Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

On 4/19/2018 at 10:21 AM, Servant of Dante said:

On 4/19/2018 at 2:04 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

((Rolling CL (Arbites) +10 with Infused Knowledge, target number 50; rolled a 34 for 2+1 = 3 DoS.))

((Balthazar recognized this form of Servo Skull as a more investigative brand. Likely crafted from the skull of an Arbite investigator struck down in the line of duty, the purpose of this skull is to scan the faces of those in front of it and communicate with a precinct fortress' databanks against stored visages therein. It doesn't have any combat capabilities that you know of, but does have an alarm if someone is found with a warrant or markings that indicate certain affiliations dictated by the Arbite forces of a planet and ingrained in to the skull by the Adeptus Mechanicus members that service the facility.))

14 hours ago, Lynata said:

The servo skull completes whatever ministrations it seemed to be doing, stays floating in the air a moment as if contemplating what it's observed, and then briskly turns around and floats back to wherever it came from. The Arbite seeming listens for some return in their helmet and addresses you again, *static* "You may put your arms down and approach the checkpoint." *static*

((I will just assume you all approach the station.))

When you arrive at the checkpoint station, you notice that up close the architecture employed by the Adeptus Arbites is even more imposing, crafted to demonstrate the rigidness of Imperial Justice and decorated in a manner that shows a militaristic preparedness and absolute perfection of functionality. Still though you see the carvings of the Aquila prominently on the faces of many surfaces, more however are merely carved lines so as not to draw attention to certain portions of the walls or windows you can see.

The Arbite who has been speaking to you addressing you personally now in a softer (due to it not being a laud hailer) tone, *static* "Greetings, I am Arbitrator Regia, I am told your business here is to compile a missive for delivery. I will lead you through the facilities. Before we begin, do you have any concerns I may need to address?" *static*

The heavy weapon still dangling from her shoulder/back, Ariel briefly folds her hands for the Aquila, her head indicating a bow in front of a fellow servant of the Emperor. Pondering the Arbitrator's words, she speaks up:

"On our journey here we heard gunfire and saw what seemed like illicit persons loitering on the streets. Are you at liberty to divulge this district's security situation?"

It was, of course, a rather naive query, but one could hardly fault the novices for not being accustomed to everyday life on a hive world.

38 minutes ago, Lynata said:

"On our journey here we heard gunfire and saw what seemed like illicit persons loitering on the streets. Are you at liberty to divulge this district's security situation?"

((Answering as it may prompt more questions from others.))

*static* "This is one of the most secure fortresses on Desoleum, and I don't just mean the Hive, it stands as a final bastion to send an astropathic missive from in case of full scale planetary invasion. The petty crimes of the dregs and scum in society is not the purview of the Arbites as long as it does not interfere with Adetus business and it is not of a... malign nature. If Desoleum wants their planet cleaned up they can do it themselves they've got the Sanctionaries and the Involute Cadre." *static*

((note this is simply as I understand how the Adeptus Arbites work I may be mistaken please point out if I am. As I understand it something so low level is just too widespread for the Arbites to put any work in to handling, that's why other forces like PDF and such exist.))

Estelia was suddenly struck by the absurdity of the sutuation: the still-childlike novice with an oversized shotgun making a formal request to an Arbitor, of all people. She was pretty sure that, if the Arbitor did answer, the issue would boil down to a lack of personal. It was a common topic among the Sororitas, at least.

((The Arbites don't concern themselves with minor local issues like serial murder. Their attentions are reserved for the most heinous crime of all -- tax evasion. They also intervene in situations like rebellions where Imperial rule is threatened, or when local officials become corrupt and take the Emperor's rightful tithes for themselves.))

Balthazar remains silent as the Sister asks her questions. Once she finishes, he states, "That will be all our questions, then. Lead the way."

On 4/23/2018 at 10:55 AM, Lynata said:

It was, of course, a rather naive query, but one could hardly fault the novices for not being accustomed to everyday life on a hive world.

On 4/23/2018 at 12:09 PM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia was suddenly struck by the absurdity of the sutuation: the still-childlike novice with an oversized shotgun making a formal request to an Arbitor, of all people. She was pretty sure that, if the Arbitor did answer, the issue would boil down to a lack of personal. It was a common topic among the Sororitas, at least.

12 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar remains silent as the Sister asks her questions. Once she finishes, he states, "That will be all our questions, then. Lead the way."

