Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

((Balthazar doesn't have anything else to say at this point.))

Ariel waits a moment, but realizes that her companions do not seem interested in discussing her suggestion at this moment. Perhaps it is for the best, lest the shopkeeper might grow suspicious. They can always make plans after having left the store, after all.

Moving a step closer to Estelia, she plucks on the sleeve of one colourful dress, commenting with a hint of mischief: "Aren't you being a bit premature? Or is it perhaps that you actually fancy these?"

On 9/1/2018 at 10:44 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia whispers to the others, “Is there any way to link the code to a specific person or location without actually hailing it and letting them know we have it?”

Turning back to Cassa, the Novice asks, “There is a chance that I will have to blend in with higher society at some point, and all I have now is this,” she raps her flak plate with her fist, “and one of those,” she points at Ariel (specifically her robe).

“Do you have anything that would fit in in such spaces while not restricting movement too much?”

If there’s space Estelia will attempt a ‘simple’ backflip to demonstrate and pray to the Emperor she doesn’t fall on her face.

Cassa looks a bit nonplussed at Ariel's display, "I could, it would take a bit of time, and cost, I do have jobs in place of such a thing, but...wouldn't you be able to get those from your employer?"

On 9/4/2018 at 11:52 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Cassa looks at Balthazar as if he might be able to answer Ariel's question for her, seemingly like the one in charge of the two younger girls at least.

41 minutes ago, Lynata said:

Ariel waits a moment, but realizes that her companions do not seem interested in discussing her suggestion at this moment. Perhaps it is for the best, lest the shopkeeper might grow suspicious. They can always make plans after having left the store, after all.

Moving a step closer to Estelia, she plucks on the sleeve of one colourful dress, commenting with a hint of mischief: "Aren't you being a bit premature? Or is it perhaps that you actually fancy these?"

Cassa smiles, "I hope someone likes them well enough," she runs her hand down the other sleeve of the dress, "This one's a bit...grandiose for sure, but it's apparently gaining some traction on Juno this season."

The Novice seems a bit confused, “I’d not thought about it. Thou it is a pretty color,” she motions to the dress Ariel had indicated.

((Estelia is ready to leave if the others think it’s past time :P ))

"Perhaps we ... should come back at a later time", Ariel suggests, somewhat out of her depth. Perhaps in an attempt to not simply brush off the friendly merchant, she adds: "Once we know what we actually require."

Part of her disliked leaving the vendor without any kind of transaction. The Novice was still unused to life outside the convent walls, and thus prone to a certain innocence or naivete when it came to interacting with ordinary folks.

Balthazar chuckles to himself on the way out. "Perhaps we can come back for some more relaxed shopping soon. I want kidding about that dye, it really is a good color on me."

((I don't have anything else to do at this store, but checking out the vox code sounds like a good idea to me))

On 9/7/2018 at 3:03 PM, Servant of Dante said:

((Estelia is ready to leave if the others think it’s past time :P ))

On 9/9/2018 at 3:11 AM, Lynata said:

Part of her disliked leaving the vendor without any kind of transaction. The Novice was still unused to life outside the convent walls, and thus prone to a certain innocence or naivete when it came to interacting with ordinary folks.

9 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

((I don't have anything else to do at this store, but checking out the vox code sounds like a good idea to me))

Cassa nods politely to the trio upon their exit back to the street and and shrugs to herself, she's more than familiar with strange guests in her shop and their stranger desires so she doesn't think much of what just happened in the store. We see her pull out the bolt of special blue dyed cloth and take it to the back of the shop for what we might assume is getting it into the shape of the handkerchiefs.

You notice that the auto-carriage you used to arrive at Cassa's shop is still parked outside where you exited from, people now having gotten used to it and milling around it for one reason or another. A couple of children are running around and in between the servitorized equine's legs seemingly playing a game of some sort.

((What's your plan on investigating the vox code?))

Estelia moves to exit the store. When the group is (presumably) out of earshot of others, she asks, "is there anywhere we can look up vox codes without being too suspicious? Or maybe find other vox units that received calls from this number then track them? If we can find those codes inconspicuously, they might be less dangerous to trace directly. Then at least we can find out who whoever is buying these hankerchiefs is working with."

"I'm not sure, but ...", the other novice ponders, "this sounds like something that might require Administratum clearance. Given her role on this world, it is possible Mistress Inellia might already have secured such channels. Alternatively, we could always interrogate an official and detain them until our investigations are finished."

From the way her advice is worded, it does not seem as if Ariel would suggest to go through any official channels, regardless of how nice and proper she makes this potential kidnapping sound.

