Of Great and Terrible Things

By ThenDoctor, in Dark Heresy Play By Mail/Email

On 8/4/2017 at 4:48 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

"No, we will pass right through the checkpoint and you can follow right after us. We have a time-sensitive engagement and really must be on our way. You can follow right afterwards." Balthazar gazes serenely at the man, but underneath this face his blood is starting to boil. This may not be the most diplomatic thing to say, but Balthazar is personally offended by the nobleman's description of the Novices as his 'lessers.'

On 8/6/2017 at 10:05 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia stays quiet as the Father speaks, keeping an eye on the noble and his bodyguard.

On 8/7/2017 at 0:31 AM, Lynata said:

Pressing her lips together, Ariel exercises great restraint so as to neither speak up nor do something even more rash. The Schola taught her patience and respect, but it also taught her not to suffer fools such as this creature lightly.

The man's face darkens at Balthazar's resistance, "You will do no such thing, I am invoking the rights of the Consortium to presently and immediately complete whatever duty or business I have to that organization within the Adeptus as it pertains to the business of Desoleum and therefore the holy fulfillment of Desoleum's tithe agreements to the Adeptus Terra greater."

He motions to the novices and his guard steps forward, "And you and your little helpers will do nothing in the way of stopping that."

The crowd behind the line has actually gone very quiet at this point and faces that can see the situation are seemingly worried in expression.

((You don't need to roll a Scrutiny to be able to tell this guy will escalate the situation if it continues in this manner much longer. Not trying to influence your play. I'm just telling what the situation is.))

Estelia casually unholsters her pistols, holding them at her sides and turns to Father Thorne, "Father, this is a waste of time. I'm not afraid of a single guard, but having the consortium chasing after us will make our visit unpleasant. It sounds like this man is going to do what he's here to do right now. As long as he doesn't expect us to wait in line we could just follow him to the front of the line and go after him." She looks back at the guard, glaring.

Under her breath the Novice mutters, "self important bureaucrat."

Edited by Servant of Dante
Spelling (I promise not to edit the content of my post after posting)

As the guard moves forward, a flick of her right wrist causes the shotgun's sling to slide from her shoulder, dropping the weapon's forestock into the fingers of her deftly moved left hand. As the rugged instrument of urban pacification is pulled to the side, her right hand quickly finds its place at the grip. The girl does not point the weapon at anyone. Yet.

"No..", she states somewhat cautiously in response to Estelia's assessment as she eyes the pompous creature. "I do not believe these men have as much right to pass as they say. Waiting for hours, but now he thinks he can pass?" A sly smirk. "Perhaps we should get the adepts to sort this out and check their oath-cogs? Or do we require the service of the Adeptus Arbites?"

Balthazar raps his servo skull twice with the butt of his hammer, causing the dutiful machine to rise into the air. Without taking his eyes from the nobleman, he speaks through the skull: "Will the nearest Administratum cog-adept please come over here to check our oath-cogs?" He hopes to defuse the situation by bringing in an outside authority figure. Making enemies with the Concilium this early in the investigation seems unwise.

On 8/8/2017 at 2:40 PM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia casually unholsters her pistols, holding them at her sides and turns to Father Thorne, "Father, this is a waste of time. I'm not afraid of a single guard, but having the consortium chasing after us will make our visit unpleasant. It sounds like this man is going to do what he's here to do right now. As long as he doesn't expect us to wait in line we could just follow him to the front of the line and go after him." She looks back at the guard, glaring.

Under her breath the Novice mutters, "self important bureaucrat."

On 8/8/2017 at 8:36 PM, Lynata said:

"No..", she states somewhat cautiously in response to Estelia's assessment as she eyes the pompous creature. "I do not believe these men have as much right to pass as they say. Waiting for hours, but now he thinks he can pass?" A sly smirk. "Perhaps we should get the adepts to sort this out and check their oath-cogs? Or do we require the service of the Adeptus Arbites?"

13 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar raps his servo skull twice with the butt of his hammer, causing the dutiful machine to rise into the air. Without taking his eyes from the nobleman, he speaks through the skull: "Will the nearest Administratum cog-adept please come over here to check our oath-cogs?" He hopes to defuse the situation by bringing in an outside authority figure. Making enemies with the Concilium this early in the investigation seems unwise.

((You know...I honestly didn't see that coming. Ok so here's what we're gonna do, I'm gonna grab an NPC and we'll use social interaction rules. I will use this noble to try and convince them they're right, and you (the team) can use their skills and attempt to convince the npc you're right.))

The magnate is a bit flabbergasted at this turn of events, and stands as this turn of events does bring forth a venerated Tech-Priest of the Adeptus Mechanicus.

