Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

Balthazar leans his hammer against the wall and sits down in a chair. He notes Inelia's notably serious mood and frowns slightly, but does not speak yet. He looks to Inelia to begin the briefing.

On 2/13/2018 at 10:00 PM, Lynata said:

Entering the room, the dusk-skinned novice respectfully if silently inclined her head and proceeded to the table. If a folder or pad could be considered within reach of the seat she had chosen, the girl would indeed attempt to reach out and pick it up, briefly scanning its surface if not interrupted -- less out of curiosity, but more driven by diligence. They were about to discuss further proceedings, and in her analytical mind, the junior Sororitas would not expect sensitive information to be presented this openly. At least not if it was sensitive towards them .

On 2/15/2018 at 11:03 PM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia takes a seat and sets the flintlock in her lap for the moment. Flak armour is hardly the most comfortable thing to be wearing while sitting, but she hadn't been sure when exactly they'd be leaving. She glances at the dataslates and other documents on the table, but simply waits for the Sister to instruct them in what they are to do.

14 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar leans his hammer against the wall and sits down in a chair. He notes Inelia's notably serious mood and frowns slightly, but does not speak yet. He looks to Inelia to begin the briefing.

((Ariel got a 46 on her roll for Scrutiny so 4 DoF))

Ariel picks up a slate that seems to be an Adeptus Terra listing of Desoleum the planet, this of course is not amazingly interesting information nor particularly useful useful at the current time.

((The information amounts to the core rulebook's entry on Desoleum on page 328 until the entry "The Wastes of Desoleum" begins on page 329))

Inellia clears her throat and begins, "It is time, it is time to begin truly in your first investigation. Let it not be your last. You know your duty. You mentioned previously desiring to try and learn of House Novianna from the Order of the Watchful Eye on Juno and I was given information on a contact for someone that should be able to help you with examining the handkerchief at least in a top level manner.

To these ends currently you have two tasks.

The first is to deliver a message to the closest astropath choir deemed secure enough for our purposes located at Arbite Precinct Delta, I have already contacted them and while I am loath to be around the gifted myself the experience is going to be important for you.

The second task after you've gotten a message delivered and while it is being transmitted is to visit Port Gyre again where the contact I've been informed of resides there.

Afterwards you may report back to me with what information you find or if you need to return to investigate something within the Villa's facilities, or you can continue your investigation as you see fit this is your investigation after all and you don't technically have to inform me of anything.

In the meantime what have you learned in the last 3 weeks?"

She looks tellingly at Estellia having noticed her new firearm.

Edited by ThenDoctor

The novice briefly scanned the contents of the pad, merely giving its index a cursory reading to get an idea of the information held within. As their host began speaking, she quickly dropped the tablet back on the table, her attention shifting to the other woman. For a moment, she questioned the wisdom in sending a party of envoys to convey a message when their host was evidently already in contact with the accursed psyker, but then it dawned on her that physical transmission would be deemed more secure than whatever indirect means had been employed prior to their involvement. The message must be important indeed to warrant such measures.

"I'm afraid my own readings did not yield much useful information. I had hoped to discover some additional meaning in the handkerchief, and to this effect studied some of your librarium's older titles on the local nobility, alas the information recorded there was more of anecdotal value. With any luck, it will help me better integrate with the locals, though I reserve doubt."

Her eyes wander to the next speaker, signaling that she considers her report already finished.

Edited by Lynata

Estelia listened to their instructions. She hoped they had some sort of map, not that she was in any hurry to talk to astropaths. On the other hand, they were not a common sight so it might be interesting.

”I practiced combat maneuvers and searched the armoury for a holdout weapon. I wanted something small but there wasn’t anything laying around. I did find this though,” she holds up the flintlock, “It is quite fun to fire, though I admit not very practical . . . perhaps it will intimidate some people.” The Novice shrugs, “though I only have a small amount of ammunition and no way to attach it to my belt”

On 2/21/2018 at 6:46 PM, Servant of Dante said:

”I practiced combat maneuvers and searched the armoury for a holdout weapon. I wanted something small but there wasn’t anything laying around. I did find this though,” she holds up the flintlock, “It is quite fun to fire, though I admit not very practical . . . perhaps it will intimidate some people.” The Novice shrugs, “though I only have a small amount of ammunition and no way to attach it to my belt”

On 2/19/2018 at 2:48 AM, Lynata said:

"I'm afraid my own readings did not yield much useful information. I had hoped to discover some additional meaning in the handkerchief, and to this effect studied some of your librarium's older titles on the local nobility, alas the information recorded there was more of anecdotal value. With any luck, it will help me better integrate with the locals, though I reserve doubt."