"It seems a visit to the local Administratum branch is in order. I am sure we can find somebody who will be willing to part with the information we seek -- after some prompting, if necessary." He looks pointedly at Ariel as he says this last bit. With that, Balthazar is prepared to go to the Administratum branch.

((When we get to the branch, would an Inquiry roll be appropriate to identify the officials who would be in charge of these things?))

On 9/17/2018 at 11:02 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

"It seems a visit to the local Administratum branch is in order. I am sure we can find somebody who will be willing to part with the information we seek -- after some prompting, if necessary." He looks pointedly at Ariel as he says this last bit. With that, Balthazar is prepared to go to the Administratum branch.

((When we get to the branch, would an Inquiry roll be appropriate to identify the officials who would be in charge of these things?))

On 9/14/2018 at 4:15 PM, Lynata said:

"I'm not sure, but ...", the other novice ponders, "this sounds like something that might require Administratum clearance. Given her role on this world, it is possible Mistress Inellia might already have secured such channels. Alternatively, we could always interrogate an official and detain them until our investigations are finished."

From the way her advice is worded, it does not seem as if Ariel would suggest to go through any official channels, regardless of how nice and proper she makes this potential kidnapping sound.

On 9/14/2018 at 12:10 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia moves to exit the store. When the group is (presumably) out of earshot of others, she asks, "is there anywhere we can look up vox codes without being too suspicious? Or maybe find other vox units that received calls from this number then track them? If we can find those codes inconspicuously, they might be less dangerous to trace directly. Then at least we can find out who whoever is buying these hankerchiefs is working with."

((I'll just let it pass that since you've gotten the influence required for the autocarriage before and this is in the same area, meaning the port, we'll just let it go around the area so you can get to the Auctoriate Porteus.))

Your second trip the the Auctoriate is similar to the first save that the sensory experiences you had on the previous rickshaw you do not have in the closed off cabin of the autocarriage. Eventually the autocarriage drops you off at a disembarkation area near the main steps of the building and exiting the carriage all of the previous feelings you had hit you at once; the tang if iron in the air, the sound of autoquills scribbling away.

At the entrance of the building you are stopped at a desk by a familiar looking scribe, the same one you've been greeted by before, she begins to recite the same tired old line as before, "Welcome to Desoleum, this is the Auctoriate Porteus main holding-" and stops upon noticing just who stands in front of her, "Oh...hello again, are you here to reaffirm your oaths of visitation?".

((The Inquiry test will be at (+10) due to your previous interaction with the aid.))

((I want to try making the test so it’s not just Father Thorne doing everything but it’ll be a target number of 20 for Estelia (30 Fel + 10 - 20 (untrained)))

Estelia decides to take the lead

“No, we’re looking to identify a vox code, could you point us in the right direction?”

((Spending a Fate point to increase the target number by 10) Roll: 75 re-roll: 85 ))

((for I guess 5 DoF, it was a bit over a 50/50 chance I’d succeed with those fate points but sorry))

41 minutes ago, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia decides to take the lead

“No, we’re looking to identify a vox code, could you point us in the right direction?”

((Fair enough, I'll reply for the sake of giving the others something to work off of.))

If her augmentic eyes could narrow they'd be glaring at Estelia, "I'm not sure what you think the Administratum gets up to, but we certainly don't give out proprietary information like that to just anyone. Just think of the security issues alone."

She looks over the group and quickly answers a question of someone behind you, and looks back at you expectantly as if that were to resolve the question.

((If someone wants to followup, they'll have to try and socially convince her of the situation. You may use of course your inquisitorial authority if you wish, or you may attempt a Charm (-10), Deceive (-10), or Intimidate (+0).))

The heavy-duty combat shotgun still hanging from the right shoulder, its sling held in place by a tightly closed fist, the dusk-skinned novice takes a step forward to lean over the desk. Intentionally or not, her face, now mere inches away from the scribe's, seems particularly grim right now -- a combination of lack of sleep, Ariel's inherent brusqueness, and growing frustration with the sluggish progress of their investigation.

"Please understand", she begins, speaking slowly as if her words were directed at a stubborn child. "we have been travelling the entire day and simply wish to get in contact with a person awaiting our arrival. If you are determined to obstruct our efforts, I would like to know whose name we can provide as explanation. I'm sure you know how impatient these nobles can get."

((Intimidate 10 + STR 25 = TN 35, roll please :P ))

On 9/21/2018 at 10:00 PM, Lynata said:

"Please understand", she begins, speaking slowly as if her words were directed at a stubborn child. "we have been travelling the entire day and simply wish to get in contact with a person awaiting our arrival. If you are determined to obstruct our efforts, I would like to know whose name we can provide as explanation. I'm sure you know how impatient these nobles can get."

