Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

The sigil on the brazier is in the form of an upward pointing dagger with an aquila in place of the crossguard. Balthazar smiles as he remembers the story, and responds, "I always looked up to Saint Roberto as an example of how to conduct oneself in the face of adversity. He stayed loyal to his beliefs until death, something I always strive to do in matters of consequence. As for the brazier, that is a particularly striking example of Roberto's iconography, and I particularly like the menacing quality of the skull. It's an effect that is hard to pull of in metal, but the sculptor did an admirable job here."

Estelia is not quite sure how to respond at first. She’s never been put in this kind of situation before. Thinking for a minute, she responds, “Maybe your birth helped you get your position on station security, but you took your job seriously and served as well as you could, right? Would you have been allowed to stay if your work was unsatisfactory? As for now, it seems you’re here because you happened to run into Sister Inellia. It . . . is possible she knew something of you beforehand, though in my mind the Inquisition would be unlikely to think you should be treated preferentialy because of your birth. If it was a factor it was likely because of the possible connections you could have that might be helpful.”

The Novice looks a bit embarrassed, “I’m not sure if that’s what you mean, and I’m not really qualified to lecture you about this.”

((She’s mostly referring to the probably 5+ year age gap between them))

Edited by Servant of Dante

((Alright guys, I'm desiring this to be the end of the vignettes, so when you're crafting your replies conclude the scene in whatever fashion you see fit.))

16 hours ago, Lynata said:

The novice tilted her head to the side, pondering the question for but a moment before answering. "Mylady, I'm ... not sure I understand."

Pausing for a heartbeat, she nonetheless continues to voice her train of thought with a confidence born from years of theological study: "As you say -- our faith is truth. If they conflict, it must mean that either the truth is but a ruse, or that one's interpretation of the faith is misguided apostasy. If in doubt, the true believer shall reflect on herself and seek guidance in prayer. That is, after all, how Saint Dominica slew the Arch-Apostate."

Inelia chuckles, "I believe Saint Dominica, hallowed be her name, had to be given guidance rather than having sought it out herself no?"

((This may be something that a novice isn't informed of I'm not sure. But I know that Dominica and the others had to be taken to the sanctorum imperialis before they decided to change their tune no? Am I mistaken?))

She drinks the remaining liquid in her cup and considers Ariel for a moment, "I think you will make a good Sister, if you keep that attitude."

13 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

The sigil on the brazier is in the form of an upward pointing dagger with an aquila in place of the crossguard. Balthazar smiles as he remembers the story, and responds, "I always looked up to Saint Roberto as an example of how to conduct oneself in the face of adversity. He stayed loyal to his beliefs until death, something I always strive to do in matters of consequence. As for the brazier, that is a particularly striking example of Roberto's iconography, and I particularly like the menacing quality of the skull. It's an effect that is hard to pull of in metal, but the sculptor did an admirable job here."

He looks sidelong at Balthazar, "I'm going to be honest, I'm not entirely certain that there isn't an actual skull there somehow..."

He pauses for a second and laughs out loud, "I'm glad you like it. Because...well I want you to take it"

He holds his hands up, "Now I don't want to hear it," he looks conspiratorially at Balthazar, "You and I both know you've got bigger things to deal with on Desoleum, and I don't need to know about that in fact I don't want to. Not my place. Just...take the Emperor's light to the bastards eh?" He grins and steps back gesturing with his hands offering Balthazar the brazier.

1 hour ago, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia is not quite sure how to respond at first. She’s never been put in this kind of situation before. Thinking for a minute, she responds, “Maybe your birth helped you get your position on station security, but you took your job seriously and served as well as you could, right? Would you have been allowed to stay if your work was unsatisfactory? As for now, it seems you’re here because you happened to run into Sister Inellia. It . . . is possible she knew something of you beforehand, though in my mind the Inquisition would be unlikely to think you should be treated preferentialy because of your birth. If it was a factor it was likely because of the possible connections you could have that might be helpful.”

The Novice looks a bit embarrassed, “I’m not sure if that’s what you mean, and I’m not really qualified to lecture you about this.”

((She’s mostly referring to the probably 5+ year age gap between them))

"I'm not sure what I mean honestly, we can have a discussion without it being a lecture Estelia," Lax smiles slightly, "and I thank you for that. I had thought about asking for some time to talk with an Order Hospitaler representative while on Kappex, but honestly I don't really know if they do that sort of thing if you're not already in an asylum..."

