Using glyphs to transport to other glyphs

By Gath3, in Descent: Journeys in the Dark

I was reading a JITD quest analysis, and the writer mentioned heroes being able to transport from one glyph to another. Reading the manual, I only find a reference to glyphs allowing heroes to transport to and back from town. Does anyone interpret this differently?

The only thing I can possibly think of is that they mean going into one glyph, going to town, and then returning the next turn via a different glyph.

The post was about JITD Quest 6: The Eternal Guardian. The quest book says the two glyphs in Area 2 are linked, so I am guessing the reviewer was stating heroes should be able to transport between those two glyphs. I am guessing this is only applicable to these two glyphs. Maybe some other quests do this as well.

you should not stop reading after the first sentence.

the two glyphes are linked. if one is activated so is the other. the heroes get 3 conquest tokens for activating the glyphs.

Very interesting question!

Can heroes teleport between activated glyphs?

Please reference the manual or FAQ where the answer is addressed.

page 17 rulebook:

Glyphs allow a hero to move between the glyph and the town (see “The Town,”page 18 )

Frog said:

Very interesting question!

Can heroes teleport between activated glyphs? glyph-town /town-glyp?

Please reference the manual or FAQ where the answer is addressed.

You mean on one turn use a glyph and go to town, then on the next turn come back from town and exit through an entirely different glyph? If that is what you mean, I got nothing for you except that there is nothing in the rules that even hints that you have to come back through the one you used to go town with.

Turric4n said:

page 17 rulebook:

Glyphs allow a hero to move between the glyph and the town (see “The Town,”page 18 )

Good enough. I have never warped glyph-to-glyph. But I have warped back through a glyph I did not enter that someone else activated.

Glyph-to-glyph would seem to give you too much movement power!

The RAW allows this, you just need 1MP to go to town and 1MP to go to any glyph, however I do believe the FAQ ruled this out, only allowing one dungeon-town-jump per turn (but I'm too lazy to go look it up. I'm sure some fastidious player will do it for me ;) ).


well.. in fact some fastidious player did this for you allready. you just have to be not so lazy to scroll up.

Turric4n said:

well.. in fact some fastidious player did this for you allready. you just have to be not so lazy to scroll up.

Really? I can't find it. Not to say I'm not lazy, because I am, but I read through all the posts and I didn't see any quotes from the FAQ in anyone's post. The rulebook would allow you to "glyph jump" with 2MPs (1MP to move to town and 1MP to move back to the dungeon at another glyph), however I think the FAQ ruled this out...


Per the FAQ, you can only use one glyph per turn. So to port from one glyph to another requires two turns. This has happened a few times in our Road to Legend campaign, despite glyphs taking even longer to use in that ruleset. the biggest one that I recall is the Acrobat running across a huge field of ice to free up a glyph so the rest of the party didn't have to risk losing multiple turns by walking across it.

Is that that U-shaped level from Tomb of Ice with a couple of Windegos in it? I loved that level, though I can see why Acrobat would cause a lot of problems.


shnar said:

Is that that U-shaped level from Tomb of Ice with a couple of Windegos in it? I loved that level, though I can see why Acrobat would cause a lot of problems.


That's the one. It was still a tough one for them, even with doing the glyph dance. I never got a good roll on the wendigo's frost though, even when I used Dark Charm twice after he breathed. Ah well, I've got Crushing Blow now. :)