With your concerns addressed Regia turns and states, *static* "Follow me, do not deviate from the path I take I won't vouchsafe for you." *state*. She leads the group through a guard station where while they go through some scanners they are not requested to give up their weapons, Regia raises her left gauntlet and an intricate oath cog, with the symbol of the Arbites on a large wheel turns slowly, is scanned until a light shines green and a sound chimes. Slowly an entryway grinds open through the wall and you now behold the full glory of the precinct fortress.

The first feeling that hits you is humidity, the air is thick here and charged with potential energy and a static causing the hairs on your body to all stand up, like the primitive part of your mind is telling you there's a danger afoot.

The inside of the fortress is somehow more imposing than the outside of it, architecture made in strong lines and large form but with tight spaces to make one feel the enclosing of Imperial Justice around you, whether that is reassuring or terrifying is likely dependent upon if you have committed a crime. Past the entrance, guarded by severe looking gun servitors, you see many other arbitrators in the field as well. Some are off to a side garage where rhinos are being maintained, others on the other side performing field drills or live fire exercises. Everything is operating seemingly at a very scheduled pace. No one pays attention to the group as they are led through towards the fortress proper.

Regia stops at the entrance, *static* "You notice the feeling in the air, that's the residue of the astropathic choir's...gifts. It is worse in the building proper as there won't be the walls in place to dampen them. Prepare yourselves." *static*

Estelia clenches her teeth as the group moves further into the fortress. On the one hand, the order insider was familiar and in a way comforting, but that she could feel the astropathic choir’s presence was not. The Novice had never had contact with a sanction psyker before, though she had seen a witch momentarily as it was carted off to a black ship of the Telepathica. The girl started unconsciously reciting the Litany of Protection as she moved through the courtyard. The Rhinos were especially interesting. The Arbites decorated theirs in a much more plain manner than the Sororitas, but still she had had few chances to get anywhere near one before now. There was probably a vehicle bay with better access to the streets if the Arbites made regular use of such transports.

Less than the precinct-fortress' oppressive interior, it was the Arbitrator's explanation of what lay ahead that caused Ariel to feel unease. Reflexively, her right hand's grip on the sling that held the heavy shotgun hanging from her back and shoulder intensified, causing the otherwise sturdy thermoplast to crumple a bit under the pressure. Although the novice understood well the Imperium's need for these cursed beings, she had little inclination to meet one in the tainted flesh, were it not for her duty as a member of this delegation and of the sisterhood. With any luck, they would not have to interact with one of the astropaths themselves, but rather some clerk serving as intermediary.

"Mighty Emperor, spread Your divine light and protect me from darkness.."

Balthazar felt the hair on the back of his neck begin to rise as he sensed the taint of psychic activity. His fingers flexed on the grip of his hammer, held in front of him like a combination of walking staff and warding talisman. He made the sign of the Aquila with his free hand and began to murmur litanies of warding under his breath.

((We have a very, very psyker-phobic group -- as would be expected of any honest Imperial citizens :D ))

On 4/28/2018 at 1:29 PM, Servant of Dante said:

On 4/30/2018 at 11:00 AM, Lynata said:

On 5/3/2018 at 11:37 AM, Covered in Weasels said:

A smaller door set in the large closed off entryway to the precinct fortress proper opens and as you pass through the portal it feels like stepping in to a jungle. Every feeling outside of the entryway is exemplified the air is muggier as if walking in a sauna but no water vapor is actually in the air and the primitive part of your brain is positively sparking with activity that says something bad is near.

The sounds of footsteps are immediately softened as you notice that you are walking on plush carpet, the architecture inside the fortress is a strange mix of softened edges and motifs pasted over the dogmatic necessities of Arbite tastes. The area looks as if they've done their absolute best to make sure that nothing abrasive, in any form of experience, is present while preserving what an Arbite requires to feel that justice can be done in their own way.

Stranger still is, ((I'd assume)), one of the few psychic phenomena you've ever encountered, in the soft lights of the hallways you can see dust, but this does is not acting as it psychically should. It doesn't travel as it normally would, floating up and around on currents not feasibly present in the airways of the fortress, and if you look at one spot long enough you begin to see patterns forming that give a dull ache behind your eye sockets.

