So, I'm way behind on the story (sometime early Four Winds, I'm guessing), but I've picked up pieces here and there of what's going on in more recent times. Hearing about stuff that was intended for Onyx arc, I have to wonder what in the world happened to Mantis?
From what I gather, the Mantis were more or less wiped out and scattered by Kanpeki's initial assault. Ok, he's powerful; I got that. But why the Mantis? Looking at maps of Rokugan, the Mantis wouldn't really be between the Spider and any other targets, so they weren't simply a target of opportunity. This means they were singled out, but to what end? Sure, Mantis are awesome and all, but if I were Kanpeki, would I really consider them to be my number one priority? Is there fiction giving insight into this decision or otherwise helping make sense of it? Or was this simply the design team deciding they wanted an arc without Mantis, and the story team creating a kami ex machina to make it happen?
I understand this may all mean nothing, ultimately, if FFG decides to reset to an earlier point rather than continue where the game left off, but I really would like to know.