
By John Constantine, in The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

Am I right in thinking you could use Strider in the early stages of playing Escape from Dol Guldur in solo mode, or would the captured hero still count as in your control?

sometimes its the cards that don't seem good that are the interesting ones. Definitely the ideal place for this seems to be on a Rohan character so they can pull double-duty off of willpower with either Herugrim, Golden Shield.

You could try to fill up your deck with allies like Wandering Took (maybe run Song of Earendil too), Rider of the Mark, Ceorl, and so on, so that you could give these allies to other players. You could even double down on the idea and use Desperate Alliance.

Overall, probably not good enough to run, but it would be different at least. Maybe if more cards like this come out in the future we will see that deck.

"with the new event, Battle-fury (The Drowned Ruins, 86), Dúnhere can even attack an enemy in the staging area during the Quest phase. Give him a Spear of the Mark (The Morgul Vale, 137) or two, and he can attack for as much as seven Attack Strength before the enemy ever has a chance to engage you. "

This example seems incorrect to me since Battle-Fury can only be used before staging. And Battle-Fury's extra ability is completely redundant with Strider since your character is already questing without exhausting.

I'm not sure how I feel about the Strider title. It seems like such a key piece of a 2 hero deck, but I am not going to build a 2 hero deck only to hope it shows up in my hand at the start of the game. Trying to get lots of card draw with 2 heroes to fish it out is going not very fun either since there aren't a lot of options with only 2 heroes. I think we need more 2 hero support cards in general to really make it viable.

"with the new event, Battle-fury (The Drowned Ruins, 86), Dúnhere can even attack an enemy in the staging area during the Quest phase. Give him a Spear of the Mark (The Morgul Vale, 137) or two, and he can attack for as much as seven Attack Strength before the enemy ever has a chance to engage you. "

This example seems incorrect to me since Battle-Fury can only be used before staging. And Battle-Fury's extra ability is completely redundant with Strider since your character is already questing without exhausting.

I'm not sure how I feel about the Strider title. It seems like such a key piece of a 2 hero deck, but I am not going to build a 2 hero deck only to hope it shows up in my hand at the start of the game. Trying to get lots of card draw with 2 heroes to fish it out is going not very fun either since there aren't a lot of options with only 2 heroes. I think we need more 2 hero support cards in general to really make it viable.

Seems like they're assuming an enemy is in the staging area already from a previous quest, since they were using the low threat example, so you probably didn't engage anyone the turn before.

"with the new event, Battle-fury (The Drowned Ruins, 86), Dúnhere can even attack an enemy in the staging area during the Quest phase. Give him a Spear of the Mark (The Morgul Vale, 137) or two, and he can attack for as much as seven Attack Strength before the enemy ever has a chance to engage you. "

This example seems incorrect to me since Battle-Fury can only be used before staging. And Battle-Fury's extra ability is completely redundant with Strider since your character is already questing without exhausting.

I'm not sure how I feel about the Strider title. It seems like such a key piece of a 2 hero deck, but I am not going to build a 2 hero deck only to hope it shows up in my hand at the start of the game. Trying to get lots of card draw with 2 heroes to fish it out is going not very fun either since there aren't a lot of options with only 2 heroes. I think we need more 2 hero support cards in general to really make it viable.

Seems like they're assuming an enemy is in the staging area already from a previous quest, since they were using the low threat example, so you probably didn't engage anyone the turn before.

Possible, but then the enemy in the staging area has already had a chance to engage you from the round before. I'm being a bit pedantic, but if the article is going to showcase Battle-Fury, it should be showing how it can be better than Quick Strike, not worse.

"with the new event, Battle-fury (The Drowned Ruins, 86), Dúnhere can even attack an enemy in the staging area during the Quest phase. Give him a Spear of the Mark (The Morgul Vale, 137) or two, and he can attack for as much as seven Attack Strength before the enemy ever has a chance to engage you. "

This example seems incorrect to me since Battle-Fury can only be used before staging. And Battle-Fury's extra ability is completely redundant with Strider since your character is already questing without exhausting.

I'm not sure how I feel about the Strider title. It seems like such a key piece of a 2 hero deck, but I am not going to build a 2 hero deck only to hope it shows up in my hand at the start of the game. Trying to get lots of card draw with 2 heroes to fish it out is going not very fun either since there aren't a lot of options with only 2 heroes. I think we need more 2 hero support cards in general to really make it viable.

Seems like they're assuming an enemy is in the staging area already from a previous quest, since they were using the low threat example, so you probably didn't engage anyone the turn before.

Possible, but then the enemy in the staging area has already had a chance to engage you from the round before. I'm being a bit pedantic, but if the article is going to showcase Battle-Fury, it should be showing how it can be better than Quick Strike, not worse.

Yeah I was re-reading Battle-Fury and since Strider allows you to quest without exhausting, I don't really see anything that Battle-Fury provides better than Quick Strike, as you say.

Oh noes, Quick Strike errata incoming...!

