Belgian Summer Kit report

By rookie35, in X-Wing Battle Reports

Hi Everyone,

Last saturday i took part in a summer kit tournament in Roux near Charleroi (Belgium), despite having 29 online registrations only 11 players actually showed up

to play, guess the great summer weather had something to do with that ;-) Still my motto remains if you sign up, show up!

Since I'm a bit of rebel alliance fanboy i brought the following:

YT-2400 Dash Rendar with; Push the limit, title, HLC, kanan and engine upgrade, just the regular

K-wing Miranda Doni with: TLT, sabine crew, ion bomb, thermal detonators

It's a list that i've been playing with for a bit and that has been quite kind on me,but i usually play quite casual so i was curious to see how it would hold up to all the

internet cheese everyone reads about all the time.

As i arrived quite early at the venue, i was able tot look around a bit when the other players were unpacking their stuff,

and i noticed an awfull lot of toilet seats present so the gloves were definitely off.

11 players meant 4 rounds so here we go!!

Round 1: Attack of the jumpmasters:

Opponent: Marc with: 2x contracted scout, proton torpedoes, extra munitions, deadeye and some droid (forgot which one sorry)

1x contracted scout with intelligence agent and anti-pursuit lasers

Facing 3 big ships and riding Dash myself i tried tt form a big circle of asteroids in the middle of the field in the hope this would "inspire" him tot split his forces, and yes he did

He put one jumpmaster on the right side and his jumpmaster and bumpmaster on the left, having the higher PS i deployed dash and miranda in a jousting position opposite his lone jumpmaster.

The first rounds dash and miranda made a run on the lone jumpmaster, while my opponent approached carefully with his two other ships, shots were traded, but dash's green dice were hot and i got off best taking more shields of the jumpmaster than i lost myself.

The next turn dash turned in sharply through the asteroids hoping to get behind his jumpmasters, while miranda advanced carefully as bomb bait, he took the bait as well sending his second torpedoboat after miranda and the bumpmaster after dash. Miranda took a serious beating but survived on hull, Both my ships fired on the bumpmaster stripping its shields.

the following turn proved to be the pivotal turn in the game, he tried to block miranda, with both his jumps close to the boardedge but misjudged it slightly, so she slipped past and dropped an ion bomb on one of the jumpmasters, that one was angled towards the board edge and the next turn sent it straight off the board! bringing me the game as dash finished off the bumpmaster in the same turn, so only one jump was left vs miranda and dash, definitely not a fair fight.

result: 100-0 and a really satisfying feeling for ionising a jumpmaster off the board :-)

Round 2: The jumpmasters strike back!

The next round brought me a much more crafty opponent Olivier with a slightly different list:

3x contracted scouts with plasma torpedoes, extra munitions,deadeye, overlcocked r4 and the bounty hunter BFF's Zuckuss and 4-LOM.

I tried the same asteroid tactic of divide and conquer but he was having none of it and kept his jumpmasters tightly together, the power of the overclocked droid proved itself as he shrugged off a lot of hits from Dash's HLC, while zuckuss turned my green dice really cold.Miranda got shot down somewhere round 5 i think, but not before she was able to therma detonator the zuckuss jumpmaster to one health.

After that dash got trapped in his donuthole by the three jumps and they took him down hard and fast.

result:16-100 and back on solid ground.

Round 3: The Phantom Dengaroo:

The third round brought more jumpasters, this time the elites got out to play:

opponent: Benoit with: Dengar, torp, zuckuss, r5-p8, punishing one and deadeye??

Manaroo with recon specialist and engine upgrade

Most of the online generals agree that to beat this one you need to take down manaroo so i went straight for her, which he had anticipated for an kept manaroo and dengar constantly moving in opposing directions,dash is fast enough to catch her,but only if he spends his actions on boosting and barrel rolling and not on focus and TL.

Another key moment came when i tried to ionize dengar not off the board this time, but to give me some alone time with manaroo, he called it right however and dodged the bomb. In the end i got shot down but not before getting half points on manaroo, and stripping dengar off his shields.

result:23-100 and losing a bit faith in my list. Afterwards i chatted a bit with my opponent, who like all the other players present was a real stand up guy. He told me that with little tot modify my dice, going after dengar might had been a painfull but smarter move.