((From all of this, I'm considering this a minor psychic phenomena which is a Fear (1) +0 test, now since no one's actually triggering anything on purpose and it's not active warp malevolence infecting the area. If you feel your character would be affected by this then they can take the test, but this isn't a run away or start screaming Fear test, it's more internal dread, I won't be going on to the Shock Table if you fail.))

While taking whatever path Regia is leading you on you notice small groups of astropaths traveling from here and there, they are huddled together their hands along walls tracing familiar paths, given the wearing you notice in the material of the wall, they twitch and shudder mumbling to themselves seemingly exhausted from whatever duty they've been serving. Their faces are covered in hoods that go past their nose, but they look at the group as if with eyes uncovered and you can feel them looking at you. Always present though with seemingly every astropath is a handler, they are dressed in cloth uniforms of an Arbites rank and file, some subsection of a rank ((Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites) +0 if you feel like sussing it out)) their oath cogged hands are ever present on the handles of bolt pistols which are wrapped in fabric to soften the jostling they'd normally make in their holsters, otherwise they remain silent and vigilant of their wards.

Finally you make your way to an adjacent room which seems to be a waiting room of some sort, Regia gently closes the door and addresses the group however her helmet vox is turned down to a softer volume, *static* "You will wait here, an attendant will come and take the message you wish to send. The attendant will be an astropath and their handler, before you wonder yes it has to be an astropath, I do not know why, merely that it must be ((Common Lore (Adeptus Astropathica) +10 if you care to ponder it)). I will wait outside simply open the door and I will lead you back out of the building." *static*

With that, she leaves you to your own business an exits the room, you seem to have a few moments to collect yourselves before the attendant arrives.

The unsettling nature of the compound got even worse as they walked further inside. Estelia supposed that this was the proper way to house necessary psyker such as astropaths, but it was still unpleasant

(Fear: rolled 100 :D https://orokos.com/roll/620452 )

Step by step, Ariel felt the knot in her belly tighten. The novice knew something felt off, wrong , before she even noticed the first visible manifestations of the psychic contamination that had manifested on this level. Despite herself, she felt an urge to swallow, slowing down her pace until she finally stopped.

"Something isn't ... right here", she explained her hesitation, as her eyes cautiously scanned the room for further signs of psionic taint, as if the girl half-expected the walls to start bleeding any moment, and tentacles sprouting from the floor.

((Rolling Fear test +0, target number 32. Rolled 14 for 2 DoS))

The sight of the blind psykers walking past him made the hairs on Balthazar's neck rise. His fingers involuntarily clench on his hammer as he recalls the last time he saw a psyker: floating into the air, eyes crackling with warp-lightning... But the vision passes as quickly as it came, and he pulls himself together. He hopes none of the Novices noticed his reaction to the psykers.

On 5/7/2018 at 8:26 AM, Servant of Dante said:

The unsettling nature of the compound got even worse as they walked further inside. Estelia supposed that this was the proper way to house necessary psyker such as astropaths, but it was still unpleasant

(Fear: rolled 100 :D https://orokos.com/roll/620452 )

((Rolling 1d5 Insanity Points for 3+ DoF, rolled 4 so add 2 Insanity Points to your character.))

On 5/8/2018 at 10:15 AM, Lynata said:

Step by step, Ariel felt the knot in her belly tighten. The novice knew something felt off, wrong , before she even noticed the first visible manifestations of the psychic contamination that had manifested on this level. Despite herself, she felt an urge to swallow, slowing down her pace until she finally stopped.

"Something isn't ... right here", she explained her hesitation, as her eyes cautiously scanned the room for further signs of psionic taint, as if the girl half-expected the walls to start bleeding any moment, and tentacles sprouting from the floor.

((Rolling 1d5 Insanity Points for 3+ DoF, rolled 4 so add 2 Insanity Points to your character. No it's not a mistake I did roll the same thing for Estelia.))

53 minutes ago, Covered in Weasels said:

((Rolling Fear test +0, target number 32. Rolled 14 for 2 DoS))

The sight of the blind psykers walking past him made the hairs on Balthazar's neck rise. His fingers involuntarily clench on his hammer as he recalls the last time he saw a psyker: floating into the air, eyes crackling with warp-lightning... But the vision passes as quickly as it came, and he pulls himself together. He hopes none of the Novices noticed his reaction to the psykers.

