Armada Team Game Rules

By Ken-Obi, in Star Wars: Armada Rules Questions

Since I'm going to worlds, I'm interested in the team game side event. When I didn't find official rules posted, I emailed organized play support and asked. They confirmed it isn't downloadable anywhere at the moment but here's what Jimmy Le told me:

1) 300 points per player

2) Players must share the same faction
3) No shared Unique ships or upgrades on the same team
4) Fleet Commanders do not effect allied ships.
All other game-play proceeds as normal.
<Regarding if you have to alternate which player on a side activates>
You can activate as a side. So you can do two activations, your teammate and you each get an activation, or your teammate gets two activations.
<my question: does this mean each side takes 2 activations in a row, the the other side takes 2 activations, etc?>
It’s a single ship activation per side or two squadron activations per side during the squadron phase.
The way I worded my question to Jimmy regarding activation lead to a slightly confusing response. I've edited the text above to reflect that each side only activates one ship before the other side activates one.
Edited by Ken-Obi

Multiple admirals... This will be great in 2 player games.. Jerjerrod with 3 VSDs and another Admiral for the rest of the fleet.

Multiple admirals... This will be great in 2 player games.. Jerjerrod with 3 VSDs and another Admiral for the rest of the fleet.

4 player games. And admirals do not grant their bonus to friendly ships controlled by your ally.

What I meant, now there's a system for even two players to play multiple admirals by playing two characters per side.

Edited by Hamanu1

I would just alternate activations as normally between the factions. Having two consecutive activations could be desavating if you teamed up on the same target. Let each team decide who takes each activation (I had thought about about alternating here also, but teams need flexibility to take advantage of openings and to react to their opponents)

True enough. That would be very unbalancing.

For me it suffices that two admirals per side can be in play.

Because I'd never been to worlds nor played in a team game, I didn't give Jimmy's response a second thought. But it turns out I confused him a little by the way I worded my question.

Please read the 1st post for the clarification - each side only activates 1 ship (or 2 squadrons in that phase) and then the other side activates. My question was initially worded asking if you had to alternate each player on a side or if either player could activate.

If I may just clarify my earlier post... this gives players great flexibility in 2 player games now that so many admirals were published.

Say you wanted to play a 600 point game, you could have General Madine on a Liberty plus Ackbar on a Home One, each with a 300 point total giving his bonuses only to his own fleet.

Similarly, Screed or Vader aboard an ISD with Jerjerrod running one or more VSDs.

This would increase the number of things one would need to keep a track of but it would be super fun!

Edited by Hamanu1