Reviving the dead - or UFS on life support

By dwolf52000, in UFS General Discussion

Well said Shinji :thumbsup:

Completely off-topic:

4E is a whole heck of a lot more fun than 3.5, mainly because I can't snap the game in half and make it cry by buying a couple of splatbooks.

Shinji, I was considering that as well. Sort of a WOW type of fee. But I think donations would be better. If we get all of the rights transfered over, we can set up automatic payment systems and things for players that really love the game. even a $1 a month would be great!

Anyway we will surely be discussing more later.


I thank everyone that has joined the group. Right now I am sort of leaving the negotiations with Steve up to Jasco Games. There is a good possibility that multiple people could help front the investment. I am willing to do so. MarcoPulleaux has a good idea for anyone wanting to help financially. This is the easy part - right after we hear about the game ending - the hard part will be later as we keep the game going while trying to restart it. Keep people playing.

At this point we have some people and hopefully a lot more will join. Once the dust settles, after a couple of days, and we sort out the interest in the game and the interest in helping continue to develop it, we should start divvying up tasks. However - during this initial time we really need pros and cons of digital versus physical production. Are the two mutually exclusive?

Jasco Games - You are the furthest along with this - so any licensing and printing arrangements I nominate you to be in charge of. This has to come before we can start doing any other development - Copyright infringement is an unhappy thing. If you need help - just let the group know what you need and we will see what we can do to get it together.

As for departments - these are my proposals - the specifics will come and go as people add more ideas:

Production (license, printing, editing)

Sales (distribution, packaging, pricing)

Art (self-explanatory)

Design & Development (storyline, card mechanics, set development) -NOTE: depending on cost - we may have to start with our own IP

Organized Play (rules, banned/errata/restricted, tournament setup - including pro-tour)

Digital (website, card database, online game)

That is all for now - I will be AFK for about a day. As you can see above there is plenty of work to go around. So the more interested people we get, the better.

Play on!

Derek Knutsen

I called and spoke with Jason. This seems very legit. Tapout is definitely in.

Count me in!

I have already left a message for Jason. I am a professional web programmer and Oracle database administrator. I also have experience working on gaming Demo teams for D&D, Mythus:Dangerous Journeys, various forms of Live Action Roleplay (LARP), and various card games. I have also assisted in the organization of mini-Cons for individual stores.

I would like to volunteer for the following areas:
Design & Development (storyline, card mechanics, set development)
Organized Play (rules, banned/errata/restricted, tournament setup - including pro-tour)
Digital (website, card database, online game)

Judi Shipps
UFS Scout - Sherwood, AR

I can help with any web development work. As I have mentioned in another thread I have (the domain I was planning to do a UFS site for anyhow). I have done 4 other game sites in the past and would be more than happy to help out.

Hi everyone.

I am definatly not a forum frequent. I have about 3 jobs and a family id far rather be spending time with. But iceman01 told me of this games cancelation and it was more than enough to get me out of my hole. I love this game. more than most i think. ive been playing since dark path, well actually i can hardly say playing. more ive been purchasing. you see im from medicine hat alberta and i am the only ufs player in my town. if i wanna play, its a 3 hour drive to the next player. i am in full support of reviving this game in whatever format that happens to be.

according to the numbers, there are approx. 1000 ufs players. thats not many. until two weeks ago, gaming has been far from a priority for me. im actually a semi pro breakdancer. i do shows and workshops all over canada and i used to aid in throwing national compatitions. in the breakdancing community, especially in canada, we are spread far apart. i was the only dancer in my town for about 6 years. but ive seen the culture grow and thrive. and even though the numbers of dancers in western canada isnt very large. we are still able to throw monthly events and see people show up from all over the country.

i only say this because we are in a similar boat now. yes, we are a ccg, not a dance/sport. but the government is the same. wether or not we get rights to the game or not. it is us, the 1000, who own the game and control its future. breakdancing thrives because it has no governing body to look to for acceptance. each individual or group trains and grows on thier own accord seeking help and support from allied groups when needed. and we all train for the compatition and bragging rights of winning. each compatition is organized and run by its own governing body. whether it be an individual, or a group. the rules are basically the same throughout each event, but the tournament style and format are decided completly by the organizer. each person then decides wether or not to compete by those rules or not.

