Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

((Estelia’s “Intimidation” is likely mostly unintentional, she’s very comfortable around weapons and isn’t used to people who get nervous just because she’s armed. Also, she’s used to being surrounded by Ecclesiarchal bling so it probably doesn’t occur to her that her armour would make people afraid))

Estelia is momentarily taken aback by the question. She had mostly been bored and just wanted something interesting to listen too. Not the most courteous thing to do but . . . well here she was.

She made the sign of the Aquila to the group.

“I,” the Novice returns to her nervous tick of fingering the grip of one of her pistols as she speaks, but does not draw the weapon, “was just curious what you were talking about, it seemed interesting.”

Only them did she realize she was still holding the flintlock from when she was sitting; she slid it back through the makeshift holster on the back of her belt.

”This, I assume, employer of yours seems a bit harsh, since I don’t take you for someone who would make a false oath to the God-Emperor” (not that Estelia could imagine what such a heretic would look like)

Her right ankle chose that moment to become intensely itchy. Estelia bent over to adjust her boot, in the process absent mindedly revealing a few centimeters of mirror-finish blade from the knife sheathed there before looking back to the man. Hardly a dignified beginning, in her mind.

((I’m assuming Estelia left her helmet over by the Father, and again, I mentioned the front of the armour since that Devotional Iconography was one of my initial Requisitions :D ))

Edited by Servant of Dante

Estelia's dusk-skinned companion watched on with an unimpassioned expression, apparently having little mind to engage the locals in small-talk. Yet Ariel kept a careful eye on the developing situation, half curious as to whether Lia has had some sort of idea, half watchful in case one of the workers decided to cause a problem. They certainly did not seem the sort, but at the same time, the Novice kept feeling a certain degree of unease simply because she was yet unaccustomed to travelling through such a vastly different environment than the rather orderly and strictly controlled spaces she grew up in.

Involuntarily shifting the weight of her combat shotgun, the trenchcoated girl took two steps forward, if only to serve as a reminder that Estelia wasn't alone.

Balthazar lets Estelia and Ariel continue with their interaction, he doesn't have anything else to add at this point.

On 3/20/2018 at 8:08 PM, Servant of Dante said:

She made the sign of the Aquila to the group.

“I,” the Novice returns to her nervous tick of fingering the grip of one of her pistols as she speaks, but does not draw the weapon, “was just curious what you were talking about, it seemed interesting.”

Only them did she realize she was still holding the flintlock from when she was sitting; she slid it back through the makeshift holster on the back of her belt.

”This, I assume, employer of yours seems a bit harsh, since I don’t take you for someone who would make a false oath to the God-Emperor” (not that Estelia could imagine what such a heretic would look like)

Her right ankle chose that moment to become intensely itchy. Estelia bent over to adjust her boot, in the process absent mindedly revealing a few centimeters of mirror-finish blade from the knife sheathed there before looking back to the man. Hardly a dignified beginning, in her mind.

((I’m assuming Estelia left her helmet over by the Father, and again, I mentioned the front of the armour since that Devotional Iconography was one of my initial Requisitions :D ))

On 3/21/2018 at 11:16 PM, Lynata said:

Involuntarily shifting the weight of her combat shotgun, the trenchcoated girl took two steps forward, if only to serve as a reminder that Estelia wasn't alone.

11 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar lets Estelia and Ariel continue with their interaction, he doesn't have anything else to add at this point.

The male isn't exactly sure how to handle the situation, he steps back as it doesn't seem to be a threat but warily eyes Estellia's armament and at Ariel's stepping up he wholly goes in line, next to a middle ages raven haired woman who hasn't said anything yet.

The red headed younger woman is red faced in embarrassment and replies, "Oh...I uhm, I mean it was-"

The older woman elbows her in the side, "Stop, you're being rude to representatives of the Church." She smiles a bit nervously looking down, "It was nothing...ungrateful complaining of our betters. We apologize...don't we?"

The redhead nods vigorously, "Y-Yes, sorry, our mistress is simply very...exact about her requirements. Sometimes it can be difficult to live up to such exacting standards."

