Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

Balthazar performs the Ritual of Cleansing two separate times upon returning to his quarters. When spending the day in the company of unclean psykers, one can never be too careful.

As he cleans himself, Baltasar takes a moment to reflect on the day's events. They altogether had been quite successful in their investigations and other than some verbal altercations no problems really arose. Ariel and Estelia were surely inexperienced with life outside the convent, but they had proven to be quite resourceful. He had high hopes for the days ahead.

On 10/14/2018 at 10:12 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

As he cleans himself, Baltasar takes a moment to reflect on the day's events. They altogether had been quite successful in their investigations and other than some verbal altercations no problems really arose. Ariel and Estelia were surely inexperienced with life outside the convent, but they had proven to be quite resourceful. He had high hopes for the days ahead.

Balthazar's sleep is filled with distorted memories of the cult that he assisted breaking up back on Thaur and their insidious operations. ((What were they like?))

On 10/9/2018 at 6:09 PM, Servant of Dante said:

”Now that I think about I bet I could find something like what I was looking for then around here. You want any?” The Novice smiles at her counterpart

Later into the evening we see Estelia sneaking through the villa into the kitchen seen before in the search of some sweetbread, or some other sweet nothing, and as she turns the corner of the door frame she comes upon Lax sitting in a chair expecting her arrival, *static* "You do know this place is filled with cameras right? I'm pretty sure you're supposed to be sleeping according to Lady Inellia's desires..." *static* he ***** his head and Estelia can tell that he's likely smirking.

He however shrugs and pulls out a tin of biscuits and takes off his helmet, "But...I guess a midnight snack never hurt anyone," and he pushes a chair out for her to join him.

((Does Estelia join Lax for a late night snack?))

On 10/9/2018 at 12:13 PM, Lynata said:

Ariel is disturbed in her light rest as Estelia makes her way back into the room. ((Does she make commentary on it taking a bit longer than she may have thought?))


((I think it's safe to say that you all "do the thing" as it were and give Inellia all the information you've acquired, if there's a specific spin you want to give then you can tell me in your next post and we can have a flashback to her specific response or interpretation.))

Inellia takes the news of your day in stride giving no interpretation one way or another, she expected you to do two tasks and you accomplished those tasks. She does seem surprised that you managed to learn the location of the relay tower, but this is only noticed through raised eyebrows ((Does Ariel recount her intimidation of the Administratum representative to Inellia?)).

She sends you on your way, saying that you'll be called in again when the Order of the Watchful eye gets back with their response, it will give her time to set a few things in motion in the meantime and also give you a chance to prepare and give a cursory investigation before looking in to House Novianna more thoroughly in the future.

((Alright, I think here's a good time to bring Part 3 to a close.

XP rewards:

1960 XP from tests

Roleplaying reward 540 (roleplaying rewards are 50 XP * #of pages the part took)

For a cool 2500 XP

Other Rewards:

-Refresh your fate points

-Commit some Downtime Acquisitions

-If you want to make some secondary tests to further investigate the situation you will find yourselves in))

Estelia grins and pulls up a chair, "that looks really good, sort of like something you'd eat on the Feast of the Emperor's Ascension!"

She happily eats several of the sweet biscuits, indeed they were something that would not be served on an everyday basis at the Convent or a Schola.

Before she leaves, the novice carefully wraps up two of the biscuits in a small cloth, and moves quietly back to Ariel's room (though in her drowsy state she bumps into the door frame as she moves into the room, and almost trips over the other Novice), placing the package on Ariel's robe before going back to her own bed to sleep. She was sure the Emperor wouldn't mind, as long as she still did her best the next day (as with every other day).

((Stealth (Known) = 45, Roll:94 for 5 DoF (or is it 4?)))

((Acquisition Rolls: Concealed Holster Inf 30 (Average=+0) using all +30 I have +10 for downtime=70 target number. Roll: 84 for 3 DoF, Fate Point Re-roll: 25 for 4 DoS (2 FP remain). Solid Slugs (+0)+10 downtime=40 Roll: 79 for 4 DoF . Flame Pistol (Rare=-20)+10 downtime=20 Roll: 94 for 8 DoF ))

((So that's a hard no on everything but the holster, and only after a FP there. The emperor doesn't like Estelia having nice things :D must have been the biscuits . . .))

