Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

The other novice seemed as if she could not decide whether to share in Estelia's admiration or Balthazar's caution. The structure seemed to harbor a serene aura, not unlike a bastion of calm in the chaos of the hive, yet at the same time she could not dismiss that this very contrast also felt oddly out of place. After all, this was no convent of the Sisterhood, such as the Ermine Mantle on Subiaco Diablo, but a safehouse of the Inquisition, and even the Emperor's must trusted servants could be led astray, as she knew from the restricted accounts of the Great Crusade. The purpose of Sororitas on detached duty to the Holy Orders was, as even most Inquisitors must surely suspect, not just to aid them in their endeavors against subversion by the alien, the mutant and the witch, but also to keep tabs of their activities and report suspicious behavior back to the convent. What would ultimately happen with such dangerous information Ariel could not know, but even though this Inquisitor was once a Sister like herself, and arguably still wished to carry herself as such, it could not be ignored that she had left the convent behind. What must their mysterious patron have seen on her journeys in service to the Throne, and what artifacts, even evidence of potentially dubious missions might be found in this house of hers?

"I concur, reverend Father. If this magnificent building is to serve as a safe haven, I suspect we may be monitored even this very moment. And if not, perhaps the sigil shall act as its key?"

On 11/11/2017 at 9:07 AM, Servant of Dante said:

”Should we just go up to the door? I’m sure someone is watching it.”

Estelia didn’t think it was likely that the house would be dangerous, but her day had been rather unpredictable so far, as one could suspect when dealing with the irreverent masses and possibly heretics, she supposed.

On 11/15/2017 at 1:12 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar comes to a stop and blinks once or twice in surprise. He wasn't sure exactly what to expect from a secret Inquisition hideout, but it certainly wasn't this.

After a moment of contemplation, he turns to the Sisters. "I do suppose we should walk right up to the door. If someone is watching the door they should be able to let us in."

19 hours ago, Lynata said:

What would ultimately happen with such dangerous information Ariel could not know, but even though this Inquisitor was once a Sister like herself, and arguably still wished to carry herself as such, it could not be ignored that she had left the convent behind. What must their mysterious patron have seen on her journeys in service to the Throne, and what artifacts, even evidence of potentially dubious missions might be found in this house of hers?

"I concur, reverend Father. If this magnificent building is to serve as a safe haven, I suspect we may be monitored even this very moment. And if not, perhaps the sigil shall act as its key?"

((I'll assume that you do just walk up to the door))

Approaching the villa brokers no outward resistance, there is a faint scent of some plant life from the greenhouse and smoke is coming out of one of the villa's windows. It is not the dark char of a dangerous fire, but seems at least the attempt of someone cooking. You hear as well an imperial hymn coming from the window, it is not being sung in person, but being played off of a playing device of some form.

The door that you approach is roughly 8 foot high, made of some black stone contrasting well with the marble of the villa itself.

A speaker from above you squawks out, "Present your identification."

Balthazar steps forward and presents the Inquisition badge given to the Acolytes by Inelia. He looks around, trying to see a camera or some other viewport. He addresses the speaker in a clear voice:

"My name is Balthazar Thorne. Myself and these two Sisters, Ariel and Estelia, are here at the behest of Lady Inelia." He holds his breath, hoping for a positive response from their mysterious host.

A little nervous, Ariel's gaze wanders to the sides, almost as if expecting an ambush. Considering their situation, the girl naturally found herself agreeing with the cleric's action, yet she also recalled the icon's symbolic nature as a double-edged sword. She allowed her left arm to casually hang from the slung shotgun's barrel, but the index finger of her right began to nervously tap against the trigger guard. All signs pointed to the safehouse being populated; what kind of characters might they find inside?

Estelia glances at Ariel. She’s nervous. Estelia is too, a bit, this was unfamiliar territory for both of them. Perhaps less dangerous than earlier in the day.