((Intimidate 10 + STR 25 = TN 35, roll please :P ))

((Spent one Fate Point for +10 to test, resulting TN of 45, roll result of 41 for 1DoS.))

"I...uh," she glances at the slung firearm cautiously and answers in a slightly defeated response, "...we may, should I mean to say, be able to at least relay which tower the signal routes to before final destination, but as for telling you exactly who it's for that's a more difficult matter. Desoleum's communication array is not necessarily the forefront of technological innovation, at least so I'm told. You'd have to ask those at the relay tower who the missive would end up going to." She nods to herself satisfied in her explanation, and she holds out her hand.

"The code?" she asks, not expectantly, but knowing that you aren't going away at this point.

The novice returns to her straight posture again, facial expression unchanging, but seemingly content with the answer. Silently, she looks at her comrades.

Balthazar writes down the code and hands it to the adept, a polite smile on his face. "Thank you very much for your assistance."

7 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar writes down the code and hands it to the adept, a polite smile on his face. "Thank you very much for your assistance."

On 9/25/2018 at 8:12 PM, Lynata said:

On 9/21/2018 at 8:04 AM, Servant of Dante said:

She nods, and calls a scribe, different than either of the ones you saw before if you happen to remember. She says something in the strange bureaucratic shorthand language used by the Administratum and sends her off.

The receptionist waves you off to a side so that she may deal with an influx of new arrivals in the area and you are kept waiting for roughly 14 minutes for the scribe to return. In her hand is a rolled piece of parchment which she gives to the receptionist. Without even looking at it she holds the scroll out to the group as if very done with the situation you've brought to her feet. ((I'm going to assume that one of you actually takes the thing))

The parchment, wherever you choose to read it ((which I'll leave up to you to determine)) states very simply the following:

"Routing sacrament results provided by on site Tech Adept ordained in the mysteries of vox codes.

Machine Spirits of the vox communication array aided in their investigations by a cogitator provide the following result of ultimate destination of any missive given to that address:

Vox Communicae Routing Tower - I1c-X1N Current Location - House Novianna"

((Alright, have your replies basically wrap up whatever you're doing in Port Gyre, and then the next thing I'll do is bring you back to the villa so you can report to Sister Inellia and we'll have a tic of downtime))

Estelia raised her eyebrows in surprise at Ariel, she had not expected such assertive behavior from the other Novice. It seemed to have worked, however, even if Estelia could hardly understand the language the note they had received used.

Finally, they had what they needed. She hoped they had been subtle enough about getting it. If whoever they were tracking was a noble, and it seemed likely, then someone so powerful as that could be watching them. If, that is, anything the group had done had alerted this mysterious Noble to their presence. Estelia tried to draw no undue attention as the group leaves Pork Gyre. Now that they had the information on parchment it wouldn’t do to have it destroyed or stolen in some sort of confrontation.

Balthazar looks at both of the Novices with approval. "You handled the situation in the Administration well. A direct approach got all the information we sought, and things didn't escalate to the point where we caused a scene. I'm sure Lady Inelia will be pleased with the progress we've made.

"Gratitude, Father", Ariel responded somewhat formulaically. Normally, she would have been disappointed if not outraged at how easily an Imperial adept would surrender what seemed to be critical information when pressed, even if this time she should be thankful for it. The parchment itself seemed to confirm their suspicions so far, referencing a contact with House Novianna and confirming the tailor's story.

"The relay will likely be a more isolated facility, compared to the officium. We should be able to, uh ... infiltrate it", she recalled a term from schola studies, "with much fewer eyes on us."

It still felt unfamiliar and wrong to operate in the shadows like this, but at the same time it was a challenge that promised excitement and real progress for the cause; a task that required not only physical prowess and a bulwark of faith, but a sound mind capable of working around the puzzles they were confronted with. Was this what Inquisitors were doing every day?

On 9/30/2018 at 2:58 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Finally, they had what they needed. She hoped they had been subtle enough about getting it. If whoever they were tracking was a noble, and it seemed likely, then someone so powerful as that could be watching them. If, that is, anything the group had done had alerted this mysterious Noble to their presence. Estelia tried to draw no undue attention as the group leaves Pork Gyre. Now that they had the information on parchment it wouldn’t do to have it destroyed or stolen in some sort of confrontation.

On 10/6/2018 at 10:54 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar looks at both of the Novices with approval. "You handled the situation in the Administration well. A direct approach got all the information we sought, and things didn't escalate to the point where we caused a scene. I'm sure Lady Inelia will be pleased with the progress we've made.