(( Advances

Leap up 200
Double Tap 300
Rapid Reload 300
Step Asside 400
Parry (Trained) 400
Stealth (Trained) 400
Dodge (Veteran) 400
Inquiry (Known) 200

had 100 XP left over last time, spent 2450, now 150 left over))

((Updated Character Sheet))

Edited by Servant of Dante
8 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

((Stealth (Known) = 45, Roll:94 for 5 DoF (or is it 4?)))

((1 DoF innately. DoF further determined by subtracting 10's digits, 9-4 = 5. Total of 6 DoF lol.))

Curiously enough, for someone so alert during everyday activities, Ariel was a sound sleeper. In defiance of the opened door, the shape on the bed did not stir. This changed, of course, as Estelia bumped into the door frame, the unbalanced gait then causing her to trip over the heavy shotgun that leaned against a nearby table of the unlit room. The metal hunk was toppled, the clattering sound only slightly cushioned by the soft carpet.

The dark-skinned novice stirred, dulled reflexes slowly kicking in as she was so abruptly pulled out of her sleep. Her torso rising from the bed, the girl's first thoughts were memories of drills conducted in the schola, where instructors would regularly rouse the young cadets in early morning or even during nighttime. Only after a long moment did she recall her current whereabouts.

The invader had fled mere heartbeats after causing the commotion. Getting up to inspect her room for damage or stolen items, she first noticed the fallen shotgun and, as she bent down to pick it up, the package deposited on her clothes on the nearby chair.

The next morning, Ariel would dryly comment on the extravagant nature of such pastry, albeit followed by a brief but honest expression of gratitude, naturally knowing right away who the mysterious donor must have been. She could not resist adding her own brand of sarcasm when she remarked on the decadent calorie count of such food, hinting at an obviously frivolous connection between the cookies and Estelia's lack of elegance in depositing them.

Aside from, half-jokingly, recommending Estelia to engage in some physical exercise, Ariel would spend the following days combing the mansion's archives for maps of the city and, if possible, the layout of structures like the communications tower they were targeting. Recalling that such facilities were often constructed following a standard pattern, she was hoping that ample preparation was possible before the group would even decide on how to approach the building.

During a regular trip to the outside, an attempt to become more familiar with the structure of the underhive, she even managed to acquire a respirator, believing it to come in handy for the future. The merchant seemed none too happy to be paid in scrip, but at the same time unwilling to refuse the transaction. Given the mask's origin - allegedly "surplus" from the Planetary Defence Force - Ariel had the slight suspicion the street vendor had not acquired it by perfectly legal means, anyways.



  • Strength, Simple (-250 XP) -> STR 30
  • Common Lore, Imperial Creed +10 (-400 XP)
  • Common Lore, Schola Progenium (-200 XP)
  • Acrobatics +10 (-200 XP)
  • Dodge +10 (-400 XP)
  • Resistance, Psychic Powers (-600 XP)
  • Takedown (-300 XP)

2350/2550 XP (left: 200)


Solid Slugs (failed, as already determined by GM)
Respirator (success, as already determined by GM)


Feel free to make any rolls necessary for locating and studying the aforementioned maps! I presume it'd hinge mostly on whether our host has them available in the first place?

On 10/20/2018 at 11:54 PM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia then will look into what kinds of law enforcement/security are used here since we may or may not decide to break into a place

((I think if anyone in the villa probably has a good idea of what the Sanctionaries of the Consortium might be packing, or what may be at the relay station in terms of security, it's probably Lax.))

Estellia has learned by this point where Lax dwells in his den of security monitors, it's a small area in what amounts to a nerve center of the villa on its second level.

Her approach is softened by lush carpet and she hears only the gentle whitings and clicking of whatever machine spirits are operating in the area.

The air is warmed as well due to the presence of so much technology and inner activity.

Even as she approached the room Lax, provided he is in there, betrays nothing in terms of acknowledging her presence or not.