The raven haired woman sighs and finally speaks, "What Balida is trying to explain is that Lady Irissa, a noblewoman of the family we are servants of, requests much from us. Sometimes our service is enough, sometimes it is not. If it is not she tends to elongate our indentured servitude for the disservice. It is simply the way of things on Desoleum, I can see that you're visitors given how few oaths you carry. Sometimes the burden of a growing oath can...erode one's patience, she meant no blasphemy. Balida simply gained Irissa's, sorry Lady Irissa's, ire earlier today. She is currently planning a dinner gathering which is why she wanted the utensils cleaned so exactingly, and Balida did not request clarification as to how thorough she should have been. As such our lady extended her oath by another month for the trouble. What Balida should remember is that even Lady Irissa has oaths to fulfill, and she should be grateful for the opportunity to be a part of the Imperial machine that is Desoleum."

Once again, Estelia finds herself confused. The people in front of her seemed scared, and sounded almost like . . .

Well she would have to try and calm them down, she just wanted to talk some.

”I didn’t mean to frighten you; you sound like me after I snuck a slice of bread during the fast before the feast of the Emperor’s Ascension. Although,” the girl grimaced embarsedly, “you should return the sign of the Aquila, it’s common reverence.”

”I don’t know much of cogs or special oaths to those above you. There is only service to the Emperor himself,” Estelia pauses for a moment, remembering various lectures, friendly and otherwise, that she had received, “through whatever organization He sees fit to place you in. Lady Irrissa’s duty, in the end, is the same as yours. If you feel she is shirking her duty or hindering yours, well I don’t know who the proper person to talk to would be here.”

”That aside I just came over here to see what you were talking about. It’s a long ride. I apologize for scaring you.”

She knew she was goin on, but she hoped the man and women would be less worried now. Normally it was her having the fear of the Emperor put into her. This was a new situation for thenNovice.

The other novice could not help but wrinkle her nose at Estelia's admission. Apparently, it was not only enough that the girl would get herself into trouble, now she had to advertise it in front of the local citizenry. Sighing, she made a mental note to remind the other novice of their role and reputation as representatives of the sororitas. For now, though, she maintained her silent vigil, all the more determined to balance the other's brazenness with a show of discipline.

17 hours ago, Lynata said:

For now, though, she maintained her silent vigil, all the more determined to balance the other's brazenness with a show of discipline.

On 3/22/2018 at 9:06 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar lets Estelia and Ariel continue with their interaction, he doesn't have anything else to add at this point.

On 3/23/2018 at 7:57 PM, Servant of Dante said:

Once again, Estelia finds herself confused. The people in front of her seemed scared, and sounded almost like . . .

Well she would have to try and calm them down, she just wanted to talk some.

”I didn’t mean to frighten you; you sound like me after I snuck a slice of bread during the fast before the feast of the Emperor’s Ascension. Although,” the girl grimaced embarsedly, “you should return the sign of the Aquila, it’s common reverence.”

”I don’t know much of cogs or special oaths to those above you. There is only service to the Emperor himself,” Estelia pauses for a moment, remembering various lectures, friendly and otherwise, that she had received, “through whatever organization He sees fit to place you in. Lady Irrissa’s duty, in the end, is the same as yours. If you feel she is shirking her duty or hindering yours, well I don’t know who the proper person to talk to would be here.”

”That aside I just came over here to see what you were talking about. It’s a long ride. I apologize for scaring you.”

She knew she was goin on, but she hoped the man and women would be less worried now. Normally it was her having the fear of the Emperor put into her. This was a new situation for thenNovice.

((Honestly there's not much more I was intending on giving out in this scene other than explaining to the characters a bit more about how I think servitude on Desoleum might work/be slightly abused by the upper class. So, I think this wouldn't be too bad of a closer to the snippet.))

The younger redhead gives a snort and chuckles at the bread remark, but shakes her head at the later statements, "Who's to talk to? She's of noble blood and more engrossing oaths, and we're...well we're really not much of anything are we?"

She shrugs as if explaining something as simple as the Emperor is God because He is.

The rest of the group seemingly relaxes as well, and the group at least has an average opinion of you, small talk is fairly sparse though the life of an Imperial waitservant is hardly the stuff of legend.

((Feel free to have a closing remark post, and then we'll cut back to where we were.))

Edited by ThenDoctor

Estelia listens to the group talk idley for a while before the tram reaches their stop. Before leaving she makes the sign of the Aquila again and thanks the group for their time.

((that seems fine to me, I enjoyed doing this little scene))

Balthazar smiles slightly at the Novices as they approach. "It seems you have made quite an impression on the locals."