12 hours ago, Lynata said:

It still felt unfamiliar and wrong to operate in the shadows like this, but at the same time it was a challenge that promised excitement and real progress for the cause; a task that required not only physical prowess and a bulwark of faith, but a sound mind capable of working around the puzzles they were confronted with. Was this what Inquisitors were doing every day?

The trip back to the Mid Hive is uneventful, as the auto carriage drops you off where you originally acquired its services it trots along back to what seems to be a service station where you notice Tech adepts immediate take to the care of the cyber enhanced equine and to the maintenance of the carriage itself. Of course the trip back of the hive's elevator lift is not empty, but people seem weary from their day of labor, and keep to themselves, no one even asks the Father for a prayer, likely having already taken to their respective services for the day earlier in the morning.

By the time the group makes their way back to the villa it is nearly 2000 standard Imperial, you can see the sun lumen above the villa glowing a purple orange of a fading sunset into evening. Lax greets you all at the door, of course after verifying your identities as your previous entrance originally to the villa. *static* "Lady Inellia requests that you all rest and think upon any information you've gained before giving your report in the morning." *static* he states.

As he turns to leave to whatever he gets up to in the evenings he gives a slight nod to Estelia in greeting.

((Give me a post about how you each wrap up your evenings, and then I'll get in an xp post before you tell Inellia about what you found.))

Estelia realizes how tired she is as they make their way back to the villa and the adrenaline from the day’s events wears off. As it seemed was usual for service with the Inquisition it had been one of the most exciting and terrifying days of her life, she was sure she would see the face of that horrible Astropath when she closed her eyes that night.

The Novice returns Lax’s friendly nod and thanks him for informing them of the Sister’s instructions before making her way to her room to romove her armor. Reluctantly she sits down to clean and maintain it, touching up any abrasions on its black paint and polishing the Chaplet imbedded in its chestplate. Next she makes her way to somewhere secluded to practice with her flintlock, firing it without a bullet as before.

“I hope this powder still . . . works after being carried around all day,” she mutters to herself. She wasn’t quite sure what would make the weapon not discharge, but you could never tell with something so archaic. It seemed there was still powder in the flash pan, so she pulled the trigger and was rewarded with a statisfying bang. The Novice limited herself to just 5 or 6 firings to avoid bothering anyone too much with the noise.

Before sleeping, Estelia paid her respects in the villa’s small chapel and checked in with Ariel, “a pretty exciting day, wasn’t it? Though . . . I could have gone without meeting with an Astropath in such a direct fashion. There are so many strange people in these cities, I think I can better appreciate why most of the Sisters value the convent’s order and tranquility now.”

Estelia trails off, realizing she sounds like a character from one of the children’s books at the Schola.

Edited by Servant of Dante

"Mhm", the other novice acknowledged Estelia's words without her eyes leaving the heavy combat shotgun she was tending to. Apart from the hidden bodyglove she wore below the ragged duster, the weapon was the one piece of equipment she thought she should keep in pristine condition without it negatively affecting their cover.

Sitting cross-legged on the floor of the room whose privacy her chatty companion had invaded moments ago, Ariel inserted a cleaning rod into the barrel of the gun. A waste of effort, perhaps, considering it had not even been fired once since their journey had begun, yet the routine helped calm her mind and remember their drills from the convent.

"I guess some things you can only appreciate once they're no longer there", she finally added, followed by an obnoxious scratching sound as she pulled the chain out of the barrel, and with it the spiky brush that was attached to one end. As expected, it was barely dirtied, aside from a few black flakes of dried oil. "Weren't you trying to sneak out of the convent once, together with some of the other girls?"

Her gaze still lowered to the gun resting on her thighs, the slight smirk was probably hard to spot from Estelia's perspective. Reaching for a flask of blessed oil dated back to the previous millennium, she prepared the next step of the rite. "It feels like distant past now, even though we barely started. I wonder what we're going to have to face tomorrow", she commented with a hint of excitement, but also wariness to her voice. The difference between just seeing something and facing it was probably not lost on the other novice.

Estelia sighs, “As I’m sure you remember it was the feast of Saint Josmane; we were at liberty so we thought we’d . . . take some liberties. It’s hard to get good candies from a Sister, you know.”

Of course Ariel would bring up another of the times she had been caught doing something she shouldn’t have been. Sometimes it seemed the dark skinned girl remembered Estelia’s life better than Estelia did herself.

”Now that I think about I bet I could find something like what I was looking for then around here. You want any?” The Novice smiles at her counterpart

Edited by Servant of Dante