Perhaps more. Taking her que from the other Novice, Estelia moves to free her pistols in their holsters, only to realize she had never closed them after confronting that idiot noble and his guard. Hopefully whoever was inside the house was expecting them, or showing the Inquisitorial icon the Father carried could turn things messy. She taps her right index finger nervously on the casing of one of her pistols.

Edited by Servant of Dante
On 11/18/2017 at 8:39 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar steps forward and presents the Inquisition badge given to the Acolytes by Inelia. He looks around, trying to see a camera or some other viewport. He addresses the speaker in a clear voice:

"My name is Balthazar Thorne. Myself and these two Sisters, Ariel and Estelia, are here at the behest of Lady Inelia." He holds his breath, hoping for a positive response from their mysterious host.

20 hours ago, Lynata said:

She allowed her left arm to casually hang from the slung shotgun's barrel, but the index finger of her right began to nervously tap against the trigger guard. All signs pointed to the safehouse being populated; what kind of characters might they find inside?

13 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

She taps her right index finger nervously on the casing of one of her pistols.

After a moment of some form of inspection the door opens widely and you are at first present with a combat servitor stepping to the side, it is armed with an implanted chain axe and heavy stubber. Drool has formed on the side of its mouth as if it were waiting for some time at the door in a guarding routine. It blankly stares a ahead of itself at the wall not glancing at the group as they enter.

The interior of the villa is subtly expensive, none of the grand and gaudy shows of noble fiscal might are present here, rather you notice fine materials make up the place furniture and all. You step on to a lush scarlet carpet that trails to a grand staircase. The walls are not overly furnished with filigree or baubles, but rather a few paintings depicting saints in various acts from their lives and a few artifacts that are indiscernible without further inspection ((A +10 Awareness followed by +0 Common Lore (Imperial Creed or Adepta Sororitas) ). The smell, obviously from the cooking you noticed outside, is more discernible now it is some form of meat and spice. The singing is now heard as well with an easily recognizable imperial hymn that is also accompanied by an undertone of Inellia's obvious singing.

Coming down a hallway that was off of the staircase is the guard you know as Lax, at least you believe it to be them as their helmet is still on, *static* "The Sister said that when you arrived you should go find her, I'll take you to her...if you want?"

As Balthazar is let into the villa, he lets out an involuntary shudder at the sight of the drooling servitor. He is never going to get used to those things.

((Rolling Awareness +10, target number 20. Rolled a 31 for 2 DoF.))

Balthazar does not pay much attention to the paintings and artifacts on display -- he has far too much on his mind at the moment. As he walks further into the house and smells the wafting odors of food, his stomach rumbles. It occurs to him that none of them had eaten anything since breakfast, and he finds himself hungrily imagining a full banquet table fit for an Imperial feast day.

Balthazar makes the sign of the Aquila by way of greeting when Lax approaches. Suppressing his hunger for the moment, Balthazar responds, "Yes indeed, I'm sure we will have a great deal to discuss. We had a minor hold-up at the port entrance, but otherwise we made it here uneventfully."

((Wait, is Estelia really ingrained in Awarenss?))

Awareness: 20(Per) - 20(Untrained) +10(difficulty) = 10. Roll: 16 for 1 DoF

Estelia follows the Father’s quick march down the corridor, making little note of the house’s interior. She is relieved when she recognizes Inellia’s voice singing. They are in the right place. She glanced to Ariel before securing her pistols on their holsters. The hymn being sung was well know to the Novice, but was not the kind of music found in an Ophelia cathedral. More the kind of music sung by children (such as her and Ariel) at a Schola on the Feast of the Emperor’s Ascension. Thinking of that she realized how hungry she had become. Almost as hungry as after the 48 straight hours her and Ariel had had spent scrubbing floors.

After Estelia had knocked over a plinth while running in the hall.