Round 4:Return of the Sith aces :

Finally after three rounds of nothing but jumpmasters, i was real happy to play Steve's palp aces, never thought i'd say something like that

his list: Soontir Fell with PTL, royal guard tie, stealth device and autothrusters

inquisitor with title, PTL, autothrusters and proton rockets

Palp in his lambo

Anyway, i was a bit tired and didn't really care about winning this one, i just wanted to do something Kewl, KILL SOONTIR! So i spend most of the game taking potshots at him which amounted to nothing really, a defining moment was when i rolled four natural hits with dash on his royal fellness and he rolled 3 blanks and a focus, but thanks to an evade token, a focus token, Palp and autothrusters, i hit nothing! to his credit Steve played like a boss the entire game and dodged both my bombs.

In the end i got served a dry 0-100 result some of that my own fault for not trying enough.

I finished last off eleven players, a bit sour, because the two players just above me only had a bye to show for and a sligtly better mov, but because the TO was awesome and divided the price support for 29 players among the 11 i went home with two predator EA and a bag off stress tokens.

All in all i had a great day and in the future i will definitely return there to play some more.

Thanks for reading my ramblings and if you have any advice for a true rookie please let me know

rookie35 signing out

After a two month long hiatus, which included some major real life events like becoming a dad,

i finally got to play in another tournament this weekend.

The venue was located in a nice comic book store in the city of St Niklaas called Brainfreeze comics, i just couldn't pass up the opportunity to indulge in two

of my hobby's at the same time x-wing and comics.

After my last tournament trouncing at the hands of an army of jumpmaster enthousiasts, i started developing lists that would do well against the toilets of doom,

this is what i came up with: Note this was all before the newest FAQ from last week, the meta has changed big time since then, i won't go into detail over that, people much better

than my have done that already. My list was:

Crazy 888: 100pts

Colonel Vessery with Tie D, tractor beam and VI

Maarek Stele with x7 and adaptability

Tomax Bren with crack shot, plasma torpedo's, extra munitions and long range scanners

This list combines a high pilot skill, with some of the finest jousters in the game, and a nasty evade cancelling ordnance machine

10 players showed up for a nice 4-round brawl.

Round 1: Rey Awakens:

Although technically not quite legal the TO allowed heroes of the resistance to be played, i had no qualms with it, as everyone likes to play with their shiny new toys

So i faced Michel with something like this: Rey falcon, with VI, new title, Finn, Kanan Jarrus,and smuggling compartments together with lothal rebel, Hera,gunner and FCS

My opponent deployed the ghost midfield, i then turtled my squad in the left corner, hoping to slow roll a bit and pick a target as it would present itself, falcon deployed also midfield

In the initial rounds Michel sent the rebel my way and holding Rey a bit back, Tomax locked on to the lothal, as my initial plan was to whittle it down quick and then see what to do with the new wave falcon.

That plan did not survive first contact with the enemy sadly. In the initial rounds of shooting my reds were lackluster, i hit some on the lothal but not a lot and Maarek never landed a crit, worse combined fire from the other side turned Vessery into space dust.

I managed to bring the lothal down to one hull but that was as far as i got as my greens decided to take a vacation too and my squad evaporated.

All in all a real good showing for the new falcon, the synergy between Rey and Finn is strong as it should be, so the rebels finally got their strength back.

Result Loss 22-100

Round 2: "Oh Great Jumpmasters, what no upgrades?"

My opponent Kevin brought the following: Zuckuss no upgrades,

2x contracted scout no upgrades

non-unique Khriraxz, no upgrades, seeing a pattern here

Seeing what i was up against made my quite doubtful, sure no upgrades and low pilot skill, but still a lot of red dice and chewing through 4 ships will take a loads of time and his ships are not without teeth.

