Where to put chest card if sold back at shop

By Gath3, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I think I saw a thread a while back regarding this issue, but I couldnt find it. If you sell back a treasure at half price, does your group put it with the shop items or reshuffle it back into the chest deck. I typically play OL, and I am thinking it should go into the shop deck. But thats my two cents. Has anyone officially ruled on this?


Gath said:

I think I saw a thread a while back regarding this issue, but I couldnt find it. If you sell back a treasure at half price, does your group put it with the shop items or reshuffle it back into the chest deck. I typically play OL, and I am thinking it should go into the shop deck. But thats my two cents. Has anyone officially ruled on this?


Why would you put a treasure item into the shop deck? It supposed to get reshuffled into the deck it came from.

Gath said:

I think I saw a thread a while back regarding this issue, but I couldnt find it. If you sell back a treasure at half price, does your group put it with the shop items or reshuffle it back into the chest deck. I typically play OL, and I am thinking it should go into the shop deck. But thats my two cents. Has anyone officially ruled on this?


If you're playing Road to Legend, you discard the card to a discard pile of that treasure type, which will be reshuffled when the deck runs out. If you're playing vanilla, you chuck it in the box. Once a treasure deck runs out there are no more.

funny.. in the german rulebook it states the card is going back to the pile.

sidequestion: does every hero get a potion when its in the treasure or only the one who opened it?

Steve-O said:

Gath said:

I think I saw a thread a while back regarding this issue, but I couldnt find it. If you sell back a treasure at half price, does your group put it with the shop items or reshuffle it back into the chest deck. I typically play OL, and I am thinking it should go into the shop deck. But thats my two cents. Has anyone officially ruled on this?


If you're playing Road to Legend, you discard the card to a discard pile of that treasure type, which will be reshuffled when the deck runs out. If you're playing vanilla, you chuck it in the box. Once a treasure deck runs out there are no more.

Not entirely accurate. In RtL, there is no Deck Discard pile, you shuffle the deck at the end of every game week (if the Heroes visited the market), and you also shuffle it every time a hero sells back an item:

"Items can also be sold at the Market, for half their purchase
price. Sold items are re-shuffled into the decks they came from.

At the end of a given week, any treasure items that were not
purchased from the Market are re-shuffled into the decks they
came from." pg 22, The Market section

As for JitD, it states, "If a treasure deck runs out of cards, it is not reshuffled. The heroes simply cannot gain any more treasure of that type this game." (pg 19) It doesn't state though what happens if a hero sells a treasure back. Does that treasure go into the box or back into the Deck? Not sure, was this ever FAQed?


as i said (again) its different in the german version.. the english one leaves a gap for what to do.

Turric4n said:

as i said (again) its different in the german version.. the english one leaves a gap for what to do.

Oh good, I was just correcting Steve-O's post. If that's how it is in the German version, I wonder if that's the intention in general?


Apparently Germans recycle more than we do. gui%C3%B1o.gif