Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

On 11/25/2018 at 1:22 AM, Lynata said:

Realizing that they still have a few moments until the technoarcana would finish building a connection, the novice casts her gaze through the room, looking for an ocular that would transmit their image, and which they should thusly face.

Ariel notices that there seem to be no ocular devices to transmit image in the arrangement from your end, but there does seem to be a vox caster of some sort in the arrangement that will transmit your words. It could simply be that an ocular device, if present, is not easily discernible from the mess of the security room already.

On 11/25/2018 at 10:08 AM, Servant of Dante said:

After a couple of minutes the humming of power in the room changes tone and goes quieter, all the screens turn on but display blackness. At first blurry, but more fidelity flows across the screens until it is revealed a white Inquisitorial "=I=" is on display. When that is cleanly displayed it fades and text displays across the screen "Connection Established ..." eventually this too fades and you see a single line form across the screen.

In perfect High Gothic ((which as an audience we "heard" at the opening of the game)), you hear, "I am Madame Inquisitrix Beatrix Arlean, what would you ask? My charges."

14 hours ago, ThenDoctor said:

In perfect High Gothic ((which as an audience we "heard" at the opening of the game)), you hear, "I am Madame Inquisitrix Beatrix Arlean, what would you ask? My charges."

Assuming that the display represents the intended relative direction of the speaker on the other end of the connection, Ariel turns towards the Inquisitrix and bows, making the Sign of the Aquila. Even though she was unable to discern any ocular pickups on her end of the connection, the visual presence of Madame Arlean very much suggested that she could see them , too.

"Mylady", the novice raises her voice after taking a breath, "we are approaching a critical juncture at our investigation, and would request the aid of resources .. of knowledge that you may have access to."

Reiterating the plan, the girl proceeded to brief the woman on what she had earlier discussed with the group, and with Inellia.

Estelia made the sign of the Aquila along with Ariel, standing beside her and letting her speak for them. She wondered if the Inquisitrix would have the kind of information they needed on hand, or if she would have to find it, or if she would even help them at all. Clearly Inellia was one of her more senior agents but she wasn’t sure what their standing was with the mysterious Inquisitor.

On 11/28/2018 at 12:32 AM, Lynata said:

Assuming that the display represents the intended relative direction of the speaker on the other end of the connection, Ariel turns towards the Inquisitrix and bows, making the Sign of the Aquila. Even though she was unable to discern any ocular pickups on her end of the connection, the visual presence of Madame Arlean very much suggested that she could see them , too.

"Mylady", the novice raises her voice after taking a breath, "we are approaching a critical juncture at our investigation, and would request the aid of resources .. of knowledge that you may have access to."

Reiterating the plan, the girl proceeded to brief the woman on what she had earlier discussed with the group, and with Inellia.

((Just to note it's not visual presence, just audio you're receiving, at least that you see.))

20 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia made the sign of the Aquila along with Ariel, standing beside her and letting her speak for them. She wondered if the Inquisitrix would have the kind of information they needed on hand, or if she would have to find it, or if she would even help them at all. Clearly Inellia was one of her more senior agents but she wasn’t sure what their standing was with the mysterious Inquisitor.

After Ariel's explanation of the situation the setup is silent for a moment, seemingly of consideration.

After a moment a reply comes through, "I will assume given the other's silence that they hold the same views of the situation and that you have not coerced them in to this discussion. I can aid you in this endeavor, it is a simple enough thing to get access to through my intermediaries in a quiet enough manner, of course depending on how far the tendrils of this threat spreads discovery is always a consideration. I have my doubts they have their claws in too far, just yet at least, based on what Inellia has relayed to me over your time at the Villa. I will ask this though, why? Not, why do you need this, that is obvious, but why should I aid you? I have other ongoing investigations across Askellon, I can put my resources into any of them to further them, why should I aid this one, why should I aid you? Convince me."

You can hear the raising of an eyebrow at the end of the Inquisitrix's remark, as silence returns awaiting your response.

((Note, do not in any way take this as me being like 'nah you can't have it' I'm just really curious as to what Ariel/Estelia thinks their worth is to the Inquisitrix and how hard they'll fight in the situation. Totally a roleplay thing I'm not asking for a test, and you've gone this far I'm not going to deny you either. Just thought it was an interesting question.))