The waiting room is furnished much the same way the rest of the tower seems to be, thick soft carpeting, softer edges and design overall, and it is furnished with well cushioned chairs along with cushions which can be knelt on. At the middle of a side wall is a small shrine to the Emperor it ekes out a pleasant but not overbearing incense toned in a soft amber light that is the only real source of illumination in the room. Other than the overbearing feeling of pent up psychic energy you might easily nod off in rest here.

After what seems like 10 minutes or so a door on the other side of the room opens, and as Regia stated in walks an astropath and their attendant. Clad in the simple robes of the Adeptus Astra Telepathica and bearing the staff denoting that they are an astropath. The robes are coloured in a calmed blue which covers their pale face, they walk to a cushion and kneel down on it kneeding themselves in to a comfortable position and laying their staff across their lap.

In a quiet voice you hear what seems to be a man a little older than Balthazar state, "Greetings, I am Astropath Adept Ferris, I am under the instruction to receive a message to be sent through the choir. Who is the sender, where is the missive going, and what is the content of the message?"

Ferris' attendant is silent throughout this process and merely keeps their eyes on him and their hand on the bolt pistol in the holster on their belt.

Regardless of the room's ostensibly serene atmosphere, Ariel certainly did not feel at ease. If anything, the feeling of wrongness caused the novice to stay even more alert, interpreting the calmness as a treacherous veil potentially hiding all sorts of nasty surprises. She did not intend to get lured into a false sense of security, least of all in a place crawling with psykers, sanctioned as they may be.

Under different circumstances, she might have paid the shrine her respects, but in her current mood she was way too tense, and intentionally so. Her eyes scanning the interior, the girl did not allow herself a moment of relaxation, instead waiting for any sort of trigger that might warrant and set off a violent reaction, shotgun at the ready. Pure discipline prevented said trigger from being set off as the door opened, although the novice did twitch uncharacteristically at the sudden sound and motion, barely catching herself in time to avoid raising the gun's barrel enough to have it point at the blue-robed figure. In the futile hope that her nervousness went unnoticed, she slowly lowered the weapon again.

Rather than become hyper focused, at some point after entering the waiting room Estelia checked out. She knew the psykers were soul bonded and properly attended but the thought of so many of them still gnawed at her. She ended up staring intently at the shrine, hands locked in her knees. Focusing on that seemed to make things a bit better. She hardly even noticed when then door opened.

Balthazar adresses the psyker directly, containing his distaste for the time being. He returns the greeting formally: "Emperor be with you, Astropath Adept Ferris. I believe you have received word that an astropathic message needs to be sent to the Order of the Adepta Sororitas on Juno. We are here to tell you that message transmission can commence promptly."

On 5/10/2018 at 9:22 PM, Lynata said:

Under different circumstances, she might have paid the shrine her respects, but in her current mood she was way too tense, and intentionally so. Her eyes scanning the interior, the girl did not allow herself a moment of relaxation, instead waiting for any sort of trigger that might warrant and set off a violent reaction, shotgun at the ready. Pure discipline prevented said trigger from being set off as the door opened, although the novice did twitch uncharacteristically at the sudden sound and motion, barely catching herself in time to avoid raising the gun's barrel enough to have it point at the blue-robed figure. In the futile hope that her nervousness went unnoticed, she slowly lowered the weapon again.

On 5/13/2018 at 9:56 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Rather than become hyper focused, at some point after entering the waiting room Estelia checked out. She knew the psykers were soul bonded and properly attended but the thought of so many of them still gnawed at her. She ended up staring intently at the shrine, hands locked in her knees. Focusing on that seemed to make things a bit better. She hardly even noticed when then door opened.

8 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar adresses the psyker directly, containing his distaste for the time being. He returns the greeting formally: "Emperor be with you, Astropath Adept Ferris. I believe you have received word that an astropathic message needs to be sent to the Order of the Adepta Sororitas on Juno. We are here to tell you that message transmission can commence promptly."

Ferris inclines his head at Balthazar's greeting, "I see, yes, then all that is needed then will be are the names or identifications you wish to use, and to iterate the message you wish sent through the choir to me."

You can see that he smiles softly to himself below the line of his hood pleasantly waiting for your reply.

Estelia continues focusing on the shrine, the psykers soft words grating at her eardrums. He sounded nice enough, but how was she to tell? Part of her knew her fear in this instance was irrational, the psyker had likely done this dozens of times, and there was always an attendant, but she couldn't shake her fear.