On 10/22/2018 at 1:11 AM, Lynata said:

Feel free to make any rolls necessary for locating and studying the aforementioned maps! I presume it'd hinge mostly on whether our host has them available in the first place?

((I think we open this vignette by seeing how Ariel approaches Inellia about getting in contact with their patron in the first place.))

Ariel hears the sweet and melodious tones of hymns being hummed through the slightly ajar door of the former dining room of the villa that Inellia has as of now sequestered as an informal meeting room and study of sorts. She also hears the shuffing of papers and data slates at Inellias hands.

Before Ariel reaches the door she hears a sigh of frustration and a grumbling of, "Throne of Terra" followed by a clicking of a tongue, but as Ariel reaches the doorway she hears Inellia stop what she's doing.

She beckons her, "Yes?"

((Talking to Ariel first)) “Carrying around flak Armor all day is tiring, as you should know,” the Novice jokes, “As for exercise, if you want to make it a competition . . .”


Estelia moves up to the entrance of the room and knocks on the doorfram (or door if it’s shut), “Lax, are you there?”

Seeing that the armsman is in fact present, she moves into the room, “from what we found yesterday, we might be dealing with Consortium Security to get access to that Vox relay station. Do you know anything about them? What sort of equipment do they use, how are they trained, or how they usually act, for example? I hope the situation won’t become violent, but even if it doesn’t it would be good to know what to expect from them.”

Edited by Servant of Dante

"Isn't everything a competition for you, dear Estelia?", the other novice replied in a tone eerily similar to that of an elder Sister Superior. "Humble yourself before the Emperor, and He will lift you up."

She did not even look up from her meal as she quoted from some archaic scripture.


After breakfast, Ariel sought out their patron, intent on questioning, or rather beseeching their Inquisitorial contact for additional data. Hearing the voice behind the closed door, the girl paused, briefly scanning the nearby surroundings for some hidden electro-receptor. If any such device had tipped Inellia off, it was well hidden, which certainly would not be surprising. Either way, Ariel surmised, it was a neat trick to potential visitors off-balance.

After a moment's hesitation, she made a last step towards the door, raising her voice. "It is Ariel, Mistress", she announced herself, half-certain that the person in the other room already knew. "I have a proposition of sorts. A request for information."

Edited by Lynata
On 10/30/2018 at 11:08 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia moves up to the entrance of the room and knocks on the doorfram (or door if it’s shut), “Lax, are you there?”

Seeing that the armsman is in fact present, she moves into the room, “from what we found yesterday, we might be dealing with Consortium Security to get access to that Vox relay station. Do you know anything about them? What sort of equipment do they use, how are they trained, or how they usually act, for example? I hope the situation won’t become violent, but even if it doesn’t it would be good to know what to expect from them.”

Lax performs some minor technological catechism to soothe the machine spirits he's observing at the time and turns around from the multiple screens he seems to be viewing. These screens, if Estellia cares to notice, show many of the areas of the villa, excluding your personal rooms, even one or two you're not sure that you've seen yourself in person just yet.

*static* "That depends on what you're looking to know really, are you wanting to kill them, or are you just wanting to get around them? Well...I guess that doesn't matter either way." *static* he considers the question for a moment, even putting his gloved hand where his chin would be in a gesture of thinking.

*static* "Well, the consortium seems to operate on a pretty similar level as the station's defense force, maybe they have the same defense armament contractor or something, I don't know. Regardless they've got a reinforced uniform, loose carapce plates, carry small arms and melee weapons to deal with crowds. They're trained by the Consortium at the approval of Lady Desoleum to what I'd assume are Munitorum standards of some sort for planetary defense." *static* he nods to himself, *static* "They're hard though, cold the lot of them, if you try and convince them of anything that goes against what they are told of their oaths you're going to have a hard time. They're single minded that way, and they don't like anyone, even other natives...especially other natives." *static*

11 hours ago, Lynata said:

After breakfast, Ariel sought out their patron, intent on questioning, or rather beseeching their Inquisitorial contact for additional data. Hearing the voice behind the closed door, the girl paused, briefly scanning the nearby surroundings for some hidden electro-receptor. If any such device had tipped Inellia off, it was well hidden, which certainly would not be surprising. Either way, Ariel surmised, it was a neat trick to potential visitors off-balance.

