Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

8 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

((I'll reroll the test with assistance. Rolled a 27 this time, which with a target number of 25 +30 difficulty ÷20 assistance = 75 means we have 6 DoS. Much better!))

((We'll just assume that you were going for better transport, as the DN couldn't affect the probability of the roll outcome, and I felt that the entire point of this conversation was to get better transport to avoid the dangers of the Deep Tunnels. Are you alright with the proposed house rule then?))

((Sounds good to me))

On 6/19/2018 at 11:05 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

On 6/19/2018 at 12:29 PM, Lynata said:

On 6/17/2018 at 1:35 AM, Servant of Dante said:

((Weasels, are you alright with the proposed house rule of allowing assistance on Requisition tests only for Services? I know you just used it but I just want to make sure.))

Due to the geographical location the group finds themselves in, getting to Port Gyre is more easily managed with another auto-carriage ride than with a short range cutter. You manage to enlist the aid of a Hectin model Auto-carriage.

A somewhat common Desoleum civilian vehicle, the Hectin is often used to carry personages not suited to the normal transport methods, moving them across the lanes and habways of the hive levels in relative safety. Most have enclosed passenger areas, but some lesser-quality or converted models feature open areas in the rear.

This particular model has fading enameled green colouring with an enclosed passenger seating with no open areas in it. ((I'm not sure myself but personally I love the idea that auto-carriages have Cyber Horses drawing them)) There is a single beast of burden drawing the carriage it is four legged and stands on metal hooves that clack loudly on the rockcrete pavement it walks down. It has metal slats that blind its peripheral vision seemingly and is covered in a short black fur with a thick mane that in interlaced with wiring for some purpose leading back to the carriage and a tale of similar material and wiring as well.

((Have any of you actually seen a horse in character?))

Inside the auto-carriage you find fairly large seats of fading and somewhat holed leather, but the interior is at least intact and only smells slightly of the sweat and mingling of occupants. Balthazar, as the person who enlisted the carriage's aid, can speak the address of where they want to go, or just the general area of Port Gyre.

((Between the ride I'll give you guys an exchange or two of conversation as we haven't had one of those on a while if you have much you'd like to discuss or plan for the next interaction you're soon to have.))

Ariel handed the priest several notes of yellowed parchment stamped with Administratum iconography to help organize transportation. Imperial Scrip, most commonly handed out as a stipend to Guardsmen on garrison duty or military leave. The novice was handed her share before they left the convent for this sector of space to help pay for various necessities. Most merchants would not like having to deal with this form of tender, as exchanging it for local currency would mean having to either queue at a regional Administratum officio themselves, or employ the services of a greedy broker to arrange it on their behalf. Nonetheless, Imperial law required them to accept the bills, and it beat receiving no payment at all for accommodating the Emperor's troops.

The novice paused a moment to study the cybernetically enhanced beast of burden, a form of animal servitor she had read about during her studies, yet never seen in actual form. Despite being hardwired to the carriage and likely bereft of most of its animalistic individuality, and the aged look of its metal plating, the creature still looked strong and proud. Suppressing a sudden, irritating urge to pet the thing, Ariel proceeded to board the vehicle, storing the combat shotgun between her feet with the barrel pointed upwards.

((I'm fairly sure the only kind of animal Ariel has ever seen "live" was a cockroach. Unless we're counting the drill-abbot at the schola. :P ))

Seeing what Ariel did, Estelia also gave the Father a portion of her scrip, not sure exactly what it was worth. She seemed to have a decent amount left. The servitor horse seemed inefficient to the Novice, what with having to be fed and groomed, and having to be kept in a well-ventilated space. Certainly it was a novelty, though it would have been more novel to see a real animal (the girl was reasonably certain there were real horses somewhere in the Imperium). She poked at the thing’s mane before boarding the carriage, looking at the wires woven into it, and wondered if she could wear something similar in her hair to blunt blows from blades weapons.

”I hope wherever we go now doesn’t have any witches. I don’t think I’ll ever quite get over that astropath.”