Edited by Servant of Dante

Entering the mansion, Ariel's heavy-booted steps slow down as the novice skeptically gazes at the machine hybrid with its thin, unhealthy skin. It was not her first time seeing a servitor, but it had not been a common occurrence in her life either, and she still disliked their presence. Something about them just seemed *off*, like a subtle violation of the sacred human form. Certainly, Imperial statutes granted the Cult Mechanicus freedom to pursue its aberrant dogma in spite of the occasional protest by various officials of the One True Faith, but it did not mean Ariel had to approve of all their products.

Fortunately, the rest of the interior proved to be more inviting, and to some degree the choice of decoration even reminded her of the convent's tastefully decorated sanctum.

((can you roll the Test for me, Doc? I need to roll 25 or under for the first, then 30 or under for the second ... tricky, but possible))

5 hours ago, Lynata said:

Fortunately, the rest of the interior proved to be more inviting, and to some degree the choice of decoration even reminded her of the convent's tastefully decorated sanctum.

((can you roll the Test for me, Doc? I need to roll 25 or under for the first, then 30 or under for the second ... tricky, but possible))

((49 for Awareness, so no need to worry about the Lore))

On 11/22/2017 at 2:04 AM, Servant of Dante said:

((Wait, is Estelia really ingrained in Awarenss?))

Awareness: 20(Per) - 20(Untrained) +10(difficulty) = 10. Roll: 16 for 1 DoF

Thinking of that she realized how hungry she had become. Almost as hungry as after the 48 straight hours her and Ariel had had spent scrubbing floors.

After Estelia had knocked over a plinth while running in the hall.

On 11/21/2017 at 8:41 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

((Rolling Awareness +10, target number 20. Rolled a 31 for 2 DoF.))

Balthazar makes the sign of the Aquila by way of greeting when Lax approaches. Suppressing his hunger for the moment, Balthazar responds, "Yes indeed, I'm sure we will have a great deal to discuss. We had a minor hold-up at the port entrance, but otherwise we made it here uneventfully."

As you make your way through the villa it is indeed much the same sort of thing, simple art, a mural here and there, even a mosaic on the ceiling of the Emperor triumphant over the Dragon, the smell becomes clearer it is some form of Grox meat with garlic, salt, pepper, and a few other spices at least the sisters wouldn't recognize nor Baltazar if he didn't have a very expansive pallet ((if so then it's things like paprika and turmeric)). You hear the hymnal getting louder as well due merely to proximity.

"... with devotion,

for they will save your soul

Honour His servants,

for they speak in His voice

Tremble before His majesty,

for we all walk in His immortal shadow."

Eventually you wind your way to the kitchen area, or possibly only one of them, this kitchen is not nearly large enough to prepare a meal for the full occupancy possible within the villa, perhaps it is a secondary personal kitchen. Regardless you see Sister Inellia preparing whatever this meal is, it seems to be meat basted in some form of sauce and put on skewers and put over heat to cook. At a table within the area are the other three guards as well, she stops her singing when she notices Lax and the three of you enter.

"Ah, Lax, I wondered what you've brought me this time, I see you three managed to make your way here. And in time for dinner too. I've no idea what this is honestly, I asked the armsmen what they'd like and then just looked up a preparation missive on the kitchen's cogitator." Inellia gestures to the table which holds four empty chairs, Lax moves to a chair and seems to go for their plate.

"Not joining us Lax?" Inellia asks. He replies shaking his head while grabbing his plate making to leave the area, *static* "No mam, sorry mam. Need to watch the security feeds. That is, if you'll allow me of course." *static* Inellia nods allowing him to leave. Not necessarily waiting for you to sit she continues.

"Now, over the next few weeks I want you to spend some time adjusting to this new space. It's different from what you've been used to and so I don't want you stumbling around blindly. After you've acclimated I've contacted the an Ecclesiarchal liaison of the astropathic choir for aid in getting hold of the Order Famulous on Juno, of course I am loath to use such methods, but time is unfortunately of the essence. Also I've asked our benefactor for a clothier for the nobility if you want to ask them about that handkerchief if you desire, but sit please, all things in time."