(I jest.)

"with the new event, Battle-fury (The Drowned Ruins, 86), Dúnhere can even attack an enemy in the staging area during the Quest phase. Give him a Spear of the Mark (The Morgul Vale, 137) or two, and he can attack for as much as seven Attack Strength before the enemy ever has a chance to engage you. "

This example seems incorrect to me since Battle-Fury can only be used before staging. And Battle-Fury's extra ability is completely redundant with Strider since your character is already questing without exhausting.

I'm not sure how I feel about the Strider title. It seems like such a key piece of a 2 hero deck, but I am not going to build a 2 hero deck only to hope it shows up in my hand at the start of the game. Trying to get lots of card draw with 2 heroes to fish it out is going not very fun either since there aren't a lot of options with only 2 heroes. I think we need more 2 hero support cards in general to really make it viable.

I'd say we Need more two heroes Support Cards, too, but I don't think it is a Problem to draw strider most of the time. Building your deck around something like path of Need, which is 1 per deck, requires much fetching and drawing, but i found for example Elrond decks usually get his ring without Problem. It is 3 copies and you can take a Mulligan. I don't think I would like a 100% Chance of having a specific Card in my starting Hand, would make games too boring. It is fine having to wait for Things like strider for some turns.

Edited by Calvadur

So... a preview with absolutely nothing new. Ok.

They should always show at least a single card.. hate when they do this!

I was so excited when I opened the image viewer and there was 24 images to scroll through... :D

If only Strider excluded heroes from the Baggins and Fellowship spheres... They kind of invalidate a subset of decks that focus on two heroes only. So 2 hero (Strider) decks, no Saga quests for you... @_@

If only Strider excluded heroes from the Baggins and Fellowship spheres... They kind of invalidate a subset of decks that focus on two heroes only. So 2 hero (Strider) decks, no Saga quests for you... @_@

I can't find it now, but iirc there was an interview with one of the Designers and he said he is totally fine with "houseruling" that. They just didn't write it on the Card to not confuse new Players, who don't know the baggins/Fellowship sphere. I know it still doesn't feel completly right, but at least a Little bit better when one of the Designers says they thought about it and are fine with houseruling it.

So... a preview with absolutely nothing new. Ok.

They should always show at least a single card.. hate when they do this!
We hadn't actually had an article with a proper spoiler for Strider before, though, had we? It was previewed somewhere else, right?

Cardboard of the Rings, I think. Or The Grey Company.

So... a preview with absolutely nothing new. Ok.

They should always show at least a single card.. hate when they do this!
We hadn't actually had an article with a proper spoiler for Strider before, though, had we? It was previewed somewhere else, right?

And where do you think they get those spoilers from? :D

If only Strider excluded heroes from the Baggins and Fellowship spheres... They kind of invalidate a subset of decks that focus on two heroes only. So 2 hero (Strider) decks, no Saga quests for you... @_@

I can't find it now, but iirc there was an interview with one of the Designers and he said he is totally fine with "houseruling" that. They just didn't write it on the Card to not confuse new Players, who don't know the baggins/Fellowship sphere. I know it still doesn't feel completly right, but at least a Little bit better when one of the Designers says they thought about it and are fine with houseruling it.

I sent a message to Matt Newman after the announcement article for Flight of the Stormcaller, which mentioned support for decks with two or fewer heroes, and asked about saga heroes. He wrote back:

Unfortunately it's a bit late to make any changes to the cards, so they'll be printed as they are. Besides, we tend to keep certain saga considerations separate when making cards for the cycle (and occasionally vice-versa) – it might be confusing for somebody picking up a cycle pack to see bilbo and fellowship symbols if they've never played the saga before.
That being said, if you want to play those cards in that way (2 or less non-bilbo/non-fellowship heroes) you have my blessing to play them that way.

Even though the article doesn't have any spoilers, I appreciate hearing that the designers are designing for players like me, who "bear an interest in recreating some of the themes, scenes, and tensions they remember from the books" and "may wish to develop a small and secretive fellowship—like the one from J.R.R. Tolkien's novels."
I'm still hoping that eventually enough cards like Strider will be released that I can do the Sam and Frodo saga quests with no (or almost no) permanent allies. I would use ally Elrond and core set Gandalf, together with hero Galadriel as my third hero (taking advantage of this houserule for Strider). They would represent luck/providence/support from afar, like the moment after escaping Cirith Ungol when Sam says: "If only the Lady could see us or hear us, I’d say to her: 'Your Ladyship, all we want is light and water: just clean water and plain daylight, better than any jewels, begging your pardon,'" and within a few hours the sky grew lighter (as dawn reached the Pelennor and the Witch-king met his doom) and they found a little streamlet of water. With the right attachments and events released in the future, a deck like this just might work.
Edited by Estel Edain

I really like this card, I already have ideas for a 2 heroes deck with Damrod...

Does anyone know when the new AP goes up on RingsDB?