Seemingly having anticipated this question, or perhaps rather having weighed her options even before she went to Inellia, Ariel does not hesitate to respond:

"With respect, Mistress, I am convinced this is the best way forward. There are other options we considered, but at this point they all run a higher risk of calling to attention those we would rather keep ignorant of our investigation. Questions would be faced with questions, raising suspicion. And a direct assault on the substation without sufficient preparation has a high chance of turning out disastrous, given the resources currently at hand. From what we have been told, our purpose here is to act as your eyes, your ears, and your hands -- don't let your tools go blind, deaf, and without fingers."

“Besides, we’re unreliable assets at best, right? By supplying this information you give us a better chance of not making a mess for you, or Sister Inellia, to clean up later.”

Estelia knew that maybe she should have been silent, but the Inquisitor has asked, and she didn’t want the Inquisitrix to think she couldn’t speak for herself at all. It might make Ariel look like she didn’t have their support.

Edited by Servant of Dante
On 12/2/2018 at 4:40 AM, Lynata said:

"With respect, Mistress, I am convinced this is the best way forward. There are other options we considered, but at this point they all run a higher risk of calling to attention those we would rather keep ignorant of our investigation. Questions would be faced with questions, raising suspicion. And a direct assault on the substation without sufficient preparation has a high chance of turning out disastrous, given the resources currently at hand. From what we have been told, our purpose here is to act as your eyes, your ears, and your hands -- don't let your tools go blind, deaf, and without fingers."

You may imagine that the Inquisitrix nods in acknowledgement of the reply before adding, "Yes, but occasionally a sacrifice can teach a more lasting lesson."

8 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

“Besides, we’re unreliable assets at best, right? By supplying this information you give us a better chance of not making a mess for you, or Sister Inellia, to clean up later.”

A sound comes across the system that could be the quick passing of air through one's nose in amusement, "Your unreliability has yet to be shown Estellia, do you think Sister Inellia is there to clean up your mess? She is not, she is there as a go between. That is how I choose to run the investigations that I am not personally overseeing. Without a go between how can I instruct the skills I desire in my assets down the line in their service? The Emperor has not deigned to gift anyone I know of with the ability to be in more than one place at a given time, and I am but one woman. You are acolytes, the three of you. You can become more if you put your mind to it, and also if you believe that you were chosen for a reason without letting it go to your head."

The Inquisitrix pauses for a moment, "The schematics for the listening station will be at the Villa within the standard week, it will not take anymore time than that to pull the threads I desire and for them to come together in a fruitful if quiet fashion. Inellia will inform you when they arrive. Do not make me feel as if I have wasted my time and resources on your request. I suggest you make sure this action puts you on the shining path forward. Go forth, at my word, in His name."

And with that Beatrix abruptly cuts off the feed, the screen loses its single line and displays a Thought for the Day, "The heretic shall reap as they have sown - the bitter harvest of vengeance and death." and a tic of the chrono later the screens cut back in to a slumber as the thrum in the room changes pitch again to something more silent.

On 12/3/2018 at 4:07 PM, ThenDoctor said:

And with that Beatrix abruptly cuts off the feed, the screen loses its single line and displays a Thought for the Day, "The heretic shall reap as they have sown - the bitter harvest of vengeance and death." and a tic of the chrono later the screens cut back in to a slumber as the thrum in the room changes pitch again to something more silent.

Ariel shot her blabbermouth companion a glance. Her facial expression did not change much, but it was definitely a glare -- the kind Estelia would usually receive when she got both of them in trouble.

Prepared to further justify and defend her proposition, the ebony novice's lips began to move, but paused as the formless voice, by the arcane power of the transceiver's machine spirit carried into this room in realtime - which, as Ariel knew, most likely meant that their mysterious host resides within this system, if not on the same world - continued. She felt a mixture of pride and relief as the voice announced her request would be granted.

The screens went dark before the girls could even respond.

"Well, this went better than I had dared to hope", Ariel finally announces. "And would you stop yapping in the most inopportune moments, Novice Cantus Estelia Dolan?"

"I was was trying to not say too much . . . " Estelia looks a bit upset, "but she asked both of us so I answered."

To no one in particular she mumbles, "Last I checked you were a Novice Cantus too."

On 12/5/2018 at 9:55 PM, Lynata said:

On 12/7/2018 at 9:43 PM, Servant of Dante said:

It  is 3.997.867.M41 the time is 0600 standard Imperial. 