((I'm ok with the proposed house rule))

Balthazar has seen horses before -- the law enforcement officers on Thaur ride horses rather than vehicles, and they are commonly seen patrolling the woods around the sacred catacombs for graverobbers. Nevertheless the servitor-horse was quite unnerving, and Balthazar did his best to avoid looking at the thing on his way into the carriage.

"I would hope that we avoid future encounters with psykers, but there may come a time when we have to deal with them directly. In that case ensure that the Emperor is firmly in your mind, for He is the best defense against warpcraft." That and a swift hammer to the head, but even that is risky.

On 6/22/2018 at 9:44 PM, Lynata said:

Ariel proceeded to board the vehicle, storing the combat shotgun between her feet with the barrel pointed upwards.

On 6/23/2018 at 1:36 PM, Servant of Dante said:

She poked at the thing’s mane before boarding the carriage, looking at the wires woven into it, and wondered if she could wear something similar in her hair to blunt blows from blades weapons.

”I hope wherever we go now doesn’t have any witches. I don’t think I’ll ever quite get over that astropath.”

9 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Nevertheless the servitor-horse was quite unnerving, and Balthazar did his best to avoid looking at the thing on his way into the carriage.

"I would hope that we avoid future encounters with psykers, but there may come a time when we have to deal with them directly. In that case ensure that the Emperor is firmly in your mind, for He is the best defense against warpcraft." That and a swift hammer to the head, but even that is risky.

((While you begin on your way did you tell the carriage to go to the entrance of Port Gyre, or to the contact's shop directly?))

The by-ways of Desoleum Primus are like many other hives, not that you've seen too many, a massive highway in various states of smooth to roughly paved filled with hundreds (at least as far as you can see) of other carriages, cars, and even the occasional hovecraft carrying various cargos or people to and from Port Gyre. Additionally you see crews of techwrights committing rituals of repair upon the great roadway as well in various states of action or inaction, it can be difficult to tell as you've heard the machine spirits of such things are finicky and prone to periods of inopportune rest.

In the carriage the sound is thankfully muted or you'd likely get hearing damage with just how much noise there would be, the windows in the doors of the carriage seem to be one sided so you can look out upon the roadway as well.

((Like I mentioned before we can have a bit of conversation here before we reach Port Gyre to either plan or just talk about something.))

“I had no idea what to expect when I was selected to serve the-“ Estelia stoped herself, they didn’t know if this space was truly private

To serve in this way, but this has been very strange so far. Very different to see a hive in person than to read about one. And today was the first time I’d been around a . . . psyker in person. I hope our next stop is less disturbing.

“Still, I wonder why Arial and I were picked. I have little knowledge of matters such as this, and have served mostly as a status symbol for the Father thus far. It seems to me there should be more qualified people available.”

Ariel spends most of the journey staring out of the cabin's opening, taking in the sights. Although they had been on this world for some time now, everything was still so different from the places she had grown up in that she could not suppress a weird combination of curiosity and nervousness -- and, at times, barely concealed skepticism at the locals' welfare or their interpretation of faith.

As her fellow novice spoke up, drawing her away from the sights and her own thoughts, the girl blinked and turned her attention to Estelia. "It may well be a test. Best not to question the Mother-Superior's judgement."

A moment later, she added, with the faintest hint of teasing amusement: "Besides, it is not like you did not leave an impression or two with the other Sisters."

Balthazar puts on the same fatherly expression he used to assure nervous junior scribes at the libraries of his old order. "There were likely dozens of potential candidates for this mission. Vut your Mother Superior, and through her the Emperor, chose you for a reason. It may be that she saw great potential in you -- a determination and initiative uncommon amongst your peers. Those are two qualities that aren't usually encouraged bythe Ecclesiarchy, but they are vital in our line of work. You will do just fine."

28 minutes ago, Covered in Weasels said:

14 hours ago, Lynata said:

On 6/29/2018 at 6:03 PM, Servant of Dante said:

((I'm fine letting the conversation continue another set or two, nothing right now is going to change in the meantime, travel in hives takes time after all. Seems like the novices might have a bit more to discuss.))