It is difficult to tell, but the mechanized voice that addresses you seems male, "The call has been heeded. This disagreement will be resolved. Present your cases. This servant of the Omnissiah will decide the outcome."

((The situation will work like this, The social interaction rules allow me to decide the personality of an npc and set their disposition. First side to bring the priest a certain disposition level will win this argument. Obviously lowering the disposition to 0 loses automatically. We clear?))

The undercover novice, usually hard to read, appears at least somewhat relieved at the Tech-Priest's appearance, whose declaration seems to promise a peaceful resolution. She lowers the barrel of her weapon a little more as if to symbolically declare her willingness to cooperate, moments later followed by her forehead and eyes, then her torso as she indicates a respectful bow.

She does not speak up yet, instead trusting the party's own cleric to explain the conflict and state their case. True, the Cult Mechanicus followed a different denomination and (admittedly at times considered borderline heretical) religious practice, but perhaps the two priests will have at least some common ground by nature of their shared professional affinity and service to the Throne?

Estelia glanced at the Techpriest, but otherwise maintained her gaze at the guard. She too decided to let the Father begin their argument, since she assumed he would be the most proficient, and of course the Novice didn't want to turn her back on this man. She makes no move to holster her weapons, but keeps her hands to her sides.

((Balthazar will first make a Charm test, and he will not spend a Fate point before the test. Should I apply a modifier to the roll from the NPC's personality?))

12 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

((Balthazar will first make a Charm test, and he will not spend a Fate point before the test. Should I apply a modifier to the roll from the NPC's personality?))

((I don't want to reveal the personality to you, Balthazar can try and figure that out on his own if he wishes to. Just apply a +0 and I'll put on any modifiers I find necessary.))

((Balthazar will roll his charm test, target number 38. Rolled an 8 for 4 DoS!))

Balthazar addresses the newly arrived Tech-Priest. "Greetings, sir. My companions and I are visiting Port Gyre on time-sensitive business with the Ministorum. We just filled out the proper forms to be granted expedited entry into the main city, and one of the servitors checked our oath-cogs and verified we had the proper cog to proceed. We have done everything according to proper protocol and simply want to proceed through the entrance gates. This man here challenges our right to do this but has not yet presented documents that would support his claim." He indicates the magnate with a nod of his head.

Edited by Covered in Weasels

The tech priest nods sagely, "I understand, it is imperative that the Omnissiah's decree be followed. However, I can see that this one has the bearings of the Consortium, what say they in this matter of interruption?"

The magnate bows, "Great and venerable lord of mars, I was merely tending to the business of my guild house, and so that of the planet, when this trio just...blundered their way through the line. They paid no heed to the customs of this proud and honorable hall, nor the planet either, offworlders as they are. They of course do not know our ways, and that ignorance is...excusable, save this sort of maddened escalation. I of course invoked my right of prescience as per my connection with the Consortium, but this didn't seem to suffice for them and so they called you here." he shrugs as if there was nothing else that could have happened in this situation.

The tech priest does not outright dismiss him, but does not seem more convinced than anything else.

On 8/16/2017 at 10:29 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar addresses the newly arrived Tech-Priest. "Greetings, sir. My companions and I are visiting Port Gyre on time-sensitive business with the Ministorum. We just filled out the proper forms to be granted expedited entry into the main city, and one of the servitors checked our oath-cogs and verified we had the proper cog to proceed. We have done everything according to proper protocol and simply want to proceed through the entrance gates. This man here challenges our right to do this but has not yet presented documents that would support his claim." He indicates the magnate with a nod of his head.

On 8/13/2017 at 10:12 PM, Servant of Dante said:

On 8/13/2017 at 9:39 PM, Lynata said:

((Rolling another Charm test, this time spending the bonus Fate point before rolling. Target number 38+20 = 58; rolled a 48 for 2 DoS. Did not recover the Fate with Shrine World ability.))

Sensing the lack of impact from the magnate's words, Balthazar jumps right back in with a counter-argument. "We are indeed offworlders here, which is why I appealed to an independent adjudicator in this situation. Your nebulous decrees of high station might cow most people into agreement, but I am sadly ignorant of your ways and require proof of your authority. Blessed of the Omnissiah, surely you can understand my desire for concrete proof of what this man claims before I adjust my course of action."

Estelia doesn't feel she has anything to add to the Father's argument to the techpriest. Besides, the Novice had never dealt with one of his ilk before; the more entrenched parts of the Ministorum had never been overly friendly with the Mechanicus. She satisfies herself with continuing to keep an eye on the guard, keeping her weapons in her hands at her sides.