On 2/16/2018 at 8:44 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Inelia nods at the two novices and looks at Father Thorne taking his silence as an answer unto itself, "Well, if you were going to have found out what was going on before you even got started on the investigation it wouldn't have been much of a mystery now would it."

She shuffles some datapads and files around until finding a certain pad, "This datapad contains two addresses and two general routes, the two addresses are for the precinct and for the clothier, the routes are similar to the one you used to get to the villa you'll need to do some navigation. This datapad is also encrypted, its machine spirit will mind cleanse itself if a certain rite is not performed upon it every 24 hours. I know that sounds finicky, but while the information is not forbidden or unknown to individuals in certain circles it would be best that less people know where you are intending to go. The rite to awaken the pad is the same one to appease the mind cleansing rite, every time you open the pad it resets this internal function." she takes out sigil that looks similar to the one you received before and holds it in front of the pad.

The datapad lights two small red lights for a few seconds and then they turn green and the screen shows the information in question, "You may take this datapad with you, don't copy the information on it. If for some reason a situation arises where the datapad cleanses itself, then you can come back here and get the information again. I would appreciate this being with good reason rather than simply being forgetfulness."

"At this time do you have any questions, concerns, or requests I may be able to answer or address?"

With the talk of encryption no care it finally started to sink in that this was a mission that could kill one or more of them. Of course, Estelia was used to the concept of death, some day she would die, likely, hopefully even, in His service, but she hadn’t really thought about it being so soon. It was a frightening prospect, the Novice once again wished she had found a suitable holdout weapon. As for specific concerns, Estelia was curious about something, “who is the contact we’re going to meet?”

The girl didn’t really know what to expect from an organization such as the Inquisition, which was both exciting and terrifying.

16 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

As for specific concerns, Estelia was curious about something, “who is the contact we’re going to meet?”

((I'm answering you in the possibility that it might spark other questions from other players and followup from yourself for further clarification))

"At the precinct? None, they are merely aware that an important message needs to be sent by choir to the Order on Juno, how you approach that situation is your own business. The clothier's name is Cassa she is the main contact the Consortium and nobility of the Apex that is used on Desoleum. The Inquisition has kept an eye on her for some time due to these connections, but they have not found anything particularly damning either way. It would be appreciated if she was not made aware of the gaze of His left hand as it were."

She looks at Estelia in a manner that is open to more questions if any were to arise.

Estelia thinks for a moment, “I thought you said our second task would be to meet a contact at port Gyre, that’s what I was asking about.”

8 minutes ago, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia thinks for a moment, “I thought you said our second task would be to meet a contact at port Gyre, that’s what I was asking about.”

Inelia smirks, "She is a contact, she just does not realize the importance of some of her work nor of some of the information she knows. Not everyone that is touched by the Inquisition is made aware of it."

Balthazar clenches his jaw at the mention of meeting the Astropaths in the Arbites Precinct, and his distaste at the idea is plainly evident to everyone in the room. He does not protest out loud though.

"In that case, we should plan to stop at both locations in quick succession. Perhaps a visit to the Precinct first, followed by a trip to this contact for more information about the handkerchief?"

6 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

"In that case, we should plan to stop at both locations in quick succession. Perhaps a visit to the Precinct first, followed by a trip to this contact for more information about the handkerchief?"

Inelia nods, "That is what I would suggest as well, the astropathic process takes time, both sending and receiving. Not to mention how long the Order of the Watchful Eye will need to gather the information you desire. I only suggest this, be concise in how you construct your message, the longer it is the more time it will take. Depending on the information you're looking for you may use my title as authorization if you feel it would be beyond Estelia and Ariel's clearances, but I don't see how looking up one offshoot of a House should be out of their reach."

Listening quietly but intently, Ariel followed the conversation and additional information yielded by their handler. Naturally, she had similarly reserved feelings about the Astropathic Choir they were supposed to visit, though she did not show it quite as much as the cleric.