i bring all this up because there is nothing stopping anyone from doing whatever they want with this. i myself could come up with my own set. post it online, and throw a huge event for it. $20 buy in, winner takes all kinda deal. and who would stop me? but i garentee i could get some hardcores to come out and play for no reason other than to get a few games in. im not saying that everyones ideas arent great. or that they wont work in bringing the game back. but what i am saying, is that regardless of what everyone else does. im keeping the game going on my end. by making up cards where needed. game styles where needed. and events as best i can. cause ive gone years with no support. playing games with only with people i just taught it to. im not to thirlled about the outcome of my favorite card game being determined by about 15 people.

but all that aside. i have loads of experience doing promo and throwing events. i am well connected in the urban art world. i am a graffiti artist of about 10 years. i dabble i the graphic arts world. and above all else. i will do anything in my power to keep the game going. so please contact me if need be, . im moving to calgary in a few weeks here, so ill be teaming up with iceman to help with whatever he has on the go.

remember .

id rather collect friends to play cards with.

than collect cards to play my friends with.

bboy domestiks, jfish crew.

I'm impressed to see so many people already trying to save this game. I'd like to help somehow, but I don't know what I could do. I joined that Google Group...even though I've never been active here. I'll try to help.

Yay! Just arrived in NYC area for the week. Thank you so much for showing your support. Right now things are sort of up in the air until we find out more about the licensing. I cannot stress enough the importance of continuing to play and to bring in new players. I have a feeling that once we understand where the license stands, things will move very quickly. After organization, the next step that I was thinking about on the plane is storyline and characters. I can almost guarantee we won't be able to swing the major licenses, so we will have to come up with our own (like FFG did with Shadowar). This is time-consuming - so please keep this in the back of your mind, because when we are ready for story/character ideas - we will want to move quickly.

well i just say good luck and make sure you take care what need to be done and not listen to no one else. make this game worth while like the rest and everything will fall into place.

I haven't had nearly any time at all recently to play the game, merely purchase the cards, and even then, it was mostly in the last week or two before the announcement the other day. Now that I'm graduated from college, though, I have plenty of time to play this game, and I really hope it continues in some way/shape/form, because since I started playing years ago, I've loved it.

As a side note, my degree is actually in Game Development, so I'm skilled in C++, and I know some C#, too, so I might be able to help a little bit, if the game goes digital, though not full-time, as I have a job that'll start in January.

Woohoo another Mitsurugi to add to the fold :D

Hi everyone,

To make things clear before I start writing, I do not intend helping this game to survive. But not because I don't want to, but mostly because I cannot (financial troubles, still not a consistent job, whatever). In any case, I am one of the active 1000 estimated players, at least I still play Legacy format, so I think I can give some ideas and tell why I think this game didn't work well. I am also a MtG player (not buyer anymore), so my ideas are founded on comparison and gaming experience.

First of all, the game didn't have, at least in my area, any local store that supported it. In fact, that's not FFG's fault... or it is? Promoting the game should have been their number one priority. Our earlier scout had a store, and everyone that entered it left it with an UFS booster pack in their hands. That's what makes a game alive.

Next, good information about the game wasn't found on the internet. I don't mean forums, I mean professional columnists that write in a fashion manner columns in the main UFS website, just the way MtG does (two columns a day? crazy :P but also necessary). In my case, I'm very interested in decklists and new ideas for casual/competitive play, but I don't find any that are reliable or well-explained enough. was a good example of what I mean, but AFAIK it died some time ago. The net support does a lot of the job done.

Finally, and that was starting to happen, *balance the game* and *support older/alternative formats*. Balancing the game means allowing alternative strategies to show up. I've always waited for a decent 4 cc attack to give clones a good partner to make a 30 attack deck. 2difficulty attacks are welcome if they are useful, just to deal with You Will Not Escape (those are some crappy ideas, thinking more about it can give good results). Supporting older/alternative formats means supporting Legacy, as I said before, Draft, Block II, or even Highlander and Character only tournaments.