((How do you feel about the coming Feast of the Emperor's Ascension, and the coming new year for the Imperium of Man?))

It has been a little over a week since you originally sent your astropathic communication and spoke with Cassa on the nature of the strange blue handkerchiefs that your investigation seems to be focusing on. It's been less than a week since you spoke with your benefactor, the Inquisitrix Arlean for information concerning the layout of the communications relay tower near House Noviana.

This morning you are greeted by the Thought for the Day: "Vigilance is the brother of truth"

After whatever morning ablutions your characters commit to ((what are those this particular morning)) you receive word from Lax that Sister Inellia has requested your presence in the meeting room at 0900 standard Imperial.

In the meeting area Sister Inellia has created out of the dining room of the Villa you note that it still seems like there is a mountain of paperwork, scrolls, and data-slates on the table. Though as always, the material seems different than the last time if not in the same focus.

Inellia is reading a data-slate and drinking from a mug of something steaming, but when you arrive, she puts the mug down gently and sits the data-slate aside. She gestures to the chairs at the table for you to all find a seat and waits for you to compose yourselves.

She bows her head and makes the sign of the Aquila before clearing her throat and beginning, “The Order of the Watchful Eye has responded to your request,” she comments picking up a missive of rolled parchments, “along with our Inquisitrix,” she continues putting down the parchments and picking up a data-slate.

She gestures to the two parcels, “Which would you like to learn of or peruse first?”

When Estelia wakes up she lays in bed for a moment to gather herself, then moves to kneel before the small shrine set up on a table in her domicile to pray. It occurred to her that this would be her first Feast of the Emperor’s Ascension away from the Schola and Convent. What would they do to celebrate? She supposed they had the chapel, they would have to work out some decorations and ceremonies for the occasion. Father Thorne could likely help with that, at least they were not without a proper priest.

((Maybe the Father stays behind in order to be able to prepare for the Feast properly :P ))

After she finishes her prayers, Estelia checks her equipment (she cleaned it each night so there was no need for a though servicing in the morning), and dons her bodyglove and robe, cleaning her face and teeth before moving out into the rest of the manor. Just before she leaves the door, she straps the small autopistol in its discrete holster along the side of her torso, where her arm and the copious folds of her garment would hide it.

The Novice takes breakfast in the kitchen, as usual, grabbing whatever caught her fancy and seemed like she could prepare without hurting anyone. Some sort of bread product usually, since that didn’t require any preparation.

After breakfast she took a few minutes to stretch her muscles and make sure her mind was alert.


Estelia wasn’t sure what she had expected when Inellia summoned them, but she hadn’t expected to be asked what she wanted to be told. As usual when she wasn’t doing something, Estelia looked to Ariel, then Father Thorne, to see what they would answer.

The day had started a little differently for the other novice. Though there were similarities in both' girls self-enforced schedule, likely a result of their paramilitary upbringing, Ariel had opted to visit the mansion's garden house, where she had dropped her robes to stand stark-naked in the morning cold. It was something done in the convent both as a physical exercise as well as a means of punishment, as the Sisters believed discomfort such as this would strengthen their bodies, as well as nudge their spirits a little closer to the God-Emperor in His eternal suffering. She thought it to be a fitting way to begin the day, considering the upcoming celebration.

The garden was perfect for this occasion. It was not as decadently warm as the rooms of the mansion proper, but at the same time still shielded from the outside world. She cared little about exposing herself, yet she knew that men and women of a less pious spirit might have lecherous thoughts if they would see her like this. And there seemed to be a lot of such souls on this Emperor-forsaken world, whilst her own pride and patience held little room to accommodate them.

She forced herself to stand at attention for half an hour, torn between trying to ignore the cold that crept into her joints and embracing it. Mentally reciting various memorized prayers, the time ultimately went by slower than expected. Perhaps it was just a certain amount of anxiety messing with her ability to meditate; she was unused to having so much time for herself, and over the past couple days had grown increasingly restless at their mission's lack of progress.

As such, if one knew her thoughts - Estelia possibly being the only one who might be in the position to anticipate her companion's actions - her answer probably came to little surprise:

"The Lady Inquisitor. We are hers to command, so her messages should enjoy priority." After a moment she added what might be a subjectively even more important reason: "Furthermore, its contents may affect how we should proceed with the other information."