He nods to himself and re affixes his helmet, *static* "Back to it eh?" *static*

Edited by ThenDoctor

Estelia laughs briefly at Lax's mention of the Sisters Hospitaller, "From what I've heard, the Order of Serenity is particularly interested with the human mind, although I don't know where their nearest mission would be . . . and their idea of informal conversation might be a bit more . . . invasive than talking to a Novice like me. Thanks again for the help, I'm going to make some more gunpowder and try to get used to firing this thing."

Estelia looks away from Lax and begins mixing gunpowder as he showed her. Afterward, she would fire the weapon a few more times to get used to the feel, and to confirm the powder was working properly, then clean the weapon. The girl wished she had a proper supply of lead balls so she could practice live shooting, but had to concede that using this weapon at all was little more than an affectation. It was far too large to use as a holdout, larger than her laspistols in fact, took far too long to reload (even though Estelia was quicker with her fingers than most) and was hardly more accurate than throwing darts blindfolded.

((the bit about the Order of Serenity is made up, but the name kinda fits and the Order is one of the Orders Hospitaller mentioned as being based out of the Convent Sanctorum, along with the Order of the Eternal Candle))

Edited by Servant of Dante

((No, no, you are quite correct! This is more an interesting matter of theological interpretation, I'd say. :) ))

Quirking her eyebrows, the dusk-skinned girl took another sip of her cup before replying. "I would not put it that way, mylady. To be sure, the Saint's final instructions came directly from Him-on-Earth, but is this not but a physical approximation of the spiritual closeness we seek in our prayers? Besides, the Saint would surely have slain the Captain-Custodes outright if she had suspected foul play -- yet when the time came, she knew who to trust."

At the compliment, Ariel quickly lowered her gaze. "You speak too highly of this simple novice, mylady. But ... thank you."

For a moment, Balthazar looks like a child on the Feast Day of the Emperor's Ascension. Then he composes himself and wraps the brazier in a soft black cloth with solemn reverence. "I would be honored to bear this relic during my inquiries here, Father Carolinus. I will ensure that its light illuminates any who would hide from the Emperor's wrathful gaze. Thank you for placing your trust in me."

Balthazar also reaches into his backpack and pulls out a small charm on a silver chain. It is an Imperial Aquila crafted from carefully selected bones of a small woodland creature, all carefully stitched to a black leather backing with silver thread. He hands it to Carolinus as a token of thanks and shakes the priest's hand before departing. As he leaves the Grand Shrine, we see that he has a wide grin on his face.

Edited by Covered in Weasels
On 1/16/2018 at 5:56 PM, Servant of Dante said:

On 1/16/2018 at 8:33 PM, Lynata said:

13 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

It is 3.970.867.M41 the time is 0600 standard Imperial.

You have been in the villa for the past 3 standard imperial weeks.

You all awake at the same relative time, the man made sunlight of the villa's sunlight has changed your circadian rhythm. Those of you with datapads see the Thought for Today:

"Ponder not your place, you are where the Emperor intends you to be."

You know beforehand that Inelia intends this day for you to begin your investigation again. And so you are to meet in the dining room of the villa, which has been temporarily sequestered as a meeting room. She intends the meeting to be at 0800.

In relation to the information you've learned, and feasibly can bring to the meeting:


((Inquiry +30, target number 83. Got a 31 for 6 DoS))

You've learned that the majority of Desoleum's clerical teachings involve knowing your duty to those you serve. This is particularly expressed through oath cogs which holds the entirety of a citizen's duties and oaths both owed and due to them from the lowliest hab worker to even Lady Desoleum herself. The more oaths you have the larger or more intricate the cog wheel. Though surprisingly Desoleum does not conflate this with the Adeptus Mechanicus, there isn't a higher population of followers of the Omnissiah than anywhere else with such a population. Some clerics explain the Emperor's oaths expressed on the galactic scale the worlds of the Imperium being great cogs in His machine or design, and when humanity finally brings all the worlds together some great event or revelation will occur. Those outside of this system are outcasts who have either failed in their oaths or purposefully cast them aside, they make up the population of the Underhive.


((Common Lore (Imperial Creed) (+10) - 40 Under - Roll 03 - Pass
Scholastic Lore (Heraldry) (+10) - 20 Under - Roll 03 - Pass))

While the volume was originally crafted in M38 there have been various additions to it over the years by various adepts to add in information. You learn that House Rosa is an incredibly new family to the nobility of Desoleum, something that you already knew, but you do find it has some ties Vanth a death world of Askellon, although the connections aren't overly discussed. Whether they originate from there or have dealings there are not divulged upon.