"None of us are", Ariel speaks up in reaction to the commoner's words. "It is through His grace that we are given purpose, and as a species stand stalwart against the darkness lurking in dark space. For it is as Saint Sebastian has taught: A single man with faith may stand against a legion of the faithless, but untold billions of the faithful can never be opposed."

The last recital was spoken with closed eyes, which she opens once more before adding: "Quite literally, as the Great Saint has proven himself."

Thus spoken, the novice with the proportionally oversized shotgun finally turns to take her place in the formation. "I would like to make some more impressions some time, Father", she responds under her breath to Balthazar's words. "This place is in need of them."

On 3/29/2018 at 10:01 AM, Servant of Dante said:

9 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

7 hours ago, Lynata said:

The scene cuts back to where you arrived at a point in the Mid Hive from the hab conveyor, close to the divide between the Low Hive. You're moderately far off of where the Arbite Precinct would be.

The servants have cleared off from the area, those who got off where your group departed having moved on their respective ways.

The noise of the conveyor fades in your ears as it continues on its eternal schedule and is replaced with the more subtle cacophony of hive life; constant traffice, the shuffling of feet from place to place, and the noise of street hawkers and corner Ministorum preachers. The slight smell of sewage mixed with street food mingles in your nose greasy "mystery" meat from creatures and vermin best left in your imaginations, and while it is hardly mid day the light is dim and shadowed here with poorly maintained lights and smog of constant combustion in your view.

It is now to you to make your way to the precinct on foot.

((As mentioned before this will require a +10 Navigate (Surface) test.))

Estelia means to leave the navigation to the Father, as before, and observes her surroundings. She wondered if she’d be able to find any other locals willing to talk, but reminded herself they had a job to do and a modicum of discretion was required. She pays special attention to the corner preachers, interested in how a sermon would sound when given to hive folk such as these. She also looked at what kinds of buildings lined the streets, they were quite different from the parts of Ophelia she had seen. The alien atmosphere was interesting, but still she stuck close to Ariel, just in case.

The other novice seemed more cautious than curious, as if expecting trouble at any moment. Whilst the good folk on the conveyor seemed peaceful, she had not forgotten the troubles on the shuttle platform, and attributed their source to a deeply flawed lifestyle -- a perspective their present surroundings did not exactly help to dispel.

"What disturbing smells", she remarked with lowered voice, only to follow up with a shockingly coarse comparison: "This is worse than the convent's latrinum. At least there you know where it's from, and that you're out of it in ten."

((I shall defer to Balthazar's directions as well, unless he'd actually ask me!))

On 4/3/2018 at 12:13 AM, Servant of Dante said:

On 4/3/2018 at 2:21 AM, Lynata said:

On 3/30/2018 at 10:21 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

((Balthazar, I'm rolling a skill check for you just to keep the game moving, feel free to add in description of the result in your next post. The roll is a Navigate (Surface) check, You have an Int of 40, the skill check is at +10, and you don't have the skill so -20. This means you'll be rolling at -10, so you need a result of below 30 for all intents and purposes. I rolled 14 for 2 DoS.))

Father Thorne is lost in thought glancing at the data slate seemingly mapping the admittedly extended route to the precinct, due to being farther away with the elevator ride, eventually he nods to himself and leads the way.

The path through this area of the hive is descending in to the area between the Mid and Low areas of the hive. Through narrow gaps between buildings to along massive Broadways teeming with the masses of dregs trying to live their lives. Your initial impressions of the area are not unchanged, the scenes are repeated over and over, street vendors hawking trinkets, charms, and "food" of a sort, street preachers yelling damnation and salvation, and of course those who live on the edge of society from skulkers glancing at the trio and quickly taking a different alleyway to street walkers negotiating their next business transaction.

While there are no gangers, at least is this area, you feel certain that taking the wrong street could very easily and very quickly get you in to a bad situation. For your path though Balthazar's pathfinding takes you through none of these areas, though you certainly can hear an occasional gunshot, or rough yell farther off somewhere in the area, finding it though would be nearly impossible given the cacophony of the hive greater and the echoing nature of the architecture. The mid to lower citizens of Desoleum stay out of your way, though you can tell the stark differences between those of the Apex and even those in Port Gyre, the clothes are of lesser quality and variety, the looks on faces are of a grim determination or of people who have accepted their lower lot in life and are simply going through the motions.