After a moment's hesitation, she made a last step towards the door, raising her voice. "It is Ariel, Mistress", she announced herself, half-certain that the person in the other room already knew. "I have a proposition of sorts. A request for information."

Ariel can almost hear Inellia smirk to herself before she responds, "You may enter, we can discuss things in here as well as through a door."

She waits for Ariel to enter and gestures to a seat before continuing anyways if Ariel sits or not, "A proposition, as far as I'm aware, might imply return for my efforts. I wonder what you're willing to offer for information Ariel and for what information you seek."

She glances down back at the table filled with more information and less order than before, all seeming related to the larger schema unfolding around the lot of you.

8 hours ago, ThenDoctor said:

Ariel can almost hear Inellia smirk to herself before she responds, "You may enter, we can discuss things in here as well as through a door."

She waits for Ariel to enter and gestures to a seat before continuing anyways if Ariel sits or not, "A proposition, as far as I'm aware, might imply return for my efforts. I wonder what you're willing to offer for information Ariel and for what information you seek."

She glances down back at the table filled with more information and less order than before, all seeming related to the larger schema unfolding around the lot of you.

Slowly pushing the door open, the novice enters as she would a church, well aware of the resplendent interior of the domicile. Bowing shortly, she proceeds to the desk Inellia had occupied for what seemed like personal research, then folded her hands in the lap as she began to talk. In spite of the Inquisitor's gesture she gave no indication to sit down. Perhaps Ariel figured she should not take much of the woman's time.

"I would offer increased chances for success .. I hope", she responded cautiously before detailing her idea. "As I am sure you have thoroughly studied our reports, my lady, you will be aware of the next station of our inquiry. I was thinking that perhaps your time on this world might have netted you certain plans or maps of city structures we could use in preparation. Knowing the layout of the communications tower in advance should aid us in better choosing our approach."

“That doesn’t sound especially encouraging, although if we somehow managed to get official approval for our search . . . or convince them we have it, then perhaps they won’t ask many questions. I’d certainly not want our encounter with them to come to violence. At least it sounds like they won’t be any more hostile to us than they would be a native of Desolatum.”

On 11/1/2018 at 10:38 PM, Lynata said:

Slowly pushing the door open, the novice enters as she would a church, well aware of the resplendent interior of the domicile. Bowing shortly, she proceeds to the desk Inellia had occupied for what seemed like personal research, then folded her hands in the lap as she began to talk. In spite of the Inquisitor's gesture she gave no indication to sit down. Perhaps Ariel figured she should not take much of the woman's time.

"I would offer increased chances for success .. I hope", she responded cautiously before detailing her idea. "As I am sure you have thoroughly studied our reports, my lady, you will be aware of the next station of our inquiry. I was thinking that perhaps your time on this world might have netted you certain plans or maps of city structures we could use in preparation. Knowing the layout of the communications tower in advance should aid us in better choosing our approach."

She considers Ariel for a moment, "I'd suspect your next line of inquiry may depend on what the Order of the Watchful Eye has to say, if it's more prudent than the relay station, but I see your point. Those sort of plans are beyond my ability to quietly requisition, I doubt anyone save the Mechanicus of the planet would have them as they relate to the infrastructure of the Hive that deals with communication. Admittedly I'm not from Desoleum so I don't know the inner workings of such bureaucracy, but that information could be dangerous in the right hands...do you intend on being dangerous Ariel?"

Inellia continues without waiting for an answer, but the smile on her face doesn't leave, "If you have the intent to pursue this sort of information, there's only one recourse that could acquire it in a manner that doesn't give away the fact that we are trying to obtain it, especially for the relay station that seems a crux to the investigation overall. That would be contacting our mutual benefactor, our Inquisitrix, would you do such a thing?"

On 11/4/2018 at 11:46 AM, Servant of Dante said:

“That doesn’t sound especially encouraging, although if we somehow managed to get official approval for our search . . . or convince them we have it, then perhaps they won’t ask many questions. I’d certainly not want our encounter with them to come to violence. At least it sounds like they won’t be any more hostile to us than they would be a native of Desolatum.”

