Descent/IA style game for L5R

By Ulf Beorstruk, in Legend of the Five Rings: The Card Game

When they announced FFG was getting the license, this is what I immediately got excited for. I keep hoping to see something like this announced, but they've been pretty tight-lipped about the whole license so far.

So what do you guys think? Will we get something like this? Would you buy it?

I think a Runewars style L5R minis game is much more likely (Armies, big battles).

I'll reserve judgement on Descent until I find someone who plays it.

Samurai Skirmishes? Sign me in!

They've made a great product with Imperial Assault that combines both the campaign style game type and the skirmish game in the same box, and I think something like that would be amazing for this setting.

They already have a game they can convert to their system:

I never played Clan War, because I am not a minis painter, but would loved to have.