For those what are thinking of making the game online, it's ok, but IMHO it has to be way cheaper. CCGs' strongest point is having the real cards in front of you, giving them a higher perception of their value. Also, prepare yourselves to deal with lots of strange cases and interactions while programming the game logic :P

Anyway, my most sincere wishes and I'm looking forward to see this game reviving from it's premature death. I'll be following it's progression.


nokto said:


At this point, if you're still followin' we're still takin'. Just saying you're following news of this is enough.

BlankaFan said:

Count me in!

I have already left a message for Jason. I am a professional web programmer and Oracle database administrator. I also have experience working on gaming Demo teams for D&D, Mythus:Dangerous Journeys, various forms of Live Action Roleplay (LARP), and various card games. I have also assisted in the organization of mini-Cons for individual stores.

I would like to volunteer for the following areas:
Design & Development (storyline, card mechanics, set development)
Organized Play (rules, banned/errata/restricted, tournament setup - including pro-tour)
Digital (website, card database, online game)

Judi Shipps
UFS Scout - Sherwood, AR

you have no idea how much we need most of what you have to offer.

Please keep in contact wth me throughout the next few months.


ReploidX said:

I haven't had nearly any time at all recently to play the game, merely purchase the cards, and even then, it was mostly in the last week or two before the announcement the other day. Now that I'm graduated from college, though, I have plenty of time to play this game, and I really hope it continues in some way/shape/form, because since I started playing years ago, I've loved it.

As a side note, my degree is actually in Game Development, so I'm skilled in C++, and I know some C#, too, so I might be able to help a little bit, if the game goes digital, though not full-time, as I have a job that'll start in January.

Please e-mail me at if you are willing to volunteer some of those C++ skills.


I'm willing to help with the OP Site and Organized Play development if I can get anyone to help me with the coding of it in PHP/MySQL and the Windows end.

Funny enough I was considering writing an OP script to possibly replace the busted GRT and one we had previously (Steve if you see this, I WANT THE PASSWORD TO GRT :P I know you have this!) and I have the idea in my head on how to execute it, just need help with how to handle it.


* Will diversity still be used?

* Will Draw's be a valid result? (UDE doesn't allow them.)

* Will players need registration cards?

* Does the OP site need the ability to test Tournament Organizers and Judges?

* Will other games need to be added? (For instance, do we play on taking in Kingdom Hearts? I can make it so that each game has it's own ranking and a player based lifetime one)

* What will the OP tournament structure look like? (Invites to nationals/worlds, pro tour points ala MTG, etc,) What tiers are there going to be? (regionals, pro tour, etc.)

* Do you need a defined Tournament Organization Procedure (something I wanted to do as well but then came the rules changes...)?

* Oh how about, does the OP site need to mesh with the actual site and/or forums? (Again ala UDE with their forums)

There's more that I can think of asking but I'm willing to help.

I'm happy to offer whatever services I may be able to provide. I'm a UFS Scout and I work primarily with UDE games like WoW TCG/Minis, etc. I travel with them as a Judge, Tournament Organizer, and Player Manager. I live in Las Vegas locally and we bring in up to 30+ for TCG events like Magic, WoW TCG, etc. A lot of us converted and play UFS and still do even after the announcement. We'd be happy to lend our support.

Jinuyr said:

I'm happy to offer whatever services I may be able to provide. I'm a UFS Scout and I work primarily with UDE games like WoW TCG/Minis, etc. I travel with them as a Judge, Tournament Organizer, and Player Manager. I live in Las Vegas locally and we bring in up to 30+ for TCG events like Magic, WoW TCG, etc. A lot of us converted and play UFS and still do even after the announcement. We'd be happy to lend our support.

get as many of your players as you can to send an email 2 jasco at jascocollectables(at)yahoo(dot)com so he can get a player count and get everything rolling

He wants 500 players and weve gotten close 2 like 350 so every little bit helps

The info for UFS form the looks of it we have a chaneas to keep UFS alive so we can keep playing the game to the end of times becas UFS has SF,DS,KOF and more so can we do this