House Tyrell / Kings of Summer Build

By Akodo Toturi, in Deck Building


House Tyrell Faction Card

Kings of Summer Agenda


A Tourney for the King x2

Close Call

A Song of Summer

Summer Harvest

Pulling the Strings

Calm Over Westeros



Rose Garden

The Kingsroad x3

The Roseroad x3

Put to the Sword

The Bear and the Maiden Fair x3

A Gift of Arbor Red x3

Growing Strong x3

Lady Sansa's Rose x3

Milk of the Poppy x2

Heartsbane x2

Mare in Heat x3

Garden caretaker x3

Hedge knight x3

Ser Colen of Greenpools x2

Arbor Knight x3

Olenna's Informant x2

Margaery Tyrell x3

Knight of Summer x3

Paxter Redwyne x2

The Knight of Flowers x2

Ser Hobber Redwyne x2

Ser Horas Redwyne x2

House Florent Knight x3

The Queen of Thorns x2


House Tyrell Faction Card

Kings of Summer Agenda


A Tourney for the King x2

Close Call

A Song of Summer

Summer Harvest

Pulling the Strings

Calm Over Westeros



Rose Garden

The Kingsroad x3

The Roseroad x3

Put to the Sword

The Bear and the Maiden Fair x3

A Gift of Arbor Red x3

Growing Strong x3

Lady Sansa's Rose x3

Milk of the Poppy x2

Heartsbane x2

Mare in Heat x3

Garden caretaker x3

Hedge knight x3

Ser Colen of Greenpools x2

Arbor Knight x3

Olenna's Informant x2

Margaery Tyrell x3

Knight of Summer x3

Paxter Redwyne x2

The Knight of Flowers x2

Ser Hobber Redwyne x2

Ser Horas Redwyne x2

House Florent Knight x3

The Queen of Thorns x2

Have you played this deck yet? It looks like you'd be struggling to play more than one character a turn while keeping gold for Highgarden and Lady Sansa's Rose.

bear with me because i've only been playing 2 weeks but i built this deck and beat my GF who was using a Targ deck in 4 rounds

Total Cards: (60)
Agenda: (1)
1x Kings of Summer (Called to Arms)
Plot: (7)
2x A Tourney for the King (The King's Peace)
1x Summer Harvest (Called to Arms)
1x A Song of Summer (Wolves of the North)
1x Pulling the Strings (Calm Over Westeros)
1x Building Orders (Core Set)
1x Taxation (Core Set)
Character: (28)
3x Arbor Knight (Taking the Black)
3x Hedge Knight (The King's Peace)
3x Knight of Summer (Called to Arms)
3x The Knight of Flowers (Core Set)
2x Ser Horas Redwyne (No Middle Ground)
3x Ser Hobber Redwyne (The King's Peace)
3x Ser Colen of Greenpools (Across the Seven Kingdoms)
3x Margaery Tyrell (Core Set)
3x The Queen of Thorns (Core Set)
2x Randyll Tarly (Core Set)
Attachment: (5)
3x Mare in Heat (The King's Peace)
2x Heartsbane (Core Set)
Event: (12)
3x Growing Strong (Core Set)
3x Lady Sansa’s Rose (The Road to Winterfell)
3x “The Bear and the Maiden Fair” (Core Set)
3x Tears of Lys (Core Set)
Location: (15)
3x The Arbor (No Middle Ground)
3x Pleasure Barge (Taking the Black)
3x Rose Garden (Core Set)
3x The Roseroad (Core Set)
2x The Kingsroad (Core Set)
1x The Iron Throne (Core Set)
got KOF on setup with duplicate and had Ser Colen with Kingsroad, used Summer Harvest and my GF used Feast for crows, i got 9 Gold brought out QOT, Rose Garden , i won both challenges and gained renown and brought out the redwyne who untaps lady's, from there i got another hedge knight out, a knight of summer, won an intrique and brought out Randyll and used the Mare and Sansa's Rose to get 8 Power on KOF and just bulldozed her. She never recovered from a high cost setup hand even with mulligan, Dragons are good but without Dany they suck.