Once you've all taken a seat Inellia crosses her arms in the form of the Aquilla and says a prayer in High Gothic, "Oh Emperor, hallowed be his name, We serve the Emperor with our faith and devotion, and with faith there must also sometimes come sacrifice. Even from the lowliest Grox sustaining your faithful's flesh to your own sacrifice, the greatest Mankind will ever know. We thank you for this blessing you have given us. In your name we pray."

"Now, eat, tell us of your travels from Kappex to here, and then once you've rested the real work can begin." Inellia says gesturing to the waiting kebab skewers.

((Well, it seems like we've made it after all, it's still be a lovely experience, and I hope that you are enjoying yourselves as well. I'll obviously make a new fancy big part 3 intro post when you've spend your xp and told me the changes you'd like. Of course refresh your fate points. ALSO, you make make a number of Influence tests equal to your Inf bonus for the purposes of requisitioning equipment, or a number of automatic successes for requisitioning by reducing your Influence if that's what you desire.

1660 XP from tests

Roleplaying reward 440

For a cool 2000 XP
____________________ Part 2 rewards))

((As Balthazar and the Sisters sit down for their own version of Thanksgiving dinner, I'd like to thank all of you for sticking with this play-by-post. I've been enjoying this investigation a lot, as I haven't been on the player's side of a Dark Heresy GM screen since 2nd Edition was released. Even after the forums were archived, the adventures of Estelia, Ariel and Balthazar have continued!

Here's Balthazar's updated character sheet: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1HsPKw_D8WBYVexPe4yUn1mzHmlBZY5p31ftJ-abEx6Y/edit?usp=sharing

Basically, I got Weapon Skill and Fellowship advances, a whole load of skill training, and the Frenzy and Keen Intuition talents. I have now reached Basic Competency in most of the skills Balthazar needs to do his job :D

I then tried to acquire a micro-bead and a Brazier of Saint Roberto. I failed the test for the micro-bead by 3 DoF, but I did get the Brazier. Now Balthazar has a giant skull-shaped fire spout on his backpack!))

Updated Sheet

I'm still nervous about not taking Step Aside yet, but since we've not had any combat yet I thought another advance in Acrobatics might be more fun :P plus I don't want the characters to be too far apart in combat ability and I know Ariel at least is stocking up on much more useful stuff like lore skills (Estelia took one look at how much XP it would cost her and decided to take agility/BS stuff for the time being :D ). Mighty Shot is just to get that extra 5 (!) damage per shot (since she's BS 50 now, it's a prerequisite she needed to reach there), but Target Selection is so she can shoot around the Father head when he's bashing someone's head.

So, We got Awareness (Known) 300 (ouch, but she needs that), the first 2 BS Advances for a total of 350, Stealth (Known) 200, Acrobatics (Experienced) 300, Target Selection 400 and Might Shot 400. A total of 1950, but since Estelia had 50 left over last time too, she's got 100 extra for next time.

Edited by Servant of Dante

Actually, Acrobatics can be quite useful in combat.. ;)

I've already entered my XP purchases into the wiki sheet , but here's a quick breakdown:

Agility, Simple (-100 XP)
Agility, Intermediate (-250 XP)
Weapon Skill, Intermediate (-500 XP)
Awareness (-100 XP)
Intimidate +10 (-400 XP)
Disarm (-600 XP)
Total: 1.950/2.000 XP

I was thinking about getting a +10 for one of my Lore Skills, but at 600 XP that's rather prohibitive for such a specialized skill. Instead, I opted to get Awareness (cheap and super useful), and worked a little on Ariel's close combat skills to improve her "surprise alpha strike potential" when disarmed and thus considered harmless. Niche role, but if we ever do get in that much trouble and need to break free, it might make for a very cool moment.

For my two requisition, I assume our GM will kindly roll for me again?

The first one would be an expanded magazine for the shotgun (which I'd picture as a drum), which is a scarce item, so -10 (15% chance).