House Novianna, the house Rosalind is from, has ties within the Consortium and have so for some time (being mentioned in the original works of the volume). The family has minor holdings on Juno proper, but they aren't overly discussed. The family has had positions of power within the Consortium for quite some time, and while they hold no major sway they are respected in their position as it stands. As to what that position entails however is another subject that is not discussed as the practices of the Consortium are...involved to say the least.

((If either of you were looking for anything in particular let me know and I can say one way or the other if you'd have learned it.))

((How are you spending your time before the meeting this morning?))

Estelia awoke around 6 to the sound of her alarm. She lay in her bed a moment before remembering that today was the day they continued their investigation. The Novice didn’t really feel ready and wasn’t sure what exactly she had learned in the past three weeks, asside from how to fire a flintlock. These had been three of the easiest weeks the Novice could remember, actually. Had the time given their enemies, who or whatever they were, the slip, or had it just allowed them more time to prepare?

The Novice sighed, rolled over and picked up her dataslate.

”Ponder not your place. You are where the Emperor intends you to be.”

A rather standard thought for the day. Estelia hadn’t had the least bit of choice in her place her entire life, though sometimes she did . . . ponder it. Her understanding was such thoughts were perfectly healthy, as long as they were not distracting or causing disobedience (though in her case perhaps this . . . ). The girl wondered if the Sister had selected or written this herself. She’d never seen a book of “thoughts for days” but she supposed one probably existed somewhere.

The Novice pulled herself out of bed, rubbing her eyes, and began getting dressed. Halfway through she realized she should probably wear her armor today, and had to start over. Bodyglove then flak armour, belt with ammunition, pistols and other odds and ends, knife in boots. She stayed for a moment at the flintlock, she could not jus slide it in her belt while wearing hard armour. She glanced around the room, and not finding anything that looked remotely suitable for a holster, shrugged and just held the weapon in her hand for the moment.

Next she knealt before a small icon of the Emperor that was in the room, asking for safety and guidance in the days tasks and finally moved to the door. She would miss the (relatively) spacious and comfortable room here she thought. Now it was time to find Ariel, and then hopefully some food.

((If I’m goin to we’re any more I’d like to see what Ariel is doing since Estelia was going to wait for her if she’s not already up essentially))

To Ariel, it felt like any other morning. Going through her daily routine, the dusk-skinned novice got up early as usual, beginning the day with morning prayers and a brief workout in the form of some push-ups, followed by a series of pull-ups, the latter of which performed on the black iron chandelier that served to illuminate her chamber during night hours. Everything in the mansion seemed of sturdy construction, so the device was fortunately in no danger of being disloged even when misuded in this manner.

Over the years of her novitiate, wearing the bodyglove had become almost second nature to her, so she had never ceased wearing it as a daily getup even during the past weeks of downtime in the villa. Donning it was a quick-enough affair, finished off with the pair of combat boots, her chronometer, and the holster belt containing her laspistol. The only additional concern she had for the day was to bring her datapad along, just in case it might be needed at the scheduled meeting.

Estelia might be able to tick two boxes on her to-do list at the same time, for Ariel's next stop was the kitchen. Expecting the meeting to be all business, she intended to grab a piece of bread before heading over to the dining room. Of course one might say it was 'just bread', but in this mansion, even such simple meals were of a high enough quality that they had an air of decadence about them. Certainly, this peculiar bread, made from some sort of layered dough, was quite a bit sweeter and softer than anything she had ever tasted at the Schola or the Convent.

Balthazar wakes early, reciting the same Catechisms of Hate that we saw him recite at the beginning of the adventure. These catechisms are somewhat of a mantra for him; they remind him of humanity's rightful place as rulers of the stars. He almost ritualistically checks the chambers of his revolver and pulls on the flak-armored robes he is now accustomed to wearing.

So this would be the day their investigation began in earnest. It felt good to be on the hunt once again, just like back on Thaur. Balthazar and his colleague Barnabas had rooted out a coven of Warp-sorcerers operating from within their very order. With the help of a hastily rallied force of militia, they put the vile sorcerers to the torch before they could complete whatever foul ritual they intended to perform.

Unfortunately, Barnabas did not survive the clash, and his remains were fitted with a laud hailer and repurposed as a servo-skull. That very skull now floated next to Balthazar, showing none of the jolity that Barnabas always exuded while he went about his daily tasks. Balthazar was determined that a similar fate would not befall Ariel or Estelia under his watch.

Edited by Covered in Weasels

((Gonna apologize for the brevity of the reply today. I'm not feeling too well, so I'm just going to make sure I set you up to have a scene with one another.))