Lax shakes his head, *static* "I doubt that the Consortium would ever consent to you guys mucking around with their stuff, especially without Mechanicus personnel...I guess you could drop the "I" card if it came down to it. Convincing them of that kind of a lie would require a bit of investment; fake documents, disguises, and a whopper of a lie." *static*

He considers for a quiet moment at the feasibility of it, though he understands it's not his call to make, *static* "They aren't exactly fans of non natives either, they don't really like anyone that doesn't have an oath over them which is everyone save the Consortium and by extension Lady Desoleum and the nobility that aren't part of the Apex...Is there anything else I may be able to answer?" *static*

“I believe that’s all, it sounds like unless Ariel can find some way around if she finds the plans to the station, we might have to force entry if we want to gain access,” the Novice looks rather nervous at the prospect. “Thank you for your help.”

Estelia walks slowly back to her room, thinking. She doubted that there would be few enough guards to simply force past, and besides if they did so more would undoubtedly arrive soon after. It seemed to her that they would have to hope Ariel could find something unless they wanted to invoke Inquisitorial authority.

Being dangerous. The novice could not help a corner of her mouth to shift into a sly smile, though indoctrinated discipline had the girl continue to try and maintain composure. Clasping her hands behind her back and spreading her legs a bit, Ariel raised her chin to focus her gaze at an imaginary target slightly above Inellia's head as if she were back in the schola, reporting to the Drill-Abbot.

"I am not sure it would be proper for me to do so", she finally replied cautiously. After a moment's pause she resumed eye contact, adding: "You are our superior here in these matters, mylady. Is it not your prerogative to coordinate such things?"

She tried to hide the fact that she was disappointed Inellia did not already have the plans neatly tucked away in some corner, or perhaps on a flimsistrip ready to be read out by a cogitation machine. The girl had thought someone active in shadowy business, and with obvious access to impressive resources, must have already accumulated all sorts of information on the locale, yet this hope had turned out to be naive.

On 11/8/2018 at 7:56 AM, Servant of Dante said:

“I believe that’s all, it sounds like unless Ariel can find some way around if she finds the plans to the station, we might have to force entry if we want to gain access,” the Novice looks rather nervous at the prospect. “Thank you for your help.”

Estelia walks slowly back to her room, thinking. She doubted that there would be few enough guards to simply force past, and besides if they did so more would undoubtedly arrive soon after. It seemed to her that they would have to hope Ariel could find something unless they wanted to invoke Inquisitorial authority.

Lax nods in acknowledgement of the thanks as Estelia makes her way from the room, and when she's left he turns back to the many pict screens of the security cameras around the villa. He seems distracted however concerning their discussion.

((I don't have anything else to add unless Estellia comes up with something else she'd like to look in to. If Ariel chooses to contact the Inquisitor I'll bring you in on that scene.))

On 11/9/2018 at 9:37 PM, Lynata said:

"I am not sure it would be proper for me to do so", she finally replied cautiously. After a moment's pause she resumed eye contact, adding: "You are our superior here in these matters, mylady. Is it not your prerogative to coordinate such things?"

Inellia looks at Ariel sternly, "My prerogative is what our Inquisitrix tells me my prerogative is. Currently that is supervising you and your compatriots in this investigation and intervening where I see fit. I arranged those meetings because you found evidence that was useful to follow up on and explained your desire to learn more from the Order. There was no risk in such a thing, nothing overly great as far as I have the ability to see. You say you want to visit the relay station, you're free to, you know where it is. However, intervening here provides too great a risk to our enemies learning our moves, and so I will not do what you ask. I will contact our benefactor for the sake of you finding more information however, if that is something you wish, but it must be your choice."

Inellia softens her look understandingly, "The schola and the convent teach you to obey and respect your superiors decisions always, but the Inquisition demands of you personal choice and free thought. It demands you make a decision and deal with the consequences for the sake of the entire Imperium in some cases. This is one such decision Ariel, and I will not make it for you."

She awaits Ariel's choice.