“We haven’t even finished out Novitiate and already I’m sure they’re happy to be rid of me. But as they say, the Emperor has plans for us all, and this has surely been interesting so far. To think we might actually help this entire planet . . . depending on if we find anything. I hope this thing comes in handy,” she lifts the flintlock from her lap, “though I’m not sure how it would.”

Ariel couldn't help but smirk ever so slightly at the other novice's self-critical remark. Estelia sure had a way of attracting exactly the sort of attention one would normally try to avoid -- and indeed, there were times she wasn't quite sure why she'd stuck around with the other girl as much, but somehow, after all these years, they still ended up on this weird assignment, together.

Was this punishment? For a moment, she was almost compelled to give in to Estelia's alleged perspective, but she quickly shook off the thought before it could fester, instead eyeing the archaic weapon the other girl had produced.

"And I'm not sure why you picked it up in the first place. Can it even punch through a sheet of parchment?"

Balthazar doesn't have anything further to add to the conversation, but he is glad that the Novices seem to be in high spirits. He is glad to have them on the mission with him; his hammer arm isn't quite as fast as it was in his youth, and if the investigation turns violent Ariel and Estelia's firearms will get a lot of use.

On 7/5/2018 at 3:08 PM, Servant of Dante said:

On 7/8/2018 at 12:26 PM, Lynata said:

50 minutes ago, Covered in Weasels said:

The trip back into Port Gyre shows a similar sort of field as you'd seen before, plenty of people traffic going from one duty to the next, lots of ship personnel on leave and like the mid/low hive in some places you see the dregs and miscreants of societies. Off to the side of one of the docking platforms you see a knife fight going on between what seems to be two different groups unloading personnel, but none of the Sanctionaries seem to be concerned about the issue, and you can even see some other people taking bets in the form of script or small plastek cogs.

You make your way in an opposite direction than the Administratum district of the Port and find your carriage going through what seems to be a business boulevard where you see multiple storefronts selling this or that anything that a ship-goer would reasonably try to be restocking or wasting their money on while at the port during drop off or pick up.

((Note, either before you go to the clothier or afterwards we can do an Influence Roll for requisition some equipment if I deem it reasonable to find it here, if you'd like.))

Eventually the carriage slows and comes to a stop in front of an unassuming storefront, it doesn't have a name, but you see a sign of what seems to be a bolt of multicolored fabric, and in the windows you can see bolts, or clothing, of various styles and colours as well from what seems to be multiple places on Desoleum the planet, as you've not seen all of the styles in the Apex of Desoleum Primus. The carriage makes no more movement and seems to be waiting for you to exit.

“Is this the place?” Estelia opens one of the carriage doors and steps out onto the street, stowing the flintlock at the back of her waist and stretching her arms. She waits for the others to disembark, mumbling a short litany she had been taught for the end of a journey. It was a somewhat strange time to invoke it, but sitting in flak armor was never very comfortable. Maybe she should have stuck with just the bodyglove like Ariel. She glanced at the other novice and her shotgun. Then again, Ariel had always been the more sturdy of the two of them ((Estelia rolled a 1 for starting wounds :D )). She could use the extra layer of protection if they got into a fight. Finally, she cast around at the other stores around them. It all seemed so unecessary, all one needed was a simple robe to wear, and appropriate votives to honor the Emperor. Surely, there had to be a shop offering proper devotional wares and writings. Outside of that, what else did one need but the tools of war with which to crush His enemies? Speaking of, she still felt she could use a holdout weapon, something she could hide . . .

((the only thing Estelia is really looking for is that compact autopistol and a concealed holster that she couldn’t find before, but I’m not sure that’s something you’d find here. I suppose if there is some sort of shop like she mentioned that has “useful” stuff like religious texts and so on she’d be mildly interested (as opposed to superfluous stuff like restaurants and clothing stores :P ) ))

Still somewhat irritated or perhaps annoyed by the knife-fight they had just witnessed a few minutes ago, the other novice followed Estelia out of the cabin, slinging her modified combat shotgun over the right shoulder as she stepped out of the autocarriage.

"It looks like the right kind of store, at least. We may as well start here." Using her free hand to fish for the dataslate in the huge pockets of her duster, Ariel attempted to confirm the location, as well as whether she had missed the information providing the contact's name.

