Character Creation Suggestions, Please?

By BronzeDog, in Star Wars: Edge of the Empire RPG

I'm still fairly new to the game, and thought I'd ask for some opinions on a couple characters I have in mind.

I played Tresk a bit in my first group while I was working in Plano. Things were fun and crazy, but I didn't get much opportunity to use my vehicular talents. (I ended up being the team mechanic for much of the game.) I've moved back home, and I'm about to join a group that might only consist of me and the GM's wife, so that small group size might make things interesting. We played one session a while back, and she played a combat-focused character. I wound up writing up another character, CZ-36 in hopes of attracting anyone who might be willing to play if they had a ready made character. I might write up more or take random suggestions.

Tresk Saiga'skra: Bothan Ace/Driver (Future specialization: Rigger)

Brawn 1, Agility 3, Intellect 2, Cunning 3, Willpower 2, Presence 3. Starting skills: Piloting (Planetary) x2, Mechanics x2, Cool, Perception, Streetwise.

Obligation: Adrenaline Rush, maybe Criminal, given his recent associations.

Motivation: Ambition (Expertise): He wants to be the greatest swoop racer in the galaxy.

My first GM wanted our group to come up with a reason why we were on a prison transport, with the Emperor declaring harsher punishments for all crimes as our excuse to wind up together. I decided Tresk got himself in there by joyriding an antique speeder, (but I returned it in better condition than when I drove off with it!) leading to our group's adventures in kleptomania and the drug trade after we escaped.

Before that, Tresk was something of a minor celebrity swoop racer. Since I left the group because of the move and we didn't have much in common, I've decided Tresk left them to try and reclaim his career. The first thing on his agenda will be getting his custom racing swoop, "Sheila" back. I gave my new GM permission to include it in whatever plot he comes up with, so she'll essentially be Tresk's reward for participating in the adventure, hopefully timed for when he picks up the "Signature Vehicle" talent.

At the moment, I'm assuming I'm going to be resetting Tresk's stats to starting experience, and I'm not sure how much extra stuff I'll be able to get by increasing Obligation, given the likely small size of the group. If there's one thing I've learned, it's not to underestimate the danger of combat when you've got a Brawn of 1, so one priority will be getting Tresk a crash suit for protection if I can't avoid personal scale combat.

One advantage of a small group: We might not need to cram PCs into the trunk of some 2-person speeder.

CZ-36: Droid Technician/Slicer

Obligation: Bounty (Czerka wants him back. He was clever enough to slice his own brain to gain his freedom.)

Motivation: Cause (Droid Rights): You have nothing to lose but your restraining bolts!

I'm not going to list the stats I wrote up the first time, since I'd like a second opinion. The idea I had for CZ is that he's a new model droid made by Czerka Arms for the Imperial army as a means of aiding raids: They bypass rebel and criminal security systems so the stormtroopers can get inside. The art I used for CZ's character sheet was a Warhammer 40K Tau drone, which isn't far off what I imagined. Just add stabilizing fins.

I was thinking beyond the obvious choice of Computer as his primary skill, I'd give him Coordination and Stealth so that he could hover around undetected. Any thoughts on his starting equipment?

Other characters:

They'd probably wind up being NPCs, but it might be worthwhile to come up with possible PCs drawn from Tresk's racing team: pit crew, manager, promoter, bodyguards. The feel I'm going for his background is something like the Wipeout games (minus weapons... usually) if they were in Star Wars on a Core World, though he's interested in going out into the more dangerous races out in the Rim. The GM seems willing to give me sessions about racing, so I'd also appreciate ideas for things other characters could be doing while I'm on the course, too. Like preventing thugs from causing "accidents."