On 12/14/2018 at 7:50 PM, Servant of Dante said:

((Maybe the Father stays behind in order to be able to prepare for the Feast properly :P ))


Estelia wasn’t sure what she had expected when Inellia summoned them, but she hadn’t expected to be asked what she wanted to be told. As usual when she wasn’t doing something, Estelia looked to Ariel, then Father Thorne, to see what they would answer.

((I was thinking that myself as soon as I read that bit))

On 12/14/2018 at 8:57 PM, Lynata said:

And there seemed to be a lot of such souls on this Emperor-forsaken world, whilst her own pride and patience held little room to accommodate them.

"The Lady Inquisitor. We are hers to command, so her messages should enjoy priority." After a moment she added what might be a subjectively even more important reason: "Furthermore, its contents may affect how we should proceed with the other information."

((And so we see the beginning of Ariel's corruption due to her growing hatred of Desoleum's populace? lol))

Sister Inelia nods and pushes forward a parcel on the table.

It is wrapped in black parchment paper and tied in black twine. Removing the covering reveals a black cardstock lidded box.

Within the box is:

-A blue print schematic of the Relay Tower noted specifically as the one you are found out about. ((Scrutiny -10 to gain anything overly meaningful about it))

-An invoice concerning Consortium assets stationed at the Relay Tower ((2 Sanctionary troops and 1 Repair Servitor))

-A prayer book on the basic rites involved in retrieving anything from the Relay Tower systems ((It will give a bonus of +10 bonus to Tech-Use tests to interact with the Relay Tower systems))

-A note from your Inquisitrix, it is written on fine quality vellum, in exquisite ink, and scripted in perfect High Gothic. It reads:


I hope these items find you well enough.

May they be of worth to your investigation,

Madame Inquisitrix Beatrix Arlean

Glancing at her companions for a moment, Ariel then extends a hand to reach for the box, opening it to inspect its contents. Spreading them out on the table for the others to see, she proceeded to go over the items one by one.

"This should prove useful indeed. We ought to take good care to study these as we plan our visit", she suggested.

((it's not hatred, it's disassociated pity! :P on a more game-related note: can we all test Scrutiny individually, or is it a single Assisted Test for the group as a whole?))

3 hours ago, Lynata said:

((it's not hatred, it's disassociated pity! :P on a more game-related note: can we all test Scrutiny individually, or is it a single Assisted Test for the group as a whole?))

((Sure it is Lyn, sure ;P. As for the Scrutiny, you and Dante can hammer out the details of that to see about your chances, if you'd want you can ask some npcs for help as well. I'm not going to say you'll get nothing for failure either. It's a matter of how much more info there is.))

Estelia wasn't sure what she had expected, but she supposed what lay before them made sense. She hadn't even considered how they were going to get any information from the relay station cogitators, that prayer book looked complicated, and the Mechanicus cog on the front wasn't helping . . .

"First, I think we should also find out what the Order of the Watchful Eye has sent us in response to our message."

Esteilla shudders briefly at the thought of that psyker they had been forced to speak with.

On 12/18/2018 at 11:54 PM, Lynata said:

"This should prove useful indeed. We ought to take good care to study these as we plan our visit", she suggested.

19 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

"First, I think we should also find out what the Order of the Watchful Eye has sent us in response to our message."

Sister Inelia nods in acquiescence of your request and passes you the missive of rolled parchment. The papers are varying types of matter, and they are rolled together and tied with a ribbon of blood red ((I don't know enough about Sororitas to know what colour they'd use. I suspect blood red because Famulous deal with blood ties in the Imperium?)).

Unraveling the parchment reveals a cover letter, in quick and tidy script you note in High Gothic:

"Novices Damaris and Dolan,

Provided follows all known, and unrestricted, genealogical ties that Lady Rosalind Novianna has as they pertain to her destination; Desoleum.

Lord Betrand Novianna - Uncle (Last noted location Desoleum Primus, House Novianna)

Tyruss Novianna - Cousin (Son of Lord Betrand, Last noted location Desoleum Primus, House Novianna

House Novianna as a bloodline has declined in recent generations, their holdings and ties have been diluted due to certain outcomes of business.

Their holdings off Desoleum are minor and hold to two other worlds, Juno and Vanth.