Ariel briefly cast a look towards the other novice as if to check whether Estelia was going to weigh in, but such did not seem to be the case. Stepping forward herself, this time she did not wait for Balthazar to speak up -- regardless of their shared investigation, the message about to be sent was a concern for the Sisterhood, and though she was still in her novitiate, she was convinced a fellow member would elicit a more supportive response than a random priest, official Ecclesiarchal clergy or not.

"First tell me, Adept Ferris, how does your kind deal with secrets? The message we are about to convey is of somewhat sensitive nature -- are your astropaths trained in special rituals to protect them from undue knowledge?"

It was, if not a direct accusation, certainly a rather rude way of questioning the psyker's integrity. Then again, perhaps it was not surprising, given the organisations involved.

5 hours ago, Lynata said:

"First tell me, Adept Ferris, how does your kind deal with secrets? The message we are about to convey is of somewhat sensitive nature -- are your astropaths trained in special rituals to protect them from undue knowledge?"

It was, if not a direct accusation, certainly a rather rude way of questioning the psyker's integrity. Then again, perhaps it was not surprising, given the organisations involved.

Adept Ferris inclines his head to Ariel, "Secrets are the trade of the Astropathica, though they are not our coin. What you tell me will become a message, a song of emotion, shape, smell, but also cipher. Once it passes from the choir we'll hardly remember it. The rituals we perform are taxing and it would take an incredibly powerful telepath to dredge anything useful back from our minds once we're done encoding it."

He does not seem to take this as an insult, merely a question.

10 hours ago, ThenDoctor said:

"Secrets are the trade of the Astropathica, though they are not our coin. What you tell me will become a message, a song of emotion, shape, smell, but also cipher. Once it passes from the choir we'll hardly remember it. The rituals we perform are taxing and it would take an incredibly powerful telepath to dredge anything useful back from our minds once we're done encoding it."

Pondering the adept's response, the novice chooses to dig a little deeper, her concerns not fully addressed: "I see. But what about the person taking the message -- what about you?"

1 hour ago, Lynata said:

"I see. But what about the person taking the message -- what about you?"

He ponders Ariel's question, not in a manner to deny her, but forming the answer as best he can, "There is a greater purpose to my presence here than merely the content of your message, the message will be understood, conveyed, and unpacked more easily if I have a baseline of your... emotional intent? ...I believe that may be the simplest way to describe it without getting too technical. As for me, I'm part of the ritual as well, what you tell me will be dealt with and removed as well as is part of our customs, but those are...trade secrets as it were?"

He chuckles to himself at bringing the statement back around to the dressing he started it in earlier.

((If Ariel wishes Ferris seems like he might be convinced with a Charm +0 test.))

17 hours ago, ThenDoctor said:

"There is a greater purpose to my presence here than merely the content of your message, the message will be understood, conveyed, and unpacked more easily if I have a baseline of your... emotional intent? ...I believe that may be the simplest way to describe it without getting too technical. As for me, I'm part of the ritual as well, what you tell me will be dealt with and removed as well as is part of our customs, but those are...trade secrets as it were?"

"Then, what you are telling me is that, ultimately ... we'll just have to trust you?" She presented him with a sardonic smile, but finally resorted to acceptance. On one hand this seemed like an obvious security risk, and likely the reason for why her order had established an elaborate set of ciphers - ciphers she was not yet privy to - to conceal the contents of a message. She could only assume other Imperial organisations did likewise. On the other hand, how could one encode the name of a place or a person this way?

It seemed they just had to trust this adept. The idea did not sit too well with her, but the Adeptus Telepathica had served the Imperium for countless millennia. They would not be allowed to exist if her ancestors had doubts about their integrity, willing or otherwise.

41 minutes ago, Lynata said:

"Then, what you are telling me is that, ultimately ... we'll just have to trust you?" She presented him with a sardonic smile, but finally resorted to acceptance. On one hand this seemed like an obvious security risk, and likely the reason for why her order had established an elaborate set of ciphers - ciphers she was not yet privy to - to conceal the contents of a message. She could only assume other Imperial organisations did likewise. On the other hand, how could one encode the name of a place or a person this way?

Ferris shrugs, "You could always go to Juno yourself and deliver your request in person," he doesn't reply sarcastically merely giving the other option as it stands.

It seems the adept is used to the distrust of the other Imperial organizations.