The role and station of even sanctioned psykers was somewhat of a taboo topic among the Adepta Sororitas, though it did come up every now and then among the more intimate - or, some might say, less disciplined - squads whose members trusted one another sufficiently to confide their irritation at tolerating this breed of mutant. The girl well remembered a day many years ago in the schola, too, when her class of progena was invited to witness the cleansing of one such unfortunate, Warp-touched soul: Whilst it was exceedingly rare to happen, every now and then a newly inducted cadet, blissfully unaware of their genetic taint and unawakened psychic potential, would be flagged by the Schola Progenum's medical tests that were standard for all new arrivals.

In this one case, the boy was swiftly made an example of and torched on the stake in the institute's courtyard, as a Drill-Abbot railed against the corruption that was evidently lurking right amidst the Imperium's finest, inciting the assembled cadets to shout abuse at the hapless child as a warden set it ablaze with a flamer. It was not the first time Ariel had seen someone die at the schola, but the time it took for his cries to abate made sure that she would never forget witnessing this execution.

For her own part, the girl understood the reasons for why some psykers were tolerated as 'a necessary evil', as a senior Sister had once explained it. As much as the Sisterhood subscribed to the dogma of the Divine Human Form in its most extreme rejection of impure genes, the organisation nonetheless depended on transwarp communications and -plotting, both the exclusive domain of Astropaths and Navigators, respectively. Without these breeds of psyker, the convents of the Sororitas would be isolated bastions of faith rather than part of a larger, well-connected divine army, and the high-speed corvettes of the Sisterhood would be forced to crawl through realspace at a snail's pace, rather than braving the Warp to deliver swift retribution to heathens and heretics inviting the presence of a Sororitas strike force.

It still didn't feel right, of course. Sometimes, Ariel wondered if there ever was a time when Mankind had traveled the stars without depending on these deviants, or why they ever started using them. Such dark, brooding thoughts were then swiftly appeased by thinking of the many planets Humanity had claimed by now. It was, simply put, much too late to reconsider. Though it might have been better to stay on Terra rather than dabbling with the Warp, by now her species had a divine responsibility to care for all the souls scattered among the stars, as Him-on-Earth must have felt when He ordered the Great Crusade to reconnect with Mankind's lost colonies.

Returning her attention to the matter at hand, the novice nodded at the instructions thusly received. She still felt unused to all the secrecy surrounding this investigation, but a part of her actually enjoyed the mind games and considerations that would have to be employed, as little as she would want to admit it.

On 3/2/2018 at 12:12 PM, Servant of Dante said:

On 3/3/2018 at 11:24 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

4 hours ago, Lynata said:

Returning her attention to the matter at hand, the novice nodded at the instructions thusly received. She still felt unused to all the secrecy surrounding this investigation, but a part of her actually enjoyed the mind games and considerations that would have to be employed, as little as she would want to admit it.

Inelia looks to Ariel seeing if she has any questions but nods when she sees that the novice is just absorbing the information.

"If that is all you may be excused to begin your work, may He guide your path and be a light in the darkness," she bows her head and makes the sign of the Aquila.

((I know I'm moving this forward without your permission but we seem to be at the end of the scene feel free to stop me and rewind a second or stay behind.))

As you begin to leave the meeting area Inelia clears her throat, "A final word of advice, should you go into the Choir's area be quiet and calm, they'll be able to feel nervous energy and it will affect them in turn."

With that she looks back down to whatever she was doing at the table and you are now free to leave the Villa and go about your work.

Estelia is not looking forward to seeing the Astropaths, but follows the others out of the room. Getting frustrated with carrying the flintlocks she grabs a piece of coarse twine from somewhere and ties a loop onto her belt that the weapon can stick through. On her backIt was not the most elegant or effective solution, and she’d have to hold the weapon while sitting, but it was better than carrying the thing all he time.

Balthazar takes the data slate from Inelia and also gathers his belongings before leaving the room. He grumbles something along the lines of "lets get this over with" as he prepares to leave for the Astropathic sanctum.

Indicating a bow, Ariel turns to leave with the others. Her expression remains largely impassionate, but a certain nervousness yet manages to flicker through every now and then. It was the first time she'd meet with a sanctioned psyker up close, and this was not an occurrence the novice was particularly crazy about. Already, she recalled the Litany of the Closed Mind to mentally prepare for the visit.