Estelia finds herself wandering back to the kitchen, it was about lunch time in any case. The Novice had adapted rather quickly to eating her meals whenever she saw fit (and had time) rather than with the rest of the Novices at the Convent. What she was still getting used to, however, was preparing food for herself. She had eaten in a cafeteria of some sort for her entire life, until the Inquisition had conscripted her. Today she made a simple sandwich from some kind of sliced meat and a few vegetables that were laying around. When she finished her food, the Novice went to the villa's chappel to pray, both out of habit and in hope of some insight into the task ahead. Perhaps her namesake would have some advice to offer, great speaker and toppler of heretics that he was.

Perhaps the other Novice was having more luck than her. All she had learned was that the relay station was almost certainly guarded by Consortium Security, and if they met them they would likely come to blows, or have to reveal their ties to the Inquisition. Considering that they were trying to trace a vox transponder without the owner becoming aware, they both seemed like poor options. Estelia had taken to leaving her laspistols in her domicile while in the villa; they were none too light and perhaps a bit disrespectful to be seen carrying in a place like this, though it was also because she finally had a weapon she could carry unseen beneath her robe. Her nervous habit of fingering her pistol's grips betrayed its location as she walked into the chapel.

On 11/11/2018 at 11:44 AM, ThenDoctor said:

Inellia looks at Ariel sternly, "My prerogative is what our Inquisitrix tells me my prerogative is. Currently that is supervising you and your compatriots in this investigation and intervening where I see fit. I arranged those meetings because you found evidence that was useful to follow up on and explained your desire to learn more from the Order. There was no risk in such a thing, nothing overly great as far as I have the ability to see. You say you want to visit the relay station, you're free to, you know where it is. However, intervening here provides too great a risk to our enemies learning our moves, and so I will not do what you ask. I will contact our benefactor for the sake of you finding more information however, if that is something you wish, but it must be your choice."

Inellia softens her look understandingly, "The schola and the convent teach you to obey and respect your superiors decisions always, but the Inquisition demands of you personal choice and free thought. It demands you make a decision and deal with the consequences for the sake of the entire Imperium in some cases. This is one such decision Ariel, and I will not make it for you."

She awaits Ariel's choice.

"Intervening...", the novice pondered the words thus spoken. "That means this is a test, does it not?"

The pointed question, subtly digging at the purported prioritization of their objectives, was not only unusually audacious for a junior member of the Sisterhood who had not even taken her vows on Holy Terra yet, it simultaneously revealed the likely reason for why she was tapped as an operative in the first place -- an inquisitive mind that silently questioned much of what she would see or hear, even if her discipline would usually prevent her from voicing such thoughts. If she had not been of such a martial mind, she might well be assigned to the Orders Famulous, but with this unique combination, Ariel made for a useful potential acolyte. If she could avoid tripping up and/or getting herself killed, of course.

"If you think this approach to endanger our mission, it would seem ill-advised to pursue it", she finally answered. "At least, not without consulting the others first." Bowing her head, the novice seemed to suggest she had said her piece and was waiting to be dismissed.

18 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

Perhaps the other Novice was having more luck than her. All she had learned was that the relay station was almost certainly guarded by Consortium Security, and if they met them they would likely come to blows, or have to reveal their ties to the Inquisition. Considering that they were trying to trace a vox transponder without the owner becoming aware, they both seemed like poor options. Estelia had taken to leaving her laspistols in her domicile while in the villa; they were none too light and perhaps a bit disrespectful to be seen carrying in a place like this, though it was also because she finally had a weapon she could carry unseen beneath her robe. Her nervous habit of fingering her pistol's grips betrayed its location as she walked into the chapel.

The chapel is a simple thing, in its simplicity you find opulence all the same in the materials of the four pews that occupy the area being made of foreign wood and the walls being decorated in a mosaic of the Emperor Ascendant. The focus of the chapel is a shrine dedicated to the Beati ((or however you spell it referring to Saint Sabbat)). Inside you find a familiar face in the form of one of Lax's fellow guards, the older male with grey hair, you've never caught their name ((at least I can't find where I gave them names yet maybe I'm mistaken)), but they seem to have their head bowed in prayer.