Though of course you do see the signs of faith still alive in the lower masses, seemingly stronger than the nobility at least, various poorly maintained street shrines have dozens of candles lit and offerings left from cogs to throne, in extremely secure boxes, and passing by a few small chapels on your way you can see average numbers of attendance seemingly between the work shifts. Even to the normal citizens, and even a few of the more dreg-like of society, making the sign of the aquila as they pass by the group in at least the acknowledgment of the Ministorum's power among the workforce.

((I'd like to hear your thoughts on what you're seeing, after that you'll arrive at the precinct. With the successful roll there won't be any particular encounter.))

Estelia wondered at the preachers on the streets, they did not seem to be drawing prolonged attention from passers by, so either the people already knew what they were saying, or they were lost. The Novice imagined they heard similar whenever they attended a service at a proper chapel. From what the girl could see, the chapels here were far less ornate than those she was used to, but still easily recognizable. The street shrines held a certain charm for her; she dropped a few coins (mostly at random) into one of the donation boxes, before realizing the irony of donating currency she had recieved from the Convent to the Ministorum. She tried to return the sign of the Aquila whenever a pedestrian made it in their direction, she felt a bit silly waving her arms around like that, but it would feel more wrong to just ignore them.

Aside from the religious trappings of the area, Estelia found it rather bleak. Even the Schola Progenium her and Ariel had been raised in had been in a more prosperous section of a hive. It was more easily protected that way. With obvious signs of crime within earshot, she wondered where the local enforcers were. They were likely spread too thin, like all things in the Imperium. So much that needed fixing and so few who seemed able or willing to try.

To Ariel, the world seemed lost. Perhaps it was the contrast between her sheltered upbringing behind convent walls and what counted as actual everyday Imperial life, but even the small signs of faith scattered throughout the hive seemed like flickering candles trying, if valiantly, to remain lit amidst the stinking gusts of corruption that seemed to blow through the desolate streets. There were, thankfully, no obvious signs such as cultist scribbling on the walls or humans mingling freely with mutants, yet perhaps that might have been preferable to this sinking feeling of being surrounded. That at least would have given them something to fight openly, something visible to remove in the hopes of restoring sanctity.

"Do all Imperial worlds look like this?", she wondered aloud. It was not so much the appalling poverty of the people that made her pause; that at least was a virtue she could understand. Rather, the lack of order and structure. Or, perhaps, it was that this place had somehow developed its own order, subject to the kind of criminal filth that formed gangs and terrorized the citizenry. That as much she had learned in the schola as part of the general classes, given how some of the cadets would later go on to be selected for service in the Adeptus Arbites.

The shuffling masses of downhivers in Desoleum were hardly the throngs of devout pilgrims that traveled to Thaur, but it still heartened Balthazar to see the Imperial faith kept alive in the lower hives. In fact, the people here seemed more earnest in their devotion than the more well-to-do people from the port districts. Perhaps their more dismal existence lead more to turn to faith as a source of hope in their lives. Faith is excellent for giving oneself purpose in life, and Balthazar hoped the Imperial faith would be a great rallying torch for these people to serve the Imperium.

In response to Ariel's question, Balthazar responds, "Most Imperial worlds lack the clarity of purpose you may have grown accustomed to in the Schola Progenium. In fact, many people live without a clear goal in mind for themselves, only the knowledge that they are supposed to follow their duty to the Imperium and go to work each day. Most Imperials are not quite so fortunate as us -- without strong faith they are directionless and often get lost in the darkness. If I have a say about it, I'll bring a bit more light to their lives over the course of our time here."

On 4/9/2018 at 12:35 PM, Servant of Dante said:

On 4/11/2018 at 10:35 PM, Lynata said:

8 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

The rest of the route to the precinct is much of the same, the route takes roughly an hour of walking, but this is more due to the wavering nature of the directions you're taking over the actual distance you're travelling. You can begin to tell that you're getting close to the precinct as the sounds of the random gunfire gets farther off, and eventually stops completely. You no longer see street hawkers or joyworkers (non gendered from of joygirl/joyboy?) plying their trade and the architecture of the area noticeably becomes more military in tone. You can notice that this area is designed to be more easily dependable than most other areas of the hive whether its alleyways that are easily blockaded or firing slots in more of the buildings the changes are subtle, but there still.

Eventually however you begin to take the secret path that will lead you to the hidden precinct-fortress known as Precinct Delta, it is a confusing twisting route through narrow walkways and through a few buildings seemingly at random. It is a route you would have had a hellish time sussing out without your map to the area.