On 3/8/2018 at 10:03 AM, Servant of Dante said:

On 3/9/2018 at 5:24 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

4 hours ago, Lynata said:

((One of you, I believe Balthazar has the highest, needs to make an Influence test to acquire a transport to get towards the area of the Precinct. This can be of Rare, Average, or Abundant difficulty each of these will have their own effects. Rare can take you exactly where you want to go, but of course is less subtle, Average will get you in the general area and be of average perception to people, and Abundant will leave you the furthest away but be essentially unnoticeable. What that mechanically entails is how it will affect subtlety and a further navigation roll.))

A plethora of ways to reach Precinct Delta exist from the Apex, there is of course the ability for you to call upon a dedicated autocarriage with a servitorial driver that can take you exactly where you want to go and then mind cleanse itself.

Of the more average ways to leave the area are intra-hive tramways or a more basic form of an auto carriage or even a short range cutter like you used to get from Port Gyre to the area near the villa.

Lastly though no noble would be seen using such mundane means there exist the ways that the common folk use for getting place to place in Desoleum such as a rickshaw ((which I believe you used before)) or even a hab conveyor generally used for conveying materials, but they do take workers or others on for a quick coin.

Any of these can get you either exactly to the precinct or at least in the general area, as it is located in the hive city itself, more specifically the mid hive of the city proper at least according to the guide within the data pad.

"As members of the Ministorum, it would not be too out of place for us to travel by mundane means, though I am not overly confident of my ability to find our destination if our transport does not get us all the way there. Though, how hard can it be to find a building full of psykers?" Estelia's experience with psykers was limited to the one or two times she had seen an Astropath, and the occasional glimpse of the robes of a Navigator or Primaris Psyker passing by the outside of the Convent Sanctorum on their way to . . . wherever they went when they weren't practicing their witchcraft. The idea of meeting more than one such person was both frightening and somewhat exciting for the girl, as the unknown often was. Besides, they would undoubtedly have to work with such people in the future so it would be best to try to develop some level of tolerance for their presence.

"I do not mind public transport, as long as I get to keep my gun to deter any wrongdoers. It might do the people on this world some good to see agents of the Ministorum on their way to do His work", Ariel offered. To the other girl's comment regarding their destination she could only agree: "A building like that is bound to be considered a black mark on the city. I am sure every citizen knows it as a place to avoid, and thus the location where they should not tread."

((Rolling Influence test for the Abundant transportation option. Influence +30, target number 55. Rolled a 45 for 2 DoS.))

After listening to the Sisters' input, Balthazar decides to go for the least expensive transport option. Their funds and connection networks are still limited so he doubts they will be able to arrange anything more extravagant. "That sounds excellent, we do not want to make ourselves too conspicuous."

On 3/12/2018 at 3:50 PM, Servant of Dante said:

"As members of the Ministorum, it would not be too out of place for us to travel by mundane means, though I am not overly confident of my ability to find our destination if our transport does not get us all the way there. Though, how hard can it be to find a building full of psykers?"

On 3/13/2018 at 2:30 AM, Lynata said:

"I do not mind public transport, as long as I get to keep my gun to deter any wrongdoers. It might do the people on this world some good to see agents of the Ministorum on their way to do His work", Ariel offered. To the other girl's comment regarding their destination she could only agree: "A building like that is bound to be considered a black mark on the city. I am sure every citizen knows it as a place to avoid, and thus the location where they should not tread."

4 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

((Rolling Influence test for the Abundant transportation option. Influence +30, target number 55. Rolled a 45 for 2 DoS.))

After listening to the Sisters' input, Balthazar decides to go for the least expensive transport option. Their funds and connection networks are still limited so he doubts they will be able to arrange anything more extravagant. "That sounds excellent, we do not want to make ourselves too conspicuous."

The trio find their easiest path down one of the major hab conveyors that generally only transfers fine materials up to the Apex, imports of food and drink or other fine materials that the Apex nobility do no have brought in through more private ways. When the conveyors are off loaded many servants who live in the mid and lower hive are permitted, or pay, to take the conveyor down to the lower levels that it travels.

Passing down the lift, to the area the group needs to get off at, takes roughly two hours, something that may impress the enormity of Hive Desoleum Primus on to one not used to such sites. ((I'm not sure of Ophelia has massive buildings or is just covered in shrines and convents.)) Their trip goes at an average pace, too fast might disturb what would be on the conveyor after all and too slow would grind the gears of the hive's flow.