Anyway he set up wide with the jumps in the middle, flanked by zuckuss and the Khiraxz on the sides, I again turtled in the corner pickng my shots, we both slow rolled for a bit with Tomax locking on to Zuckuss this time and my first salvo was on the Khiraxz, however my reds still had a doctor's note so it survived relatively unscathed. However my greens were back in class and i managed to avoid damage as well. Subsequent rounds saw the khiraxz go up in flames and me putting some nice damage on a jumpmaster, even taking it off the board, but Vessery ended up in flames too. After that a deadly ballet took place were he lost his other jump, but i lost tomax, so it came down to Zuckuss vs Stele.

Stele showed some real steel cojones :lol: by coming up in zuckuss his front arc range 1 and was rewarded by scoring two uncancelled crits, with Maarek's game text that was the end for our methane breathing friend.

Result Win: 100-70 ish

Afterwards i asked my opponent about the no upgrades thing, turns out he was playing regular triple jumps, got hit by the nerfbat but wasn't yet willing to put the scouts back on the shelf.

Round 3: Mrs Poe's day out

Some more rebel scum in round 3 with Tim flying:

Jake with chardaan refit, a-wing test pilot, VI and PTL

Shara Bey with title, R2-D2, weapons engineer and PTL maybe?

Tarn Mison with R7 and integrated astromech

Tala squadron pilot

Now i don't always fly Jake,... but when i do i put proton rockets on him ;) without that he can be a nuisance but not much more,

so my target priority for this game looked kinda like this:

1): Shara Bey, rear shots and regen are just nasty

2): Tarn Mison just for his 3 reds

3): Jake

4): Tala

Set up and deployment was similar to last game with my opponent slow rolling for a bit and feeding me a tala, i took the bait and despite tractor beaming it onto a rock it survived

the first round of shooting :wacko: My greens were simply outstanding the whole game, however and at times kinda frustrating for my opponent.

First Tala died, then shara, followed by Tarn, i pretty much ignored Jake the whole game and was proven right for it too as he never caused much trouble.

The game went to time with Jake surviving, but so did my entire squad, so chalk up win nr2

Win: 70ish-0

Round 4: Launching fighters Captain!

The last round was an imperial showdown vs Peter who was flying something like this:

Howlrunner: Stealth device

Epsilon Leader

5x academy pilot,

Pretty old school swarm, but in my opinion still one of the strongest lists possible to field.

A list so strong that it not only wrecks opponents lists, it can also wreck your own mind!!

This proved to be my good fortune, had i faced this one in the first round he would have kicked my a$$, instead i faced him last round when opponent was

a bit tired, made some mistakes,not really going for the win.... while i was high on victory hormones.

I tried a different approach, instead of going for the well hidden howlrunner, i decided to try and kill at least one TIE every turn,

my luck was that i was able to kill two TIE's in the first round of shooting, one with Vessery/ Stele, the second a one 4 hit torp shot from Tomax with Crack shot.

As in the last couple rounds my greens remained stellar, so the return fire wasn't much, in subsequent rounds i did manage to get some good repositioning with my white 4k's and take down howlrunner. That was pretty much it for that game.

Cudo's to my opponent for flying this list and for being an uber sport the whole time despite me rolling more evades than ever.

A real nice event with plenty of time to browse comics between i will definitely play here again, i also really like the very diverse meta in this event playing 4 really different lists.

All in all i ended up with a 3-1 record and 4th place overall, sadly missing out third place due to bad mov, my first round opponent ended up second after losing a final salvo to a triple x7 defender list.

Defenders have really emerged as the top imp fighter these last months, but heroes and hopefully all the new T-70 goodies might be able to do something about that.

Thank you for reading my rambilngs and hopefully untill next time


Hello Y'all

i am totally necromancing this thread back from the abyss to bring you a special one, next sunday i will be participating in what will probably be my last ever 1.0 tournament.

Coincidentally it will be held in Charleroi, the place of my first ever tournament, what happened there you can read above, to make it eveen more nostalgic i plan on flying Dash/Miranda again a list i have flown on and off for the last two years.

lets compare both lists for a bit:


YT-2400 Dash Rendar with; Push the limit, title, HLC, kanan and engine upgrade, just the regular

K-wing Miranda Doni with: TLT, sabine crew, ion bomb, thermal detonators


Yt-2400 Dash Rendar with lone wolf, title, Rey HLC and countermeasures

Miranda with TLT, C-3PO Harpoon Missile, Bomblet generator and guidance chips

All this is pretty standard stuff, but its nice to see that Dash and Miranda evolved the last two years to become two very reliable ships, and this list definitely outpowers the original one in my opinion.

