Hi Everyone,
Last saturday i took part in a summer kit tournament in Roux near Charleroi (Belgium), despite having 29 online registrations only 11 players actually showed up
to play, guess the great summer weather had something to do with that ;-) Still my motto remains if you sign up, show up!
Since I'm a bit of rebel alliance fanboy i brought the following:
YT-2400 Dash Rendar with; Push the limit, title, HLC, kanan and engine upgrade, just the regular
K-wing Miranda Doni with: TLT, sabine crew, ion bomb, thermal detonators
It's a list that i've been playing with for a bit and that has been quite kind on me,but i usually play quite casual so i was curious to see how it would hold up to all the
internet cheese everyone reads about all the time.
As i arrived quite early at the venue, i was able tot look around a bit when the other players were unpacking their stuff,
and i noticed an awfull lot of toilet seats present so the gloves were definitely off.
11 players meant 4 rounds so here we go!!
Round 1: Attack of the jumpmasters:
Opponent: Marc with: 2x contracted scout, proton torpedoes, extra munitions, deadeye and some droid (forgot which one sorry)
1x contracted scout with intelligence agent and anti-pursuit lasers
Facing 3 big ships and riding Dash myself i tried tt form a big circle of asteroids in the middle of the field in the hope this would "inspire" him tot split his forces, and yes he did
He put one jumpmaster on the right side and his jumpmaster and bumpmaster on the left, having the higher PS i deployed dash and miranda in a jousting position opposite his lone jumpmaster.
The first rounds dash and miranda made a run on the lone jumpmaster, while my opponent approached carefully with his two other ships, shots were traded, but dash's green dice were hot and i got off best taking more shields of the jumpmaster than i lost myself.
The next turn dash turned in sharply through the asteroids hoping to get behind his jumpmasters, while miranda advanced carefully as bomb bait, he took the bait as well sending his second torpedoboat after miranda and the bumpmaster after dash. Miranda took a serious beating but survived on hull, Both my ships fired on the bumpmaster stripping its shields.
the following turn proved to be the pivotal turn in the game, he tried to block miranda, with both his jumps close to the boardedge but misjudged it slightly, so she slipped past and dropped an ion bomb on one of the jumpmasters, that one was angled towards the board edge and the next turn sent it straight off the board! bringing me the game as dash finished off the bumpmaster in the same turn, so only one jump was left vs miranda and dash, definitely not a fair fight.
result: 100-0 and a really satisfying feeling for ionising a jumpmaster off the board :-)
Round 2: The jumpmasters strike back!
The next round brought me a much more crafty opponent Olivier with a slightly different list:
3x contracted scouts with plasma torpedoes, extra munitions,deadeye, overlcocked r4 and the bounty hunter BFF's Zuckuss and 4-LOM.
I tried the same asteroid tactic of divide and conquer but he was having none of it and kept his jumpmasters tightly together, the power of the overclocked droid proved itself as he shrugged off a lot of hits from Dash's HLC, while zuckuss turned my green dice really cold.Miranda got shot down somewhere round 5 i think, but not before she was able to therma detonator the zuckuss jumpmaster to one health.
After that dash got trapped in his donuthole by the three jumps and they took him down hard and fast.
result:16-100 and back on solid ground.
Round 3: The Phantom Dengaroo:
The third round brought more jumpasters, this time the elites got out to play:
opponent: Benoit with: Dengar, torp, zuckuss, r5-p8, punishing one and deadeye??
Manaroo with recon specialist and engine upgrade
Most of the online generals agree that to beat this one you need to take down manaroo so i went straight for her, which he had anticipated for an kept manaroo and dengar constantly moving in opposing directions,dash is fast enough to catch her,but only if he spends his actions on boosting and barrel rolling and not on focus and TL.
Another key moment came when i tried to ionize dengar not off the board this time, but to give me some alone time with manaroo, he called it right however and dodged the bomb. In the end i got shot down but not before getting half points on manaroo, and stripping dengar off his shields.
result:23-100 and losing a bit faith in my list. Afterwards i chatted a bit with my opponent, who like all the other players present was a real stand up guy. He told me that with little tot modify my dice, going after dengar might had been a painfull but smarter move.
Round 4:Return of the Sith aces :
Finally after three rounds of nothing but jumpmasters, i was real happy to play Steve's palp aces, never thought i'd say something like that
his list: Soontir Fell with PTL, royal guard tie, stealth device and autothrusters
inquisitor with title, PTL, autothrusters and proton rockets
Palp in his lambo
Anyway, i was a bit tired and didn't really care about winning this one, i just wanted to do something Kewl, KILL SOONTIR! So i spend most of the game taking potshots at him which amounted to nothing really, a defining moment was when i rolled four natural hits with dash on his royal fellness and he rolled 3 blanks and a focus, but thanks to an evade token, a focus token, Palp and autothrusters, i hit nothing! to his credit Steve played like a boss the entire game and dodged both my bombs.
In the end i got served a dry 0-100 result some of that my own fault for not trying enough.
I finished last off eleven players, a bit sour, because the two players just above me only had a bye to show for and a sligtly better mov, but because the TO was awesome and divided the price support for 29 players among the 11 i went home with two predator EA and a bag off stress tokens.
All in all i had a great day and in the future i will definitely return there to play some more.
Thanks for reading my ramblings and if you have any advice for a true rookie please let me know
rookie35 signing out