Of note there is not sunlight on their travel, the conveyor is not on the outside of the hive and they are in an enclosed space for the entirety of their trip, yet the group can still see across a vast amount of the city through a plethora of architectures in varying states of repair some even being built upon right now. You can feel the cold of the closeness of the refrigeration units you flew through earlier getting to the area near the villa for around 10 minutes before you have moved past the area. The noise though is a muffled cacophony the sound of every movement of life and existence in the Imperium can be heard in a jumbled mess from where you are.

While there are others traveling on the conveyor as well none make a movement to speak with you, the appearance of the novices with a father of the clergy seems to give off the vibe of being an important Ministorum member on the conveyor for a reason, and best to leave undisturbed. None gawk at the group or quiet down from their normal conversations, but it is easy to see the weariness of the lives the servants lead in the Apex.

((While I'm going to finish up the ride we can flash back really quickly if anyone would like to make a social roll on the group to gather some information. A Charm +0 or Intimidate +10 ))

Finally you arrive at a point in the Mid Hive close to the divide between the Low Hive, you're moderately far off of where your pad said the Precinct would be, but still here you are. A dozen or so servants get off where your group departs, but none pay any head and quickly move off on their respective ways. The conveyor lowers itself again as it continues on down to the Low Hive and wherever it gets more supplies loaded on to it. From here on out you've only got your data pad to get you to the Arbite holding.

((This will require a +10 Navigate (Surface) test.))


Back at the villa we see Sister Inelia sighing as she leans back in her chair. In front of her is still the conference table covered in data pads and packets of varying thickness. Moved around and connected in various ways, "Where is it...what's the point of all this?"

She lifts her head as there is a knock upon the door, "You may enter."

Lax appears carrying a mug of steaming recaff, *static* "You have't been out of here since before the sun cycle, I thought you might need a refreshment," *static* he states professionally and matter-of-factly.

Inelia inclines her head in agreement and motions with her hand to have the mug brought to her, Lax keeps his face forward and purposefully away from the table and what information it may contain. "I can see it in your face Lax, what would you like to ask?" Inelia states in a sarcastic manner (he is wearing his helmet) taking a deep drink from the mug.

*static* "Do you think they'll be able to do this? Whatever...this," he gestures to the table without looking down, "is?" *static* he quickly adds, *static* "Not to doubt their employer's choice in personnel of course or-"

Inelia cuts him off with a reply, "I understand what you mean, and honestly I'm not sure. I'm trying to figure out what this is all about in the first place, why this particular marriage is even important. I could ask of course, I've the clearance to learn, but I am hesitant...I can't exactly be sure who's listening." She looks up wryly at Lax, "Can I?"

Lax doesn't make a movement in reply, he stands ready to take the mug from Inelia when she finishes.


This scene is all audio.

"Brother, how is Mother?" - Female voice, a young woman

"Sister, Mother is fine." - The male voice we heard earlier back at the Administratum building in Port Gyre

"Should I tell her any stories when I visit her next?" - Sister

"Yes, if you wouldn't mind, I think she'd like to hear the tale of the Little Nosy Scribe." - Brother

"I see, I'm sure she'll love to hear it again...will you be at the next meal Brother?" - Sister

"I will do my best, I'm seeing if I can't find a few new friends to bring along." - Brother

"That'd be splendid, there are more and more of us at the table..." - Sister

The journey on the vertically moving platform was quite the experience, at least for the first half hour or so. Certainly, there were gigantic buildings back on Ophelia VII, from the Convent Sanctorum of the Adepta Sororitas, to the Saint Sebastian Cathedral and its massive underground dungeon, to the Ecclesiarchal Forges on permanent loan from the Mechanicum toiling night and day to craft vehicles and weaponry for His blessed warriors. Yet even though during her four years as a novice Ariel had barely seen a fraction of the corridors of her order's headquarters, she had to admit that the Hive easily dwarved the fortress-cathedral.

The novelty wore off after a while, replaced by alternating between boredom and a feeling of being on edge every now and then as a new group of workers boarded the lift. Yet the more she took in the surrounding sights, the more depressing the entire place seemed to appear. Amongst the gigatons of machinery and cold steel there barely was any inspiring iconography, let alone any statues of Imperial heroes to look up to. Was it any wonder that the people living here had the facial expression of servitors? Instinctively, she renewed her grasp on the combat shotgun, fearing that some of the sturdier-built creatures might get ideas concerning this party of travelling outsiders.