16 hours ago, Lynata said:

"Intervening...", the novice pondered the words thus spoken. "That means this is a test, does it not?"

The pointed question, subtly digging at the purported prioritization of their objectives, was not only unusually audacious for a junior member of the Sisterhood who had not even taken her vows on Holy Terra yet, it simultaneously revealed the likely reason for why she was tapped as an operative in the first place -- an inquisitive mind that silently questioned much of what she would see or hear, even if her discipline would usually prevent her from voicing such thoughts. If she had not been of such a martial mind, she might well be assigned to the Orders Famulous, but with this unique combination, Ariel made for a useful potential acolyte. If she could avoid tripping up and/or getting herself killed, of course.

"If you think this approach to endanger our mission, it would seem ill-advised to pursue it", she finally answered. "At least, not without consulting the others first." Bowing her head, the novice seemed to suggest she had said her piece and was waiting to be dismissed.

Inellia looks disappointingly at Ariel and her suppositions and sighs, "Our mere existence is a test from the Emperor Ariel. To stand against the Long Night and defend the Imperium from the things that dwell within, without, and even beyond is a test, but this...no it wasn't. When I am to intervene it means I am to hopefully pull you out of a situation in which you would most likely die, not hold your hand in an investigation. Go on, speak with your compatriots, come to a decision, and if you decide you wish to speak with our Inquisitrix then come and find me. Otherwise we'll speak again when I hear from the Order of the Watchful Eye, it shouldn't be too long now."

She dismisses Ariel with a nod of her head and an Aquila.

Taking one of the unoccupied pews in the back, Estelia begins praying silently, making the sign of the Aquila as she does. She begins with a standard invocation to the Emperor, and then a ritual prayer to Saint Dolan. Feeling she has satisfied tradition, the Novice makes her mental petition:

Great Confessor, guide me. I am set against some unknown force of unknown quality, perhaps a danger to the sector or the Imperium at large. Lend me your insight and your voice that brought an end to the apostate Bucharius. Give me the strength to do what must be done to maintain the God-Emperor’s divine reign, as you did in your life. I trust in you to guide my hand, as the Emperor guided yours so long ago. Imperator Vult.

Afterward, Estelia remained seated in silent contemplation, hoping vainly for some meaning to spring forth from the chapel. But it was as the Sisters always said, prayer was not a magic key to the galaxy’s answers. Only through action would your plea be answered. She that does nothing never realized that the Emperor and His saints hear the prayers of all humankind.

On that note, she wondered what the older armsman was praying for. His life and experience were so far removed from her own that she could hardly imagine what he would seek from Him on Terra. Estelia decided to wait until he was finished then try to strike up a conversation.

Inellia's explanation did not seem to satisfy the young Sororitas, but she did not question her further, instead reverting to keeping her thoughts for herself -- or, perhaps, herself and Estelia. Bowing once more, the novice turned to exit the officio and seek out her companion.

There were several places Estelia could be, but the dusk-skinned girl opted to regard the search as yet another opportunity to stroll through and explore various areas of the house they had been billeted in for a while now. It was full of secrets and stories, with a lot of items Ariel was sure would have a story to tell.

After only a few minutes of slow-paced wandering through various halls and rooms, she finally located the other novice in the small chapel, together with yet apart from one of the soldiers assigned to their host. Ignorant of Estelia's intentions concerning the latter, she quietly approached her, announcing her presence by softly laying a hand on the other's shoulder and bending down to ear-height: "Do you have a moment?"

Unless she was refused, Ariel would gesture towards the nearby door before engaging her in conversation, apparently respecting either the sanctity of the chapel or the other believer's right to silent prayer, if not both. Going on to explain her plan regarding a potential armed assault on the facility, she did not omit various downsides, from potentially injuring, even killing innocent Imperial servants - though they could take steps to minimize collateral damage - to Inellia's comment regarding the difficulty in obtaining the plans she considered necessary for the operation's success.

Ariel finished her talk by pointing out there may well be no other option than to engage in activities that could undermine their secrecy now, so all they could do was to take the approach that seemed least likely to alert their hidden enemies. In this, the novice argued, requesitioning floor plans and even assaulting an outpost of the civilian administration might be less dangerous than further queries towards people who might pass on what they were looking for.

