 Stealth - 10 difficulty = 45. Roll: 40 for 1 DoS! Finally, a roll goes well :D ))

Quietly the group move towards the nearest lower area entrance, nothing seems blocked up as the entrance is more of a tunnel than anything. On an empty roadway in the middle of a dimly lit street is a metal cog set into the rockcrete, large enough for someone to go down if moved.

Forcing the lid off of the tunnel entrance is no easy task, but Lax manages to do it after asking for some help. Not locked in any particular manner, merely difficult to maneuver as most tech-wrights would not suspect this to be a thing any common Imperial citizen would do. Forcing it off of the entrance Lax opens with, "You go down first, I'll drag it back over on my way down."

Assuming the two of you go down Lax quickly follows and the grating of the lid can be heard as the excess light of the street is cut off above you, replaced by weak red luminen bulbs in the lower tunnel area. The smell down here is musty and mixed with old sacred unguents of the Adeptus Mechanicus, and all around can be heard background noises of static in the air or thrumming of power cables along with a myriad of other minor technical noises that keeps a hive alive.

"Alright, now we just have to find our proper way." Lax pulls out the schematic along with the map that Inellia gave the group originally to find the Villa and holds them against a wall after brushing cobwebs off of it.

((Alright, so here I'd like a Navigate (Surface) test at +20 with the chart/map you have at your avail...alright, well how about that Lax no skill -20 +20 mod for a target of 37 off baseline intelligence. Roll result 11, for 3 DoS))

"Should be this way." Lax says with actual confidence after looking over the charts, and leads the two of you further into the tunnels.

((Feel free to note what Ariel and Estelia note of their traveling, if anything interesting. I'm all for scene details.))

Nodding to the former security trooper, Ariel decides to press ahead and take point, beginning her descent into the tunnel by using her left hand to climb as the right one clutches the heavy combat shotgun -- a feat in its own way, considering its weight. Fortunately, the way down isn't very long, allowing the novice to reinforce her grip on the weapon with her freed-again left.

"It does not smell quite as bad as I would have imagined", she remarks, evidently not yet seeing any reason to lower her voice. "But that doesn't mean the air down here is healthy. Is it truly safe, Brother Lax?" As she walks and speaks, her eyes briefly remain glued on a cloud of white gas leaking from one of the massive power cables. As she passes, the air around her feels noticeably colder.

At first, the journey seems to go uneventful, though Ariel stops again and again to examine some arcane-looking piece of machinery, or evidence of the hive's quasi-subterranean fauna and flora. A fleshy brain fungus , its man-sized shape bubbly and intertwined, sits glued on centuries-old stone. Elsewhere, a host of glowing electrolice , each one the size of an apple, has quietly infected one of the power lines, drawing sustenance from the powerful current running within. In its own way, this city really was a kind of jungle, and it was fascinating to see the hidden life below the streets.

Estelia thought it smelled pleanty, though she wanted to not make too much noise, just in case. She whispers, “We should try to be quiet, in case someone is watching.”

The dim illumination reminded Estelia of (what she thought) a mine would look like, and the thought of the city streets above her was somewhat novel. Of course, there were streets below her too, and service paths like this above the streets she walked below, she was simply between layers of the hive. The faint whirring and clicking . . . and other more wet sounds could be heard coming from hidden machinery and . . . other things the Novice would rather not think about.

Although the machines and growing things meant little to her, Estelia gave at least a passing glance to those items Ariel stopped to examine.

One item that struck the Novice as interesting was what she assumed was a terminal if some sort, at least it looked like a data entry board for a record keeping device like the Sisters Superior would use. Except, this one was covered in ancient-looking sealing cloth with faded words written over its surface ((think analogue computer keyboard wrapped in cloth)) and didn’t seem to be connected to anything but a mass of wires that disappeared into the walls. The corner of the wrap was cut open, it seemed to her to have been done at a later time, to reveal the key used to cancel an operation ((think Esc key)), and the stub of a red votive Candle was melted onto the keyboard beside the key. Estelia was momentarily tempted to press the key, to see what would happen, but thought better of it.

As they neared their destination, Estelia devoted more of her attention to surveying their surroundings for threats.

((ive realized it makes more sense if Estelia is wearing some loose pants and a shirt over her bodysuit. Probably male clothes, I’m think like Pirates of the Caribbean aesthetic baggy brown pants and white shirt at the moment))