((the info-gathering would refer to the other passengers, I assume? for now I'll refrain from making use of this option, but perhaps I'll chime in if someone else wants to try something, either independently or as a +Assist))

Estelia too was impressed by the scale of the Hive. It was an appropriate reminder of how small any one person was. As the awe wore off, the girl started to notice the people around her. There was a certain beauty in observing the multitudes of citizens as an outsider, present yet apart. They certainly did not seem as fulfilled as the average man or woman on Ophelia, though that must simply be a lack of connection to Him on Terra. But this world was firmly within the Imperium. What would the people look like on a planet still outside it’s borders? She supposed the Ministorum’s Missionaries would know.

About an hour into their ride Estelia reached the end of her patience. She supposed she could recite a litany or something but . . . along her previous line of thought the other passengers seemed more interesting. She selected a nerby group that didn’t seem too imposing and, glancing at Ariel, moved over to them.

((as a visual reminder, Estelia is wearing flak armour with a gold Ecclesiarchal chaplet attached to the front, and her laspistol holsters aren’t exactly hidden (or the flintlock, which since it was on her back she holds in her lap when she sits) ))

The Novice listens to hear what the group might be talking about, though she thought they might go quiet when she gets close.

((If you want to roleplay a bit of this I’d be happy to, and if Ariel wants to assist that would be good too Intimidate 30 (S) +10 =40 Roll: 8 (praise the Emperor!) for 4 DoS (I think) ))

Balthazar finds the view of the hive city utterly draining. He misses the tall forests of Thaur by comparison; the shadowed groves were just as dark and devoid of artistry as the hive passageways, but the breeze here was stale after hundreds of passes through an air-recyler. Despite his current duties as an emissary of the God-Emperor he was rather a solitary person by nature, and he would much prefer the comfort of the Order libraries or the contemplative beauty of an ossuary-chapel to his current circumstances. But the Emperor rarely allows His servants to linger in the places they find comfortable.

He notices Estelia and Ariel moving towards a group of passengers. He hangs back for the moment, watching how they will approach the situation.

On 3/18/2018 at 3:46 AM, Lynata said:

((the info-gathering would refer to the other passengers, I assume? for now I'll refrain from making use of this option, but perhaps I'll chime in if someone else wants to try something, either independently or as a +Assist))

18 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

She selected a nerby group that didn’t seem too imposing and, glancing at Ariel, moved over to them.

((as a visual reminder, Estelia is wearing flak armour with a gold Ecclesiarchal chaplet attached to the front, and her laspistol holsters aren’t exactly hidden (or the flintlock, which since it was on her back she holds in her lap when she sits) ))

The Novice listens to hear what the group might be talking about, though she thought they might go quiet when she gets close.

((If you want to roleplay a bit of this I’d be happy to, and if Ariel wants to assist that would be good too Intimidate 30 (S) +10 =40 Roll: 8 (praise the Emperor!) for 4 DoS (I think) ))

11 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

He notices Estelia and Ariel moving towards a group of passengers. He hangs back for the moment, watching how they will approach the situation.

((As far as I can tell 4DoS is correct, honestly the intimidate check alone makes me want to roleplay it lol))

The group of passengers in question number four in total, three females and one male, they seem to have come from the same place given their attire (what amounts to averagely maintained servant garb on Desoleum are simple dresses and suits that accentuate the presence of their Oath Cogs, designs repeat across their sleeves of their apex house oaths they exist under as well.)

A red haired female in the group, a bit younger than the other two but as old as the male, around 22 for the young ones, is continuing their line, "...so then she gives me another month's worth of cog because I didn't 'shine them to the correct brightness' I swear to the Throne she did, can you believe it?!"

One of the older women, gray haired in her lat 40's, chuckles and adds, "I do, but that's how she is, she does that sort of thing when you're getting close to under a year left so they can find more reasons to keep you longer. It's why you have to stay out of her way."

The young female responds red faced, "I'll tell her where she can shove that cog if she wants to try and give me any more time, right up her prissy little a-" at this point she goes wide eyed at the approaching armed figure in what she likely thinks is Ecclesiarchal armor.

The group of them notice and visibly stiffen and the male steps slightly forward, "Can, uhm, can we help you mam?"