Your route is abruptly interrupted by a loud bark of "HALT" through a helmet's voice synthesizer that seems to be crafted to be loud and intimidating in tone from roughly 30 metres away.

You see what is obviously an Adeptus Arbite enforcer in black light carapace armor with a helmet locked in place, they stand ready with a familiar looking shotgun, very similar to the one carried by Ariel, which is held in both hands to be readied at a moment's notice. They stand readied at what seems to be a large roadblock and guard station which blocks most view beyond the path you were taking. Prominently on the wall hangs the symbol of the Adeptus Arbite organization.

*static* "PUT YOUR HANDS IN THE AIR SLOWLY AND STATE YOUR BUSINESS!" *static* it does not seem like a question.

Reflexively, Ariel raises a hand to shield her eyes from the glare of a large searchlight that had zeroed in on the group, but after a moment can make out the lines of the station and the enforcers guarding it. Pushing her lips together, the novice is immediately reminded of their treatment at the hands of the orbital's security detachment. She was certain that the troops would show a degree of deference or at least acceptance if they would know her true identity, but for the time being, their assignment would likely continue to see them confronted with Imperial officials on a base of initial distrust. Perhaps the priest could talk his way past these armored figures, too.

Slowly shouldering her combat shotgun, Ariel complies with the order. At least they were confronted by fellow schola graduates this time, and she knew what to expect of the Arbites.

Balthazar also shields his eyes, gradually lowering his hammer to the ground and placing his hands above his head. Barnabas also floats into the air, displaying that it carries no weapons. He raises his voice and responds, "Good day officers, we are here to transmit a message via Astropathic choir. That is all the business we have here today."

Although confused at first, Estelia compels with the command. The bright light was disorienting, not exactly what she had expected.

On 4/16/2018 at 5:56 AM, Lynata said:

Slowly shouldering her combat shotgun, Ariel complies with the order. At least they were confronted by fellow schola graduates this time, and she knew what to expect of the Arbites.

21 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar also shields his eyes, gradually lowering his hammer to the ground and placing his hands above his head. Barnabas also floats into the air, displaying that it carries no weapons. He raises his voice and responds, "Good day officers, we are here to transmit a message via Astropathic choir. That is all the business we have here today."

21 minutes ago, Servant of Dante said:

Although confused at first, Estelia compels with the command. The bright light was disorienting, not exactly what she had expected.

While difficult to see in the glare of the spotlight you can discern that the Arbite is activating a piece of equipment in their helmet, they don't seem to indicate if they received a reply or what that reply entails for them. They lower their hand and address the trio of you, *static* "You will be scanned to confirm your identity, you will not move until you are told to move or you will be detained." *static*

With that a servo skull floats dutifully over to the group, it is colored mat black and has a white outline of the Adeptus Arbite engraved on its forehead. The face of the skull contains a pair of lenses in the eyes and some other machinery that you wouldn't easily recognize ((Tech-Use +0 or Common Lore (Adeptus Arbites) +10)).

((If you want to interfere with this process I'm letting you do it here before any scanning takes place.))

Estelia is who she says she is . . . basically. She didn’t think the had anything that a scan would care about that wasn’t already visible.

Edited by Servant of Dante

((Rolling CL (Arbites) +10 with Infused Knowledge, target number 50; rolled a 34 for 2+1 = 3 DoS.))

Unless he notices anything alarming during his inspection of the servo-skull, Balthazar remains in place and allows himself to be scanned. He does wonder why the Arbites seem so jumpy here -- he has little experience in dealing with the Arbites, but he imagined that one would not need to go through a full barricade to reach the Astropathic choir. Perhaps they are much more diligent with their security in a busy hive city like Desoleum Primus than on the relatively tranquil Thaur.

The other novice remains still as well, keeping her hands halfway raised as the servo-skull approaches on its buzzing repulsor engine to begin its work. It was not the first time Ariel had to submit to a scan like this, but the machines at the convent went about their business in a much more passive manner, neither requiring an armed guard nor their target to hold up her arms.

A crimson line of light touched her face, scanning its contours as it moved from left to right, causing the girl to blink. For a moment, the ancient skull simply hovered in its place, likely transmitting the data it had collected, or accessing some arcane data bank directly. Whether the machine spirit was satisfied or not, Ariel would not know, as it moved away to the next person without so much as another sound. She was certain, however, the Arbites would inform them momentarily.