For the second test .. does DH2 have any solid slugs? I know they existed in DH1 and some of the other games, but I can't seem to find them in the 2nd Edition. Would Doc be willing to houserule them, given that they kind of make a lot of sense for a shotgun? If not, I guess I'd just go for Inferno rounds, with a -20 test (5% chance :rolleyes: ).

Also, lol @ Balthazar's burning Brazier :D I would post a comic, but I cannot find it anymore! Let's just be thankful that in the 41st millennium, buildings have high roofs and fireproof ceilings.

Edited by Lynata

Yes, Father Thorne is turning into The Redeemer all right :D

I forgot about Estelia’s requisition rolls.

I like combat toys in games, and so does Estelia (wow what a coincidence!), and since she’s been feeling kinda twitchy lately about having her weapons taken away, she’s going to look for an auto pistol (average) and someone willing to make it compact (average). Since Estelia’s influence is 30 she can look for one more thing . . .

Hold up a second, She can have a flintlock pistol (common)? The other option is a concealed holster. Harder to find concealed weapon for niche scenarios or status symbol she can fire once (but may also draw attention)?

I’m assuming we can spend Fate points to re-roll these? I’ll post results for with and without in case.

Autopistol - Roll: 60 fail. Reroll: 65 fail. Well, I had about a 50/50 shot statistically with the re-roll.

Shifting gears since that failed, Flintlock (+10 for Common) - Roll: 80 nope to that too (not going to attempt a re-roll).

Alright, failing both of those (the Requisition system is not my favorite part of DH2E . . . ) is it technically a different item if Estelia looks for a Good quality flintlock (making it a straight Influence role)? I’ll make the roll, and if it’s not ok just let me know. Good Quality Flintlock - Roll: 95 fail.

I need to end this post before I say something needlessly critical of this game system.

13 hours ago, Lynata said:

For my two requisition, I assume our GM will kindly roll for me again?

The first one would be an expanded magazine for the shotgun (which I'd picture as a drum), which is a scarce item, so -10 (15% chance).

For the second test .. does DH2 have any solid slugs? I know they existed in DH1 and some of the other games, but I can't seem to find them in the 2nd Edition. Would Doc be willing to houserule them, given that they kind of make a lot of sense for a shotgun? If not, I guess I'd just go for Inferno rounds, with a -20 test (5% chance :rolleyes: ).

We house ruled Solid Slugs in to the game way back before we started:

Solid Slugs
Solid slug rounds replace the scattershot of standard shotgun cartridges with a solid lead round, giving up spread for improved damage against both armour and flesh.


A shotgun loaded with slug rounds increases its Damage by +1 and Penetration by +2. It loses the Scatter Quality.

Used with: Any shotgun.

Same base availability as the book meaning one more difficult than the gun itself.

On 11/24/2017 at 9:00 AM, Covered in Weasels said:

I then tried to acquire a micro-bead and a Brazier of Saint Roberto. I failed the test for the micro-bead by 3 DoF, but I did get the Brazier. Now Balthazar has a giant skull-shaped fire spout on his backpack!))

Thanks for the update.

11 hours ago, Servant of Dante said:

Alright, failing both of those (the Requisition system is not my favorite part of DH2E . . . ) is it technically a different item if Estelia looks for a Good quality flintlock (making it a straight Influence role)? I’ll make the roll, and if it’s not ok just let me know. Good Quality Flintlock - Roll: 95 fail.

I need to end this post before I say something needlessly critical of this game system.

Yeah, sorry about that, I know Requisition is really frustrating, just know that I'm including your Requisition rolls in to xp calculation for part 3 at least so it's not a total loss.

Remember though you can permanently reduce your Influence score if you really want an item (obviously rough for a character working in to an Elite Advance I know)

To all three of you. Since I know that Requisition is...well it leaves things to be desired I know, do we possibly want to implement a house rule I've done before?

It follows:

You get a number of rolls equal to your Influence bonus (this is just what I do normally).

