
By drunkensith, in Star Wars: Destiny

This is the longest anybody ever has waited for a game.

But seriously do they have a aprox realease date for this?

I wish they didn't announce it so early. Because I am unable to keep from checking these boards everyday to see the dang Dice Bag thread bumped again .

We need something meaty to talk about! Like the surprise early release of this game in September! Right, guys? Right?

I heard the second week of November, which makes sense to release it after worlds......having said that, umm let's sell it at worlds please......Please?

I would be super surprised if this doesn't get sold at worlds, even if it is earlier than the general release.

I would be super surprised if this doesn't get sold at worlds, even if it is earlier than the general release.

I hope so because I'll be attending

This is the longest anybody ever has waited for a game.

But seriously do they have a aprox realease date for this?

I know, the wait is killing me!

Also, this is the opposite of what happened in the two weeks leading up to Gencon, when FFG announced approximately 72 new or releasing games*

*I exaggerate, slightly.

It could be worse. Just think of how all the L5R players feel. It's been around 10 months since they announced getting the license, and they still have a year to wait.

True, but they don't have new rules and not even one new card. They can play the old version while waiting.

And we? Where the hell is the new article?!

One new card per day - ahh, that woud be awesome waiting.

having said that, umm let's sell it at worlds please......Please?

I'm really hoping there's at least the starters on sale there. Maybe even a pre-release tournament there for fun.

True, but they don't have new rules and not even one new card. They can play the old version while waiting.And we? Where the hell is the new article?!One new card per day - ahh, that woud be awesome waiting.

We have other Star Wars games both live and dead to keep us company, btw love the card a day idea.

I made proxies because I can't wait haha. But its just not the same, so hurry November. I've played Dooku and Ren versus Luke and Rey. Ten and 2 troopers versus Finn and Rey. I found I prefer multi color decks versus all Blue decks.

Proxies are the best/worst. I try to avoid playing proxies cause I don't want to wear off the shiny of new toys before I even get them.

This is the longest anybody ever has waited for a game.

But seriously do they have a aprox realease date for this?

A 4 month turn around from announcement to release is actually really short. Most of the time new games announced at Gencon aren't available until January at best. At least as far as FFG is concerned.

I don't think this is nearly as long as the wait for Star Wars: The Card Game or X-Wing. X-Wing was 13 months and Star Wars LCG was 16 (granted, the LCG had a complete redesign, but it didn't change how long I waited for that game).

Time is not relative, the more the anticipation the longer the wait real or not.

Time is not relative, the more the anticipation the longer the wait real or not.

FFG does not want to give us a new article, so I got a little for you:

Outpost special ability: Resolve the battlefield ability as if you have just claimed it.
Unfortunately I can't CSI the die icons.

Also, you can already test Jabba, he has: 2 discard, 1 focus, 1 focus, 2 disrupt, 1 resource, blank. We don't know the cost, but I don't think it will be more than Ackbar 10/14 since he has no damage icon. (And of course his die can be just a video maker mistake/simplification.)

Waiting for Destiny is nothing... Runebound Miniatures Game is still like 6 months out! That one is really killing me

How much longer!!!!!

The past couple weeks have had a heavy focus on the Arkham LCG so I could see them switching gears starting Monday.

They certainly won't have any new Warhammer announcements.

I'm thinking about organizing a little tournament online. Anyone interested?

No article again, so I got a little spoiler for you:

Emperor's throne room

Claim: turn one of your die to a side showing a special ability. Then you may resolve that die.


No article again, so I got a little spoiler for you:

Emperor's throne room

Claim: turn one of your die to a side showing a special ability. Then you may resolve that die.

Where did you get this spoiler from?