On 1/21/2018 at 10:54 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Next she knealt before a small icon of the Emperor that was in the room, asking for safety and guidance in the days tasks and finally moved to the door. She would miss the (relatively) spacious and comfortable room here she thought. Now it was time to find Ariel, and then hopefully some food.

Estelia finds the kitchen occupied by Ariel who is currently munching on a piece of some for of bread.

On 1/22/2018 at 1:18 AM, Lynata said:

Estelia might be able to tick two boxes on her to-do list at the same time, for Ariel's next stop was the kitchen. Expecting the meeting to be all business, she intended to grab a piece of bread before heading over to the dining room. Of course one might say it was 'just bread', but in this mansion, even such simple meals were of a high enough quality that they had an air of decadence about them. Certainly, this peculiar bread, made from some sort of layered dough, was quite a bit sweeter and softer than anything she had ever tasted at the Schola or the Convent.

Estelia appears at the entry of the kitchen

On 1/23/2018 at 11:32 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar wakes early, reciting the same Catechisms of Hate that we saw him recite at the beginning of the adventure. These catechisms are somewhat of a mantra for him; they remind him of humanity's rightful place as rulers of the stars. He almost ritualistically checks the chambers of his revolver and pulls on the flak-armored robes he is now accustomed to wearing.

Barnabas of course could not emote anything, or really make any form of gesture. Sometimes it seemed like the servo-skull was at least trying to pay attention to Balthazar, but machine spirits are known to have strange quirks about them.

The slight scent of some sweet bread seems to waft to Balthazar from the direction of the kitchen.

Estelia looked around for a bit before finding Ariel eating in the kitchen. Following the lead of the other Novice, she cut herself a piece of the bread to eat. She thought briefly of having something else, but the girl had had food prepared for her essentially every day of her life, even if it was usually rather plain, and so settled for the bread since it was easy. She set her flintlock on the table while cutting the bread, noting that Ariel had still yet to comment on the oddity. Not that this was especially surprising, the other girl would, in Estelia's opinion, either see it as an affectation to be ignored, or simply another weapon not worth especial attention. Estelia was only a little bothered.

She glanced at Ariel as she sat down at the table, next to the other girl, "It's kind of exciting not knowing exactly what we'll do today. Almost like we're real Sisters."

Nodding briefly to the other girl as she entered, Ariel continued nibbling on her croissant, intentionally minimizing the size of her bites to better savor the hitherto unknown delicacy. Wordlessly, she slid a jar with some red-colored gelatinous mass inside towards Estelia, only following up with words as she finished chewing and swallowing the contents of her mouth: "You should try this, too. It is very sweet." Evidently ignoring the other novice's excited declaration, perhaps intending not to get swept up in the other's easygoing enthusiasm, she used the remaining half of the croissant to indicate the flintlock, Ariel seemed poised to distract the other Sororitas before she could press her dusk-skinned comrade for a more direct response: "Did you find a new toy?"

As the Sisters converse in the kitchen, Balthazar enters accompanied by his servo skull. He sniffs the air expectantly, following his nose to the pastries arranged on the counter. He takes one of them and starts to eat as he waves his greeting to the Novices. "I think Estelia did find something in the estate. A couple of days ago I heard a report from some weapon much louder than even a shotgun. It nearly rattled a candle off of my portable shrine!" He grins to show that he is only feigning distress.

Estelia wiper her hands and grabs the flintlock from the table ((it’s about 16ish inches (40 cm is the number I had in mind iirc))), “I found this burried in the armory. I only have 5 balls but I’ve been practicing firing it without. Apparently the powder I found with it had gone bad, so armsman Lax had to show me how to mix it properly . . . It’s a neat weapon, isn’t it?”

"It shoots balls?", the other novice replied almost teasingly, her usual unimpressed facial expression the perfect companion to her words. Of course she knew that it with sufficient mass and force, just about anything could be deadly -- but there had to be magnitudes of difference both in efficiency as well as sheer technological marvel between the mass-reactive armor-piercing miniature missiles of the Sisterhood's bolt weaponry and this antiquity. "It looks very ... decorative", Ariel finally stated cautiously. "But are you sure it is a good alternative to your las, Lia?"

Before her comrade could reply, the priest entered the kitchen and loudly announced his presence, causing Ariel to incline her head in a brief but respectful greeting. "Good morning, Father, I hope the day finds you well." Part of her wanted to add a cynical comment in regards to the flintlock's alleged noisiness, but ultimately decided against it, feeling she had already sufficiently tormented poor Estelia. For whatever reason, it was apparent that the other novice had found some sort of attachment to or fascination in the pistol.