“Of course”

After she listened to the other Novice’s plan in the hallway, Estelia nodded,

”the station will be guarded by Consortium guards it seems, and it sounds like we’ll either have to go through or around them. If we get the plans of the building we may be able to sneak in, but even if we have to force our way through it’s possible whoever we’re looking for isn’t even aware which relay station their signal is routed through. I agree further prodding will only make it more likely that we reveal ourselves. As for whether to ask the Inquisitrix if she can acquire the floor plans for us, I’ll leave that decision up to you. You’re the thoughtful one between us, after all.

”If it comes to it, sometimes it is the duty of an Imperial servant to die, even if they don’t know why and even at the hands of another Imperial servant.“

Ariel nodded in return, having received the fellow novice's response. The answer did not come to much surprise, but she still felt obliged to ask if only out of respect.

"Let us proceed, then", she signalled the end of the dialogue and began to turn. Halting, she added: "I will approach our host. Emperor willing, we will have our advantage soon enough and can begin preparations." As she left, she masked her feelings on the subject, donning her usual mask of impassive observation. Within, she felt excited, but also nervous. This would be their first combat action not only against an actual enemy that was certain to shoot to kill, but entirely outside the Sisterhood.

Having acquired the blessings of both Estelia and Father Thorne, Ariel returned to the officio she had visited earlier to inform their host of the group's consensus -- and in doing so, requested a means to contact the Inquisitor.

On 11/20/2018 at 12:12 PM, Lynata said:

Ariel returned to the officio she had visited earlier to inform their host of the group's consensus -- and in doing so, requested a means to contact the Inquisitor.

On 11/18/2018 at 11:36 PM, Servant of Dante said:

The conversation between Inellia and Ariel is wrapping up.

Inellia responds, "Alright, in the meantime, go and fetch Balthazar and Estellia and meet at the security monitoring room in an hour." She dismisses Ariel to gather her companions.

After Ariel is gone, Inellia breathes a sigh of relief and smirks to herself. Quietly she comments to herself, "Perhaps there's hope yet.."

She moves to a desk in her "office" area and removes a key that was hidden on her person. From within a drawer she opens a false bottom in which sits a lone dataslate. It is slumbering currently but inset in the screen in the inquisitorial "=I=". She takes it and goes on her way.


After about an hour when the trio arrive to the security room of the Villa they see the various monitors that generally show the various cameras of the grounds now aligned in a manner that would display one large image together. All the screens are blackened but power thrums in the room, and you see a datapad with an emerald lit screen running technoscript down it in a very fast pace. You hear Inellia murmuring catechisms to herself while typing on a cogitator and connecting wires to and fro. She stands up from her seat and takes a breath to relax.

She turns and addresses the trio, "The connection should be established within a few minutes, the machine spirits take their time with such things. I will not be present for your meeting, I'll be within my quarters. After you're finished you may tell me of your time, or keep it to yourselves. Our Inquisitrix will tell me of anything pertinent she feels I need to know regardless."

She moves past you all and stops inclining her head slightly, "...Good luck, may the Emperor guide you." and she leaves you to your meeting.

Waiting patiently until their host had finished preparations, Ariel inclines her head as Inellia moves to leave -- her departure confirming, in the girl's mind, the suspicion she had voiced earlier this day.

Realizing that they still have a few moments until the technoarcana would finish building a connection, the novice casts her gaze through the room, looking for an ocular that would transmit their image, and which they should thusly face. As time passes, she can no longer ignore the feeling of nervousness welling up deep inside, though she manages to hide it behind her usual stoic demeanour.

There were times to poke the Hrud and there were times to shut up and let Ariel talk (or not talk, the more stoic Novice did a lot of that). This was definitely a time for the latter. Estelia adjusted her robe, hoping she looked presentable and not like she was terrified. What if the Inquisitrix was a psyker! She knew that many Inquisitors were, even in the Ordo Hereticus. At least Father Thorne was present too, though it had been Ariel’s idea to contact their ‘benefactor’