Contrary to the companion Ariel would often call 'bubbly', the swarthy novice feels compelled to speak up as the situation drags on. Like Estelia, mere realization of her lack of experience prevented her from interjecting so far, yet her patience seems to run thin in the face of frustrating bureaucracy.

"The esteemed envoy", she begins, glossing over the magnate's official title either by accident or intent, "had been waiting here for some time, so his business cannot be too important. We are ... confused as to why they would so suddenly invoke an alleged right of preferential access lest it be meant as a slight against an ordained official of the Frateris Clergy of His Holy Church."

Negotiations of this sort had not been part of her curriculum, so Ariel's words felt somewhat forced, her usual conviction replaced by annoyance. It was quite possible that the brooding novice might end up complicating the situation further.

On 8/23/2017 at 9:56 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

((Rolling another Charm test, this time spending the bonus Fate point before rolling. Target number 38+20 = 58; rolled a 48 for 2 DoS. Did not recover the Fate with Shrine World ability.))

Sensing the lack of impact from the magnate's words, Balthazar jumps right back in with a counter-argument. "We are indeed offworlders here, which is why I appealed to an independent adjudicator in this situation. Your nebulous decrees of high station might cow most people into agreement, but I am sadly ignorant of your ways and require proof of your authority. Blessed of the Omnissiah, surely you can understand my desire for concrete proof of what this man claims before I adjust my course of action."

The tech priest nods again, seemingly appreciative of the respect a member of the clergy is giving a follower of the Omnissiah, "These are the ways of Desoleum. The Consortium has a hand in the business of the entire planet. The work with the adeptus Administratum to provide Desoleum's tithes to the Adeptus Terra. As such many members of the Consortium are given priority in their business. However this is a strange interaction with the Administratum's forms you've filled out giving yourself priority...hmm more deliberation must be considered."

On 8/24/2017 at 6:04 AM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia doesn't feel she has anything to add to the Father's argument to the techpriest. Besides, the Novice had never dealt with one of his ilk before; the more entrenched parts of the Ministorum had never been overly friendly with the Mechanicus. She satisfies herself with continuing to keep an eye on the guard, keeping her weapons in her hands at her sides.

On 8/24/2017 at 11:44 PM, Lynata said:

"The esteemed envoy", she begins, glossing over the magnate's official title either by accident or intent, "had been waiting here for some time, so his business cannot be too important. We are ... confused as to why they would so suddenly invoke an alleged right of preferential access lest it be meant as a slight against an ordained official of the Frateris Clergy of His Holy Church.".

((Alright, well don't hate me. your final result was 8 DoF))

If the tech priest's face could scowl with their augmentics he'd be glaring at Ariel, "The business of Desoleum is the business of her forges. This is the business of the Omnissiah, nothing could be more important. Your confusion is a result of your attachment to the flesh nothing more. Your master seems to grasp the basic ideas of Desoleum's business but I must cede priority to the Consortium's magnate lest when you leave the Consortium remembers."

The magnate grins widely and bows deeply, "I thank you venerable worshiper of the Omnissiah, I knew the right decision would be reached with your aid. I apologize the interruption to your holy duties for such a triviality." If a snake could sell snake oil it might look like the magnate.

((The priest is about to leave their business concluded, and parting remarks?))

Estelia snorts as the techpriest mentions attachment to the flesh. He rather implies carnal pleasures that have no place in a truely worshipful life (as far as the Novice is concerned), or that proper followers of the Imperial Cult would not add metal to the sacred human form except to replace body parts lost to wounds. Regardless, the whole exchange had made little sense to Estelia, though she understood that the techpriest had sided with the noble.

"So, you never really explained what you expect us to do. If you intend to stay where you are in line and expect us to wait behind you . . ."

Unusually, Ariel seems about to snap a retort at the Tech-Priest's declaration, but swallows whatever words had come to her agitated mind as the arbitrator mentions the novices' alleged relationship to Balthazar, inadvertently triggering her sense of discipline that had been beaten into the girls' little bodies during their upbringing in the Schola.

Face contorted into a scowl as if to make up for the Tech-Priest's lack of expression, she takes a half-step back and remains silent, albeit not yet re-shouldering her shotgun as if to make a petty point.

Balthazar tightens his grip on his hammer and does his best to suppress a scowl. These Consortium nobles certainly have a great deal of sway in local matters, enough to trample proper protocol underfoot whenever it suits them. Nevertheless, he does not challenge the noble as he walks towards the admittance gate. He prepares to follow the man through the gate, assuming that their cog still grants them priority admittance even if they have to wait for the nobleman to be processed first.

On 8/31/2017 at 6:48 AM, Servant of Dante said:

"So, you never really explained what you expect us to do. If you intend to stay where you are in line and expect us to wait behind you . . ."