On top of this, you get a number of automatic acquisitions of up to Scarce availability equal to your Inf bonus (same as character creation) if you want however you may use one of these free acquisitions to get a lower availability item.

Example. Inf bonus of 3; can get 3 Scarce, 1 Scarce and 1 Rare, or 1 Very Rare.

Do you want to implement this? Do you have issues with it and want to rework it? Do you not like it at all?

EDIT Lyn's response made me think of this possible suggestion rather than the above:

Perhaps something like, you gain a +10 bonus to your requisition rolls per Inf Bonus to use for your allotted tests during downtime which can be spread between the tests as seen fit?

Example. Inf Bonus 3. 3 +10 tests, 1 +0 test, 1 +10 test, 1+20 test, or 2 +0 tests and 1 +30 test

Edited by ThenDoctor
Lyn Responded
1 hour ago, ThenDoctor said:

We house ruled Solid Slugs in to the game way back before we started:

Oh wow, it's been so long, I completely forgot about that! I only vaguely remember there was something about relaxing Aptitude requirements for Willpower stuff where we would have otherwise required "Psyker" to qualify.

In that case I'd like for my 2nd requisition to be these slugs, of course!

1 hour ago, ThenDoctor said:

Do you want to implement this? Do you have issues with it and want to rework it? Do you not like it at all?

I like it! Truth be told, it sounds very generous, though I suppose it might be weird to say that as a player. :D

It feels as if it might make Requisition too easy by entirely taking chance out of it, which might go against the spirit of the book. If it were up to me, perhaps I would rather give players the opportunity to sacrifice one or more of their Requisition Tests to gain a bonus on another (e.g. I could either test Influence twice at 25, or test once for 35), and provide players with more opportunities to make these Tests by organically building them into the scene as part of the locale's backdrop.
For example, the group walking past a gun shop might allow players to try to Requisition any ranged weapon at a bonus (as the shop is specializing in guns, but doesn't sell anything else), whereas walking through a Frontier world's spaceport market would allow the players to try and Requisition anything at a penalty (as they see all sorts of stuff coming through, but only ever in small quantities).

But ... I'm not complaining! If the suggested option is what we will be offered, I'll take it too. ;)

1 hour ago, Lynata said:

I like it! Truth be told, it sounds very generous, though I suppose it might be weird to say that as a player. :D

It feels as if it might make Requisition too easy by entirely taking chance out of it, which might go against the spirit of the book. If it were up to me, perhaps I would rather give players the opportunity to sacrifice one or more of their Requisition Tests to gain a bonus on another (e.g. I could either test Influence twice at 25, or test once for 35), and provide players with more opportunities to make these Tests by organically building them into the scene as part of the locale's backdrop.
For example, the group walking past a gun shop might allow players to try to Requisition any ranged weapon at a bonus (as the shop is specializing in guns, but doesn't sell anything else), whereas walking through a Frontier world's spaceport market would allow the players to try and Requisition anything at a penalty (as they see all sorts of stuff coming through, but only ever in small quantities).

But ... I'm not complaining! If the suggested option is what we will be offered, I'll take it too. ;)

I appreciate the feedback, and yes it was a generous houserule. I used it for a published adventure where the acolytes were supposed to already have some impressive gear. So, I understand it's got some weight to it.

Perhaps something like, you gain a +10 bonus to your requisition rolls per Inf Bonus to use for your allotted tests during downtime which can be spread between the tests as seen fit?

Example. Inf Bonus 3. 3 +10 tests, 1 +0 test, 1 +10 test, 1+20 test, or 2 +0 tests and 1 +30 test

And as for the second suggest I'll never stop you guys from in character getting a hold of an armourer or something else. It's your perogative, for example you could go back to Port Gyre and try and find something. I just also don't want the game to turn in to "Let's go shopping for the next two months of posting." There's definitely got to be a limit. I will however keep in mind going forward that more opportunities are desired and reflect as much. Not sure if this next part will have many opportunities, but I'll see what I can do.