Now lets find out next sunday if they can put the money where my mouth is...

as always any comments are welcome

As Promised here is a quick round-by-round write-up of the tournament.

In total there were 12 players, not a really great turnout, i guess a lot of people are waiting for 2.0, this meant 4 rounds with possible top 4 cut

round 1:

My first round opponent was Laurent playing a version of scum aces:

Toolbox Nym loaded with harpoons, proton bombs, ion bombs and trajectory simulator, no turret that i can remember

tweekh with both titles, glitterstim and FCS

and sunny bounder with heavy title and linked batteries

Being fearful of the trajectory proton followed by a harpoon combo, i played a very defensive game at, first and neither side not getting a lot of shots of.

Eventually Miranda ended up in R1 of Sunny beacuse of a failed SLAM bump, Nym fired his harpoon, and Sunny rolled two critson Miranda, this left her on one hull, but harpoon splash took out Sunny an put me in the lead, next turn Miranda died, but not before she was able to break Nym's shields with bomblet/TLT, Dash finished off Nym. The endgame was a duel between Tweekh and Dash, but Tweekh never managed to get in the donut zone and a barrage of HLC fire finished him off

Result Win: 100-45

round 2:

Second round brought jean-Christophe with a saw's renegade list: two cavern angels tooled up as usual , one of the new non-unique U-wings and last but not least a YT-2400 with mangler cannon, outrider title and big man Saw Guerrera himself.

My opponent came in hard and fast trying to put the pressure on to stop me farming too much focus with Rey, the U-wing in particular was really tenacious, shrugging off hits from both the HLC and a harpoon.

The decisive moment was when that same MVP U-wing pulled off a block on Miranda, the resulting fire left her on one hull with PS 0, the next turn, she died but not before taking out the U-wing with a final bomblet.

Dash had to step up his game, but i made the wrong choice in going after the x-wings, Dash shot both of them down, but by then his shields were down and Saw the crit-machine, blew him away.

Result Loss 60-100

Round 3:

This round brought more x-wings from Benoit: 3 cavern angels with snap shot, a Z-95 with tracer missiles andd Stressra

Again the x-wing pushed hard on Dash, he correctly guessed that i was going to double back with Dash and get behind his X-wings and pulled off a marvelous interception, only because of counter measures and some spoton green dice rolls Dash didn' t completely melt like snow in august.

On the other side of the board, lone Ezra was sent to deal with Miranda and he failed miserably at that, first she SLAMed into him and then zoomed past him and peppered him with bomblets and TLT forcing him to disengage for a few turns.

Dash managed to takee down one X-wing, Miranda then harpooned a second one off the board and with his last shot Dash took out the Z-95, this left a limping Ezra and a full health X-wing to deal with a full health Miranda. Something she had no trouble with at all.

Result win 100-55

Round 4:

Last round brought Arnaud with a really unique list: three non-unique TIE Punishers tooled up with harpoons, proton bombs and trajectory simulators

to joust this beast is to die and he had won two previous rounds 100-0 just by dong that. Luckily i have two ships that never need to joust, in a repeat of round one, i flew very defensively and circled around the punishers, leaving him practically without a shot and slowly whittling him down.

When the second punisher went down and all he had to show for was a single proton bomb on Dash he shook hands and conceded.

Result win 100-0 although with almost any other list this would have been a though nut to crack.

This left me at 3-1, the opposite of my first tournament two years ago, and 3rd in total, since all top 4 players elected not to play the cut that was also the final standing, congrats to squadmate Pieter for winning the event going 4-0 also with Dash Miranda.

this pretty much wraps up my tournament carreer for 1.0 but i hope to hear from you all when 2.0 hits the shelves.

happy manouvring

rookie 35