
By drunkensith, in Star Wars: Destiny

So with the launch party being Nov 18-20, earliest this is released is Nov 25? So no Destiny at Nov Worlds. Glad they announced competitive play and support.

So with the launch party being Nov 18-20, earliest this is released is Nov 25? So no Destiny at Nov Worlds. Glad they announced competitive play and support.

Your assumption on release date seems very likely - here's hoping I can get one of my local game stores to order a launch kit so I can get some product (and maybe a SWEET promo!) early!



Getting real close to the launch party.....super psyched

Still says its on the boat. I'm a little worried

Still says its on the boat. I'm a little worried

The official launch date is Dec. 1st. No need to worry yet.

Come on already when is it going to be saturday. Go Go Go team fulfill your destiny. I can't wait!

(bump) Shall I bump the dicebag topic again :D

One more day of waiting....

I have 3 events near me this weekend. One on each day- Fri, Sat, Sun. I think I can only make it to one , so I'm happy I can schedule it in. If supplies run out (Deckboxes) I will try to make the other 'parties'....