What new info do you want?

By Trialus, in Arkham Horror: The Card Game

I imagine that we probably have a couple more preview articles to look forward to between now and when the AH LCG gets released. If that turns out to be the case, what new info would people be most interested in getting?

I think for myself I'd be interested in seeing some more info on both the campaign structure and see more of what deck building is going to look like. (pretty broad topics).

anything. i look at least once a day hoping for something.

i want to see an article specifically detailing each class in depth. but, honestly, i'd like to see anything. i don't think i even anticipated Eldritch Horror this much.

it's the combination of pretty much everything i like, and when i first heard of it, it seemed too good to be true and i dismissed it for 4 months since the "leak", which most people, including me, believed faked.

please ffg... just give it to me. i keep worrying i might meet an unfortunate end or go insane by the time it comes out.

I'd be keen to see some more info about deck-building and what specializations each of the classes will bring.

Perhaps something about scenario/campaign scoring.

Anything. More information on deck building and how it relates to campaigns. How long are campaigns? A list of what quests are in the core. More example cards to look at.

Anything to do with deck building and Mythos packs. Really looking forward to this game!

The info I want is an article saying "in stores now".

Rulebook PDFs.

...and list of upcomming expansions ;)