As the tech priest is leaving he makes a call through a nearby servo skull that is floating through the area on seemingly some other business but stops at the priest's call, "You are to wait until the magnate is done. Then you may proceed to fully appease your oath."

On 9/1/2017 at 0:01 AM, Lynata said:

Unusually, Ariel seems about to snap a retort at the Tech-Priest's declaration, but swallows whatever words had come to her agitated mind as the arbitrator mentions the novices' alleged relationship to Balthazar, inadvertently triggering her sense of discipline that had been beaten into the girls' little bodies during their upbringing in the Schola.

Face contorted into a scowl as if to make up for the Tech-Priest's lack of expression, she takes a half-step back and remains silent, albeit not yet re-shouldering her shotgun as if to make a petty point.

On 9/1/2017 at 5:42 PM, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar tightens his grip on his hammer and does his best to suppress a scowl. These Consortium nobles certainly have a great deal of sway in local matters, enough to trample proper protocol underfoot whenever it suits them. Nevertheless, he does not challenge the noble as he walks towards the admittance gate. He prepares to follow the man through the gate, assuming that their cog still grants them priority admittance even if they have to wait for the nobleman to be processed first.

The noble still smiling passes by, "Everyone in their proper place at last." he seems to murmur to himself but loud enough for at least Balthatzar to hear. He and his guard move to the nearest available station and seemingly hand their business within ten minutes. A piece of plastek is exchanged, the adept moves it across some form of scanner, a few forms are signed and notarized, but it is all over quickly enough.

With that the noble passes back through, "After you," he gestures to Balthazar and company. Smiling as if his mouth had an edge.

"NEXT!" the closest station calls.

Estelia rolls her eyes at the Magistrate's petty comment, but his buisness had not taken long. Mostly, the girl is confused at the man's willingness to wait in line for hours in contrived show of equanimity, but unwillingness to let the Father go before him. It was extremely irritating, but the Novice stops herself from provoking the man any more, looking instead to the station calling for them.

Edited by Servant of Dante

Brutally instilled discipline prevents the other novice from showing her contempt with anything more but a stern glance. Unable to affect the situation any more, she feels they had embarrassed their accompanying priest enough for one day. If this was what her fellow Sisters in the Orders Famulous had to deal with on a daily basis, she would gladly face down an Ork invasion every day instead.

Balthazar steadfastly ignores the magistrate, instead trying to pass through the checkpoint as instructed.

On 9/2/2017 at 10:51 PM, Servant of Dante said:

Estelia rolls her eyes at the Magistrate's petty comment, but his buisness had not taken long. Mostly, the girl is confused at the man's willingness to wait in line for hours in contrived show of equanimity, but unwillingness to let the Father go before him. It was extremely irritating, but the Novice stops herself from provoking the man any more, looking instead to the station calling for them.

On 9/4/2017 at 11:36 PM, Lynata said:

Brutally instilled discipline prevents the other novice from showing her contempt with anything more but a stern glance. Unable to affect the situation any more, she feels they had embarrassed their accompanying priest enough for one day. If this was what her fellow Sisters in the Orders Famulous had to deal with on a daily basis, she would gladly face down an Ork invasion every day instead.

7 hours ago, Covered in Weasels said:

Balthazar steadfastly ignores the magistrate, instead trying to pass through the checkpoint as instructed.

The adept at the station is seemingly uninterested at the altercation you were all just involved in. He seems an indeterminate age, possibly due to some form of treatment or surgery, but you're unsure, he could just look youthful and tired from his work at the same time.

"Welcome to the Officio Auctoriate Porteus, as you've made it this far I am to assume your papers are in order for at least appearing here, and I can see your Oath Cogs are in order as well. As you know this is the queue for Adeptus related business pertaining to the fulfillment of oaths. As such I am required to note your Adeptus association, the Adeptus you are conducting business with, and the nature of your business. May I have your answers?" he asks in a calm and neutral tone. He gives no indication of who is in charge of your trio, glancing across all three of you with the same indifference.

Condoning Balthazar's role as temporary leader of the group, both officially as part of their cover, and unofficially due to his status as a sanctioned cleric, Ariel waits to see if the Father would answer for them, at least as far as the initiation of a dialogue was concerned.

If he took too long to raise his voice, or if his explanation did not include them, the novice would introduce herself as a servant of the Ministorum. And it would not even be a lie.

Estelia also looks to Father Thorne to answer for the group. That they were on the buisness of the Adeptus Ministorum seemed obvious, but what Adeptus was their buisness with? The Novice finds herself irritated that Sister Inellia was not more specific with where they were to go upon landing on the planet. For all she knows, they could be at the wrong place.