Question on "adjacency"

By Radish, in Mansions of Madness

From looking over the rules on adjacency it describes it in terms of rooms that are connected. However some monsters have actions that tell you to move until they are as adjacent to as many heroes as possible. Then it asks if the monster is in a space with a hero or not and attacks if it is. So in regards to monsters if I am asked to move it until it is adjacent to a hero, do I move it into the space with the hero or heroes or to the one next to it? Additionally does this mean that if a space is equidistant to two heroes but empty I move it into that space?

You have to interpret the apps instructions as literally as possible. If it says to move adjacent to as many as possible, you would do just that. If only one Investigator is within the amount of space it asks you to move, since the app said to move adjacent to X investigators, you would still move to a space adjacent to that investigator.

If it then attacks an investigator IN it's space ONLY, then either you read the instruction incorrectly or that instruction needs patched and you ought to report it. Make sure they know what monster it is, and if possible, copy word for word the exact passage.

They are all different, so it's really hard to tell you how to move in a situation without having the exact text available.

Edited by Soakman

Yeah I saw it twice so I'll screen grab it next time it comes up. Thanks!