((I'd like to see if any of the shops has a half-mask respirator to sell))

((Balthazar is interested in buying some smoke grenades. I figure frag grenades will probably be frowned upon in a tightly packed hive city, but smoke ones should be ok.))

On 7/13/2018 at 1:03 PM, Servant of Dante said:

((the only thing Estelia is really looking for is that compact autopistol and a concealed holster that she couldn’t find before, but I’m not sure that’s something you’d find here. I suppose if there is some sort of shop like she mentioned that has “useful” stuff like religious texts and so on she’d be mildly interested (as opposed to superfluous stuff like restaurants and clothing stores :P ) ))

On 7/16/2018 at 8:58 PM, Lynata said:

"It looks like the right kind of store, at least. We may as well start here." Using her free hand to fish for the dataslate in the huge pockets of her duster, Ariel attempted to confirm the location, as well as whether she had missed the information providing the contact's name.

((I'd like to see if any of the shops has a half-mask respirator to sell))

You recall Sister Inellia's words, "... The clothier's name is Cassa she is the main contact the Consortium and nobility of the Apex that is used on Desoleum.  The Inquisition has kept an eye on her for some time due to these connections, but they have not found anything particularly damning either way. It would be appreciated if she was not made aware of the gaze of His left hand as it were  ."

8 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

((Balthazar is interested in buying some smoke grenades. I figure frag grenades will probably be frowned upon in a tightly packed hive city, but smoke ones should be ok.))

((As this is not Downtime Acquisition we won't be implementing the House Rule for Influence/Requisitioning goods.

Autopistol - Average (+0) w/Compact - Average (+0)

Concealed Holster - Average (+0)

Respirator - Average (+0)

Smoke Grenades - Common (+10) ))

The carriage has stopped in an area that seems to be a fairly popular business area of Port Gyre, outside the clothier shop you see an occasional shopper coming in an out, but you can tell that the customers that are there are affluent enough to afford to waste a good chunk of their script on clothing. You see the occasional Sanctionary guard as well, as you say before in the Administratum buildings.

There are a myriad of other storefronts around, but you also notice street vendors hawking various, admittedly better quality, meats and other foodstuffs. You also see various street hawkers selling religious charms and prayer slips and the occasional "sanctified" artifact from this Saint or another.

((While you make your rolls, let me know what the store/stall you end up at looks like. Lyn feel free just to describe the store, I'll make the roll when I get the chance.))

((Requisition rolls: compact autopistol Inf 30 Roll: 20 for 2 DoS (the Emperor has seen fit to grant Estelia’s (paranoid) request for a fourth pistol. There are heretics and shifty sanctioned psykers around every corner, you know :P )

concealed holster Inf 30 Roll: 87 for 5 DoF))

Estelia wanders through the shops, trying to keep track of the others as she does to avoid getting lost. She looks at thereligious curios for sale; the “relics” looked like so much junk to her. Most were obviously inferior or newly produced materials with faux gold or other such embellishments, when in fact most true relics were far less austentatious. Those that were showy were also unmistakable to anyone who knew them. The Novice stopped to page through some of the texts and leaflets available. Maybe it was her armor or her age or her lack of obvious nobility, but many of the shopkeepers seemed surprised that she could read. She could tell that some of them could not, from the wares they touted. Either that or they needed a stiff sermon from their local Clergy. Estelia was no theologian but she was pretty sure Saint Constantine of Alamar’s works contained nothing about physical wellness in one’s twilight years, and she told the man selling it as much.

Eventually she found a stall filled by a corpulent woman in gaudy red attire. Her buisness seemed based around “self defense” for “women” but Estelia was mostly interested in the array of small arms the shop keeper seemed so proud of. Like much of what she saw around her, these seemed gaudy and impractical, but sitting at the side of one table was a small, plain autopistol, exactly what the Novice has wanted. Sometimes the Emperor provides when you least expect it.

((I was going to write more but I’d like to let Doc fill in the details of what the NPC says, unless he wants me to do so))

Pocketing the dataslate, Ariel first moves with the group as they pass the market, but it does not take much time until the trio has parted at least somewhat, different impressions or interests drawing them to different merchants.