In recent years Lord Novianna's inclusion in the Consortium has led to a resurgence of importance in the playing field of the nobility, in which he has risen to a small amount of prominence along with other Apex Lords of Desoleum.

In the Emperor's name,

Sister Scythia

-Included also in the missive are copies of genealogical records proving these facts, only Desoleum's lines are provided even though Juno and Vanth's are both mentioned. Rosalind herself is from Novianna's on Juno.

((Just to repeat what the original message was it follows: " Ariel Damaris and Estelia Dolan on detached duty, requesting information on noble House Novianna, genealogy and contacts, in particular one woman Rosalind Novianna."))

Ariel watches Estelia take possession of the second message, stepping closer to get a glimpse at the other document's contents as well.

"Not many family ties on this world", she comments, somewhat surprised at the short list. At least these few names should prove easier to follow up on. "I am not an expert on these matters, but at a hunch I would suspect that House Novianna's recent fortunes are tied to the activities of the Skydock."

The novice looks to their host as if trying to judge, based on Inellia's expression, whether she might be on the right track.

On 12/20/2018 at 8:37 PM, ThenDoctor said:

((I don't know enough about Sororitas to know what colour they'd use. I suspect blood red because Famulous deal with blood ties in the Imperium?)).

((I like it!))

((Red is a very Sisters color anyway))

”That would make sense. Maybe the vox code we’re tracking belongs to Bertrand or Tyruss.”

Looking back to the plans, “Would you like me to go find Lax? He might be able to make more sense of these.”

((assuming no objections Estelia leaves to find Lax))

On 12/24/2018 at 4:51 PM, Lynata said:

"Not many family ties on this world", she comments, somewhat surprised at the short list. At least these few names should prove easier to follow up on. "I am not an expert on these matters, but at a hunch I would suspect that House Novianna's recent fortunes are tied to the activities of the Skydock."

The novice looks to their host as if trying to judge, based on Inellia's expression, whether she might be on the right track.

Inellia nods in a way that is more acknowledging of the point than agreeing, "At the very least, Novianna seems to be in whatever sub-sect of the Consortium involved with the pecular blue cloth, and therefore by extension, they are involved in whatever House Rosa is up to at the Skydock I'd suspect. Knowingly or not, at the very least this is circumstantial evidence, but it is tangentially damning to some in the Ordo I'd suspect. A good supposition regardless Ariel."

21 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

”That would make sense. Maybe the vox code we’re tracking belongs to Bertrand or Tyruss.”

Looking back to the plans, “Would you like me to go find Lax? He might be able to make more sense of these.”

((assuming no objections Estelia leaves to find Lax))

"At the very least you know the vox tower is under House Novianna's control, either of them could just be message handlers to be fair, or they may not know what lays within the messages at all and merely alerts the recipient when a new missive arrives." Inellia adds to Estelia's point, "I believe retrieving Lax would be a good idea, I suspect he may be ready to stare at something other than monitors for a while."

((We're just going to assume you do the thing and tell Lax that Sister Inellia, Ariel, and you request his presence to peruse some documents for your investigation. He wouldn't say no in any circumstance really as long as it's for your actual work.))

Estellia and Lax return, and is quickly enough brought up to speed ((how much do you tell to Lax about the overall situation other than 'take a look at these and tell us what you think'?))

Lax strokes the chin of his helmet and spreads out the schematic across the table with his other gloved hand.

((Throne of Terra...so, Target 47 (37 Per +10 Scrutiny -10 for test +10 for Assistance from Inellia), but 93 on his Scrutiny roll for a total 6 DoF. He's only good at looking at screens it seems *smh*))

*Static* "I'm going to be honest with you all, I...don't really have a good idea of what I'm looking at here. These are Mechanicus prints from what I can tell, and without proper training I can really only gleam so much. You might be able to get something if you find a tech-wright to talk with? Anyways, from what I can tell and based on my training and experience I'll say this; There's going to be one guard on the inside with the servitor to keep it guarded, the other will likely patrol the perimeter which from the area size should take between 3-5 minutes if you're doing it right and Sanctionaries take their oaths pretty seriously, and lastly if you really want to risk it it seems like there may be a way to approach the relay station from...sub tunnels where they've laid a lot of the power infrastructure, but it's kind of hard to discern." *Static*

He shrugs, and while he is helmeted he seems sorry about not being able to help much more.

