It has been almost a year, with no update. I realize FFG likes to keep things close to the vest, but this seems excessive. At this point in development, the base mechanics should be pretty much locked in, no? They should be starting the work of play testing specific cards for balance, working on graphic design, card layout and art, and working on future releases. I don't want a spoiler for the base set, well I do, but I really mean any sort of update. I can't be the only one who is having trouble with this.
The main difference between this and their past announcements, is this killed an active game with a long gap between updates. When they announced A:NR, netrunner had been dead for like 8 years, AGoT v2 was announced, but v1 had releases until the very end. This level of silence is frustrating. I realize people might think I need to put my big-boy-pants on, but I still feel this is a poor way to treat a fan base.
Will the lack of news affect my decisions regarding getting into this game, no. Just needed to vent.