Edited by ThenDoctor
22 hours ago, ThenDoctor said:

Example. Inf Bonus 3. 3 +10 tests, 1 +0 test, 1 +10 test, 1+20 test, or 2 +0 tests and 1 +30 test

I was confused for a moment, but I assume that the first comma is to be read like an "or" as well? :D In my defense, it was late the first time I read the post, but your explanation helped me realize how you (hopefully!) meant it in the example.

Anyways, that sounds like a pretty neat compromise to me! The general +10 bonus still feels like a weird freebie, but I think that may just be my gut nitpicking over how the rule would be worded (as opposed to a simpler "sacrifice a roll to gain +10 bonus") rather than the mechanical effects in practice. Not to mention my conflict of interests, as I want to get my hands on cool gear, too. ;) My next requisition would probably be a fire selector; I have big plans for this gun.. <3

What do the others have to say to this houserule? And do we retry Requisition or will we instead just implement it next time we have an opportunity?

Like I said in the OOC I’m fine with either. I’d certainly like a chance to re-roll but that might be an issue since Balthazar already got his flaming backpack topper :P I’m fine with however the Doctor wants to handle things

Several free Acquisitions seems like a bit much. However, I'm ok with trying the proposed +10 bonus per Influence Bonus to be distributed among Requisition tests as we see fit. Otherwise it could be a very long time before we are able to get our hands on all the fancy gear available to Acolytes :D

8 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Several free Acquisitions seems like a bit much. However, I'm ok with trying the proposed +10 bonus per Influence Bonus to be distributed among Requisition tests as we see fit. Otherwise it could be a very long time before we are able to get our hands on all the fancy gear available to Acolytes :D

On 11/30/2017 at 2:43 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Like I said in the OOC I’m fine with either. I’d certainly like a chance to re-roll but that might be an issue since Balthazar already got his flaming backpack topper :P I’m fine with however the Doctor wants to handle things

On 11/29/2017 at 11:25 AM, Lynata said:

What do the others have to say to this houserule? And do we retry Requisition or will we instead just implement it next time we have an opportunity?

Alright it seems we are all in agreement as to implementing the second version of the houserule (thanks Lyn for the feedback) the rule instated will be read as follows:

During Downtime Acquisitions you gain a +10 bonus to your requisition rolls per Inf Bonus to use for your allotted tests which can be spread between the tests as seen fit.

For Example: A character with an Influence Bonus 3 could make:

3 +10 tests

1 +0 test, 1 +10 test, and 1+20 test

or 2 +0 tests and 1 +30 test

As for Weasels and Dante you can use this new houserule on any rolls you failed before if you wish.

For Lyn, how would you like me to spread the bonuses between the two things you want me to roll requisition for that you listed earler?

1 hour ago, ThenDoctor said:

For Lyn, how would you like me to spread the bonuses between the two things you want me to roll requisition for that you listed earler?

+20 for the shells, and +10 for the bigger magazine, please!

53 minutes ago, Lynata said:

+20 for the shells, and +10 for the bigger magazine, please!

Alright, I'll get those rolled tonight.

8 hours ago, Lynata said:

+20 for the shells, and +10 for the bigger magazine, please!

The first one would be an expanded magazine for the shotgun (which I'd picture as a drum), which is a scarce item, so -10 (15% chance).

In that case I'd like for my 2nd requisition to be these slugs, of course!

Same base availability as the book meaning one more difficult than the gun itself. (meaning one above Scarce)

First roll for Expanded Magazine. Base chance 15 Bonus 10 total 25.

Roll 12 Sucess

Second roll for Slugs. Base chance 05 Bonus 20 total 25.

Roll 75 Failure

So an expanded magazine for her gun, but no special ammo just yet.

I should have pushed for the slugs to be treated similar to standard ammo. :D

Oh well, the drum will do for now. Thanks for rolling!

Alright, character sheet updated . Modified the art for the shotgun to reflect the changes.

Edited by Lynata