Inellia nods at Lax's input on the schematics as they stand and she looks to you ((you both)) for your next thoughts.

Edited by ThenDoctor

((Since Estelia had already given Lax a basic rundown on the situation when she asked about who might be guarding the relay station, she'll tell him that these are the plans to that station))

"I can't think of anyone we can realistically trust to ask that might know more than you about this. Is there anything else we should look into before moving toward the relay station? I think it likely would be best to see what we can find there before investigating any persons directly"

Ariel nods, still assessing the plans as she listens to Lax' explanation and Lia's suggestion.

"Our host likely knows someone who keeps all the machinery in the manor operational", the novice recalls, for example, the impressive communications array they had been permitted to use to contact the Inquisitor. "But Brother Lax has already provided helpful advice I believe we can put to good use." Regardless of the soldier's spirituality, the novice had recently taken to prefix his name with the title, perhaps simply out of habit given her upbringing, for even now she was surrounded by men and women of the Faith.

She traces some of the lines on the map with a finger as she proceeds, the other hand resting on her hip: "These tunnels, would they be part of the guards' patrol route, or could they rather be infested by vermin?"

On 12/28/2018 at 4:22 PM, Servant of Dante said:

"I can't think of anyone we can realistically trust to ask that might know more than you about this. Is there anything else we should look into before moving toward the relay station? I think it likely would be best to see what we can find there before investigating any persons directly"

18 hours ago, Lynata said:

"Our host likely knows someone who keeps all the machinery in the manor operational", the novice recalls, for example, the impressive communications array they had been permitted to use to contact the Inquisitor. "But Brother Lax has already provided helpful advice I believe we can put to good use." Regardless of the soldier's spirituality, the novice had recently taken to prefix his name with the title, perhaps simply out of habit given her upbringing, for even now she was surrounded by men and women of the Faith.

She traces some of the lines on the map with a finger as she proceeds, the other hand resting on her hip: "These tunnels, would they be part of the guards' patrol route, or could they rather be infested by vermin?"

Inellia notes Ariel's statement and replies, "I cannot recall ever seeing a member of the Mechanicus here before, but perhaps the villa only undergoes maintenance rites when it is unoccupied. I can look in to the situation if that's something you would like to explore for the sake of examining the plans further?"

Lax takes up answering the actual question, *static* "Define vermin...sorry, to answer your question no it wouldn't be part of a normal patrol route, they'd be complicated to access and a hassle to close up I suspect. As for what might be down there vermin aren't impossible, but it's not unthinkable that a Reclimator might travel the tunnels searching out salvage. Probably not run of the mill Scum though, not this far up in the hive." *static* he finishes not assuming that Ariel or Estelia would understand the difference between a scum or Reclimator in the first place.

((Do they know the difference?))

"A reclimator?" To Estelia the word sounded more like a rank withing the Mechanicus than anything else.

In any case, the Novice had begun to grow restless with the planning session, "If it would let us bypass the exterior guards and avoid causing a commotion in the streets, would it be better to approach from the tunnels? Or would these reclimators be more troublesome to deal with than any of that?"

9 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

"A reclimator?" To Estelia the word sounded more like a rank withing the Mechanicus than anything else.

In any case, the Novice had begun to grow restless with the planning session, "If it would let us bypass the exterior guards and avoid causing a commotion in the streets, would it be better to approach from the tunnels? Or would these reclimators be more troublesome to deal with than any of that?"

((I'm going to answer to help possibly inform Lyn for their response.))

Lax nods understanding he was talking ahead of himself, *static* "Ah, sorry, a Reclimator is a...I guess a type of Scum. They salvage technology that's in disrepair, most of the time, to fix it themselves for a profit, or they make minor repairs on technology for people in the mid to lower hives outside of official Adeptus purview. They don't have any real formal education, they sort of...learned through exposure I guess. Not as intelligent as a tech-wright, but they know more than they should. The Mechanicus try to keep their numbers down, but there's always a few. Anyways, as for a threat, they'd certainly be less of one than a Sanctionary," he chuckles to himself, "Throne, if you found one they'd probably be more scared of you than the other way around. As for approach, based on the schematic if the tunnel opens up in the right area of the station and you hit the right circumstances in terms of timing you may be able to get in and out without a ruckus. I don't know how fast the machine spirit would respond to your ministrations though." *static*