In case of the dusk-skinned novice, she stops at a stall paramilitary survival gear, mostly surplus equipment from Desoleum's planetary defence force, but also including items shipped in from off-world. The vendor, a hawkish-looking, stocky man in his forties or fifties, might be a veteran himself -- if not of the military, then at least he is no stranger to hazard, as the crude and slightly rusted metal limb replacing his left arm seems to suggest -- appears to try and advertise his wares as simultaneously useful for off-world visitors braving the lower levels of the hive, as well as for travelers from Desoleum looking to journey to another planet.

Edited by Lynata
On 7/21/2018 at 3:25 PM, Servant of Dante said:

((I was going to write more but I’d like to let Doc fill in the details of what the NPC says, unless he wants me to do so))

((Go ahead, less work for me ;), but really I like players filling in the fiction of the world.))

20 hours ago, Lynata said:

((Roll result 39, if you wish to add any details))

Browsing the vendor's wares, she does not find anything that would strike her as useful for the coming task. As it turns out, the stall was mostly selling surplus hats, canteens and reinforced shirts. Proceeding to another stall that sells colorful dresses, veils and scarfs - something the Schola-bred girl is entirely unaccustomed to - she notices just in time that the others are already proceeding to leave for their destination, and quickly moves up to the group.

((Target number for influence test = 35; rolled a 48 for 2 DoF.))

Balthazar looks through the teeming market stalls for some smoke grenades to help keep the Acolytes safe. Unfortunately, the clamor of their surroundings makes it impossible to find what he is looking for. He is nearly run over by a gaggle of shoppers and has to give up the search.

On 7/21/2018 at 3:25 PM, Servant of Dante said:

Eventually she found a stall filled by a corpulent woman in gaudy red attire. Her buisness seemed based around “self defense” for “women” but Estelia was mostly interested in the array of small arms the shop keeper seemed so proud of. Like much of what she saw around her, these seemed gaudy and impractical, but sitting at the side of one table was a small, plain autopistol, exactly what the Novice has wanted. Sometimes the Emperor provides when you least expect it.

The woman in the gaudy attire is surprised at Estelia's appearance and interest in her wares even commenting something along the lines of "everybody liking something" in a murmur to herself, however she's more than willing to accept the Ministorum scrip that the novice provides in return for the weapon. Unfortunately beyond the weapon itself most of the hidden holsters seem to be crafted to be held under a dress or some loose fitting garb on the inner thigh and are generally of a fabric far too frilly, colourful, or elastic for any combat purposes.

((Don't forget you get the clips for ammunition as well))

On 7/23/2018 at 12:53 PM, Lynata said:

Browsing the vendor's wares, she does not find anything that would strike her as useful for the coming task. As it turns out, the stall was mostly selling surplus hats, canteens and reinforced shirts. Proceeding to another stall that sells colorful dresses, veils and scarfs - something the Schola-bred girl is entirely unaccustomed to - she notices just in time that the others are already proceeding to leave for their destination, and quickly moves up to the group.

((Is Ariel interested in the more feminine aligned clothing?))

1 hour ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar looks through the teeming market stalls for some smoke grenades to help keep the Acolytes safe. Unfortunately, the clamor of their surroundings makes it impossible to find what he is looking for. He is nearly run over by a gaggle of shoppers and has to give up the search.

The best the father seems to find is just another brazier here and there to repel insects of the desert or the Underhive, and loud complaints of shop keepers that either want you to shoo away from their wares or are demanding payment for something or other, it's difficult to tell sometimes with the mixed dialect of the Port.

Cassa's shop is as described on the outside earlier, walking now this close however you can see further in to the shop and you see a range of colours you may not have thought feasible, a cornucopia of types, cuts, and ranges of fabrics abound in strange and interesting designs either offworld or inspired directly. Men, Women, and between cuts are on various mannequins and even a servitor of each gender exists to model within the shop ((probably the most all together looking servitor's you've seen)). Opening the door to the shop, a simple wooden affair, rings a bell, and in return you hear from the back of the shop a young female voice call, "I'll be right with you noble guests."