Hey guys, so I had a fellow player come up to me today and ask me about storage on his person.
He's a new player to the system and plays a Slicer who currently owns a cloaking coat for stealth related operations. However he wants to increase his encumbrance, I suggested the ever versatile 'Backpack', and his response surprised me. "I just can't take my character seriously with the idea he's hauling around this big backpack like in the movies."
My reply was to remind him that it is abstract, the backpack could thematically be any type of storage that can be carried on him, I even went as far to suggest that it could be extra pockets on his outfit, or on his belt.
Did I go too far?
I guess what I am getting down to is how abstract are the gear items to you, can their physical appearance be adjusted and molded to fit the user.