Estelia grins at Ariel's teasing (she had learned how to spot it of course), "and it's almost surely less accurate than a laspistol, and the propellant and ammunition have to be rammed down the barrel," she pantomimed using a ramrod to load the weapon, "What I was really looking for was something compact to use as a holdout, but this looks rather impressive and makes a nice satisfying bang when you fire it. It's a good way to get someone's attention."

The Novice says nothing about the Father's shrine. She hoped he was joking, but knew from experience that the Frateris Clergy were very particular about their shrines and what should and should not be set on or knocked out of them . . .

Edited by Servant of Dante

"I would suspect the bang of my shotgun would suffice", Ariel commented dryly and with closed eyes, lifting a glass of blue milk to her lips. The lowered eyebrows might hint at a certain amount of perplexity, albeit nothing more serious than her usual reaction to Estelia's quirks. It just seemed that her fellow novice had found a new toy, and though she deeply questioned its usefulness, she would not press the matter any further than the mild criticism she had already voiced.

Edited by Lynata
On 2/5/2018 at 12:27 PM, Lynata said:

On 2/3/2018 at 4:10 PM, Servant of Dante said:

On 1/30/2018 at 11:30 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

((Alright, try to wrap up the scene on your end in one more post and then I'll get something in that moves the scene to the meeting.))

Estelia chuckles at Ariel’s comment “but my laspistols don’t make that kind of noise, and you’re missing how cool it looks!”

Balthazar chuckles as well, and he gestures to his hammer. "With all the firepower you two are packing, I doubt I will have the chance to use this. Just save a couple heretics for me!" Inwardly, he wondered if the Sisters knew what they were getting into. They were clearly both combat-trained, but facing down an armed enemy intent on spilling your blood is entirely different to practicing on a firing range. He hoped their training would see them through whatever trials were to come.

The priest's comment got Ariel to smirk in spite of herself. "If only these were our smalles worries -- but with what we have seen of this decrepit world so far, I doubt we would run out of heretics to deliver from sin." Briefly, she wondered if there might be any mutants seeking shelter within the hive; with the many dark and shadowy alleys that resulted out of the haphazard construction of this ancient urban behemoth, it probably would not be too difficult to find a place to hide.

"But for now we better proceed with the briefing."

On 2/9/2018 at 10:58 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia chuckles at Ariel’s comment “but my laspistols don’t make that kind of noise, and you’re missing how cool it looks!”

On 2/9/2018 at 9:43 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar chuckles as well, and he gestures to his hammer. "With all the firepower you two are packing, I doubt I will have the chance to use this. Just save a couple heretics for me!" Inwardly, he wondered if the Sisters knew what they were getting into. They were clearly both combat-trained, but facing down an armed enemy intent on spilling your blood is entirely different to practicing on a firing range. He hoped their training would see them through whatever trials were to come.

3 hours ago, Lynata said:

The priest's comment got Ariel to smirk in spite of herself. "If only these were our smalles worries -- but with what we have seen of this decrepit world so far, I doubt we would run out of heretics to deliver from sin." Briefly, she wondered if there might be any mutants seeking shelter within the hive; with the many dark and shadowy alleys that resulted out of the haphazard construction of this ancient urban behemoth, it probably would not be too difficult to find a place to hide.

"But for now we better proceed with the briefing."

The dining room, co-opted in to a briefing room for the time being, is like one would expect. It is a large rectangular room with a large rectangular table and quite a few chairs.

Across the table are various folders and data pads spread out in some semblance of pattern, though you are unsure as of the order to the madness as it were.

((Scrutiny +0 test if you feel like trying to discern anything.))

Sister Inellia sits at the head of the table and gestures when one of you looks at her to the seats closest to her on either side, "Come, sit, we have...enough to discuss." While she is not hard faced or angry she is certainly more serious than she's ever seemed in the past.

Entering the room, the dusk-skinned novice respectfully if silently inclined her head and proceeded to the table. If a folder or pad could be considered within reach of the seat she had chosen, the girl would indeed attempt to reach out and pick it up, briefly scanning its surface if not interrupted -- less out of curiosity, but more driven by diligence. They were about to discuss further proceedings, and in her analytical mind, the junior Sororitas would not expect sensitive information to be presented this openly. At least not if it was sensitive towards them .

Estelia takes a seat and sets the flintlock in her lap for the moment. Flak armour is hardly the most comfortable thing to be wearing while sitting, but she hadn't been sure when exactly they'd be leaving. She glances at the dataslates and other documents on the table, but simply waits for the Sister to instruct them in what they are to do.